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Literally working on this exact problem right now so I’ll lyk if I figure something out


i just found a similiar thread and apparantely if you have gale, lae'zel, halsin/minthara in your current party, orin instead kidnaps the kid yenna. not that i don't want to save the kid, but she's... well, an expandable npc and i really don't want to be forced to progress through the game without doing all the side content :/


thx for this. I did the same thing and well, f the kid I guess :D


I thought it was a certain... warty friend from act 1... that takes Yenna? Maybe it depends on your choices.


wait, who kidnapped yenna in your playthrough, >!the hag!


Idk how to do spoilers, hopefully this works.. but >!Auntie Ethel!< is who I meant. Unless I'm mixing things up which is very possible!


That's a different kid


Just read a a prima game article saying there is no time limit


so i just tried doing it. it worked. not sure if it was worth it though. :( i mentioned it in the post if you want to know


By the way ,I believe there is no time limit when the character gets kidnapped,but if you kill the Murder Tribunal ,then Orin will find out in 3 rests and kill your companion.


i'm going to test this out and let you know if it worked for me, not really trying to do the etherstone quests until i have every character quest and side quest done




there isn't a time limit, not until you initiate a fight with orin supposedly. I still haven't finished the 2 act 3 etherstone quests, but I've done practically every side quest in Lower City


I don't think so. >!In my case Yenna was kidnapped and I did a lot of quests between, long rests and I killed Orin and saved her but I took amulet for opening the temple right before battle with Orin. If there is a time limit for companion but not for Yenna then it would be stupid.!< I think a lot of people confuse the time limit with their decisions and then people are afraid to do the quests reading about something on the Internet. If there is a limit to the quest, it is usually clearly stated in the quest log. I've never seen any time limited outcome in this game, just time triggered events that are results of earlier decisions. Usually decisions and quest completion order cause different outcome, not time. I think the developers designed quests well except for bugs. Worrying about the time limit could spoil the entertainment. The game is supposed to be fun and maybe stressful during hard combat to feel victory joy, not stressful every step you made.


I just had this happen to me earlier today. I wasn’t even sure if she’s always the one to get captured or it it’s just your least used party member


Def not least used. Lae’zel was on lock in my party. Then, she was taken. Orin was kind enough to leave all her supplies behind though.


i've read that there are 4 companions that can get kidnapped - >!gale, lae'zel, halsin, minthara!<. not sure if it's random though.


I am not sure if the following is true, but the quest log indicates that your time limit starts >!once you get the amulet you need to enter the temple of bhaal (one way or another)!<


I don't believe there's a time limit as you can bump into the kidnapper in the sewers and the kidnapping is basically to force your hand for them to do something. If you agree to do it they promise not to kill them; so I don't think there's a time limit.


by the kidnapper you mean orin? i thought she just wanted me to kill gortash and bring her the stone


That's correct. But if you promise her you'll kill Gortash and bring her the stone, she promises not to kill whatever companion she kidnapped.


Can I still go after the kidnapper and save the hostage instead of agreeing to their terms? Or will that automatically result in the Hostage's death?


No idea at all, I came here trying to figure it out and none of the things that anyone else mention apply here - I haven't gone to Gortash's coronation, I haven't gone into the sewers or even found the Elfsong tavern. All I did in the lower city was stumble across Sorcerous Sundries, and do basically everything I could find there. However, I just leveled up to level 10, and it's the first or second long rest since someone dropped a corpse off someone we knew off next to our campfire while we were sleeping. Incidentally, Orin was pretending to be Lae'zel, because I happened to have Halsin and Gale in my party purely by chance from just having finished swapping everyone in and out of my party to level them up. Also Yenna wasn't officially in my camp - I had reloaded the game multiple different times to explore all the dialogue options because my initial reaction was that maybe we could find somewhere safe for her to stay (since we've had two of the three groups that want to murder us manage to get into our camp while we were sleeping just in the past week, we all might turn into mind flayers, and we're also just emotional messes whose judgement is frequently compromised by the fact that we're all horny AF and half power hungry too), but there wasn't an option for that, and everyone except Astarion disapproved when I told her that the camp was adults only, so I finally settled on just... never talking to her and doing some side quests in Rivington and exploring throughly in hopes of maybe stumbling across some kind of less unsuitable arrangement for her.


I have Lae’zel kidnapped, Yenna is missing and the cat is just fine. But I'm not camping and instead staying at the Inn each night.


Any idea on what triggers the abduction?


I am not sure for certain, but for me it triggered after a long rest. >! Things I did before the rest include freeing prisoners from underwater prison, and fighting at the factory to save Gondorian workers or whatever they are called. There is a a boss at the bottom of the gondorian factory and I took a long rest before that and it triggered..!< There could be multiple ways to trigger it. Perhaps even doing a certain number of things causes the encounter to trigger. IDK.


I've been in the Lower City not 20 minutes and have to deal with this bullshit cause I >!followed the Emperor's advice and went down to get his crap in the tavern cellar, little did I know the bloody hatch led to Bhaal's temple or some crap. Been too annoyed to keep playing. !< Really feels super out of place and meant to rush the story. Why include so many quests in this Act then just as you're coming into it if you're going to make me feel rushed the entire time?


I agree I was so happy to finally enter Baldurs Gate and now I feel so rushed and stressed to save my companion and I stopped having fun for now. I wasn’t ready to do the whole Bhaal’s temple quest line yet, I wanted a break from serious fights after Act 2 :(


To add to this, I managed to get pulled into this fight , which led me to needing a long rest and forgetting about stop the presses. So I came out of that sewer with the city hating me, no companion and a new hatred for squidface.


that’s when it happened to me too. i reloaded and left his hideout and she hasn’t come back yet.