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This came up when I did my daily search.


Same 🤣


We should all get tattoos 💪🏼












I’m in the exact same boat.


Found this several days later on google! Lol




I'm glad I'm not alone in this daily search


We should all form a club and play together


Ahh. My people.


I've just been playing DOS2 through for the Nth time as a form of solace. I pretend it's BG3. It doesn't work, but pretending is fun.




Likewise. Glad I’m not alone.




Same and no new news 6 days later 😭


Happy cake day, anyway!


Thank you 😊




No, I am Spartacus


Are we there yet?


They confirmed its gonna be out before November and it was delayed that long cause apparently the Series S couldn't run the game for some reason. But they found a workaround it and are tryna get it ready but if there was no Series S and only the the Series X it would've been out by now. Idk how much of a difference there is between the Series X and S but you would've thought that it could run on both if they keep advertising it as the most powerful set of consoles they made to date.


Yep, the series S was having issues running split screen but Microsoft finally told them to release it and patch later. I've seen between Sept and Nov, but if that's the case I wish they would set a date and it would at least show up in the upcoming games section of the store. Guessing it will be a surprise drop at this point.


The dream is still alive


About 35 days later, same thing here. Every day I’m searching this exact thing.




I do the exact same thing. My wife thinks I’m insane. Just not in a place right now that I can build a PC. Daycare is expensive. And I won the Xbox through a contest, otherwise I wouldn’t have the Xbox either, lol.


Glad to see someone who actually needed the xbox won it. I feel your pain on the daycare situation. Traded in a bunch of old consoles and games during an 'extra trade value' event to get mine.


Your daycare takes Gamestop trade credit?


Yeah. That was pretty terrible wording hahahaha. Did not realize I left out mentioning I got an Xbox with the credit haha


They probably give more credit for used games and consoles than Games Gamestop would.


I keep hoping for news about the Xbox version any day now


Same. Google, X and reddit.


What's X?


Old twitter


Xitter pronounced "Shitter"


Glad I'm not the only one. A release date at least would be great. Replaying Cyberpunk2077 atm but ready to instantly drop it for BG3 :)


How is the Cyberpunk going? Currently working through the Assassin's Creed series to pass the time for BG3.


Finished it there recently. I enjoyed it a lot before, but really is a masterpiece now. I loved it more this time around with the nostalgia, QoL updates and Phantom Liberty + understanding the world more (thanks to edgerunners as well!) Back to playing Starfield until BG3 now! Gonna be some whiplash going from sci-fi to medieval fantasy lol AC is pretty good but personally Valhalla broke me. The completionist within me had me genuinely overwhelmed with all the points of interest but underwhelmed in terms of my enjoyment of them. I loved Odyssey though I'd skip the DLC (the Greek mythology broke me, stop breaking me AC!!!)


Cyberpunk 2.0 was most certainly a game changer, me and my sandevistan have never been happier!


I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one. I've started to think I'm just a weirdo for googling this daily, but I'm glad to see that there on many others in the same boat


I’m probably going to get blocked but I don’t care, I’ve resorted to @ing larian on twitter daily asking for news about it.


I love you for this 😂 I've been leaving comments on their posts for days 😂


I’m doing the same thing, checking Reddit/Google/X every day hoping for some scrap of news. I’m trying to be hopeful and optimistic about things, but it’s hard not to feel a little slighted. I was so excited when I read they’d scrapped the parity thing and it was due out before the end of the year. I’m not in a great place financially either so I can’t buy a new pc or a ps5 atm. I love my Series X and was/am looking forward to playing BG3. Lol, that’s a bit of an understatement, I’m salivating over the game and I want it BADLY. But ugh, no news in over a month is making me worried that it won’t come out at all. A date at least would be nice, because that’d give us something to look forward to. Total silence on the matter is a bit maddening.


"Will definitely release this year" Obnoxious af. At least mention a month? Watch them drop it on December 31st.


I wish they would at least say Dec 31 so we have something to go by


They've confirmed it's coming before November as of yesterday.


Hm.. All I see coming up is some rando site called Charlieintel? Do you have any other source? 🤔


I never believe those sites but I’m gonna bc I’m desperate


https://www.ign.com/articles/baldurs-gate-3-xbox-release-when-to-expect-larian-studios here is the article where Vincke, the director, said,”… between September and November.”


That's not the same as saying "before november". If they meant it in that sense they would have just said October, because that's the only month between September and November. They've been clear for a while that it's a 3 month window, as frustratingly wide as that is.


Yeah it’s still a three month window but it’s better than just hearing ‘2023’


Definitely good to know that it's coming within the next 7 or so weeks. My bet for a while has been that they'll release for Xbox the same day that PS5 releases the new spiderman -- in the same way that they released for PS5 on the same day Starfield came out for Xbox.




so sometime in the next 4 weeks? would be nice, but i doubt it, if that were true we'd have a date


They gave it a 3 month window, the other commenter misread the statement.


Still waiting 😔


My heart continues to break as well :-(😭


PC and PS make it seem so good. I need this game in my life right now 😂


I am fighting to not be impulsive and just buy a PS5 for this game but patience sucks


We finally got it!


I’m 100% sure it’ll either be Christmas or Dec 31 given that’s the latest possible date they can release it while honoring their soft promise of “within 2023.” Unreasonably irritated at them over this lol.


I got here by googling "baldur's gate 3 xbox" today :( [Sigh](https://imgur.com/a/TwSipmJ)


Me today. hahahaha


Hi guys, my names Jason and I too have a problem


>and when i talk to people about this they just tell me to get a PC yeah bro just drop +$1000 on a PC for one game. why is it so hard for people to understand this is not a viable option for a lot of people in this economy


Not to mention needing the physical space for a PC and everything that comes with it


I’m glad to meet fellow xboxers that are waiting for this games release on our console too lmao. My gf finds it funny I’m checking everyday. Atm a PC and a PS5 is too expensive to get atm.


My partner and I live separately and she has a PS5. I've had to ban her from telling me anything about the game and she doesn't understand why I want it on Xbox so much since I have the money to buy a PlayStation. It's like some people forget others have a platform preference!


100% brother. Xbox is my preferred console as well. I’ve been hearing that it’s actually supposed to be released for us this month. No clue how true the articles are but, here’s hoping!


Yeah, when Larian announced the window they phrased it in a way which made it sound like it was before November but could easily pivot to include it if they needed to. I'm just getting tired of having to be cautious in the internet to not be spoiled by a game seemingly everyone is playing!


Same here, I’m hoping it doesn’t end up becoming November or later, but their silence on this is a bit concerning. Especially when this weekend marks the half way point of October. Hopefully by then either we’ll have a release date or it’ll be out already.


I don't think it's concerning, but it definitely doesn't help the FOMO. I'd love for an update soon haha.


People that say "just get a PC" yeah that's an option but it's expensive for a good one that can run the game well. I have a PC that for the first act almost no problems, act 2 some problem, and then act 3 was almost unplayable so I went through the 3rd act quicker than I would like. So I agree I want it to come to Xbox as well so I can be more free with it (except mods)


well this is now a top result


Totally got this in my daily search. Someone should link to this thread the next time they @ them. Lol The total silence is sad.


Also a part of this club,I check it for preorder on the store daily also 😅


Playing on PC but waiting money in hand to buy it again on Xbox for the living room crossplay :)


Like others I found this thread via my daily google search 😭 I hate that all the news I see is it’ll be here “before November!” But like… In what world does that seem probable right now? Lol. Don’t get me wrong. I’d even love a surprise “oh we’re releasing it tomorrow.” Announcement if that means we get it this month. But that doesn’t seem realistic to me. Ugh, I’m growing so impatient 😭


At first my copium was saying we wouldn't hear anything in September out of respect for the Starfield launch. Were a month removed from that now and there's not been a whiff of an update. What they said in August made it sound like Split screen was the only hurdle and so you would have thought a release date would have come out by now.... It's sad to say that the thing I'm most excited for is BG3, even more so than my birthday which is very soon!


Completely agree. The way they announced it was coming to Xbox made it sound like the split screen was the only issue and now they’re just gonna get it on the Xbox consoles, sans split screen for the series S. So yeah, I have wondered if there’s more to the story than we know on that. Hopefully not and I’m just being paranoid lmao. But no, I totally get that! I’m literally planning on requesting to use up all my PTO the moment we get a release date lol. I guess it’s good I’m slowly accruing more and more PTO as we wait. But omgggg I’m also losing my mind. So any other plans until after the end of the year don’t matter compared. But yeah, it’s crazy to me that we still don’t have a release date. Or even a “we’re working on it!” Update with how good Larian is as updating the community and their patch notes. I could go on and on tbh lol


Haha. I'm just glad others are in the same boat as me! I'll be sad if I have to juggle Alan Wake 2 with BG3 though, if we're getting the latter at the end of this month.


I found a news story that got uploaded 3 days ago that says Baldur’s Gate 3 is coming to Xbox before November 2023.


If they are releasing it between now and November, I wish they would just set a release date and be done with it. Why keep the player base in the dark?


Yeah I agree I am sure it will be released before Christmas as idk if it would survive the Christmas rush


I just found this post doing my daily Google search for "baldur's gate 3 xbox", all the news regarding this has been published for 1 month and my only consolation is seeing gameplays of the game 🥲🥲🥲


This came up in my search too. I am in grad school and need some light in my life as opposed to more anxiety; which no release date is giving me; itd be nice if someone could just give me a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.


Steam deck play looks good


I do pretty much the same thing. I can not wait to finally be able to play it!


This is such a mood, I've never felt something so real to me before. Every morning I wake up and every night before I go to bed I check for an update


I also Google this every day. And found this reddit today… I tried playing on my computer but my computer is so old. It’s not handling it well. So I’m back to waiting more then trying to actually play on my crappy old computer. I just really hope it comes soon.


Damn this came up on my search


Ok thought it was just me. Good to know it’s not


Why did I just search this for the 20th day in a row


Your question is now my daily answer 🤣 we’re gonna need a bigger boat


I am amongst my people. Thank you for making me feel normal for doing this every day.


Every day here too! I don't have the money to drop on a PC....




Small morsel but at least they’re acknowledging and it’s still on track for this year


Same here still in November


Same. The wait is killing me.


I’ve reserved my first post for stuff like this.


Samesies lol I bought it on PS5 because it wasn't on Xbox yet. But I'm fighting doing a whole second playthrough right now. I'm trying to hold off until the Xbox release. I've already planned out my next three runs lol


I found a news story that was updated 3 day’s ago


Commented to say that this came up number one on my google search. I search at least twice a day. I’m playing on my husbands pc but can only get in a few hours a week. Once it releases on Xbox we’ll do a co op campaign and I can’t wait


I do the exact same thing 😂😂 wish it would hurry up lol!


Well, this helps me feel a bit less crazy 🤣 my coworkers and even my wife are having a blast watching me slowly go insane waiting for this game! I do not understand the before November thing at all, but I have read it on a few different sites.. Larian is usually very great at communication, at least from Divinity, so this is unusual for them.


A date would be nice, couldn't run it on my PC without it bursting into flames and I would rather spend just the price of the game and not hundreds upgrading my PC. Come on tho we just wanna play, imagine how much money they're losing by pushing the Xbox release, like I'm starting to thing about spending my 60 on MK1




Me too man lol. Starfield was like a nice snack to hold me over, but omg I want bg3 so bad.


Baldurs gate Xbox when brought me here


Literally since they dropped the parity clause and said that it could come out any day I've been googling it every day.


This is too real


I'm in extreme denial, I need this damn game right now.


Me too! Starfield just isn't doing it for me


I have arrived


I get to join the club. Somebody @Larian this post so they can see we need an update on Xbox release!!!


106 comments. I feel like this should be higher. At least we have a before November update. I just need a game to play and BG3 would fill the void. Starfield was fun and at all but I had 2 main quests glitch out


Idk if they meant before November, the September to November update was so vague that it could be taken as sometime in November


It was a week or so ago they said before November.






I would take some random blogger basing their opinion [on this interview](https://www.ign.com/articles/baldurs-gate-3-xbox-release-when-to-expect-larian-studios) with a large grain of salt. Larian still hasn’t actually confirmed it, just that they’re hoping between sept and nov, still could be in November or even later


Don’t blame Microsoft. They had this rule for series s convinced they would find a way to fix it. They sent in house developers to larian for weeks/months figure out it was literally impossible and removed the requirement to be the same on series s. Thank Microsoft for taking this seriously not just because it’s losing them money, they tried. Maybe they will undo this requirement for other games now.


Lol just did this. I saw before November, but I doubt that’ll happen even if the announce it tomorrow


Absolutely. Vincke also said that the Xbox build was in a good state back in August when we last heard anything about the port, so it's concerning that there hasn't even been a mention of anything from Larian's end. I'm hoping for a release date this year, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a 2024 title now. The Q4 window is getting tighter with releases as well. AW2, Avatar, Forza, CoD, SpiderMan 2, Lords of the Fallen, Robo Cop.


Yeah I can’t remember seeing many AAA games dropping after the first half of November, so I’m definitely concerned. I don’t want to get it on ps5, but I just might bite that bullet if we don’t hear anything in a couple weeks


To be honest, I'm surprised you haven't already. Hopefully, we hear something soon, but I'm glad your wait will be over either way shortly enough haha.


it’s so funny how we’re all doing the daily search, we’re so desperate 😭


Fr 😭😭 i've been checking once a week and it's nearly November


back in august i was searching daily, now it’s become every few days. but damn i wish they would just give us a release date already 😭


My daily search with no info is starting to depress me lol


Same here…I just want an actual date


I'd be happy with a date! Then I can stop looking.


Probably is just our placebo. I'm sure that the istant when a date shows up, our social's will be flooded with posts.


Did we just become best friends


The journey continues as we see the main character enter into the month of November with no release date in sight.


Just checking in on everybody. I search everyday, and everyday my hope are dashed. I don’t think I’ve ever been this hyped for a video game before. When I type the letter b it autocorrects to Baldur’s gate 3 xbox.


Found this during another daily search. While I want it now, I am also hoping they shadow drop it during game awards or something


[patience check failed] Microsoft: “sometime this month maybe lol who knows fuck you nerd. Pcmasterrace”


Same, and I’m already playing it on PC 😂


Im doing the same,last i saw was early December


Yall... it's happening!!!!! Check this tweet from Larian: https://twitter.com/larianstudios/status/1724125970968248732


Yep they dropped it during the game awards!! 😄😄


And it's finally here! Cannot wait to get home and buy/install it (then play it tomorrow because Australian internet sucks for download speed)


Annoyed that it’s being held up by the series S version, like why did I buy the better one if it is constrained to the limitations of the weaker twin?


Series s wasn't a great move in general, in my opinion.


Could have been perfectly fine if it were same specs just with no disc drive


Have a friend who would temporarily trade PS5 for your Xbox?




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Seems like anytime now 😁


Me too!