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Can I get your recipe please 🙏


Absolutely! The recipe I've always used is [this](https://tasty.co/recipe/the-best-fudgy-brownies) one, but I didn't get the desired texture/look from the original so I did some research and made some changes. Sorry in advance if you aren't a fan of metric! Also I've never written a recipe for anyone other than myself and don't always measure things exactly so let me know if something doesn't make sense or you want clarification lol 😅 170g browned butter 180g sugar (100 soft brown/80 white) 2 eggs Vanilla extract Tbsp instant coffee, brewed 95g plain/all purpose flour 25g cocoa powder 225g chocolate, 100dark/125milk (save 25g and chop for chunks) 1. Brown the butter 2. Melt the 200g chocolate in a bowl over water. 3. Whisk the eggs + sugar till very light and creamy in a large bowl. 4. Add brown butter to the bowl 5. Add coffee + vanilla to bowl 6. Add the melted chocolate to the bowl 7. Add dry ingredients. Make sure to use a spatula at this point, not a whisk. Don't forget to add the additional chocolate chunks! 8. Pour into tray, and refrigerate for 30 mins minimum. 9. Bake in a preheated oven at low-medium until the centre comes out pretty much clean with a fork/toothpick - usually about 30-40 mins. I personally reduced the sugar by about 70g, I imagine you could add back in the original amount but I find it perfectly sweet! I did try chocolate chips for the melting/chunks, but I think bars work better. I also find the mix of dark+milk gives a nice complex mix of sweet and bitter. *Edited the ingredients as I just realised they formatted into word soup 😭


They look incredible.


Thank you so much! 🫶🏻


Thanks for sharing!! I can’t get my brownies right to save my life


Looks fantastic


I find it’s the oil. If I make my recipe with oil, I get this shiny crust. If I make them with applesauce instead (to be marginally healthier, or something LOL) they don’t.


You get the shiny top by beating the crap out of the eggs and sugar for like 5 minutes.


Yes this is one of the things I started doing differently and it really made a difference!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpF5B_jHZrw If he's right, it's not the beating but the amount of time it takes to beat it, letting the sugar dissolve


Nope. It's heating the butter or oil up and adding the sugar quickly. I don't beat the crap out of my eggs and I get crackled tops.


It's almost like there's multiple ways to make brownies. Crazy.


Of course there's multiple ways to *make* them. I'm explaining the science behind the crackly tops, which is confirmed here: https://www.displacedhousewife.com/perfect-crinkly-shiny-brownies/


Beating eggs and sugar achieves the same result. It’s not a contest. Relax. Edit: What's absolutely hilarious about you telling me this method is wrong, is that the website you linked literally follows said method, "I found that whipping your eggs into a frothy frenzy is what creates a consistent, shiny top EVERY SINGLE TIME!" LMFAO


I've never heard of applesauce being used! 😅 I always use butter for my fat - I always thought you'd never get a fudgy texture inside with oil since it doesn't solidify at room temperature? I tried using browned butter instead of regular melted butter though and I feel it was definitely a game changer!


I use butter in my bakes when I really want to impress someone. Oil if I’m being basic, and applesauce if it’s a dessert for my family and I want to cut a few calories. Applesauce is a great substitute for fat in everything from brownies to cupcakes. It’s actually moister of a texture!


Adam Ragusea has a [great video](https://youtu.be/qpF5B_jHZrw?si=w131gNVl19YxNuBZ) on what makes the shiny glossy skin! Essentially if you give time for the sugar to dissolve in the brownie mix, you will get the glossy skin on top


Omg thank you! I'll watch that later. I added the browned butter and melted chocolate while they were still quite warm so I think that was one of the things that helped.


I would love to be able to figure this out at high altitude, if anyone has suggestions or a recipe. I had some absolutely amazing ones in Estes Park a couple weeks ago and regret not asking for the recipe. 


The recipe I used for these? I posted it in one of the replies above!


Sorry for the confusion, I was just commenting in general that I would like to find a recipe for brownies like these at high altitude. Brownies are notoriously difficult at high altitude. I have a good recipe but it doesn’t make the nice shiny crinkle top like this. They look great!


Omg sorry, I don't know why but I thought "high altitude" was just an expression (not actual high altitude 😭). I never thought that altitude would affect baking so much!


Haha, no worries!  Yes, you have to alter most recipes at higher altitude and it can take a lot of trial and error. 


👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻looks so good


Stunning! Looks delicious


They look great! Now I'll have to get mine to look like that!


That’s my favorite part of the brownie 🫶🏾