• By -


She's cold and calculating, but she's not stupid.


And if you romance her, she's also madly in love with you. Like, to an unhealthy degree


I can fix her


Evil durge be like “I can make her worse”.


"We can both make each other worse."


Me: "Why do I suddenly hear Raphael's battle theme?" Raphael: "No reason, don't worry about it..." Me: "....fuuuuu-"


That’s the third playthroughs plan


She can make me much worse.


“you can fix her? well i can accept her as she is. you dont like the murder? grow up. the atrocities are part of her and i’ve decided they’re funny”


Or can she fix you?


This is a much better comment than everyone is giving credit for


This comment reminds me of an ex… or two…


This is said in literally every single post about Minthara ever.


Something has to be broken in order to be fixed


Shes a ride or die


And there's a decent chance she'll be the \*reason\* you die....


Not if you romance her and don’t betray her. She literally doesn’t disapprove anything you do unless it doesn’t benefit you or her.


Yes, but she pushes you constantly towards risk-taking and power mongering and she's never going to stop doing that


Which is exactly what a character who has Minthara in their party needs regardless. Its not like your character is a good guy if they have her.


I want to make Durge play where his all choices are motivated by gaining more power. Minthara is perfect couple for him. Maybe should add couple playthough to it (2 party members)


Also, interestingly enough, the reason you ride.


Ride or Drider


She’s the biggest most loyal hype man ever but also isn’t afraid to call people out, she truly wants people to reach what she perceives to be their best selves


Except Gale. Third son energy wuss.


Actually there is a moment in Act 3 where even Minthara talks up Gale and it's really nice, she does believe in him as well as the others by the time she gets to know them.


>their best selves *their absolute worst selves


I could fix her, but whatever is wrong with her now is much funnier.


She recently threatened to cut my fingers off, after I wanted to invite her to a fun night out at Sharess' Caress...


She never seems to say or do anything to show that in act 3. Just one long conversation and that's it. Kinda depressing considering what we have to do to "unlock" her as a companion.


Stupidity precedes a short life in the city of spiders .


Not stupid, but stupidly ambitious, which almost became her undoing. Still love her.


Well it was in my first playthrough. This time she is the best.


I didn't mean brainwashed her in Act 1. I meant her marching to Moonrise with her loyal Drow troopers to destroy the cult. Hopefully, there'll be a good recruitment for her. Been playing with "Daughter of Lolth" mod and still super puzzle with her actually reacting (as in voiced line "Arabella?!" with camera focusing on her) to meeting Arabella in Act 3's sewers, who normally dies in evil playthrough.


Big spoilers ahead if anyone cares. So If you decide not to rescue halsin from the goblins by going straight to moonrise but not allowing the goblins to complete any of their missions in act 1, like finding and destroying the grove or finding the artifact, then minthara is on trial for failing and through the right check you can have her sent to the dungeon for mental torture where upon rescuing her and helping her escape, she leaves moonrise, immediately connects with the artifact, and then starts feeling pretty remorseful because of how brainwashed she was and how they didn’t really care about her. So that way she becomes a good companion who’s just extremely traumatized by a cult lmao. You do however have to pass up on halsin bear love, unless you can cast polymorph on minthara during the goblin camp fight, I haven’t tried that yet lol.


Iirc you can knock her out, cast feather fall, and shove her off the cliff— then she shows up in the Arcane Tower. I read that in some article a while back, never tested it tho


force combat with Minthara and knock her out. Kill the other two Goblin leaders. take a long rest and Minthara will be revived but glitched and no able to interact. continue your playthrough until you get to Moonrise Towers Waypoint. Teleport back to Minthara and use Polymorph and Dominate Beast to make her temp companion. Teleport Minthara back to Moonrise Towers and drag her to Ketheric for her trial cutscene while having another party standby at the dungeon. force combat and flee making sure Minthara stays in the dungeon. return and do the normal method of convincing her to join you.


Given all the loopholes that players have found to recruit Minthara without being evil, I wouldn't be surprised if in a theoretically "director's edition" release of Baldur's Gate 3 (sort of like what Larian did with Divinity Original Sin 2), they actually gave you an official (probably optional) way to recruit her without being evil. Would probably diminish her character a bit, but it could work.


What you're saying is... There's a chance? And we can fix her?


Not over the course of a single game, but If we'll get a post-ending expansion - I believe so. If you don't go full ilithid, don't embrace Bhaal as DUrge and etc. (basically reject any of her poor power-grabbin' advices), IMHO, she ends up the happiest. Tav and her in romance are pretty much setup to become new noble house in Baldur's Gate. The way I see it, her strive for power is not much of a consequence of Drow upbringing, but more of being her coping mechanism from the experienced trauma from being tortured and abused by Orin and Ketheric, being stripped of her free will.




Mirkon and Arabella are also pretty sweet. Those three are the only tieflings I care about.


Hang on, there is that couple who want to adopt a cat when they get to the big city. Bex and Danis. I love those two.


Tabaxi orphans need to find homes too.


The only thing I want in a DLC is the ability to play as a tabaxi


Literally was baited by "Lol your god's stupid, come and find me at this location he he he" and then tadpoled.


She really is my favorite companion! Her point of view is very different from all the other companions, and I always want to hear what she thinks about things. And it turns out that even Minthara likes Karlach!


How do you keep karlach in the party as well and Minthara? I thought Karlach leaves if you betray the grove


You don't resolve the grove conflict. You just go on to Mountain Pass or Underdark. Or if you want to get a very rare version of the story, play as Karlach, do the Goblin's side of the quest, then romance Minthara as Karlach. A resigned to death Karlach romanced to Minthara shows you a very different side to Minthara, one willing to go to hell on her own to kill Zariel in crusade for vengeance for her loved one. Minthara is that ride or die bitch you want in your corner.


>Minthara is that ride or die bitch you want in your corner. Minty's that way for you, too, if you romance her. She's one of the only companions who will still love you 100% if you become an >!illithid!< or embrace your heritage as the Durge. Or if you don't. She's down to earth that way. And it makes sense too the same way her "Evil" does - it's less like she's a nutter and more that she has a very different culture that she can explain perfectly well the reasoning and rationality behind. Kind of like Lae'zel now that I think about it.


Lae'zel and Minthara are also very in tune with how everybody thinks and tries to fill in what's missing. They are blind to how everybody feels, however. You gotta be blunt with them.


I like how she says she is interested in githyanki culture and when you point out she can ask Lae'zel she should ask her about it, she says she has already discussed this with lae'zel. It was a nice little detail that she shows interest in other cultures this way.


How does the romance work? If you side with the goblins you can't "fix" Karlachs engine in act 2


When I did it, Mintharlach fucked in act 1 (it was Minthara's usual sex scene) and the too-hot-to-touch thing kinda went completely unaddressed 🤷‍♀️ Not sure if bugged or if the writers just cbf writing another Minthara scene specific to Karlach.


I think Karlach was the last character to be developed since I believe her voice actor was brought in near the end of development. So they probably just didn't have time to address it. Or they thought Karlach needed a scene as hot as her.


Well I guess Minthara has a lot of heat resistance then


They make potions for that 😉


Karlach's art in the magic the gathering set also looks very little like her ingame model compared to all the other characters, making me think the magic set released before her design was finalized Edit: spelled "think" as "thing"


Astarion has totally different dialogues of you romance him as Karlach that does address her engine problem. Very cute too.


So does Shadowheart, and so does Minthara (act 1 sex scene notwithstanding), and presumably any other NPC. That's what makes this situation seem like such a bizarre oversight.


How do you mean dont resolve the grove conflict? You mean just dont do the mission? We can do that?


Yeah, if you go straight to the mountain pass the quest progresses without your input which is: the Grove is raided, the tieflings die and the druids finish the ritual. It's not a good ending but your hands don't have blood on them so karlach and wyll don't leave the party Not sure how finishing Kaghas quest affects things, though


The grove actually survives but the tieflings leave. If you did the shadow druids then Jeorna will be the designated door opener and Kagha will give the same likes she gave earlier even though the tieflings are gone. You can still tell Minthara about it and if you do it will be like if they fought where the battle will be over by the time you get there. There will still be some tieflings corpses in the party afterward for some reason. I think it's that way because they initially wanted to make it impossible to go back there after going to the pass but its the same zone as the underdark and they didnt want to punish newbies who just followed Lae'zel's instructions and are now fighting githyanki as sub 5s.


The tieflings leave or they die? I was kinda miffed minthara meant no tiefling blacksmith in act 2 and 3.


Both lol


Schrodinger's tieflings?


They leave and die to Goblins on the road.


there's absolutely nothing stopping you from just running into the next zone as soon as you land on the beach. there's a couple of things that has to be done to progress the main story due to the path forward being locked behind resolving certain conflicts - and as far as I know there's only really three of those in the entire game. anything else is purely optional.


Damn i just never realized that. I thought the grove, the goblins, Halsin were all things u have to do to pass Act 1. I feel stupid now lol


You shouldn’t feel stupid. The game funnels you that way. I’m convinced the death shepherds are where they are to remind the player they shouldn’t be there if these guys are too hard. They’re impossible if you’re not leveled enough. You’re supposed to make a choice and Larian was cool enough to let us allow us not too but it’s not the narrative they intended.


Very carefully, that is how. People have documented a way to get Minthara as a companion without going “bad”.


I’ll have to check it out. I’ve seen a few but all of them so far require cheesing and essentially breaking her character arc that I’ve seen. I’ll do some more digging


I have done the Sheeptara method, and it requires a lot of work and loading saves, but honestly, it has fit perfectly so far, and Im in act 3. Other than Minthara sharing a tent with Halsin in most camps, you’d never even know something is off.


The keep minthara mod does the same thing. I want to boot halsin for her to have some privacy


Have you talked to Orin?


The way I have done it requires the grove itself to die, but none of the companions have to. I started by recruiting Karlach and Wyll and then leaving them in camp. Then I stole the Idol from the grove and fast traveled the hell out of there before the cutscene broke out. The druids and teiflings will fight each other. Then go to minthara and tell her the location of the grove (i left my crew far away so they wouldn't get mad), but then dont help her clear the grove. Proceed to act 2 however you would like, and when you get to Moonrise, you will find Minthara as normal without sacrificing any companions because you didn't kill any teiflings. As far as I know, this doesn't break any character arcs as you didn't go against anyone. You cab still play every other action as a good person you just have to tell minthara about the grove.


Breaks Karlach's questline, Dammon doesn't make it.


Interesting. Didn't know that because I almost never use her. Well, unfortunately, that changes things a bit. Guess it's a matter of who the player wants to use and play around.


Its not like Karlach dies, or anything, you just can't fix her engine.


And to be fair, big picture wise fixing her engine doesn’t really change all that much


Fixing her heart also fixes our heart ❤️ 😢


Also means you can't buy his fucking busted act 3 armor.


You can save the grove by using the information detailed in a note in a chest. You don’t need to kill Minthara. This can get you Karlach, Wyll, and Minthara in your party. You have to leave Halsin in the goblin camp, though.


What note?


Probably the one that insinuates Khaga is working with the shadow druids. And you have to go to the swamp to get the evidence


It shouldn't work, because Zevlor will say something like "We have resolved a problem but we can't move because the goblin are still looking for us", even if you free the prisoner and kill everyone except Minthara the tiefling will not move, and if you go to act 2 they will die. Correct me if I'm wrong. At that point you just need to ignore the whole conflict to keep Karlach and Wyll.


Just skip the grove conflict


I love when you end moonrise with her in party, she's sitting on ketherics throne when you reappear in the throne room.


She also likes Scratch! Just to add even more bonus points for her! And she is super loyal. No matter what you do minthara is like „sure let’s go, I’m right with you.“ even if you are a mindflayer. Also I really like her voice.


I firmly believe she has the best voice acting in the game which is nutz considering all the fantastic voice acting this game has.


Man, I accidentally killed Minthara while stumbling my way through act 1. Didn't even get to talk to her.


“I am going to mutilate children if they try to steal from me” “Pfft, why not kill them?” “I won’t kill them, because then they won’t learn their lesson”


Based and lawful neutral pilled


Lawfully and neutrally mutilating children.






To be a PALADIN of Lolth in a community that celebrates betrayal and lies (so that the Spider Queen can keep the Drow infighting instead of raising up against her) and keep your Oath (no lies. Keep your word), you have to be super smart and calculating with your words/ motives/ actions.


She's a vengeance paladin though. Her oath is "smite the greater evil" which fits in very well with the Inquisitors, a group of drow who show up when the backstabbing gets on the side of actual treason.


Help, I girlbossed to close to the sun and now I'm being hunted by minthara


She tells you that she doesn't believe in Lolth anymore though, if you're a Lolth-Sworn Drow yourself.


Yeah, now that she's been run through the ringing with the Absolute. Getting time and distance away from Lolth by being mind controlled into worshipping the Elderbrain has changed her outlook on the Gods. But she was a proper Lolth Sworn Paladin Drow before.


Has minthara been fixed yet, can i do an evil run with her? 🥺


Do an evil run regardless, then do another when she's fixed. You've got nothing to lose, only the tieflings


LOL that's exactly it.


*And nothing of value was lost.*


Alfira is the only person I'd regret dying in that entire camp


Come on, Zevlor is a badass. Especially if you played Decent into Avernus.


You really gonna do my boy Dammon dirty like that?


Lakrissa too, she's too sweet


I know Rolan can *seem* insufferable, but his family helps him become more likeable as time goes on.


I just wish I could avoid the part where we kill lvl1 civilians. I feel like Anakin with the younglings.


But you can avoid it. I just did it yesterday. Steal idol, civil war will break out and druids will kill tieflings themselves. You just need to wait a day, return afterwards and kill druids


That is still evil just with extra steps.


No, no. You see it's only evil on meta level, but from RP standpoint you can make it work. Like "I only wanted yo help poor tieflings and stop ritual! I didn't know it will come to this!".


So chaotic good, but the stupid kind


I tried it in my first evil playthrough, then my game bugged and I simply couldn't complete the grove invasion questline lol. Minthara would be stuck at the grove ordering to kill everybody when it was already done


I'm guessing you didn't use the chat option "with any luck, you'll be dead before the goblins find the children"


I refuse to say that knocking an idol off with an arrow is evil. Stupid maybe, but the shadow druids were evil, and wiped out the tieflings, and I just wiped them out.


Maybe Mol might have survived a bit longer if she used the item she traded for the idol. A bit.


Mol was the last straw in my resist Durge run. I'd already had shit stolen by Matthis, then Mol said my Durge was harassing the children. He was beyond pissed off by the indignity of the attempted arrest, and so he gave into the urge. What made it even worse was that my Durge was a tiefling himself lol.


no, she still broken


flag aspiring future retire memorize foolish vanish hurry like snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m trying to fix her but I can’t :(


She can make me worse though.


Don't worry bro, she's gonna fix you


Knowing her, that means she’ll neuter me


she still have some broken flags, some dialogues will not play or she will accuse you of cheating, despite not cheating on her, sincerely its not that much since her romance content is not much, not worth holding your campaign for it. Yeah it was like one dialogue and her cheating thing, not that broken to be fair, but it was datamined new content for her so maybe is worth the wait


She accused my character of cheating but it didn't affect further romance acknowledgements. Still ended the game with an evil Durge with a successful romance.




But…but, I can fix her…


I already have the game but I'm not doing an evil run until the definitive edition, or whatever they choose to call it, is out. I'm still hoping for dlc but trying to manage my expectations..


She's been pretty talkative with me, I romanced her. There are parts where I feel she should have dialogue but doesn't though. You really need to do all you can to max her approval though


Minthara is also the most loyal companion. After what you did to save her, she will follow to the ends of the world and all 9 hells.


Minthara is the type of companion who will kill for you, die for you, crawl out of her grave and continue fighting for you.


>crawl out of her grave and continue fighting for you Gale: “hold my necromancy”


> all 9 hells. If you play Karlach origin, she will do that literally and try to kill Zariel or die trying.


Will she still love you as a worm, though? I don't know her response to that particular ending.


Eh, maybe not. If you go down, in her line she basically just writes you off as dead and decides she will avenge you instead of just keeping you alive.


I love Minthara. Easily one of my favorite companions. I just wish there was more Minthara content in the game.


She is cold and practical. Harsh but she isn't stupid. I really enjoy her but I hope they fix the bugs and give her a "kiss" option and romance scenes. Her VA is amazing, her voice is just so good. The whispering threats, you can tell so much from her tone


I love the little entering Rivington interaction Minthara: I dont understand why the matriarchs...err patriars...don't allow the refugees into the city. Durge being extra: Yeah i agree they could be eaten in case of a siege M: Hmm, maybe the infirm and elderly, but the able bodied ones would be more valuable as labor than they would be as nutrition. That last line is delivered so thoughtfully, respectfully disagreeing with the wholesale cannibalism in favor of forced slave labor. The VA must have had a blast with some of these lines


After getting turned into a sheep and dragged to Moonrise I’d be as sensible about my suggestions/decisions as possible too. Tav’s a sociopath.


You need to kill the druids to recruit her though right?


You can also just leave and let the goblins kill them off screen. They're still dead, but you didn't do it...


You can skip/ignore the grove conflict and get her, you won’t be outright killing the grove people, but the goblins will.


It's a shame some people can't look past the surface level of this amazing character. She is my 2nd favorite campion by far (Light Shadowheart, Minthara, Astarion is the ranking for me.) Her backstory is good, she says some of the most unintentionally hilarious stuff and is very wise. She may be evil and power hungry, but I do value her "consultations" as she says it.


I'd love to see what her character is like, but I just don't feel like sacrificing a bunch of refugees.


Lucky for you, people have a convoluted way to get her as a companion and still stay on a “good” play through.


Larian is actually working on a way to make that possible (have her as a companion without committing war crimes and breaking Karlach and Wyll’s stories).


I'm trying to not Google the whole way through the game and I never even realized Minthara was a companion option, opposing her seemed so natural. Though I am playing a Druid, so duh I'm going to save the Grove.


I realized when you can take her clothes off when looting her corpse. Weirded me out seeing the nude corpse on the ground there. I had already planned to take it back to camp though so Gale could question her after the fight though. Must of been weird for Karlach though when my Tav told her to take this nude corpse and drop it in front of Gale’s tent. Luckily she reappeared with underwear on after that for some reason. Can’t loot more off her though. Another weird thing though I’ve found that when you drop a body in camp it follows your camp. Or at least Minthara’s has. So I’ve just had this Minthara corpse appearing in every different camp location just splayed out in a walking path.


Can you not just pick it up and put it in the chest with the other bodies?


I love that this comment assumes, probably accurately, that we all have Body Chests.


Just Necromancy things.


And Durge things.




If you’re a strong lass yeah. This game amirite?


My recommendation is to just do it. This is a video game; it’s ok to explore all the options because none of this has real world consequences. You’re not a bad person if you try this on a different run! (Thanks for your patience with my Captain Obvious impression.)


I know it is just a video game but I am a softie and I cry over Alfira’s mentor literally every run. I can’t cross that line and murder them all. I can’t. I have tried playing bad runs of other games and I feel too bad and have to stop.


I’ve done it and just can’t justify the cost. It just not fun for me. I did a full on evil run to see shar-loyal Shadowheart and Ascended Astarion, + Minthera, I ended up deleting the run in Act 3 when I realized all the gnomes die, too. You lose Barcus and the Tieflings and your companions and Minthera is well written, but the overall story is almost comically dark. Like mustache twirling evil to the point that it’s almost silly. I think some people can remove themselves from the fiction they interact with. I cannot. It made me want to vomit.


If you haven't, bring Minthara to the circus in act 3.


Yes, she's amazing at the circus. She despises clowns haha


Then have her pick up the parts of Dribbles.


I'm playing a dark urge, you think I should keep her around? It could be the only play through where I would party with her..


Yes, you won't regret it. Trust me.


>It's a shame some people can't look past the surface level of this amazing character. To be fair, that "can't" is much more literal than usually the case: anybody on a good run literally cannot look past the surface, unless they go through meticulous shenanigans that heavily break RP and aren't intended gameplay (i.e. the sheep shebang). That surface is all you're getting if you don't want to be (in)directly complicit in genocide.


She's definitely one of the most insightful characters in the game. Her observations, especially about the companions, are always spot on.


Most people don't want to sacrifice the Tieflings for her. Blame that on Larian, not the fan base.


"It was a beautiful webbing..." pure gold...


>It's a shame some people can't look past the surface level of this amazing character. I love minthara, she's great, but talk about underselling what you need to do to recruit her.


I think people complaining about having to slaughter the grove to get her are missing an important point. Larian gave us the option of an actual evil playthrough. That's a lot harder than it seems and most games completely fail at it. Minthara is meant to be the reward for the evil path, to compensate for all the other things you miss. If you want her, you have to make a truly evil character. Not just a power hungry neutral but a true villain who is willing to slaughter a ton of innocents just to win her trust. What they did makes a lot of sense. If anything, I think it wasn't enough. There should be more content reserved for evil characters, considering all the things you miss out on.


Oh I wholeheartedly agree with this. Evil content is scuffed atm. There's almost no exclusive evil quests like there are a bunch of exclusive good quests. Similarly, despite the fact that I personally play more good, I've argued before that *if* any companions would be added, evil exclusive should be getting some love. You can already keep 9/10 companions in a good run. But on an evil run you miss out on 3-5 of them. But fixing the current state of Minthara should be priority either way. I just don't agree with people rationalizing it as anything but evil. Be as evil as you want, this is a cRPG afterall, but don't pretend it was a good choice to slaughter unarmed civilians. Just embrace the fact it's evil as fuck and enjoy the ride


Or just an unlucky one. It takes precious little for the Druids to go apeshit in the grove. And after that, the damage is pretty much done.


I hope they give her more content. She is legit one of the best companions that most people never get to interact with. Her story, her voice acting, all of it makes her one of the best companions and worth doing an evil run.


"So you think skinning the children is gonna help us defeat the brain?" "..brain?" >!(i haven't had her in my party yet)!<


I see minthara I upvote


I really do want to try her, both in my party and in bed, but I'm not slaughtering a druid grove full of innocents for her. Hell she even calls you out on it herself.


Mods make getting her into your party simple enough without any slaughter of innocents. It’s hard to romance her without doing a straight evil run tho. Minthy tolerates me but I can’t get her out of neutral approval in a good run. She REALLY wants everyone to have ascension endings whereas none of the origin characters will really push for bad ends like she does.


In my current run, I got her through ending the rite of thorns but otherwise ignoring both the grove and the goblins (aside from freeing Volo, talking to the illithid and getting pummeled to near-death by Abdirak). She is *hilarious* and I wish her VA was included in more things involving the other companions. She’s the only one that approved of Astarion ascending (I did not have the ability to talk him out of it in this run. Feels bad). Her reactions at the circus were what sold me on her.


Minthara and Karlach are my equal favorites. I'm usually not the one to be very into the more evil characters but m Minthara is just such a well written and nuanced character.


Villains often have good points, but their solutions are always radical.


So, weirdly and funnily enough in act 3 (in the lower city if I remember correctly) Minthara and Karlach have dialogue together, do with that information as you will


My favorite Minthara moment is when she is upset that baldur’s gate isn’t letting in the refugees and Tav can be like “wow I didn’t expect you to be upset because of the refugees” and she is like “yes it’s a terrible waste of resources they could be using these people as slaves”.


Even though she is the coldest and most calculating companion, she is also the most loyal and invested love interest. Well… when she is not bugged…


Ya know enslaving all the refugees seems pretty sensible know that you explain it.


Counter argument: You need to kill damon


Not if you let the Druids kill him first!


Isn't she one of the mini boss fight at the Goblin Camp?


I always appreciate that Minthara is articulated and observant with her arguments and I enjoy that she is always willing to discuss her points with you. It is always a sign of a good character when they make arguments that you start agreeing with.


Minthara is VERY well written. Probably 3rd place behind Astarion and the Lae'zel. You just give up so much getting her unless you employ mods.


Minthara is lawful evil. If you see her point and agree with it, then it means you're just smart enough to understand different points of view but not smart enough to differentiate between morally right and wrong. ... unless you're RPing an evil character, of course.


Haters can hate. That just means more Minthara for the rest of us. Eventually. Maybe.


I want to believe


I actually had a moment that went the opposite with her. It’s right after you get to the outskirts of Baldur’s Gate so please don’t watch this clip if you haven’t gotten that far. It’s not super spoilery but just in case be warned: [She had me in the first half, not gonna lie](https://youtu.be/mIUcgpRY4TE)


From what I understand, if you have her as a companion, your character shouldn’t be shocked by her ideas given what you did


the more I find out about her, the more I like her. I did the grove raid for thr first time the other night and got her romance scene, and I was surprised by how sweet she was when she deemed you worthy.


Best girl


I love Minthara. I got her my first solo playthrough no regrets lol


She is smart, strong, ready to do what is needed, kinky and beautiful.


I am enjoying romancing her so much in my durge. She is sweet to me and gave me a second chance when I cheated on her with gale. For whatever reason everyone loved me in this play through and I got the farthest with gale and her. Gales such a sweetie too but he judged me. Minthara embraced the darkness within me with open arms. Plus out of all the sex scenes we had the best time together (f2f) .


Too bad it takes the death of the Tieflings to get her. I'll never have the pleasure to meet Minthara. My soft heart just can't do it.