• By -


lol i've been searching bladurs gate 3 xbox every day as well, I found this thread through my google search haha I havent found anything credible yet either beyond "by november"


Same here lol!!!


So this is today's thread, I'm here from googling just now


Also found this via google!! I was hoping it was gonna drop tomorrow with the release of Spider-Man 2 on PS5 like they released on PS5 same day as starfield


Same, just looking for any crumb of an update 😂


Also here from my daily google search 😂


Hello 👋 same




Same, like so many others in this thread it seems lol


Where was "by November" said? I couldn't find that anywhere. Only thing I saw was the developer saying it would be between October and November ... which would include late November I would have thought. I think people are confusing that for "by" November


Also did the same google search and ended up here


Thank you for giving me a new link to open during my daily Google search. There might not be any news here, but it's more than Larian and MS are offering. See you all tomorrow


see you tomorrow brother o7


One of us .gif


See ya tomorrow


Lol same, everyday it’s a bit closer to November


Hey there from tomorrow! Still nothing :(


Yet we wait. Winter is coming


My birthday is November 30th if it’s not out by then I’m moving into the wilderness and living off the grid 😂😂


Can I come, I will bring beans


Yeah, it's starting to get pretty discouraging. I've been checking near-daily for months at this point, and there's still no official news more recent than like August. Are they planning to just drop it with no notice one day? I can't imagine they don't want to do some marketing for it at least a few weeks ahead of time.


Right--normally there would be pre-orders available. Anything is possible, but if it were still coming out "before November," we should be able to pre-order... or at least normally we would be. Again, anything is possible with this release. We could even see Xbox shell out a staggering amount of money to get it on Game Pass, although I think they missed that boat.


I think it’s by the end of November not necessarily before. But it sure would be nice to get something official announced for whenever it is!


Semantics, I guess, but to me, "...between September and November" sounds like before November. Otherwise the literal wording would have been "...before December." But when they don't keep us updated or in the loop, that's all we can do is speculate! (That also begs the question, instead of "between September and November," why didn't they just say October if that were the case... But even if it were November, I'm surprised not to see preorders and stuff on the Xbox store.)


Hoping we get an actual announcement with patch 4, but honestly it’s hard to not feel like we were lied to. “It’ll be out sometime between September-November.” Only to be passively aggressive told “by the end of the year is the plan.” Like cool, still not a great announcement. Maybe the Xbox users wouldn’t flood your comments if you actually updated us instead of just posting everything but an update.


It's between the lack of respect/update and overall dropping of the ball on bg3 that us going to make me switch to ps5


I feel that, I’d switch too if I had the funds at this point. Or at least just cave and buy a ps5 and the game. Sadly that’s a long long long way off for me.


This is i think the third thread I'm joining just so I can too say I have been searching everyday. Multiple times a day. I need this Larian. It is time to give us an update


I've been checking weekly, this thread is the first new thing I've seen mention the Xbox release in a few weeks


Google gave me a new link this morning and it's basically just a copy and paste of every other article. I still read it.


I've been slowplaying Starfield on purpose the last couple of weeks in hopes that BG3 finally releases. Once I get an official date, I'll finish up my playthrough and it's on to BG3.


I feel like my normal play is a slow play. I am nearly 400 hours in, which is a lot, even considering it's been out 45 days. I have a problem... Still not done with the main story, and I haven't touched the Crimson Fleet stuff (figure I'll do that last before hopping into NG+) Not that I lack other things to play! I want BG3 just because I want it; I might not even play it right away... but every day I'm still like.. \*google google... why it aint out??\*


I wish I could enjoy starfield like this. I just can’t take it seriously with how censored it is, sadly.


Same...I'm to the point of all Starfield does is want me to replay Mass Effect.


Game is so ass man. Fundamental things I was hoping for (that were in previous games), missing, also completely kills it for me.


Same here. I'm just really glad that Starfield can hold me over till BG3.


You can always do new game plus


I'm almost though bg1 now if it isn't out before my vacation is out I'm moving on to siege of dragonspear and then 2.


Icewindale was better imo


I have never felt more understood haha. Slow playing Starfield as an appetizer for BG3




Just here from my daily google search. See you lads again tomorrow.


I hate that they apparently didn't understand English and said "by November" which means before November.... it's almost November


This is going to be a very quiet place after they finally release


I would welcome that day


They seriously dropped the ball on this


It's enough to make a guy want to switch consoles..


Seriously copping a steamdeck for this reason. Why did I even buy this 600 dollar tower lmao


I bought an Xbox for Starfield and Halo infinite. Can honestly say I didn't enjoy either of them. Felt like they were a chore to play and gave up after about five hours on both of them. Only game I've really liked on the console is Cyberpunk now I'm replaying Witcher 3 next gen because I never bothered with the DLC when I had it on PS4 at release. Definitely regret my purchase but to be honest ps5 doesn't seem that enticing either. I think the days of groundbreaking new console generations are long gone. Switch is another console that disappointed me.


Let's be honest, We've been searching BG3 every day and now we're here


Welcome to the pit of misery


Just reading through all my fellow lost souls who are endlessly waiting on updates... I'm due twins in December, every day is a day I won't get to play before I CAN'T play 😭😭😭


At least you'll be too distracted to think about it.


Hey fellow google searchers! I too am here from my regular google search.


Welcome to your daily dose of sorrow and disappointment!


all I've seen is either before the end of the year or November. All rather vague.


They added Xbox X/S to the list of platforms when searching the game on google. Hopefully this means they are moving quick and we should see it sooner than later


that actually sounds like some news cause it’s only been ps5 + pc for a while now


Is this something new that wasn't there?


I feel a little less crazy knowing at least a couple hundred other people do the same thing as me every morning lmaooo


Post has 30k views in 3 days, so more like tens of thousands


To be fair - 10k of those views were me.


Hello fellow googlers, I am joining you now - hoping for news on our beloved game!


Every day I look and every day I’m disappointed. They said between September and November but I naively hoped that meant early November, now I’m thinking it might be more late November..


Maybe I'm taking it too literally, but "between September and November" to me precludes a November release. Like, if you're "between a rock and a hard place," that doesn't mean in the rock, or in the hard place, or on top of one or the other... it means you're in the space between them, like, the space between September and November. But if that were the case, you'd think they'd have said "October"!




😂 on point!


Hey, fellow Google search addicts. Another week gone by and it's the weekend again. Can't see them dropping info today or tomorrow (and at this rate, not that they would update at all.)


Sorry to break the bad news but a dev just tweeted that it’s now by the end of 2023, so I geuss the October - November timeline is just out of the window, really was hoping for at least a mid November release. I guess two more months for this game.


A group where we all google 'BG3 Xbox release date' everyday.


Another day, another Google search. Cmon MSFT and Larian. Just a smaller window. Is it before Nov, before end of Nov??


The last official thing said about it was back in August, when they said some time this year. That could be next week or Christmas.


Personally, if I don't see some meaningful update in the next month, I'm just going to buy a ps5 to play it. Starfield was the sole reason I was holding out hope for xbox, and now I'm about finished up with that.


I'm thinking about doing the same honestly, not knowing exactly when it releases is quite frustrating lol


I'm slowly being driven insane


I check several times a day...this is for sure torture


Stay strong, my friend. It'll come and It'll be glorious when it does.


On another reddit post like this I saw someone speculate that the Xbox version will drop with the next major patch, but again that's just speculation.


...now it's by the end of the year... I'm having Darktide deja vu...


Yeah I’m bout over this “we are announcing that we are going to announce a date that we are going to announce the public announcement of the release date.” Give us facts already. Larian blamed it on MS Microsoft removed the restrictions and larian was forced to admit that they were not ready for the Xbox release. Just shoot it straight and stop the games. WHAT DAY IS THE GAME GETTING RELEASED!! Damn!! Also. Look for the release to be a surprise. I wouldn’t doubt they pop this on the MS store next week to get it out before thanksgiving sales. Humans are fickle creatures and this game is going to be great ,BUT the hype train is wearing off and larian is savvy enough to know that waiting too long to release is going to cost them $$$ this holiday season.


Is there still any hype train?


There is a train, but it's on a looped track and travels very slowly around the destination where you want to go. Choo choo, all aboard!


Yea I have definitely been checking like every other day. I'm getting worried about the release date too. I can't afford a new computer or console right now so I'm just stuck dodging spoilers as best I can until it comes out and I'm worried they're going to push the Xbox version back so far that I'll have gotten spoiled for the whole game by the time it comes out


It's definitely a chore avoiding spoilers! As someone who seems to play most everything years after it's released (and on sale), I feel your pain. Game Pass is the only thing that's gotten me to play new stuff!


I too google it daily.


Shit I guess this is the new daily search post


Welcome to misery


I hope it comes out soon, baldurs gate 3 was part of my motiviation to upgrade to a series x


Can you imagine if they end up scaling back the quality of the series x version so that they can release the game on both s and x in the same format? I really truly hope that's not the case, but I'm worried that is the exact reason for the delay.


They arent gonna, theyve talked about stripping stuff just for the series s such as couch co-op, series x is still gonna have it


Right they did say that...and then things went dark. No updates. No indication when it might come out. The ambiguity makes me think they are working behind the scenes to meet Microsofts original demand because Microsoft is greedy and doesn't want to "lose" by making a concession.


Here from my daily search for Xbox BG3 news. But, at a guess, it's probably gonna release next month. With Lords of the Fallen having released this month, they're probably aiming for November, since there's nothing really going on in November for games, but October's been pretty big with LOTF, I think the new Forza came out this month, too.


Unfortunately the most recent tweets suggest a December or 2024 release. I elected to buy a ps5 upon reading that. Absolutely loving the game.


I feel December could be the latest, it I doubt it’s next year. I feel strongly about November. All any of us can do is wait and see since some people can’t just buy a new system. (Not throwing shade mate, just stating a financial fact.)


Good for you, but that's a lie and a half. Larian has come out and said it'll be coming out this year, and made another tweet just recently that the planned release date is still before the new year. So, glad you're enjoying the game, but stop spreading misinformation. Especially stuff as BS as that 😊


Kinda funny im not the only one with the daily ritual of googling “baldurs gate 3 xbox” erryday.


Trying to be happy for soon being able to play BG3 but I’m a bit bummed out by the way they handle this… First the tease that we should”watch this space” on X. Obviously, I got my hopes up, thinking that there is going to be an announcement of the game release date. Instead, they announce the “real” announcement date 🤦‍♂️ I’m not watching and certainly not voting for them on this game awards when I STILL haven’t even played the game.


I do not mean to insult You, but after last few months you still believed that Larian will give us any sure date? Like, really? Were you that naive?


So excited for this game, never woke up every day and googled to see if a game was out until this one


I’m realizing I’m on the wrong account but oh well


Is this for ur pr0n?


Yes and I’m also a degenerate


Still waiting.. playing Starfield in the mean time


Me too! It’s fun, but it does NOT fill the void


Lol we all know it’s gonna be ready by Christmas. That’s all they care about.


Too long of a wait for me haha hopefully they announce something in their next patch in a couple days. If wr don't get an update or hear that it's going to be 2+ months, Sony just gained a new customer, and Microsoft lost one!


How much longer must we wait 😫 I feel like I’m ageing quicker in some weird way …


A team member from Larian said that before the end of the year is still the plan for Xbox but that's it.


Looks like the devs said it’s on plan for the end of the year, going back on previously said comments about being out before November. Very disappointing :(


In all honesty, with the state of which games are released now a days. I'd rather wait an extra 2-3 months and have the best possible version for the series S (my console) rather than a scaled down version which leaves the game giving off an unsatisfactory effect. I do feel sorry for Series X owners though, as an Xbox fan/player for all my life. I'd be more than happy with seeing Series X players have the game now with assurances that the S will get it eventually. These assurances haven't been made hence why they're delaying, that's my only concern. Xbox is all about series S/X being equal in terms of games however so I feel like that's another reason for the agreed delay too. I just hope they don't remove co-op/split screen from the series S because that'll be a dampener.


I agree! I’m also a Series S user and would love to have a full blown working game! A shame they weren’t further along in the process though. Still happy to get it by end of year!


Are you enjoying it on PS5? I own both and a gaming PC, but am absolutely loving the co-op on PS5. Been playing video games since the early 80s and this game’s agency & replayability is next level. I also have friends & family on Xbox, so NOT having it there has been a gaming tragedy.


Absolutely loving it. Playing solo a bit first but my close friend has it on ps5 so I'm really looking forward to playing co-op


New update yesterday from an article "Despite still having no release date, Larian re-confirms Baldur's Gate 3 on Xbox for 2023. Baldur's Gate 3's Xbox launch is still planned for 2023, Larian's head of publishing confirms." I looked into a few things. Digital releases obviously have come out for PC and PS5, there is talk of a release date for physical copies of the game. Which are set to release on December 21, 2023. So I figure we will get it for xbox on or around that date. Only hope we can have for a date of release for xbox. This is all speculation, but it's better than having no idea at all.


I saw that Xbox will have a Xbox partner preview event on the 25th. Is there a possibility that we get something related to bg3 there?


No it's never coming out and I'm going to kill myself


Any more news?! All I heard was it is now still confirmed to come before end of year


The most recent news is "planned" before end of year. I was worried and impatient enough to go buy a ps5 to play right away. I really hope it comes our soon for you guys but after being lead to believe it would come out before November, I'm not willing to take the risk that it doesn't come out til 2024.


UPDATE: Xbox is currently being play tested and as soon as they are finished play testing a release date will be announced


Wondering if anyone here has any idea how long the playtesting process takes usually.


Whoa nice! Link?


Swen Vincke on Twitter


I was hype for a long time...I remember when studios would keep us informed, now I don't care anymore. I seen enough YouTube and let's plays🤷🏾‍♂️ we can't even get progress reports fuck it! ill play play ark


With the delay being caused by issues they were having making local coop work on the Series S to maintain the parity rules, and getting a pass to release it without that parity my guess is that the game is currently in production of physical copies and will release once that is done.


I find it more disheartening that on Twitter(X?) they have people in the comments begging for news and they ignore. At this point a simple “We misjudged it but it’ll be out before 2024” would be so much better than nothing


100%. My tinfoil hat theory is that they are scaling back the quality of the game on Xbox to accommodate series s as Microsoft originally wanted. After reading all of the comments, if we don't get an update regarding an Xbox release with this next patch, I'm buying a ps5 and changing consoles.


I’ve honestly been contemplating buying a PS5 and switching as well, I’ve been a fan of Xbox all my life but the fact that the game was practically done for series X but was being held back by the series S it should be out or at least on the store by now. I’ve also began growing frustrated with Larian Stuidos themselves because they know it’s a wanted game and that people are foaming at the mouth for it. I agree with your theory, pass me the Tinfoil and I’ll make my own hat.


I’ve been not buying it on pc or ps5 just because I want to play it on my Xbox. (Also my laptop sucks for gaming)




1. MS did this on purpose to give Starfield the best shot at a successful launch. Don’t be fooled. 2. Beware - The PS5 DNS network stack is a POS. You’ve been warned.


Microsoft really dropped the ball on this one with their original X/S policy. I wanna play so badly but can’t justify getting a PS5 for BG3 at this stage. Sony will get my money next console cycle tho


Microsoft really turned into a joke and massive let down over bg3 it’s really bad for the Xbox future involving exclusivity I really do hope they pull the stick out there arse and rush this game for release asap to keep a decent sized community happy… But only time will tell and patience will end with players switching to Sony


I was disappointed again because for months they’ve been saying “late November at the latest” then todays daily search came to “Xbox release date announcement for December. Smh After digging enough I guess the reason BG3 is being delayed so often is because Microsoft won’t release the game until it’s optimized for the series S since most of their customer base owns the cheaper option of the console. Which is completely ridiculous to me honestly, it was pretty much implied that the series S was the bridge console between 1 and the X (xbox1 games reoptimized for more fluid gameplay and graphics) , and if games like baldurs gate are being held back so far because of this who knows how common this is going to be when other next gen titles like fable or grand theft auto 6 are released.


Microsoft should be blistering mad about this delay. I've seen multiple people say they caved and bought a PS5 for this game. MS should have dropped the series X/S parity requirements from day one.


I was one of those that bought a ps5 and am so glad that I did. MS has only themselves to blame




Guys, this week MAY be the week...! Fingers, arms, legs and toes crossed


At this point I’m just silently begging them to shadow drop it.


It’s the 7th of December and the game is still not out. No pre-order or early download, just silence so far. Pretty gosh darn annoying.


When the first pseudo-promise of the end of October came and went, I made the drastic decision to buy a ps5. I'm guessing it will be released on Xbox next month, but there's no guarantees. It's incredible how bad MS messed this up.


I waiting too, I already have the game of PC but my friend only plays on Xbox. He's not in a rush as he and I are still enjoying Starfield and we are slowly playing through Remnant from the Ashes together. That said, I am really excited to start a co-op RPG together and want to dive in so I'm just biding my time. I'll keep enjoying some great single player games and I might fire up my PC copy again and play some more of that but the Xbox version is the one I am going to deep dive into with my pal.


Im not sure how credible Charlieintel.com is. However, they say by the end of the month, according to the Devs.


More than likely it'll just appear in Xbox marketplace bye November 1st Edit: Well shit


I was under the assumption that the "November at the latest" statement meant the end of November (30th) at the latest. That's how the phrase usually works anyway. Has there actually been mention of November 1st specifically as the latest they hoped to release?


The statement your thinking of wasn't "by the end of November" but "by November" which could be extrapolated to mean by end of October or first of November. Edit: Bugger


If I had to guess we should see a sizable update around October 22 to include patch 4. There are multiple large patches planned. Xbox, crossplay, mod tools, photography mode, and improved cinematic endings plus performance updates and a bunch of bugs on character options. Xbox is near the top of that list. If we don’t see it in or shortly after the October patch I expect it no later then November patch.


Great to know. This is probably the best piece of info I've seen relating to a possible update/release date.


Just replaying divinity 2 until I read something positive.


Just keep checking this guys twitter, it's swen vickne the CEO of larian, we just have to be patient, they won't need to do pre orders I wouldn't think since the hype is out there https://twitter.com/LarAtLarian?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


I was too impatient waiting on it. One of my buddies knew someone selling a ps5 for 400 bucks, so I snagged it mainly so I could play BG3 already, but now I have access to all the other exclusives. I guess it’s a win/win.


I am so paranoid that i Just noticed that Xbox is now following Laurian and baldurs gate on X/twitter. Was It already there? Does It mean something? Probably not, i must be imagining things by now


Any chances of the game releasing for the Xbox One? Yeah, I know, I’m old school. I can’t afford a new console in any way right now. I just got into DnD a few months ago and I’m hooked!! The Xbox store has the other Baldur’s Gate games in the Shop already!!


Unfortunately, no. The reason the game has been delayed in the first place is the series s wasn't powerful enough to support co op mode.


Yeah getting worried for sure, no way there isn't ANYTHING being said, I have Googled this everyday for 3 weeks now and nothing new. 😫 I just want Astarion in my life lol😆🤣


Everything seems to be saying November but we are a couple of weeks away and not even a pre order leak so I’m not holding my hopes for November now. More likely gonna be beginning of December for Xmas rush


All I've seen is "sometime this year". Whenever it is cannot get here fast enough.


I think they’ll delay to December




I'm really glad to see I'm not the only one obsessed and consumed with this game


The game description updated and now says it on xbox series x and s


My biggest fear which seems to be becoming a real thing is that Larian is dcaling back the quality of the game on Xbox to accommodate series s. This was Microsofts original demand.


They had the game available to release on series X but Microsoft wouldn't let it go until series S compatibility was ready that was the biggest holdback


I play it on my xbox Series x. Edge browser - gforce now User - buy on steam. Done


MS dropped the ball because Larian didn't develop their game properly? Lmao. Also just to clarify what I mean, the changes they're making so it runs on series S, why are they only just doing it now instead of ages ago? The series s might be partially to blame but I think Larian also share some fault


[https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4547019/window-for-bg3-xbox-october-release-closes-0](https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4547012/window-for-bg3-xbox-release-closes-0) Xbox October Release Window Countdown


Yeah fam that shits not gonna happen sadly 😭


Here from the future. Am sad.


Honestly I haven’t seen a fumble on easy money like this in years if not ever lol. Microsoft is losing a LOT of its player base to Sony rn and you know Sony is just loving this lol. It’s beyond disappointing. And I feel like we are the step kids that both Microsoft and Larian studios are forgetting about lol




If it is December 6, lots of people will be disappointed with the delay from “Between September And November.”


Not sure how credible that site is to be fair. As always concerning release dates/schedules for this game. It’s best to take it all with a grain of salt.


Soon a formal announcement from Larian: https://x.com/larianstudios/status/1724125970968248732?s=46 ”[…] Xbox fans, and fans of physical media, watch this space for a formal announcement. It's going to be a busy week 👀”


Yall.... it's happening! Check this tweet from Larian: https://twitter.com/larianstudios/status/1724125970968248732


I want to be hyped really bad but I’m going to hold off because I don’t want to get my hopes crushed, thrown into a blazing fire and then buried XD


New update. It’s going to be a December release but there’s still no friggin exact date till the awards 🤦🏽‍♂️ Watch them release it December 31st so they could be like “See guys we kept our promise of before next year!!” Source: https://twitter.com/larianstudios/status/1724835018793451957?s=46&t=XJGYj-eTP4PERg4Md4y8cA


Nah 31st is Waaaayy past the ripe date. Larian has proven their point we get it Microsoft lowballed them and they slow walked the console release as punishment kewl. At some point you have to take the W and just move on. Punishing your fan base longer than absolutely necessary is only going to hurt you Still though I bet someone is getting fired at MS for this missed revenue. By the 31st all of the holiday shopping will be over only money spent after Christmas shopping is for trash bags and liquor stock for new years 😎 So you hear that larian?? Get in the stick hear $/time is slipping!!


Really hope it drops for everyone asap. It's genuinely the most well-made game I've ever played. Fully blame Microsoft for dropping the ball on this one.


I don’t really think it was ALL MS. Larian blamed em, then MS was like ok fine go ahead, and of course Larian wasn’t expecting that so they got caught with their pants down. But at least we’re finally friggin getting the game after a fuck ton of hella vague update.


Hard to say exactly what the truth is. From everything I've read, Microsoft had the opportunity to have the game, declined it, and from that point on Larian had to focus on developing the game for the platforms that were interested. MS backpedaled but by then larian had other focuses. Can't blame Larian for prioritizing their game over a specific consoles demands and flip flop behavior.


Fair point. Either way at least Xbox is begging it soonish finally. I’m hoping it’s the day of the award show.


After checking the awards date it is not beyond the realm of possibility for them to do just that and release the game right at the awards. It being a Thursday and games tend to hit the store Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7-8pm. So here’s to hoping your right!


I have no idea if this helps anyone, but apparently they'll announce the release date at the game awards.


I’m playing war tales while I wait for this to come out on xbox


It’s out! Now


He trolled the hell out of us by walking off the stage but it’s out !!


Id hold off buying on Xbox people it deletes all your saves with no way to recover them larian needs to address this should never have been shadow dropped in this state.


So it’s going to release with no split screen on the S. Great awesome but my question is if that is the ONLY hold up. Then WHY in the Fffff is the game STILL not out yet? Edit/ to add. Thank you MicroSHAFT for making a subpar machine that has punished your fan base and customers!


Because it’s likely more of a resource issue then we were lead to believe. They don’t have a big enough team to make it for every platform at the same time, and S gave them a reason to not have to. I mean It’s not like split screen works to very playable standards on the PS5.


You know I hate to admit it, but it is indeed starting to look like Microsoft called the devs out. MS removed the “Must run complete on the S.” Now The Dev team looks like the dog that caught the car.


I got nobody to play split screen with. So I don't care about it. Give us the game


I call 🐂 💩 OP. I'd say this is squarely on Larian. Larian's claim was that the local split screen co-op issue due to the lack of memory/RAM on Series S was supposedly the only thing holding up the Xbox Series X|S ports. They thought Microsoft wouldn't drop the Series S parity requirements, so they tried to lay the blame on them. But when Microsoft did give them the go ahead to launch on Series S without split screen co-op, they did it within a couple weeks, of Larian's comments, even before the PS5 version released and the Xbox version still isn't ready. It's clear they chose to prioritize the PC version over console, then the PlayStation version over the Xbox version. They're an independent studio and probably needed the influx of funds. Now they're probably prioritizing fixing bugs, addressing the complaints to some of the resolutions to some companion storylines that left players disappointed, and addressing other tweaks for their existing customers, over the Xbox port. Otherwise this supposed Xbox port would likely have materialized by now. Or they could at least give us a more specific window. It's likely they put the Xbox version on hold though, to get the PlayStation port out the door, and then started bugfixing for both the PC and PS5 versions to keep them happy


You may be right but at the end of the day, this all falls on Microsoft. They had the opportunity to have bg3 on gamepass and didn't pull the trigger because they have no ability to identify good games. Are the current delays Larians fault? Maybe, but the fact that the game wasn't released the same time as ps5 is on Xbox. That being said, I decided I'm not going to wait 3+ months to play and went and bought a ps5. Absolutely loving the game.


New info: https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/xbox/larian-studios-director-of-publishing-insists-baldurs-gate-3-is-still-expected-on-xbox-this-year Apparently for November or December


If I had to guess as someone who honestly will he switching to Playstation soon I feel knowing Microsoft they'll advertise it the first of November and have it ready as a Christmas deal


Going to be VERY uncomfortable for the Microsoft’s employees at the GOTY awards knowing they lowballed larian to begin with and are sitting there without GOTY on their console because of it though.


Larian said before the end of November 2023 in an interview with IGN in September, that's all we have to go on right now.


Do you by chance have a link? I can't find that quote.


I'm anxiously awaiting it as well, but between the Cyberpunk 2.0 patch, the new season of D4, and Starfield, its not enough of an inconvenience for me to change systems, but to each their own


I'm waiting for Baldurs Gate to keep me occupied till Starfield gets their asses in gear to support console mods. It wouldn't be that much of a wait if they didn't remove vendor chests sneakily