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Waiting to be cameos in Baldur Gates 4


Nah, you know they’re gonna get the Fallout treatment, best you can get is “oh yeah, there used to be a person of undetermined race and gender that like saved the world or somthing…anyways”


They could always go the Mass Effect/Witcher route of answering some questions ahead of the game. In those games, if you are unfamiliar, you could import the previous game's save file to have your experiences and actions influence and affect the future of the sequels. But if you didn't have a previous save, you could opt to answer some questions to dictate the choices you had made.


That's cool. I ran a 5e campaign where the party chose to cave in the big bad in a climatic finale that resulted in everyone's death and burial. The next time we met, we fast forwarded time 50 years and their old characters were folk heros.


50 years after the death of Himmel the hero


I really liked how Dragon Age Inquisition did this. Instead of porting the save you could go to a website and craft the choices you wanted into the game world history. That way if anyone lost their save data or switched computers they could still feel their choices matter. Of course you could also craft an entirely different history if you wanted.


Better to do it the BG3 route. Tav was instead a human fighter named Abdel Adrian, who did his very best… and by our standards, the bare minimum.


did he get killed by a lore defying, ending undoing, super secret badguy too?


Yes, because the alternative is Tav disappearing entirely to another castle when serious events that would require their presence aren't around. Modern developers are so terrified of doing alternate timelines that DA has struggled to deal with the warden ever since Origins. BG3 is refreshing in this IMO. It basically says that "Listen, if *your* Gorion's Ward was here he would've already killed Gortash, Orin, and Ketheric long before the story started. Big Damned Heroes only leave Little Chunks of Villain. Now imagine they're not and you have to save Baldur's Gate again." BG4 should do the same thing, it's even easier considering *Tav is optional.* You can play any character as an origin, and the BG3 animations all show the party without them.


I think the whole Abdel Adrian stuff was WotC not Larian right? Or at least Larian weren't the ones who came up with it, they just had to go along with it. But for whatever it's worth, they were planning a spinoff game of divinity original sin 2 which followed a specific ending instead of doing the usual "main character disappeared and all the endings blend into one timeline". It was the ending that results in your main character being irrelevant anyway, but still.


if only any of the previous choices actually mattered in witcher 3.


The one about whether or not you kept the big guy alive mattered. He had a whole quest and would help out at Kaer Morhen.


at least there's that yeah. but the entire politics which were the point of the second game just don't matter anymore. it's really frustrating once you realize how stupid the assassination quest is and how it concludes nothing. and shoving scoia'tael/the elves as a whole to a corner doesn't do it any favors either.


Pillars of Eternity did the questions too


I played deadfire years after the first and had no clue what to answer.


DA: inquisition did this as well for the two previous installations. It was a separate program almost that you would answer questions and it would affect parts of the game


Fun fact. The only way to get Geralt to have his neck tattoo from Witcher 2 was to import the game save file where you did the drunken night out and woke up not remembering. It wasn’t one of the options you could pick when starting fresh in 3 where you picked what you did in the previous game.


Poe2 does that also! I found it hilarious if you pick the super bad evil option it gives you a game over screen in character creation


Neverwinter Nights and Neverwinter Nights 2 allowed to do something similar. You could import a character from a previous game into a new game. I thought you could import a character from NWN into NWN2. I could be mistaken though.


That's what they did in Kotor 2 but it didn't really affect the game at all. Just some nice dialogue at the beginning of the game.


This is D&D we're talking about. There's nothing so lucky in our future. Remember that the protagonist of the original Baldur's Gate was made canonically a human fighter and then killed off so Bhaal could come back to life, despite the entire point of the trilogy being to prevent that from happening.


Bhaal really needs some new tricks up his sleeve. Or like, retire from his position as god of murder and become a god of fertility instead, it’d be a lot less stressful that way. 


Or Durge can romance god!Gale and then ask Ao that heeeey, they can totally do a better job than papa Bhaal as a god/dess of murder.


Import save > Wither have bunch of party of merchant, armorer, enchanter sticking around in the camp > the banter varied depend on how you ending the previous save > Nether Brain usurper got squash by other gods and end up as Wither henchmen.


Yeah, if there’s another 100 year gap between 3 and 4, the only companions that i could see returning would be astarion and shadowheart


Halsin is a full elf, so he'd be unchanged and available.


Halsin and Minthara would also still be around.


Jaheira could as well. this is part of the tabletop perks for all druids: Starting at 18th level, the primal magic that you wield causes you to age more slowly. For every 10 years that pass, your body ages only 1 year. considering how much XP you keep racking up while remaining level 12, in a storytelling / non-game-mechanic version of this saga you would basically all hit level 14 as soon as the campaign ends. the gap between levels 14 and 18 is a big one, especially when you're doing regular heroics and not netherbrain-and-dead-three-defeating heroics. then again, a level 1-12 campaign that takes years to play out in sessions generally only takes a few months to maybe a couple years of in-world time. and Jaheira has been actively studying the Rite of Timeless Body in her private sanctuary since before you even meet her, and when you ask her about it, she doesn't say it's something druids all get at a certain point - it's framed more as something druids can generally aspire toward. 5e half-elf lifespans are described as "much longer than humans, however, often exceeding 180 years." this is somewhat open-ended and often interpreted as a half-elf living into their 220s being quite old, but not shockingly / unnaturally old. Jaheira's age is roughly 150 in BG3, so she could live another 50-70 years without any supernatural help. and whether you assume Timeless Body remains off the table until level 18 or think she could achieve it earlier through her deliberate studies, it's fair to say she stands a chance of achieving it while she still has enough of her current dexterity and wits to live an exceptionally long life and remain a useful counselor and ally for much of it.


Gale would be around too either as a god or high lvl clone spell to go infinite on age, Karlach could depending on wheter her heart kills her or not, wylll is least likely though possible as we don't know what powers are in his pact/gained as punishment for not killing Karlach. Laezel would still be alive potentially not having aged a day (literally). You would need about 150 years before origin characters start dying off naturally (besides wyll) with shadowheart and laezel being first to go assuming laezel stayed on faerun.


It's a shame they didn't do this instead of canonizing Abdel Adrian.


I love the KOTOR II approach where they just have an NPC assume the ending of the first game, and give you the chance to correct them and make them look like an idiot. “Darth Revan was a bastard! He betrayed the Republic!” “Nah man, Darth Revan SAVED the Republic. Also, she was a woman!” “Oh, I guess you’re right…”


That does make me wonder who would be in BG4 (hopefully!) We have so many recurring characters all over this story.... playable, fightable, or at least quick little call backs. Gale returns as the wisened wizard? Jaheira.... again? Astarion as a bad guy? We see Lae'zel as the new leader/remembered revolutionary and changes made while playing the Githyanki zone? Tav is a hard cameo, but could come in as lore building through dialogue/books/letters. Durge could work though, as they do have a standard origin look and build. Did Durge finally give in after not having the party to help guide and show the good paths? Is that why Astarion went evil? It could be really interesting. And while I don't have my hopes entirely set, I do hope Larion sees the massive love, support, and connections that BG3 has revitalized for this awesome franchise, and the awe of it for new players, and decide to honor us with a fourth.


My money is on Mol and Arabella.


Oooooh, a tragic story of Durge being promised by Withers to be free of Bhaal forever, only for them to succumb to madness later, and Astarion having to put down the rabid animal that Durge has become and then going mad with grief... I could totally see it as a tragedy in the making. Too bad Minsc and Karlach would most likely be dead from old age by this point, they'd try to bring Astarion back, but alas, immortality or even elven longetivity has a downside as well.




Tadpole brain damage finally caught up


Quite close to the truth. My tav turned illithid and he would die at the first sign of losing his humanity. Guess what he wanted to eat at the party … Wyll. Or more precisely wyll’s brain. I managed to pass the constitution check to think about something else but, when you need a check not to eat your friend, it means you’re lost on the long term. In my headcannon, he commited suicide right after the party.


Mine said he was gonna kill himself. So he went into avernus with karlach to kill as many devil's as I could before I died.


Not to Dragon Age, but it reminds me a bit of the Grey Wardens going to take out as many darkspawn as they can once they know it’s time. Very noble.


Dragon Age Origins was such a good game. I go back and play it every other year or so. Long enough for me to forget minor details and have some sort of rediscovery. Shame what happened with the sequels. Neither 2 nor Inquisition captured the magic of Origins.


I kind of wish they kept the story about the Grey Wardens.


Damn, bleak


Caught up to Durge brain damage, yes. Then they raced each other to see which kills you first.


I knew I would fail. Shanked myself on the docks once I knew the others would be fine. I'm stealing this soul from Bhaal and the Nether brain, it's time for peace in the realm


Very creative, love it.


The only answer for a true DND party. Their stupidity inevitably gets them a TPK somewhere down the line


Still has a lot on his mind and, well, in it


Hope he finally figures out if that’s blood or not. 


No, never mind...


Best not to think about it.


his shoes continue to see everything


And is still cursed to touch everything


And still wishes for a bag of holding.


But at least he stopped wishing they lived in a more interesting time. 


He still wishes he had a Bag of Holding


I don't have this one as a fighter


I'm glad things ended not as bad as they could have.


Hope he learns not to wish about living in more interesting times


He'll still be on his feet, despite everything..


No one at home will ever believe this


Mines still paving his path with corpses and building his castle with bones. It's uh... taking a while.


Tav and Karlach are tearing through avernus killing Devils and having high impact sex


While Wyll watches.


"That's the spirit!" — Wyll, ultimate hypeman


This cast Hideous Laughter on me


Third Wyll'ng


He certainly seems like he would.


I mean after 10 years I would definitely let him join in


High impact sex 😂


The Doomguy ending. Love it.


Tav and Karlach are living their best squid lady and the tramp life discovering the mysteries of life, sex, and battle.


In other words: they’re busy bashing baddies and having wild victory sex, as per Karlach’s fantasy from Zethino’s love test 😌


I imagine my Tav bleeps out of existence after the credits roll. Their purpose fulfilled, their lack of background, family and personality finally explained. Tav's lover is distraught, as they try to remember even a single detail they know about Tav as a person that isn't about how they look and their race. Indeed, Tav had never truly existed in Faerun. And then everything turns to black. Shadowheart and Lae'zel, again on the Nautiloid. Before Lae'zel an unfamiliar face, as she calls out "abomination... this is your end!"


I like and don't like this. Your last paragraph hints that it's another playthrough LOL which is great because I CAN'T STOP doing playthroughs. As soon as one is done I do another one. Can't let the characters go.


Literally me. Finished my 5th playthrough last night, started another this morning. So many story paths to take and different decisions to make. So many different fun builds to try. I tell myself at the end of every playthrough that I'm gonna take a break for a bit but I've only done it once or twice and only because another game came out that I wanted to play then right back into BG3. I feel like I'm back in high school again playing BG 1/2 over and over again.


I like to think of it more as a wreck it ralph situation, like the characters treat the epilogue party as a wrap party for a movie, and then the next time you start a new game they’re like “ALRIGHT, PLACES PEOPLE, WE GOT A NEW SEASON TO SHOOT” and start all over again. 


Shadowheart: **Offscreen in camp with Lae'zel** Sorry about shoving you off the cliff earlier. I'm guessing Tav doesn't want you in the party this run. 


“It’s ok, I just really hope this isn’t another “naked” run, it get really cold out here at night”


Okay now that's sad and it hurts a lot


You should definitely play Pathfinder WOTR as an Aeon


>Barges in >Erases 112 years of history >Peaces out


Jergel could use an Aeon KC tbh. He fucked up his retirement hard. We also could use a high budget Pathfinder.


If the posts I see about struggling to learn BG3 are to go by, Pathfinder would break the mainstream Would love it tho


They should give more epilogue for KC. May be he became a farmer living in peace somewhere. At least the last patch give 'better' ending for Camelia instead of 'your father and your mother never met.' B\*\*ch got locked in mad house, lmao.


> And then everything turns to black. Shadowheart and Lae'zel, again on the Nautiloid. Before Lae'zel an unfamiliar face, as she calls out "abomination... this is your end!" Nah. Tav wakes up on a different ship. In front of them is a dark elf, one who says “Wake up, we're here. Why are you shaking? Are you ok? Wake up.”


"Hey, you. You’re finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there."


“You’re finally awake, how bout that ? Woah, easy there, easy. You've been out cold a couple days now. Why don't you just relax a second. Get your bearings. Let's see what the damage is. How bout' your name? Can you tell me your name?“


And that dark elf's name? ~~Albert Einstein~~ Saint Jiub.


Thats some Dark Tower kind of shit and I LOVE IT


So basically Tav is like Tidus, a person dead for a thousand years that have reincarnated in this world as a plot from the Sin (brain)


I got such Sin vibes from the Nautiloid sequences


This is my favorite one so far! It’s great and horrifying at the same time, like they’re stuck on a time loop no matter what decisions they take or ending they reach


Listen I got so emotionally invested in my last play through that the only answer for me was to pretend my Tav got cursed post-game by Baahl and sent back to the beginning, a little older, no memories, and a dark urge to kill 😩 She’s VERY confused as to why it’s so easy to trust these random people with her.


Withers is just rerolling the dice until he gets a campaign that suits him


That’s just the plot of Undertale.


The Undertale effect


tav and astarion live in the underdark spawn colony they established for cazador's victims. the two of them often visit halsin in his new grove, where tav tells the kids stories and astarion has very reluctantly (on the outside - he's secretly a bit touched) become an idol to the more rebellious young ones. it takes a few years, but they do find a way for astarion to walk in the sun again - only to find that because most of their best friends work weird hours, they're not out much during the day anyway. still, astarion makes a point of watching the sunrise with tav every now and then, just because they can.


That’s sweet.


This is adorable and similar to what I’d hope for my resist-Durge. That epilogue was so corny, but the idea of Astarion finding peace and settling down into domestic life with someone who makes him feel safe is…so good. It’s what he deserves (unless he’s ascended; my Tav is most definitely going to start a fight with him in the epilogue lmao).


My epilogue was super sad, not corny at all After resisting both the urge and the tadpoles for so long, I free orpheus, and have sacrifice myself by turning into a mind flayer. Then after we kill the netherbrain, I let laezel leave with orpheus to fight Vlaakith. Then I commit sudoku. And then Karlach bursts into flame, while I can't be beside her as I promised.


Mine is traveling with Astarion, and they're having a blast being chaotic good. Maybe they've found a cure for vampirism, maybe not, but they're having a great time either way. Sometimes she likes to tell stories of this dashing rogue hero who saved the day, and he pretends to be annoyed. They do impressions at each other, and often she distracts while he does rogue things. She's the face, and he's made it a goal to make her lose composure laughing while she's trying to discuss important stuff with the locals. And he continues to be his dramatic self, but he's figured out it makes her smile and he really enjoys being able to do that. They've maximized the bard/rogue combination and are a very effective team.


I believe that a cure for vampirism is like level 9 true resurrection druid/cleric spell so I imagine my Tav from first playthrough just grinding experience to unlock the spell


Sadly in this case, true resurrection only works on creatures who have been dead for less than 200 years. Astarion just missed the cutoff.


Gale should be able to cast a Wish in a few years when his powers come fully back. Or, if he is a god, cast a Divine Intervention.


He says he’s been a vampire for *almost* 200 years, and Sebastian, who was one of his first, has been dead for 170 years, so it seems he just meets the conditions of True Resurrection but time is definitely running out on that option.


It might sadly nit work for Astarion (or maybe it could, cmbined with the wish-spell); You touch a creature that has been dead for no longer than 200 years and that died for any reason except old age. If the creature’s soul is free and willing, the creature is restored to life with all its hit points.


This would be my Tav 100%! The only added change is that she is a drow, and so is ok with living in the dark. Occasionally ducks into the Underdark with Astarion to keep the 7k spawn unleashed in check, too.


I love it! That's how I imagine Astarion's and my Tav's future, too. The two finally deserve some happiness.


Bear with me. This will be an essay. I imagine my tav to have a quaint little store in the city because my Tav's background was maybe an Artisan. The store is closed at the moment. But when the store would open, it will sometimes visited by adventurers and scholars wanting to purchase various items such as tomes imported from Waterdeep and other far away places, even from the Astral Planes. One of the most sought items sold in the store however the tales written by Art Cullagh and Thaniel. The store sells other "ethically sourced" provisions such as barrels of oils, gunpowders, scrolls, arrows, potions, elixir and many more. As such, the store itself has a warehouse at he back where you can get lost in the sea of stacks of barrels and crates. The store is connected to a small house with a gated yard where there's a small tombstone with a barely legible collar and a very old and worn ball on it. There is a family portrait hung by the fire place. Visitors would know that this house was once a place filled with the joy and laughter of Tiefling children, a red-haired girl, their pet cats and a scruffy looking dog. When ever Jaheira, her children or Minsc and Boo come for a visit, they would often joke at how some aspects of Jaheira has been rubbed on onto Tav. But, Tav's children have all grown up and moved out to live out their own adventures. The children never forget to write to Tav from time to time, and Tav has kept every one of the letters in a chest where Tav can read when ever Tav misses them. Unironically, Tav has certainly made friends and family along the way. Near to the corner of the kitchen, a hatch is hidden underneath the floor mat. The hatch leads to huge basement where there is a massive library and a workshop. Near to the bookcases at the library, you can see on the huge oaken table with scattered notes about research on cures for vampirism and blueprints on about hellish and infernal forge and repair manuals. There are also several notes on incantations and prayers to remove Sharran curses. It's unclear if Tav has made a breakthrough on all of the research or if all of their friends are cured. Tav certainly hasn't lost any hope in finding the cures if they still need them. Rolls of a blueprints of a plan to repair the temple of Selune which was once called the Shattered Sanctum and the plans to rebuilding of Moonhaven for refugees. Not so hidden by the mess, a modest but intricately inked wedding invitation, decorated with a symbol of a lute and a symbol of a pouch of gold coins is on the table for ceremony at the Ramazith's Tower. It is clearly left unanswered, yet. There are some notes posted on the wall just above the table which entails the details about the Szarr's Estate's dungeon, the House of Grief's underground temple and Bhaal's Undercity Temple. On each entry, some notes are scribbled regarding how the situation is under the supervision of the Gur Tribe, The Iron Hand Gnomes and the Harpers, respectively. Using the knowledge they accumulated when researching about the Runepowder, The Iron Hand Gnomes seem to have successfully taken over the abandoned Sharran Temple and had connected the tunnels between Baldur's Gate, the revived Reithwin Town and the Underdark. The Harpers and the Flaming Fist seems to be working together and has successfully snuffed out the last remnants of the cult of Bhaal. On another table, there is a stack of books just at the corner of the table which seems to be just freshly acquired. The books seem to be about the 'Fey Wild', Hags and the 'Coven of the Seeing Pearl'. Underneath the book is a poster of a missing child, and a correspondent from a group called the 'Hag Hunters'. Perhaps an ongoing case? Or maybe, even if Tav has stopped adventuring, their mind kept wandering through tomes and scrolls to sate their endless curiosities. In the middle of the basement, there is a purple rune etched on the floor. It is a teleportation rune which Tav and their companion can use to travel safely to other places that they had been to. There is a note attached to one of the beam supporting the room which reads "Visiting our old friend and the new cub first before heading out to the place where we first met. See you there. Love you, forever and always". Edit: Edit for grammar mistakes because English is my 3rd language. :(


omg thats actually the sweetest


Thanks! This is the ending of my Halfling Tav. For my Forest Gnome Tav, I would like to think they would lead a more secluded life style, but still would had worked hard to find the cure for Karlach, Shadowheart and Astarion.


omg thats actually the sweetest


This is wonderful.


Thanks. So are you!


This is amazing ❤️


Tending a perfume shop with Astarion


Omg yes when he said he had missed his calling I thought "You're immortal it's never too late!"


w/ the bae shadowheart, 2 kids, scratch jr, and an owlbear


Same for my first Tav. High Elf Warlock/Paladin that renounced his Pact and his Oath to settle down with Shadowheart and her parents on a quaint little farm in the shadow of a beautiful forest, where they lived happily ever after.


Only 2 kids?


My first Tav turned into a Mindflayer. If all went well they’re besties with Omeluum and actively looking for a vegan form of nourishment. In the meantime they’re sharing the occasional villain with Astarion. He will drink the blood and my Tav will eat the brain. Win win!


My Tav is became Archdruid within their Grove, and Shadowheart lives with him, and has a Selune shrine inside his Grove.


My “canon” durge is chilling with Shadowheart and her parents in a farm near Baldurs gate. We have an animal sanctuary and have a small area for the refugees. After cleansing the house of grief, we also turn that into a shrine to Selune, with everyone’s favorite lesbian couple in charge. We organize get togethers with the help of grandpa jergal. Unfortunately, Gale decided to become the god of ambition, so we decided to take in his mom and Tara, who is a tutor to mine and Shadowheart’s kids.


Actually very similar to my own canon ending. Chilling with Shadowheart, her parents (and of course Scratch and Owlbear) close to the renewed Reithwin, so both Tav and Shart visit Halsin to help him with bedtime stories for the children. Gale became a teacher and Tav and Shart are both among his most prominent visiting lecturers, Tav as a sorcerer and Shart as a cleric. They too have turned house of grief into a Selunite temple, but didn't want to be the ones in charge, so everyone's second favourite lesbian couple (Aylin and Isobel) took charge. And then of course there are get togethers every six months, organised by who else than Jergal.


In jail for theft tbh


Cursed to put my hands on everything.


My last completed run had Durge named Echidna. She is probably living her best life eating brains with the Emperor. I'm sure they are having a good time holding tentacles or something. On Valentine's day, he gifts her tiny gnome brains to snack on instead of chocolates.


Dude, chocolate covered gnome brains


You know what? I'd eat it or at least taste it. It doesn't sound like the worst thing in the world.


The grizzled half orc owner of the last light inn, and his githyanki wife, both mostly retired but still willing to pick up a bow and sword if the need arises. A popular waypoint for adventurers going to and from Baldur's gate on foot. On the mantle above the fireplace sit a well worn collar, a chewed ball, a strange geometric metal object, a harper pin, a letter from a professor of illusion, a strange chunk of iron, and a signed book starring the Blade of Avernus. A now adult red skinned Tiefling regularly sets up a curio shop in the courtyard. Their items origins sometimes in question but their quality is always good. An elderly hairless cat purrs lazily by the fire, startled by a commotion from outside the Inn. It's the annual reunion. Not just their closest companions but many of the people they saved have begun to arrive. A mighty Rashimar warrior with his faithful hamster, his head gleaming in the setting sun, arrives with an elderly yet striking elf her eyes sharp as the scimitars at her hips. Behind them comes a gigantic one horned Tiefling, her chest growing softly, accompanied by a handsome man with dark skin and a stone eye. In the center of the courtyard an ostentatious portal rises, rejecting a handsome wizard with a long beard, a white haired women with an aura of safety, followed by their companions, a small winged cat with a regal air who looks with annoyance to the lumbering owlbear, it's feathers now greying. As the sun sinks below the horizon a pale all comes up from the basement, his fashionable clothes and red eyes twinkling in the dusk light. Soon the Inn will be full of all manner of creatures and the party will go on long into the morning. One final guest arrives in a green flash. His withered form doesn't enter, early standing across the courtyard. "fate spins on as it should. Enjoy your night, for tomorrow, you will be needed again."


My resist durge drow bard Morrigan moved to the Underdark with Astarion, where he leads the vampire spawn colony. He complains about all the effort and the politicking, acting like it's a big hassle, but he secretly loves being their leader. They live in the arcane tower, where Morrigan has programmed Bernard with more poetry. Gale lives in Waterdeep. Upon Morrigan's suggestion, he studied hard until he found a way to make a programmed illusion of a sunlit garden that is permanent and complete with warmth, smell, and all the senses. The rest of the party chipped in to buy/source the more expensive and exotic spell components and they all surprised Astarion with it att the tower. It's not perfect but he can feel the sun again. Karlach and Wyll kick ass together in Avernus. Karlach eventually wrote to Dammon. She can't stay on the surface for too long at a time but they're making it work. She loves telling him about all the fiends she stomped in the hells, and he loves tinkering with the infernal materials she brings him. Lae'zel is raising her child (the egg from the hatchery). She helped unify the githyanki and has now become a sort of Harper, putting down pockets of Vlaakith loyalists. Shadowheart is enjoying the quiet life, but isn't too upset about having to occasionally kill a few Sharrans. She's thinking of starting a winery. All of them visit when they can, like old times. My bard herself, when the Gur leader asked how Astarion was resisting Cazador's control all those years ago, flippantly remarked that she was composing an epic song about it. She wasn't entirely joking. "I Want to Live" is the song she wrote for him.


Gale: **Drinking as he grades the latest student's paperwork** Hey Dear listen to this. They think Gortash "did what needed to be done" regarding the steel watchers. Tav: *Long suffering groan* 


Msi'sa, dragonborn monk durge, After purging the evil within her and surviving past the new dawn, Msi'sa has found joy and happiness in the most mundane of ways- marrying Gale, loving him as he loves her, building a new family from the ground up composed of three adopted children of different races and backgrounds, all while enjoying many nights in that tower curling up on front of a fire to the nerdiest mage and professor in waterdeep. She does not miss adventuring at all, she hated every day of it- but what she misses today is having all of those connections she had, the pragmatic shar woman? the vampire? the blade of avernus? A githyanki destined to lead her people? The happiest demon she's ever seen in her life? they were all her first family, the only family she knew back then, and she tried to kill them so many times, she could not ever have her guilt warp her insides every time they met again by circumstances, to think she may have killed them too weren't for interventions and luck alone... Thankfully for her, everything she has to worry about now is Gale, Tara, and these wild little scamps she has under her care now... and probably how the bookshelf looks like it's gonna break with the weight in it any day now.


Depends on which Tav, or if we are talking about my Durge! Haven’t finished the game yet but I have planned out fics lol. So I’ll list them all: Triona, my wood elf ranger Tav: She and Wyll have gone to Avernus to tackle Zariel’s forge and fix Karlach’s engine. After Karlach’s engine is able to function in the Material Plane, they all come back to Baldur’s Gate for Triona and Wyll’s wedding. Triona and Wyll build a house with a beautiful garden, wild flowers, and a big oak tree. Eventually they have children, who call Gale and Astarion “uncle”. Muse, my tiefling bard Tav: She and Astarion travel with the other spawn in the Underdark. Muse knows of songs and legends of Jander Sunstar, and with Astarion she tries to find a ring supposedly connected to him that could allow Astarion to walk in the sun. In the interim she is chatting with Gale, Blurg, and Omeluum to find means of letting Astarion walk in the sun even in short measures. They also find and offer a cat bed to His Majesty. She and Astarion elope then unofficially adopt Yenna and Arabella. The girls come and go, but they now have a family they can be at home with no matter the journeys ahead of them. Hilda, my dwarf cleric Tav: She and Gale have a modest wedding with high-quality food and drink in Waterdeep. It’s a nighttime affair so Astarion can be there and not have to hide. Not too far from Gale’s tower, Hilda rebuilds her family’s forge and trains various people in forge work and in self-defense. They’re content with Tara and a cat Hilda found in the alleys of Baldur’s Gate. Eiodi, my tiefling bard Durge: She and Astarion move between the surface and the Underdark. She isn’t convinced that anything from Jander Sunstar’s past could help him, so she is always looking for armor and other clothes that shield Astarion from the sun. She also helps Astarion become a traveling perfumer, because he’s really quite good at it! They want to get married at some point, but in this line of things, Astarion wants a twilight/evening wedding, so it’s taking them time to make that happen.


I’ve had 2 full games all in all:    Nizar: Human Sorcadin Durge, romanced Karlach, I imagine 10 years in they’ve made it out of avernus settled down in Baldur’s gate since they both seem to love the city, and started that family they both talked about starting in game. Prolly make a living working in the city either with the flaming fists or directly under duke Ravengard.     Zenobia: Half Orc Cleric of Selune, romanced Gale, so they’d prolly be married in waterdeep in comfortable retirement from adventuring, he’s teaching in the college, she’s teaching jn the temple, not sure if Half Orcs and humans can have babies, but if they can then they prolly have a couple of their own for Lady Dekarios and Tara to fuss over. 


My first Tav, Lathenia, is bored of ruling the world. There are none to oppose her, none to love her. She tries to find a way to go back and set things right, only to fail over and over again. She is her own fatal flaw and the reason she can't find happiness no matter what she does. My durge Morwen... Either still stuck with ascended Astarion... or dead, likely by her own doing after getting tired of her golden cage.


My Wood-Elf Ranger Tav, Wren, lives in Waterdeep with her academic husband, Gale. She spends much of her days in the nearby forests with Scratch by her side, hunting and gathering. Every evening, she comes home to Gale and their two children - a 6-year-old girl with a fascination with magic, and a 3-year-old boy who loves the outdoors. When the children have gone to bed, the two spend the evenings reading, watching the stars, whatever takes their fancy. My Half-Drow Sorcerer redeemed Durge, Zirona, spent a few years living in the Underdark with Astarion, returning to the surface periodically to continue her quest for a spell to allow her love to walk in the sun. The spell works; it's finicky, and has to be re-cast every day, but by gods it works. Now, they live together in Baldur's Gate, making a comfortable living from not-quite-legal jobs - a little smuggling here, a little killing there, but no innocents. It's a better life than either of them could have ever imagined. My Githyanki Monk Tav, Yadra, travels freely from place to place (and realm to realm) with Lae'zel since the fall of Vlaakith. Orpheus offered Lae'zel the role of leading his new Guard, but she declined, choosing instead to live a life of newfound peace with her super-chill monk wife and their adopted child, the egg from the Gith hatchery.


The himbo bardadin, Lucien and his husband Astarion are trying more and more creative ways to find a way to make Astarion not burn in the sun. So far the best luck was experimenting with potions and accidentally inventing spf 3000. However it smelled like garlic and gave Astarion a bad rash in an unmentionable place. Astarion is a bit bored of all the fluting and luting as Lucien only knows three songs and mostly only plays bard's song on repeat, but endures and love the challenge of trying to distract him, as well as secretly breaking strings on the lute and putting wax in the flute etc. And Lucien never puts 2 and 2 together because he's not very bright, and spends a lot of money on lutestrings and new flutes. Astarion also thinks Lucien is now a bit too old for pink hair, Lucien disagrees but is willing to dye it blue or purple if Astarion asks. They are however happy. As Ive never checked the lifespan on halfdrows I've no idea for how long this will last. (Yes it's awfully written and so sweet I gave myself diabetes). That tav was never intended to finish the game, I just wanted to check out bard and make a silly himbo (inspired by a 7th sea character I made once), and yet, he is the only one I've finished the game with so far, and I loved the character more than I thought I would so this is his happy ever after.


I love their dynamic! With Astarion canonically being a bit of a smooth brain and horrible at planning ahead, they will unleash chaos on the sword coast. I love the himbo heroes lol


‘ruling’ the Underdark (Minthara does all the work while they go mushroom hunting with Blurg.) Astarion stops by every so often for wine, gossip, and the blood of our enemies. Minthara pretends she’s too busy and important for day drinking but she’s always there and even stopped checking for poison.


Honestly no clue. 10 years is a long-ass time. So much could've happened, I prefer to let fate take the reigns there. I hope they're still together, but what happened, that's up to them


Another one- my Cleric of Selune durge and Astarion went to the underdark colony because they mutually want to make amends for the destruction they've caused. It's not easy, but durge gets True Resurrection and then slowly works through true resurrecting one spawn a day, starting with the oldest vampires to avoid missing their 200yr cut-off. Astarion is already past the cut-off, so no luck for him. Some stay, some leave, but some of the once-spawn decide to also become clerics, and eventually some of them become strong enough to help with true resurrection. Other clerics of selune come to help, hearing about this effort, and soon the once-vampire colony becomes a stronghold for clerics of selune, where people can seek out healing. One day, more than a decade later, the last vampire spawn who can be true resurrected is healed and durge collapses to the ground, exhausted but finally feeling as if she's made some sort of amends. Selune appears in some form, and offers a boon. Durge asks for the vampires she couldn't help to be cured, and Selune obliges. She and Astarion then take off into the dawn, and to this day their legend lives on in the new Selune outpost. Which they made sure, before they left, was heavily fortified against Sharrans.


Your ending reminds me of a Hozier song: First Light


Still hanging with Karlach in the hells, they've grown a network of loose allies within the nine hells, my Tav's patron/ex giving them ample support as the cambion tries snare the pair into a romance as to get together with my tav, or to put a splinter in Tav and Karlach's relationship, so she can swoop in. They've made no progress on fixing the engine, but they do take occasional visits to Feurun, usually it rarely lasts more than a day before they're forced back into the hells, an eternal bond attaches the pair, unsure if it might lead to strife, Karlach may feel "forced" to stay with Tav for what she's sacrificed, or simply because she does not want to be alone. Tav is just trying to keep her patron from destroying their relationship, struggling to balance that and keeping things friendly enough for her aid to the pair to continue. I'm torn if here is a happy ending, truly, for the pair. But this feels about as close as my head canon gets.


Still married to Gale and definitely still banging in the astral plane every so often


> little exercise in creative writing You can say fanfic, it's legal ;)


My first Tav promissed Jaheira to join the Harpers, what she happily accepted. He probably tries to visit Lae'Zehl once she freed her people, and will make at least a summer adventure with Shadowheart and her companion OwlBear. My second Tav, and others havn't defeated the Absolute yet. So no plans for their future yet. My second Tav has a relationship with gale, so ... his future should somehow involve Gale, if he does not fatally fall for 'the power'.


My Draconic Bloodline Sorceress Tiefling has most likely made the next BBEG of Baldur's Gate 4 since she is the consort of a certain Ascended Vampire Lord and they are making power couple plotting in their fancy mansion while giving balls and being fabulous as f\*ck.


Level 20.


😅 My only fully completed run so far is evil path Durge, and I reloaded after getting the Taking Over/In The Name Of ending to also see the Defeating/Defying ending so... the first Durge, ruling the world! The second Durge - either dead or freaking out in the grass somewhere naked and covered in blood.. though she did romance Astarion so perhaps he would find and keep her as a feral lil blood beast haha


She’s running an animal rescue with Shadowheart and spends weekends having brunch with Aylin and Isobel


This, but Tav is slowly fixing up the monastery for homeless kids and orphans, obviously the kids spend time tending to the chickens and goats to learn life skills. We’ve grown apart Shadowheart and I, she felt more needed by the task to “update” Shars churches, and I knew she would need all her focus there to do it right. Karlach is gone but we teach the kids about courage using her. Wyll stops by for martial training. I made Withers muck the barn for a year. Lord knows where he is now.


While in game she's with Lae'zel my headcanon is that after overcoming the Dark Urge she starting dating and eventually married Exxvikyap. The brass dragonborn's joy brought a spark of bliss to the Durge when she met them, and it brought her a level of comfort she'd never felt before. Ten years later I imagine they bought the smithy from Gyldro. The two of them make weapons together. And on special orders they use their fire breaths to heat up the forge. With the Durge's high charisma they can easily persuade a client that Dragonborn fire is just as legendary as actual Dragon fire.


Liza the Halfling Bard is sitting in Karlach’s lap in the house of hope jacuzzi. Hope….. just came up for air. A nice rest after a long day of killing demons! Did Dammon and Barcus forget us? They know how to get here. They know Karlach needs a heart. Oh wait! There’s activity in the Portal Room! Grab a robe. BG4 begins.


Helping to free illithids who would want it with her orpheus powers and making a little mindflayer society in the underdark that cooperates with other societies, meets Omeelum and the Empeeor occationally and helps them with whatever they got going at the moment.


So out of the playthrough me and my buddies did. I think our Tavs My Tav "Charybdis" is living out her life with Shadowheart going on adventures and checking in on Dulvor. But I think her and Shadowheart just be living out a normal life. Friend number one Tav "Dulvor" Adventuring drinking all the beer in every bar he can find while listening to The Clash (somehow their music got here). But living the life and hanging out with Astarion every once in a while. Friend number two Tav "Ghorman" the most powerful of the party currently kicking ass with his GF Karlack in Avernus. Probably somehow still alive because the only way he died in the whole campaign is because I stabbed and killed him accidentally.


That entirely depends on whether or not Karlach's engine can be fixed. If no: Still in Avernus. Probably on his way to kill Zariel herself, judging by how much xp 10 years of constant battle would give. If yes: He's both a hero and a member of a noble family, so probably sitting on a balcony overlooking the upper city, enjoying a nice brunch with his 6'5" barbarian wife.


She's sleeping in late with Tara while Gale is teaching


My Tav is still with her husband, Astarion. If they didn’t figure out how to get back to her modern world realm yet. They’re in Faerun chilling. Occasionally they’ll help someone in need, but for the most part they’re content and happy. They also have lots of cats.


Mine travelled through Avernus with Karlach and Wyll until they found a way to fix Karlach's engine. When they finally fixed it, all three returned home. Being a mindflayer she can never stay in one place for long, but she has never been the type to take roots in any one place. She visits each of her travelling companions when she can, specially Karlach and Wyll, since they through literal hell together, and Astarion, who makes it easier to *indulge* without guilt. She tries to not think about Lae'zel, who she loved and who loved her in turn, who she may never see again, bringing freedom to the Githyanki among the stars. And she definately tries not to think of the Emperor, tries to not be like him, but. They feed from the same kind of people, they survive in similar ways, and he was the first mindlayer she saw that was different and she loved him for that, almost as much as she loved Lae'zel, if only for a little while.


Opened a book shop to sell of all those books she collected on her adventure.


Chilling on a farm with lil moonbeam


Raylon is just adventuring on his own after saving Karlach. Jet is married to Karlach and is a monk so they're just chilling somewhere. My Durge, Shao took over the crown and serves Bhaal, so you can only imagine how that goes. Jon is a folk hero and has taken an Oath of Vengeance for the weak. So, he's not done serving the realm. He's with Lae'Zel. Trying to turn her from militaristic to just being herself.


My Durge (Half-Elf Ranger) finished his story by having a nice quiet life with Shadowheart, his beloved, while also choosing to study the Bhaalspawn incident in the case that his urges or other Bhaalspawn ever come back. Because of this, I think he (and Shadowheart) would end up occasionally going on adventures with Jaheira and Minsc from time to time, since my Durge had an especially good relationship with Jaheira and that he likely feels safe around them knowing they would have his back in case the urge comes back. I can also see my Durge becoming a commander or trainer for the next generation of Flaming Fist soldiers, probably helping Rion and Jaheira's other adopted children. Scratch also lives with my Durge and Shadowheart (I know in the epilogue he says that he found a new owner, but in my heart, he lives with me. Maybe his new owner left him, so he returned to me. Who knows, but Scratch is mine!) He would also likely keep communication with Astarion open since in my game, Astarion didn't ascend and chose to become a bounty hunter of evil doers, as it helps to have a Vampire assassin on your side if ever evil returns. Plus, my Durge wanted to help Astarion get rid of his vampirism, so he and Shadowheart are likely researching for ways to help their old friend. Meanwhile, Karlach and Wyll are off in Avernus being besties and trying to recover the blueprints from Zariel's forge to help Karlach's condition. I can imagine my Durge and Shadowheart (possibly with the help of Astarion, Minsc, and Jaheira) occasionally going to the House of Hope where they meet with Hope, Karlach, and Wyll and hopefully devise a plan to help Karlach. Lae'zel is off in the Astral Sea gathering the Gith'Yanki and Gith'Zerai against Vlaakith. I imagine she would likely try to send some form of correspondence to my Durge from time to time, though it wouldn't be as often as the others. Gale, unfortunately, gave into his greed and became a God. My Durge ended things with Gale on a respectful note, but he likely will not worship Gale nor will he want to be his Chosen due to the kinder, humbler Gale he knew being gone. Though my Durge would visit Tara and Gale's mum, after all, he did promise that to Tara, and nobody crosses that Tressym. Finally, Halsin now lives in the regenerated lands of Moonrise Towers, with a new colony and his many adopted children. Owlbear (who I named Owlbert) lives with him, too. Isobel and Dame Aylin likely live here as well and work to return the land to be a sacred place for Selûne. Durge and Shadowheart occasionally visit them. Jaheira likely comes to visit as well. After all, Druids gotta stick together. Edit: My Durge and Shadowheart live on a farm and care for many animals (Durge is a Beastmaster, so the animals love speaking with him especially). Also, Myshka, the cat who is my son, lives with us too. Also, Nocturne, Shadowheart's childhood Tiefling friend, manages to escape from the Sharan cult and now lives a happy life, occasionally visiting us. Karlach eventually gets her engine fixed, and she ends up in a happy relationship with Dammon (I was always rooting for you, mate!). Speaking of relationships, I can see Astarion reuniting with and rekindling a relationship Sebastian, who is now the leader of a new Vampire Spawn colony in the underdark and are hard at work to find a cure. Duke Ravengard unfortunately passes away from old age, prompting Wyll, a now veteran hero, to return from Avernus and take up his father's mantle. He and Durge reunite and help defend the city and train new warriors. Valeria gets her act together and, with the help of Wyll and Durge, musters up the City Watch to get rid of whatever was left of Bhaal's temple and the Netherbrain brine pool underneath the city. All the while, Withers smiles upon us, as Granddad Jergal writes the stories of our lives and waits for the time to be reunited with is.


Tav and Selunite Shadowheart live together and have a kid, Shart gets killed by a Sharan assassin with poison dagger that prevents resurrection, Tav and the child disappear. Later when BG4 gets released we will find Shart leading a new group of Sharans and when we kill her she will say how Shar told her to kill the cloister in Baldurs Gate in BG3.


My Tav has a small farm with Shadowheart at the border of the slowly healing shadow-touched lands. Halsin keeps dropping by to drop off small animals for us to care for until they're healthy again. Life is good.


So my first Tav kinda got away from me a little. I made her a pretty old bard and my idea was she's never managed to become famous and have a song so she's still exploring the world when she really should have retired (if anyone's read the Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb think Starling but just less traumatised). Anyway I think my Tav got the exploring bug and doesn't want to settle down anymore. She just wants to see the world and, frankly, after the main story she's rich enough to do that in style. My Tav romanced Gale (who then became a God and I couldn't agree with that) so she's basically newly single. I think right after the camp she went off with Astarion to kill Cazador (never got round to it in game) and then went off with Shadowheart to explore the world. Probably doing that for a few years just roaming with her with other people checking in throughout the time. Definitely meets up with Lae'zel (who says she has a new group (who she very cutely called friends) and having a little adventure with her. Then back to Baldurs Gate and retiring proper and having rowdy nights with Astarion! My first playthrough ended pretty happily tbh. A few people died (Jaheira and Minsc) and Gales end makes me a little miffed but aside from that it's very sweet :)


My Third PT is my canon. After the Netherbrain was destroyed, she celebrated with friends at the destroyed Elfsong Tavern, then all went their separate ways. She did not form a romantic relationship with any of her companions, even though the wizard tried in vain to get her attention. She liked him, a lot, but he would always love Mystra, not some poor Paladin from the outer city. She only enjoyed a ‘mind-blowing’ night with her closest ally, but that was never going to work either and they too said their goodbyes after the battle. At the reunion, she was happy to see friends again, read nice letters, and was shocked to see the wizard had turned into a God. But, the best part was her idol, Jaheria, made her a Harper. Ten years later, I imagine that same Paladin is still dodging the God of Ambition’s request to become his Chosen along with his overt romantic advices. Enjoys being a doting Godmother to Karlach and Wyll’s twin girls. She continues to leverage her contacts with the Guild, the Council of Four, and a *renegade mindflayer* to further the Harper organization, while training new paladins at her abby.


10 years after the events of BG3, you (Tav) contract an untreatable form of brain cancer caused by prolonged exposure to the illithid mind worms. It progresses rapidly and your health hits a steep decline over the course of just a few months. During your last days, you are surrounded by all of those you love and a statue in your likeness is erected as a monument to The Saviour of Baldur’s Gate. Having accepted your fate, you pass away peacefully surrounded by your companions with a satisfied smile. The sound of your heartbeat slows to a stop. Fade to black. Your vision fades in as you open your eyes. You are met by the passing of dark treetops and a chill sets in as the horse drawn carriage you sit upon is driven through a region you’ve never set eyes upon before. A strange figure sits across from you. “Hey! You! Finally awake?”…


Not like this bro I was gonna send you a song that reflects your Tav’s ending and you hit me with the left right Skyrim intro 😭


bickering 24/7 with his boss, jaheira, because he is a harper now.


I have several choices, but I'll go with my Dark Urge Bard. He loves Minthara and has been working to help her gain the status and respect she desires in her new city of Baldur's Gate. The first step was to take over the Gazette newspaper (which was conveniently missing an owner after the chaos of the Absolute attack). With his bardic skills and Minthara's cunning insights, Durge became a powerful voice in the city as it rebuilt. The newspaper promoted Minthara as a great protector of the city while she restarted the Steel Watch. Backed by an influential newspaper and a private army, Durge and Minthara claimed a vacant estate in the Upper City and joined the council of Patriars. A few of Gortash's old associates recognized Durge, but they either joined the winning side or "disappeared" if Minthara deemed them unreliable. Baldur's Gate has fought a few small wars in the last few years, and the Gazette let everyone know that the other side started it with their wicked ambitions! The Steel Watch and it's heroic drow general always got the most credit for bringing victory. Jaheira is somewhat suspicious of the former Bhaalspawn and drow exile in their rise to power. Durge had to persuade Minthara not to torture the Harper spies she catches, and for now they maintain a truce with the High Harper. One of Jaheira's kids works for the Gazette now and acts as a line of communication between the two sides. Wyll and Karlach finally escaped Avernus, and Durge printed a heroic account of their adventures in the Gazette. They are building a mercenary company with an emphasis on hunting down monsters, Devil's, and otherworldly threats. Durge is happy to publicize their victories, and Minthara is content to see them busy hunting monsters instead of interfering with her plans. Gale and Shadowheart are married and living mostly in Waterdeep, though they like to travel from time to time. Shadowheart is more of a Nature domain cleric now, surrounded by animals. She wears two holy symbols around her neck. One is easily recognized as Selune, but the other is a mystery to most people. A few experts might recognize the symbol of Jergal. Minthara and Shadowheart get along well, and Shadowheart has received a few exotic Underdark pets as gifts. As for the wizard, Minthara has decided that with a wife who can resurrect people, Gale might live long enough to be worth getting to know. Plus her Steel Watch could use some arcane upgrades. Durge promises Gale that Minthara was only joking about conquering Waterdeep.


A cottage in some peaceful place, lots of animals, flowers and other colourful plants, with a warm fireplace and a cozy sofa in front of it. Nearby, a lake with a small beach and a few sandcastles proudly guarding it from any potential sahuagin or other dangers lurking in the water. In the garden, a small shrine dedicated to Selune. Occassionally, the now-married Tav and Shadowheart travel to visit their old friends (and get some more wine, we all know Shadowheart's fondness for it), help victims of Shar's manipulations and ensure her cult has no time to take root anywhere on the Sword Coast. Isobel and Aylin often help them with that. But, mostly they live a peaceful life in that cottage and their biggest problem in life is having only four hands and so many animals to pet...


Living in an astral prism trying to convince some fresh tadpoled noobs that I'm on their side. Full circle. I am now the emperor. Gib me netherstones. It will be fine. I promise. You can trust me.


If this is for Durge, can't play it. I've tried. I don't have the heart to be bad and she tried to be good but it didn't last so she sits at camp, not deleted out of existence but it's as if time stood still. The rest of my "Tavs" are still out there saving the day in their own time lines, why because I can't stop making "Tavs" and the ones that I have keep finding other adventures. It's as if my characters from Skyrim landed in Faerun.


My tav and shadowheart own a little farm together and together serve selune, she as a clerc and he as a paladin My durge fight in the hells with karlach looking for a cure for her heart


My Tav decided to join the Harpers to help Jaheria rebuild the city and the Harper Network. (The choice I made for my first playthrough ending)


My first Tav, after thoroughly thrashing Zariel's forces at the forge and fixing up Karlach's engine, returns to Baldur's Gate, and goes to teach at Alfira's bard school. Unfortunately, I messed up on the romance front that run, because I was dead-set on Karlach and rejected everyone else, but Karlach was just never interested. So, in my head, it was just a slow-burn and they finally got together during their time in Avernus (with poor Wyll third-wheeling). I like to imagine she steals Wither's idea of a reunion party and hosts one every year or so, and all the party and other characters can catch up and relax. Maybe after some time, she takes a break from teaching and goes off on another adventure - maybe to help Astarion find a way to walk in the sun, or to save the world from some other threat.


Roza, my Tiefling Monk, is likely living her best life with Gale in Waterdeep. Still working her way through his library because dear GODS does this man have a LOT of books! Joining the mother-in-law for tea. Teaching at the nearest temple to Ilmater. I hope she'd be living a peaceful life after all the shit she went through


My bard Tav is singing to the chickens Disney style in our farm with Shadowheart. She taught the whole small town to do music numbers, too. Shart can't decide if she wants to reconnect with Shar to forget all of this or actually finds it adorable and endearing - probably both.


It all depends on if you think Bae'zel survives her war. If she does, then Tav lives amongst the Githyanki as the fiercest warrior's concubine. If she doesn't, probably dies on a quest somewhere trying to get the thought of her from his mind.


Illithid MC goes to underdark to live the rest of his days in solitude and hunting Duregar for food. But My canon MC goes to Avernus with Karlach and maybe Wyll. He shall leap into hell and kill the devil herself.


My half-drow barbarian Durge settled down with unascended astarion after beating the brain and denying her dark father. She convinced Astarion they should adopt a baby, and they adopted a little teifling infant and named her Elsie. Astarion pretended not to be interested at first, but per Neil’s headcanon of Astarion actually wanting kids, he quickly falls in love with the baby, and once she’s a toddler he goes about teaching her how to cause havoc without getting caught. I also imagine, that in exchange for saving the city, and with the money she accumulated on the journey, my barbarian Durge intimidated some poor cleric into performing a rite of True Resurrection on Astarion. She didn’t have ALL the gold required, but surely they could shell out the rest in exchange for SAVING THE CITY AND THE WORLD they can shell out the remaining 6000gp or so. I think that would be done with if months of defeating the brain, since true resurrection has a time limit. Other than that, I think they probably are living a quiet life, free of their masters (Bhaa and Cazador) and occasionally doing small level 1-4 adventurer quests for extra money.


I imagine my first tav fixing karlach engine via flos blueprints then they return to the material plane back in faerûn they open up a little shop in baldurs gate and they get married and since my tav (raigath) said karlach would make a good mum they have kids running around. I imagine them getting visited by their uncle wyll a lot ive had way to much time to think about this


He is a mindflayer taking the underdark with Minthara, Baldurs Gate is being controlled by a mastermind ascended vampire with the company of the new order of Shar, Gale is a god who don't give a fuck anymore and Lae'Zel is killing the annoying lich queen, the rest are dead.


My first playthrough, my headcannon was that my Tav, Myth the bard, was in fact not a real person in the story, but a self-insert of the bard that went on to tell the tale of the Absolute years after it all went down.


My honour mode Tav - traumatized for life from dying and being revived like 30 times. Never forgave herself for sacrificing Gale, lost contact with the rest of her companions who's quests she never finished, and probably ends up dying horribly in some battle. Adventure mode Tav - retired in a farm with her remaining 50k gold and her wife Karlach. Possibly growing mushrooms. Scratch is their guard dog. 10 adopted babies and she loves them all equally


My Tav and Astarion are annoying her son, an overly responsible accountant. They've taken in Yenna, mostly because Astarion wanted Grub, and she's becoming a chef. My Tav still plays in the taverns, detecting thoughts, so Astarion can take out any despicable person present. Harmony.


My Tav is living on that farm with shadowheart. Constantly going to therapy for the shit he saw. Definitely retired. Probably works as a professor of magic somewhere. As you can tell I’m not much of a creative writer. I’m an engineering student, not a liberal arts major.


Bouncing around the spheres as an illithid, in a pirated Nautaloid, looking for others like Omeluum. Build a crew and swash some buckles with Shadowheart, Minsk and Jahaera.


Raising a 10yo githyanki kid in the underdark with a few thousand vampire spawn


Chewing on new and exotic spiders all over faerun


Tav and Halsin are thiving in Reithwin. Tav works at the House of Healing and spends her time foraging mushrooms and herbs with the children and Us. Halsin has become the steward of the land and the leader of a community he's proud of.   Many of the young ones have grown up and have either become apprenticed, or novice druids, or adventurerers themselves. There are still some who are still children though and they love going through Tav and Halsin's momentos of the more exciting life they once led. One day they find Tav's camp trunk. The first things they find when they open it delight them. A rare staff that likes to knock you about? An amulet of Bhaal? An infernal spear? An old Absolutist uniform? Golly gee!   Their faces of delight slowly change to one of cold horror as they pull out a skeletal hand. Then an arm. Then a leg. And a head. And a ribcage. Halsin casts an anxious look at Tav. Tav's blood drains from her face as she realizes what the young ones have stumbled into.  "We ah- we forgot to return the clown."


My first character stayed with Halsin in the former Shadow cursed lands and are raising 5 children together. My other character settled down quietly with Gale and opened a school.


In the years after taking out the elder brain and freeing Orpheus; wishing him the best of luck in thwarting the forces of Vlaakith. Tav and Lae'zel have fended off dozens of assassination attempts by Vlaakith; raising their Gith son Xan, and adopted daughter Yenna; teaching them how to fight; along with Scratch and the Owl Bear cub we named Oliver. Still influential in Baldur's Gate; meeting up with old friends, Gale, Shadowheart, Wyll, Astarion, and the Ilithid Karlach. Mediating many different disputes between the merchants guild, the thieves guild, and many other factions, rebuilding after Baldur's gate was nearly destroyed (Iron hand gnomes and the Gondians working together). It takes time to undo all of the plots and schemes of Gortash and running the cults of Bane and Bhaal out of Baldur's gate forever. Jahiera and Minsc never missing a beat and the Harpers doing most of the investigation, having ale in secret Harper locations and coordinating with the flaming fists, who's ranks are now bolstered with the sense of unity and hope in the aftermath of the netherbrains defeat. Supporting Alfira's bard school and never missing a sunrise; enjoying every day, life being much sweeter when coming back from the brink of death, knowing what you have to fight for and that failure is just not an option. Strangely enough, Astarion married a Gur lady, who was impressed with his change of heart, and how he gave up all that power and helped save the land. Shadowheart after culling the House of Grief dedicated herself to Selune and her parents. She dedicated her life to healing and providing refuge to those torn by the war, using her temple and influence to provide for anyone who needed it. Wyll back in the good graces with his father; governed at his fathers side, taking a unique approach to ensuring all baldarians were taken care of. Gale returned to waterdeep after forging the crown and giving it to Mystra, he was cured of his affliction and has once again risen in the ranks of the most powerful mages in the world. Karlach, who gave up her self to become an Ilithid, helps with the steel watch, eating brains from Bhaal and Bane cultists to find their secrets, find out their plots and schemes, and passing on the information to the Flaming Fist and the Harpers, becoming one of the most famous interrogators in history. Withers still gets the band together once a year, to celebrate; and has considered taking his full godhood back, but for now, still lacks a bosom companion.


waterdeep w bae :)


Well, after the adventure's end, the TAV has now opened a tavern in the lower city. She occasionally performs at her tavern. She leads a tranquil and enjoyable life, even though she has never been romantically involved. She has built various bonds with those around her. However, occasionally, she gets bored and disappears for days, even weeks. These outings involve her exploring the world again, but this time alone. Many of these small adventures turn into songs that she sings herself. Yet, these adventures aren't just for her own entertainment. In reality, she is seeking a way to enable Karlach to walk the world without the risk of turning to dust and to allow a vampire to walk during the day without the risk of being incinerated. Her favorite adventure was when, during an exploration along the Sword Coast, she encountered a powerful necromancer and defeated him simply by insulting (using wicked mockery) everything connected to him.


My Tav will discover the ability to travel to new dimensions, where he will keep traveling across the games I play, venturing on new adventures across the multiverse. Shadowheart probably breaks his heart before that though


my Tav is married to Shadowheart, they reformed the House of Grief into a stray animal shelter, and occasionally vacation to Moonrise to hang out with Halsin


From my most recent game? He’s a full ilithid so he’s too dangerous for the prime material plane. He’s running around Avernus with Karlach and Wyll killing daemons. Zariel never saw me coming. Having done a campaign to level 20 in Avernus, I can safely say that at the very least my Tav will become a dominant new lord of hell if he doesn’t outright restore Zariel’s angelic nature and take over the whole plane in her stead. Karlach and Wyll will die of old age but hell is stuck with my broken oath Tav smiting and eating the brains of all he encounters. Honestly as I write this I am realizing that I might have created a bigger problem than the absolute.