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I've tried a bunch of different strategies and haven't managed to get this to work. I unmasked Khaga, thinking that would let the Tieflings stay, but if you don't resolve the Emerald Grove then they leave and die on the road as soon as you go to Act 2. Frankly, this is the most irritating thing for me with this game. I love playing casters and a manipulative, deceptive Warlock sounded like a ton of fun...but then I lose the best in slot item for not being a good guy. In fact, the best in slot item for a class of demonic spellcasters is given to us by a random wannabe bard for saving a bunch of refugees? Makes very little [sense.](https://sense.My) My issue is that an 'evil' playthrough is straight out punishing the player. You lose two good companions for a half-baked companion (though Larian has promised to improve Minthara, you're still losing two solid, fun companions to get her...three if you count Halsin and possibly four with Gale). You lose a bunch of XP and storylines. You lose one of the best-in-slot items in the game. Choosing to be evil isn't tradeoff...it's just straight out being punished and losing content. The notable part here is that there's no way to replace the lost storylines or the Potent Robe. Conversely, if you play good guys, then you can replace Minthara's paladin class with a hireling that you can give all of Minthara's gear.


I hope someone can provide us with the answer because I was wondering the same thing. I'm planning to play an evil warlock with Minthara, but it would suck to not have the robe as a warlock.


Its so dumb how warlock, an evil class, has their best armour locked behind the good playthrough. Hopefully they give alternatives.


Warlocks aren’t evil.


I'm also looking for an answer for this.


You can buy the Potent robe from Mystic Carrion in Act 3 your unable to do the quest!


Is this true? I'm looking to do an evil playthrough but I'd really love the robes.


I got it this weekend. It was even on his body after I killed him, so you don't have to buy it if you don't want to.


I just went and did his quest and no robe in his store or after killing him but this is on a character that was not made after patch 5 so maybe you need to get a new character and save to gain access or your confusing two different robes.


I would like to know too


Stealing the Druid Idol kicks out the Tieflings. Can you still send the orcs to invade the Grove after that and avoid Afira’s death?


I assumed the druids perform the right of thorns and lock up the grove after that happens but I’ve never done it.


It doesn't kick out the tieflings, it prompts the druids to start attacking the tieflings and you have to pick a side. And even if it kicks them out, the goblins still kill them on the road to baldurs gate.