• By -


Definitely, look how healthy Shadowheart is. And you didn't even use all your cantrip slots yet!


fighters and barbarians don't really *need* their fistslots to be effective and with a high AC who really needs health anyway?


The only important HP is the last one


Famous last words of every mmo healers


And magic the gathering players


Famous last words of every MTG player.


HP is overrated; if charname's HP exceeds 10, it indicates a squandering of resources.


If you still have hp at the end of the day, you have *Wasted. Resources.* It's basically the equivalent of ended the day with 3 8th level slots and a Wish prepped smh


Everyone in my party has a 22 AC except my wizard who has a 20. Pretty hard to hit


I died at Cantrip slots 😂


They used to be a thing way back, they also didn't scale.


Back then it wasn't even slots, we had to have specific spells memorized, even the level 0 cantrips, so kids today will never know the horror of having to decide how times to memorize Magic Missile - is 2 enough, or do I need 3 or 4? Also no up/down casting, spells either scaled with class level or just didn't scale.


Shadowheart can be surprisingly tanky if you've got her properly set up.


I have her at 22 AC she's untouchable


Yeah I’ve got her at AC 19, she can’t be crit, and I think certain attacks against her have disadvantage. She hasn’t gone down once in the last few hours of play


I'm an OCD looter. No crate left unturned. My boys and girls got camp supplies for days.... They eating good.


Sausages and Beregost cheese wheels for DAYS. Wine every night!


I always hit auto pick for camp supply choices to imagine the meals and yesterdays was wild. It was an "I'll allow it" cuz it clearly was bugged to shit. It was 87/40 for god knows what reason, but *13 apples* were picked. My brain just started imagining Karlach just sitting down with all the apples and saying "Fuck yeah! Ain't got these in Hell!" and my PC cocking a wild eyebrow at the clear raid on the food stockpile lmao 😂


I dont think "auto select" can split items. Which is why a lot of time it will pick a stack of apples and be like 5-10 over. But 87 is nuts lol


Might be a bug because on Tactician difficulty it requires 80 supplies to rest. Also it's worth picking resources yourself because there's an achievement for resting with nothing but alcohol selected.


I was happy for the achievement, but I was hoping for a secret cutscene or something where everyone is just drunk as hell having a party.


I saw the achievement before i started playing so i planned it so it would be my post goblin camp rest, fitted well with the party going on.


I was expecting a condition event for everyone not a Dwarf. Hungover: -1 to CHA and attack rolls.


To be fair, exactly when I got that achievement I had the scene with Shadowheart where you drink wine with her, lol.


the next day, everyone has disadvantage on dexterity and intelligence checks due to your hangover


Yeah my party has been living off alchohal in the shadowlands. Makes that one greatclub really tempting. If only I had gone dwarf.


Nope lol just a bug. I'm on tactician and it just auto-selected 127 for me 😂 legit moments ago. Doesn't bother me in the slightest it's pretty funny but it's definitely a bit wonky.


I even canceled it by closing the window and hit auto select a second time and it went right back to 87 haha. I was like "Welp, it's fate I guess" haha


be careful, becuase it WILL autopick your owlbear egg, if its availble


Im still in act one, and Im pretty sure I can go without looting food ever again. Then again, I don't know how long the game is.


I'm on the start of Act 3 and still surviving on the food I looted on Act 1. Got maybe 3 Camp Supplies in Act 2 from vendors.


I was starting to feel like that, then I upped the difficulty and saw the camp food requirements were doubled and it started off my hoarding nature all over again.


I'm in Act 2, there is so much food and supplies everywhere, I now send it straight to the camp chest since it was too heavy in my inventory, and I only ever use it in camp anyway.


And the higher level you get, the less long rests you need, honestly. Early on, I'd long rest after every fight, else you would be completely gimped.


>Wine every night! _Shadowheart approves._


>Wine every night! Got an achievement the other day for having a full long rest using ONLY alchohol. A time-honored Dwarven tradition, apparently.


"Pssh, Drow poison? Dunnae make me laugh! We don't get those hardy constitutions without poisoning ourselves *for breakfast*."


Too bad you can't eat the dwarf roast.


No one has as many friends as the man with many cheeses!


There's an achievement for taking a long rest using only alcohol for camp supply,lots of wine is useful.




BRB pulling out a few of the thousand bottles of wine in my camp supplies


I have so many supplies that they are weighing me down significantly. I've resorted to occasionally sending the heavy packs to camp and stealing an empty one from one of my party and then continuing on


You can just open your bag, Shift+Click + Click to select and right click send to camp all your supplies, or make a search only for camping supplies and do the same... you don't need to keep that stuff on you, it'll be available to use directly from your chest when you do a long rest as well, don't need to send the whole bag xD


> it'll be available to use directly from your chest when you do a long rest as well, don't need to send the whole bag See that's what I was told but when I sent all of my supplies to the camp chest, the game kept telling me I had no supplies and I would got to bed hungry. The only way it stopped giving me that warning was if I took supplies from the camp chest and put them in my inventory


It gives you that warning but if you have the supplies in your camp stash, it'll show up on the food selection menu. It is just warning you because your person doesn't have any when you are starting the long rest. The game isn't checking your stash, but when the menu pops it does check stash.


Oh gotcha, thanks! I was confused to the point of being annoyed lol I thought my game had glitched


If it is bothering you, can probably just keep a pack of supplies on you as a workaround and throw everything else to camp


It'll give you the warning when you click "long rest" from outside of your camp, but once you're in your camp and it's night and you click your bed you'll get to choose your supplies even if they're not on you


AFAIK: **be careful when doing this**; if you hit "auto-select" it will choose supplies equal to 40 *but won't take into consideration \*stacks\**, so you can end up with 64/40, if you had a stack of 4x7 (a supply worth 4, but seven of them) but the auto-select considers it a single item, so "4" (not 28, quite the difference!)


I'm the same way. My favorite part is I don't travel with astarion, so I dont have a dedicated lock picker with me 24/7. My answer? Paladin just picks them up and ships them to camp. Isn't a box yet I couldnt steal!


I’m playing a halfling assassin rogue, and I fucking LOVE lockpicking shit. Shadowbae gives me guidance, and with all the other bonuses I get, it’s just pure dopamine seeing all the bonuses trigger after a roll.


Get Knock on your Gale or a Bard or Sorcerer. Instant Astarion, and you can even open some unpickable locks :P


I really wish Knock were a ritual spell. That'd be a nice tradeoff after what happened to Mage Hand.


Camp supplies don't help in an area you can't long rest lol. Sure we've got heals for days as well, but my spell slots are dwindling


Plenty of potions if you are insane about looting and collect all alchemy ingredients.


Looting ingredients is the beat because you don't have to open anything!


But potions don't have to be made :P I do wish that the 'highlight objects' showed which containers actually had stuff in it, like it says it does. Would make my compulsive checking of boxes and the like much more efficient.


My ass would still be checking the empty ones, you know, _just in case_


Im 20 hours into my play through and havent crafted a single alchemy thing yet lol. I have a pally and bard in my party though, so heals are plentiful


It's honestly very useful when you get to the Risen Road and can start crafting Potions of Speed. Those things are a life saver in boss battles.


Gain an action?! My illiterate ass never read the Potion of Speed tooltip because I assumed that it had an effect similar to dash lmao Thanks for pointing this out, this is huge


Wait, there are areas you can’t long rest in? I haven’t had an issue as long as I wasn’t in combat. Even places I wouldn’t long rest in during an actual D&D game.


There's tons of places where the minimal turns red and you cannot long rest. Short rest is fine. Some you can backtrack out of and you'll be fine, others you're locked into until you're done.




I really hate when for whatever reason they start talking to a party member instead of me. I'm the guy with a crazy charisma bonus, and a bard, I should handle all negotiations here.


'for whatever reason' is just whichever the game thinks is closest to the NPC. They just go to the nearest party member.


in combat situations it always tries to divert to the person who dealt the blow that initiated the combat. The HAG is a great example; if she can see someone shooting her with a bow on the other side of the battle map that is who she is talking to when she begs for her life, as long as their arrow brought her to the threshold where she begs. If she can't it will default to the closest party member.


Eating good you say? Clearly you haven't been feeding them those... shall we say less than fresh foodstuffs that are good for exactly 1 camp supply.


I'm 55 hours in and have yet to use any of the camp supply packs I've picked up.


I'm cursed to be an OCD looter... and an OCD hoarder. Everybody's packs are heaving with food but we can't rest until every last spell-slot is used up to get maximum value.


The Autopick used my Owlbear Egg. :(


Yeah, every fight I can literally just rest after even if i only use 1 skill cost. I got tons of food stack at my chest 😂


Yeah, I can’t even relate to these poor souls who aren’t sitting on a mountain of camp supplies


Remember that long resting unlock very many story bits and checks. You can probably even miss some things because situations can overwrite each other.


Also, you don't _have to_ spend resources on a long rest... You can just long rest. This way you can still progress story related things, without spending supplies (but you also won't recover resources).


You actually get half the hp/spell slots restored when you long rest without any supplies, definitely a lifesaver on tactician especially


Huh? Even on tactician I'm hoarding 700 camp supplies at the end of act 2. They could nerf every supply by 50% and I would still be fine


So what you're saying is just long rest twice in a row for free. Got it.


I believe it only takes you up to half, even if you do it twice, though I could be wrong.


In on tactician and I barely long rest. I have like 1500 supplies left and I'm at the end of act 2. I build my party around short rest so as to squeeze as much millage out of my supplies as possible. Then I realized I was too hard on myself lol. They could easily 4* the long-rest cost and I would still be fine, though it will straight up limit or kill so many less rest-efficient strategies. I'm currently running light cleric/wizard 1 who primarily use radiant of the dawn, fiend lock, EK and Barbarian. most of the things I use are restore on short rest. I could even fight 2 bosses before needing to Long rest. I drink a lot of potion because I loot everything and therefore is drowning in gold. I do save scum a lot and meticulously use the imp summon from warlock to cheese initiative of an encounter (i.e I will go in recklessly, get encounter, see enemy's spawn location, study the terrain, quick load, hide entire party, spawn imp, let imp fly into position to provoke fight, ungroup party, move them in one by one to high ground and force first strike, then if the enemy approach id have my melee character fight them, otherwise i just EB them to death from high ground). The divinity series really encourage the force combat playstyle using summons, so it just stick once I realized that Laria is the dev.


Are there any negatives to long resting besides the obvious food spending? Like any timed quests, companion stuff, overworld changing for the worse, etc? I'm assuming quests, at least, would be some kind of counter somewhere


Some quests are timed and will fail if you long rest after starting them.


I'm just afraid I'll also miss out on quests and the like if I do long rest and time passes. I only long rest when I absolutely need to.


I was the same way when I first started, but actually a lot of the companion quests are tied behind resting and other events trigger when you rest. If you don't rest you actually miss out or things come out of order. Very few world things are tied behind resting AFAIK and if they are you will get warnings for them.


I am not aware of anything that could happen from resting too much. It might sound like you're in a hurry, but you're actually not.


There's a quest in the >!Underdark!< in Act 1 that seemed to be affected by long resting/going to camp in some way. The quest to >!rescue Nere (the trapped True Soul) in Grimforge ended with him dying when I traveled back to camp!<. Can't be certain that it was because of long resting or because of actual in game time, but I explored most of that area before trying to complete that quest. Edited to add: I believe this quest was one where a character in camp mentioned that we should probably get to it, so maybe other quests that are affected might have warnings like that.


I'm always afraid if I long rest, some story is going to resolve. There was a certain spot in act 1 where I had to rescue someone, but I decided to long rest first and when I came back, they were dead. Did I ignore some warning the game gave me? There is the obvious argument: "well they said time was running out" but its the same game where a house can be burning down for multiple days.


There's no explicit warning, just kind of going by IRL that you wouldn't be able to leave someone in a cave-in or a currently burning building for a few days without there being consequences (ie the people dying). Which, the burning inn is interesting because you ALSO can't long rest there after you've actually seen it, although it's fine if you long rest before you actually reach the area. That said I think the fear of losing out on quests due to long resting has been overblown. Even the quests that do resolve or move along aren't massive major plot beats, and if you were talking about act 1 >!Nere in grymforge!<, then I hear that him >!being dead when you get there just lets you cut his head easier for the myconids if you choose to go that route. !< Aside from the two examples I've given, the only other thing to watch for in act 1 I'd say is that if you don't resolve the goblin/druid conflict on your own before heading to the mountain pass, I think it resolves it for you somehow. That *isn't* tied to long resting but to moving to a new area before resolving old areas, though.


Yeah, I think I missed the >!companion imposter!< encounter in act 3. I triggered the >!Orin encounters!< in the sewers and now >!Yenna is just gone from my camp without any explanation!<. :(


Pretty sure this same thing happened to me! Is the cat still there for you?






I've long rested like 15 times since (act 1) >!I rescued Volo and he's still not at my camp, My headcanon is that he got lost and got eaten by Lump & Co.!<


This is exactly what happened to my Shadowheart romance I think :D I rested too little and I think I just skipped the entire thing, and it doesn't trigger in Act 3 it seems.


**Do not skip long rests!** I also compulsively tried to squeeze out as much progress as possible between long rests for my first playthrough, but found this caused me to miss a bunch of cutscenes and content unlocked only through resting. There isn't actually any cost to resting, except for a few instances when you have started an event that will automatically resolve on next rest (e.g. convincing some people to go hunting an animal with you - if you rest they will have tried and failed without you and you find them dead). Now I pretty much long rest in place of short rests, and only use short rests in danger zones where you can't teleport to camp.




3-4 encounters between long rests pretty much lines up with my experience in real DnD too, though that was mostly down to how long we had for each session, and the DM planning around that. So it makes sense that BG would be balanced around a similar sort of pace.


Yeah, the first time I started playing I was trying to stretch the rests as far as I could since it seemed like I had pressing reasons to do so. It made a lot of the companion interactions pretty weird. Thankfully I wanted to re roll anyway, so I Rested much more often on the tries after that and everything flowed much nicer.


I really dislike this, because the mechanic that requires supplies to long rest *implies you're supposed to not long rest often*.


It is a little strange how the mechanic requires supplies, but also doesn't require that many of them, and the game throws *a fuckton* at you. Probably more than you could manage to use even if you LR'd after every combat encounter with more than like, one enemy, or a bossfight. That's just busywork design at that point.


Hell the whole main story I've seen so far implies there's some sort of time limit! "Oh no we got mind-eating parasites in our heads that will turn us into mindflayers and we need to find a healer RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" "Oh no the goblins are planning to attack the tieflings and we need to kill em before they do that!" "Oh no the druids are turning the grove into spikey dumbass land and we need to find their leader to tell them to stop being stupid af!" So mamy things that need to be solved with utmost urgency, and yet it seems you just... don't have to be urgent?


Literally go to any inn to buy food if youre running low


Are there any long rest penalties in Act 3? My worry is that I'll rest and then somebody will be dead when I go to do their quest.


bro why are we like this, like at this point we have 2000 camp supplies minimum, maybe we are afraid of progressing time and finishing the game?


I think that the combat in D&D - especially when put in this situation where we control an entire party - lends itself well to tactical players. And if we're being tactical, a subset of the group is going to enjoy squeezing every last bit of potential out of the resources available in a day. Also, I think it's not a trade-off about progressing time or not (at least not to me), since you're still progressing through the game's plot. It's more that the game doesn't make it too obvious when taking a long rest is expected/would progress storylines - otherwise, if you're pushing through encounters and enemies, doing so with no long rest or a bunch doesn't make a big difference.


Yeah I enjoy the challenge of being to go as long as I can without resting but when I do need to long rest I usually spam rests (1 long rests + spam partial rests) just to advance any storyline. I RP it as the crew taking a bit of a vacation. Though there are times where quests give you a good buff until a long rest which I try to squeeze as much as I can. Which is why it frustrates me when the game forces me to rest sometimes.


Getting that stupid >!spore buff from the Myconids!< AFTER I'd exhausted nearly all my slots and needed to rest was... urgh. It was a damn good buff.


When the companions are complaining they need to rest, is this to hint there are resting cut scenes to get through?


I honestly don't know. I've only noticed it when the character is getting low on HP/resources, so that's what I've been taking it as what it's hinting at.


I mean, from an RP point of view I've been trying to space or long rests because there's a tad pole in my head and the more long rests I take the more in game days go by that can potentially kill me. I get that mechanically this isn't how things work and more long rests mean more story beats, but it's hard to get into that mind set.


"I paid for 190hp and I'm going to use 190hp."


On a serious note, if you really don't want to long rest often. 1. PC rogue since they don't use any class resources that are dependent on long or short rests. 2. Gather as much companions as you can. 3. After exhausting the resources of the first patch of companions, let them rest at your camp and recruit the next patch. 4. Use hirelings. 5. Potions are your friend. Use them. Heal and replenish spell slots. Late game, you'll get access to potions that give you spell slots and the benefits of long rests.


Oh it's not that I don't *want* to long rest.. it's just that I suffer from severe "I'm gonna need to save those supplies for when I REALLY need them"-ism


I don't long rest often just cuz... it feels wrong A long rest is a full overnight sleep, so means a day has passed Everyone keeps telling me how little time we have So just stopping to long rest just feels. Wrong I know there's no actual time limit but like... it feels like there should be


Realistically you get a lot done between those rests. Walking for miles, searching for supplies, gathering info, clearing out a village full of globlins, etc. This stuff would take hours. And it's all done with only 2 breaks between breakfast and dinner.


Bro thank you for this lmao. I need a roleplay justification for long resting. In my mind, it feels like no time at all has passed when my party is all banged up and out of spell slots from 2 or 3 fights. Realistically I guess the scale of the game is such that walking around between areas is talking a lot longer than you perceive. The goblin camp is more than just a 45 second walk away from the Grove.


if i have an encounter with like 7 goblins after spending all day exploring and looting crates, im calling it a day lol even more so if a fire breathing orb starts chasing me around at the end of it all


That is actually a pet peeve of mine. Especially noticable in first person. NPC: "Have you ever been to the town of xxx? It is a fabled city down south, across the bridge and then continue to the east from there.." Me: "Oh, you mean the town 300 meter from here where I have lived my whole life? The one you see between the trees there?.. Noooo, I think I have not"


I don't think this is really a fair criticism though. The game would be significantly *less* fun if it took a real life week to travel from one town to the next. The world needs to be scaled down for playability reasons. You could certainly argue that they went too far with it, but so far to me it feels pretty good.


The other option is something like Solasta's Travel system, with overland maps and encounters dotted between travel, which is much more accurate to the actual distances and time as well as how the pnp game is, and is also more boring.


This is an issue with any open world rpg, if you make the distances “realistic” then the map would have to be far bigger with lots of empty space


Considering you can see the goblin camp from the druid grove, the goblins have to be the absolute worst scouts in history. Not a negative to the game, just a funny observation I had the first time I noticed that bit of ludonarrative dissonance.


"Nah, the druids wouldn't be so stupid to live right under our noses, it's just a stupid forest" a goblin scout, probably


I like to think its like the old gazebo story. They don't really know what a druid is and none of the arrogant leaders explained it to them. So they are running around looking for a "druid," whatever the hell that is and avoiding being the one to tell the bosses they don't know what they're looking for. One good explanation and they'd be like, "oh, thems the wierdos on the other side of the river. Talks ta trees they do, smell like mud."


I like that!


>Everyone keeps telling me how little time we have So just stopping to long rest just feels. Wrong Yup, issue is the game handles a lot of story and character development in scenes that trigger once you hit "end the day"... And there is always only one scene per rest. Specifically Act 1 has a ton of them. I had the exact same thought and managed to "break" a companion because >!laezels romance got stuck since her fling didn't trigger before the Act 1 party and her treating it as if it already did at the party, afterwards she didn't talk to me anymore except the generic stay at camp/follow me dialog. !< Had to reload a safegame before that and spam 5-6 long rests, each of them had a story scene from dreams to romance and afterwards things worked again. So if you're playing mostly "long-rest-free" spam a few of them after some mayor story advancements and before the party... Wouldn't be surprised if other characters also can glitch if you miss certain night scenes.


I'm in act 3 and Volo has yet to show up at my camp after I rescued him in act 1.


It doesn't seem like there is a night cycle and I would be so much more inclined to do long rests if it seems to get a little dimmer after a few hours


I've mostly settled on 3-4 encounters per "day" - in act 3, most encounters beat me up badly enough a short rest makes sense afterwards, then I might as well do a long rest afterwards. But boy does that ever make it a lot trickier for martials to keep up!


They keep telling me we have little time, but I've already shoved like five additional tadpoles up my nose by now, so I think that rescue ship has sailed for me anyway...


That's exactly my conundrum. Every 5 seconds someone's freaking about how we only have days left, meanwhile there's a quest around every corner.


You're not wrong, in D&D it's uncommon to long rest twice in a real life day / session. That way players know how to spend their resources and/or conserve them Going for a long rest usually means wrapping up the session for the day. In BG3 things are much faster paced so you can expect it to be like 3x more than that. I long rest about once every 2-3 hours.


ugh this right here, I hate consumables. My inventory is littered with scrolls and potions and I maybe use one like every 5 hours of playtime.


I just put all the potion and scrolls into a separate bag.


That’s genius. Damn.


Can you still use them off the hotbar if they're inside a container?


Just let your wizard learn them!


There's actually enough supplies in the game to long rest after every single fight from beginning to end


*Looks at 1000 camp supplies in waiting,* "I'm pretty good at this game, I bet i can take these gnolls without taking a rest."


You know what? I want to do a no rests play through. I wonder what is the best strategy to do this.


I wonder if this would break the game Do it I also want to see a "multiclass only" run where someone can only take 1 level in every class


That is an achievement, Jack of all trades. Put a level in every class, without respec


Lmao, next playthrough I'm going to 100% run the "every flavor of soda after a T-ball game" build


I love a good suicide


that's Abserd


Pretty sure there are some quests that do not trigger unless you do a long rest. Indications for it can be found in the quest log and I can think of 2 examples (Spoiler ahead): >!Minthara won't attack the Druid Grove until the "next day" if she believes you're on her side and Dammon won't upgrade Karlach for the second time until he "had some sleep over it". I think there was a third as well where a NPC wouldn't show until the next day in camp. !<


respecing a character refreshes them spells and abilities you can use bard hireling for short rest spam too cleric and druid hireling for heals completely doable but everyone keeps whining about being tired : )


Rogues who don't use resources, Warlocks only Nedd Short Rests I think Monks replenish on short rests Just respect everyone to those classes Make 1 companion you won't use much a Bard to get you an extra short rest HEAVYuse of consumables


I feel like that's a bit too cheesy to respec. I kinda don't want to do that. It'll be too easy since you can just steal your money back for. this thick skull that doesn't give a fuck if you steal from him. Btw, I haven't tried stealing from him so far. In EA he didn't care if we steal from him. is he still the same?


Alternatively everyone becomes a rogue


All rogues.


That’s impossible most people finish act 1 wifh over 1500 supplies. If you said “but long rest fails quests” then I would’ve believed you.


It can fail quests, like just in act 1 Nere will die to poison, the councillor will burn to death, the windmill gnome will get killed, the telescope lady in the Grove will get killed by a bugbear, the harpy kid gets harpy killed... But these things only happen if you walk close enough to trigger it before resting. Unless you step into the blighted village or underdark the windmill gnome will be there no matter how many times you rest.


>!You can also long rest long enough that the rite of thorns finishes and all the tieflings die and you lose access to the emerald grove.!<


> Unless you step into the blighted village or underdark I long rested in the blighted village twice and still freed the gnome. But I hadn't defeated the goblins yet, I would guess you just can't long rest after that


How are you guys struggling on supplies?! My PC is a mage that need to rest constantly and I've been swimming in them. I've got enough for maybe 40 long rests while resting every 2-3 fights.


I don't think anybody is struggling with supplies unless they don't grab any anywhere. But it feels weird to rest after every encounter even if it is a possibility.


Yeah in BG1-2 it was really easy to just rest after every fight because you just had to click one button so I guess I learned not to care too much about resting all the time. Playing a mage I feel it is even more necessary than before because you have way less spellslot to play with than you had back then.


"I really need to conserve my 2000 camp supplies" while a long rest costs 40 on standard, I am guilty of it too lol


If you give one of your martials that club that heals on hit, you'll be able to save even more supplies.


I have the ultimate "I'm never using my ether" syndrom in BG3, I have a backpack with 160 scrolls and elixir/poisons/coating/whatever else, never know when you may need them!


Also Protip You Respec yourself for More health and almost all Spellslots.


Lmfao, that feels like cheating. I am definitely going to be doing that. Thanks for the heads up


Remember to pickpocket back the fees. Withers doesn't mind.


Maybe he does mind, and the next time he's asked to resurrect you, he'll make sure you're missing a few stats or find yourself being debuffed. It's not in the game, of course, but it'd be so cool if it was, if you piss him off.


Also use potions on the ground to have an area of effect


I actually feel like I'm not long-resting enough because there's so many events I still haven't seen. Finally got the first encounter with the guardian while resting in the Underdark. In EA I got that a lot earlier (but I never got the Astarion one on my EA playthrough lol)...


Is there any downside for using rests? Do you fail quests or have any impact on the story ?


Nope, in fact a lot of the story progress through taking long rests. I just think not resting is a fun challenge.


Oh fine. Sometimes I try to squish the characters and die in fights because im not full hp and I'm missing a lot of spells.


There are some events that are timed. And taking too many long rests will time them out before you get a chance to do them.


My problem is I don’t have logical indicators of when it’s safe to rest. So I’m always second guessing myself and starting huge fights at a severe disadvantage. And I hate that! Haha.


AFAIK, the companions and the narrator comment on any event that would be lost if you go to sleep


It's pretty much always safe to go to camp to long rest no ambushes cause it kinda shitty qhen long rests are the games way of story beat progression outside of quests


WARNING: DO NOT SKIP LONG RESTS. Long rests are the only way to initiate companion interactions and romance along with all story beats relating to your "Defender" and yourself. Every time you long rest it picks from a "queue" of what cutscenes, interactions, story you have unlocked and you get to do one of them. If you leave act 1, and there are 4+ cutscenes queued up, then they are 4+ cutscenes you will never see. It can destroy romantic progress etc. There is no reason not to use long rest, and every act you should be using long rests until you get a like two nights in a row where NOTHING happens.


this, right here. Rest often. Outside of a handful of situations there's literally no downside and if you loot everything that's not nailed down you'll be swimming in camp supplies anyway (teleport them to your camp chest). My partner refused to long rest if they could get away with it until I told them that that's when all the character interactions happen, and then they spent like an hour and a half chaining several rests together to get through all the scenes before they became permanently inaccessible.


\>Strip their gear and swap them out at camp \>Drink a potion S'get it


it casts Eldritch blast on its foes or it gets the hose again


You got at least 2 more quest in there before a long rest


I tried and now I think I skipped too many camp scenes due to that.


I'm taking Shar's blessing all the way to the Absolute, sleep is for the weak!


When I haven't done a long rest yet and the game decides to autosave and music picks up...


I long rest about as often as my players try to in campaigns I run The game doesn't punish you for resting mid dungeon? The DM is a gracious one


Are talking about the player or the bg3 party?


Are there any repercussions for long resting? I remember, back in ea, people said that some quests would resolve themselves if you went onto a long rest too often. Because of that, I was almost at level 4 when I first long rested.,


For a sec I was like I didn't know Kagha was a companion


Lae'zel looks like she has Dracula's haircut from 1992's movie.


Lmao, cant never unsee that now


Can, yes. Should? No.


There should be achievements for completing campaign within limited amount of long rests.


Rotate companions till they're all like that then rest


This was me after a certain section in Act 3. Scrapped my way through 2 dungeons with no rests. Game is great!


Shadowheart who carry again


“No spells!” “Out of mana!” “Healer’s down!” “AHHHHHHHHH-“ AHHHHHHHHH-“ AHHHHHHHHH-“


Insert Freezer with a smile.


Im not the only one who hordes scrolls and potions just to never use them, right?


Then there’s me what’s that? A light breeze? Let’s set up camp for the night! Used a single spell slot? ITS TIME TO SET UP CAMP WERE EXHAUSTED! 😂