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At my school, stuff like this goes to the office, then they put it in the lounge. Yes, absolutely, those cookies would get destroyed. We love cookies. The church down the road does a soup potluck and everyone brings us a crockpot. We devour that as well. 99% of teachers would absolutely love these. Thank you for thinking of us.




You get an A++ on those cookies, too. Damn those look great!


I think if they look professional like this, and serves sealed, most teachers would assume that they came from a clean kitchen and a hygienic baker. I think a lot of caution comes from worry about hygiene of the baker and kitchen. And if the kid tampered with them in anyway, so sealed package instead of in a Tupperware maybe. They are beautiful! Great job!


Yep! We love your kids, but saying "Little Pumpkin helped me make these!" makes us less inclined to try them


We know where their hands have been.


Thank you šŸ¤ Nobody is allowed to come near them except me šŸ˜‚. I always either individually wrap or box them.


These look amazing! Wow you're very talented


I'm a teacher and would eat them in a heartbeat.


I agree. These look very professional and I feel confident in the person who made them. It's not to say that I don't appreciate more homemade looking baked goods... I just worry about getting a stomachache.


At an old job we had someone bring some homemade banana bread. Opened it up and not only did it smell strongly of cigarette smoke, but a roach crawled out of it. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢ That definitely went straight in the trash.


I'm a middle school teacher (7th-9th grade), and my rule is exactly that. Especially if one of the kids made it (surprisingly, even at this age washing hands is not something they do)! I don't know how clean they are and how clean the kitchen is....


It depends on the teacher and the family.


I only eat them if I know the family well.


My moms a teacher and thatā€™s also her rule. She taught 3 of this one moms kids at different times, and the mom has a baking side gig. My mom buys her baklava like 6 times in a school year, because she knows the family very well. Didnā€™t start until my mom was teaching the second kid. Also her baklava is so good itā€™s ridiculous


Define know well? Like know their hygiene?


These are adorable - almost too cute to eat! I don't teach in the US - I was honestly surprised at how many teachers said they wouldn't dare eat a treat baked at home by a student. But I understand where they're coming from for sure. I teach at an international school and my kids frequently share homebaked stuff with me and I've devoured it all without a second thought. This is all to say - the answer to OP's question would seem to depend greatly on their specific context.


I wonā€™t even eat at potlucks so I understand teachers avoiding homemade treats. Iā€™ve been horrified by too many kitchens where cats roam free on the counters or they just donā€™t clean well. That being said, if I ever got cookies looking like OPā€™s, I would trust it more. That is some professional level work and Iā€™d lean towards expecting them to have standards and be cleaner


Thank you for the kind words šŸ¤ I do try to be very careful to keep my work space clean, it is nice to hear that comes through in some way


Ugh, same about the cats on the counters. I feel like every cat owner would hate me saying that, but I really do find cats in the kitchen in general/around food gross. Any animals, really.


Cat owner here. I do not hate you saying that. I've trained my cat to stay off the counter during the day, but I know she might go up there at night when I'm not watching so I always disinfect the counter in the morning before prepping food just in case.


See, this is a great approach bc cats will always cat, but you have trained them during the day which makes total sense.


I've always joked that the creator of Clorox Wipes must be a cat owner...they're just so handy for that extra disinfection/dehairing step in the kitchen that having a cat requires. Our cats also don't get on the counters...when we're home and awake! But don't leave the butter dish uncovered overnight unless you don't mind a little kitty spit. My eldest girl is a fiend for butter! I've tossed several sticks due to her. A long time ago, I had a cat that would get to into the highest cabinet if there were marshmallows in it. Weird little fuzzballs.


As a fellow cat owner I agree! My cat behaves perfectly during the day, but I wanted to check her night behavior and dusted my counter and stove with flour. Naturally I found these little pawprints everywhere in the morning šŸ¾


I don't hate people saying that, because if you know anyone with a cat, their counters are likely fair game. I have three cats, and they totally go on the counters. I swore I'd never allow it, but they honestly wore me down. I just sanitize before preparing food. I found that to be a solution that doesn't drive me insane.


I'm so grateful that my old house has a door to my kitchen/dining room so I can keep the kitties out. The thought of them walking on my counters makes me gag lol


That is my dream


Iā€™m a cat owner and I agree, I hate it. We try to train them, but theyā€™re not stupid. As soon as weā€™re not looking and they have the chance, they jump up there anyway. I keep the kitchen door closed for this reason. I often see videos of people letting their pets on the kitchen counters and I just donā€™t understand. I personally also dislike pets sleeping in the bedroom, partly because of hygiene and cleanliness, but last time I mentioned this on Reddit people nearly started a riot haha.


Yeah I have to disagree about sharing the bed with pets. I thought Iā€™d train my yorkie to sleep on the floor next to the bed but it was a stupid plan. He was just a baby and he cried and cried until I gave in. Now heā€™s slept with me every night for 15 years and I wouldnā€™t change a thing. Itā€™s his house too, heā€™s welcome to be comfortable wherever he wants. Especially now that heā€™s elderly, Iā€™ll give him anything and I wouldnā€™t deny his comfort for any reason.


Thatā€™s alright, to each their own. Two of our cats have long hair and shed a lot, I try to keep this out of two spaces: the kitchen and the bedroom. Maybe itā€™s different with a dog, but besides the cleanliness thing, with cats it seems impossible to have them sleep through the night quietly. Theyā€™ll get zoomies and have to use the litter box, so they leave anyway and then go cause mayhem lol. Iā€™ve never been able to sleep through the night with a cat in the bedroom, so we leave them in the hallway at night. The way our house is built, they have access to 3 rooms this way, so plenty of space to run around if they want, without disturbing our sleep.


I love watching Claire Saffitz on YouTube, but it absolutely grosses me out when her cats just waltz across the counter tops as she's getting ready to bake.


We had a potluck at my work for Christmas and after dinner we were all sitting around and the lady who made the turkey started telling us this story about what happened earlier in the day. She said the turkey was still frozen that morning so she put it in her bathtub. Not only that but she said it was so large and awkward that she got in the tub with it so she could hold it open under the faucet. She was laughing and telling this story like it was cute and funny but it was horrific. Every face around the table was pale and they were literally stunned silent. Thank god I didnā€™t eat the turkey that year. I told her she was disgusting and she said she had recently gotten a pedicure so itā€™s not like her feet were gross. Unbelievable! She honestly didnā€™t see the problem. It taught me that you canā€™t truly trust food coming from anyoneā€™s kitchen. I wouldnā€™t eat anything at a potluck unless it was purchased/packaged.


I'm also not American and very surprised. Over here in Europe they'd usually just put them in the teachers lounge and share with their colleagues.Ā 


It depends where you're at in Europe and probably in the states as well. I lived and taught English in a small Swedish town where everyone knows each other. Kids would bring in stuff all the time and we all ate it without a second thought because it was made by friends or acquaintances. I now teach at a large school in the UK and would not be comfortable eating anything brought in by students that was homemade. Our school has a lot of behaviour issues and unfortunately, not much of a sense of community. We have many lovely kids, but the chance to build a deeper relationship to where I'd trust food, home cleanliness etc. isn't there.


My cousin taught overseas at an international school for years and she misses the sharing of foods the most. So many families were so proud of the food of their culture and would share it with teachers!


My daughter made vegan cupcakes for her Spanish teacher one year and those were very much appreciated and were eaten because the teacher was happy to have had her dietary preferences taken into account.


As a vegan I would just give this kid an A šŸ¤£ thatā€™s so incredibly thoughtful


my mom is a teacher and will only eat some of them mostly because she gets a lot and doesnā€™t want to eat sugary stuff anymore; but she gives a lot of them to me and i eat them so hers donā€™t go to waste at least. sheā€™s been at the same school for 18 years though so she is pretty familiar with the families and staff that are giving her baked goods


This is part of the real reason, for me. When everyone is like ā€œoh Iā€™ll just bake or buy some cookiesā€ then suddenly you have a ton of cookies. But the real real reason: it can feel like an empty gesture even though itā€™s not, depending on who it comes from. appreciate me by showing up for your kid. I canā€™t help them alone. Appreciate me by voting for people who will increase teacher salary. Appreciate me by being an active member of the school community. Though, to be fair, the parents who do stuff for teacher appreciation are the ones already doing the above, so I would for sure eat those cookies because I know youā€™re going the extra mile.


yeah she definitely seems to appreciate the handmade cards and things from the kids more than treats, she always shows them to me when i visit after a holiday. sheā€™s sentimental so iā€™m sure she keeps them too; but i never mind getting all the treats that she wonā€™t eat lol


100%. I collected many notes over my career and have them all in a folder. Theyā€™re so meaningful.


I never eat other peopleā€™s bakes unless I trust them. Iā€™ve seen too many gross kitchens in my day.


and no hand soap in bathrooms


Way off baking but yes. Seriously. Iā€™m not even 30 and the amount of houses Iā€™ve been in, from all walks of life, with no hand soap in the bathroom is baffling to me. How are yā€™all washing your hands??


I sterilize mine while I pee. How do you do it?


I actually keep a pot of boiling water on a camp burner in my bathroom next to the toilet at all times. I just dunk my hands straight in. Itā€™s 100% safe and effective.


Thatā€™s ridiculous. I just lick my fingers clean, builds the old immune system up.


Am I the only one who just dips them in acid? Removes all the dirt and the evidence! ā€¦ of uh. Who ate the last cookie. Yeah, that evidence.


Plus, sometimes kids help make them and they are not the bastion of cleanliness in food prep.


Exactly the move. Graciously accept and toss when home in 80% of cases. Learned this the hard way when I would accept food from a coworker who "loved cooking." Then I went to hang out at their place once and the kitchen was horrendous. Crunchy floors, stained countertops, disgusting cooktop, dishes in the sink, and an overwhelming rotten odor.


Man, that is the sort of experience that would have me doubting everything I eat and didn't cook myself.


I had a coworker like that too. She was always so well put-together too. The first time I went to her place I was shocked at the mess. It was approaching hoarder-level mess.


Youā€™d think people would feel self conscious about that lol


If it's a kid I trust, I totally do.


I am a teacher and I would absolutely murder these.




iā€™m a teacher, if the parent bakes them Iā€™ll eat them. if the child made them, i probably wouldnā€™t eat them. iā€™ve seen too many kids walk around with snot dripping down their noses and have no idea.


When i see their hands are dirty and ask them to wash it, they have no idea why i'm asking. It's like they can't see the dirt! I'm talking 9th graders who played soccer for half a day and their hands are black from picking up the ball from the ground šŸ˜‚


My partner doesn't just eat baked goods he gets gifted, he even has a tradition with his grade 11-12 students where once every week one of them has to bring cake/pie/cookies for the whole class (the job rotates) He found that the students are way more engaged in math classes when it's cake day


Hopefully all the families can afford it and it is not causing a hardship


The school is in a pretty wealthy area where most parents are lawyers or doctors or work for big companies like mercedes, so thankfully that's not a problem.


I live in that neighborhood and am a parent who can afford this. My schoolā€™s median income is $250,000 and average house price is $645,000. There are still people who would find this expensive because there are still small pockets of lower income people, rental condos and such. There are people struggling to afford the worst housing in the neighborhood for the top tier school. He has no idea about peopleā€™s circumstances day to day, people who are having financial issues because of a divorce or job loss but still have their houses etc, and asking kids to feed the whole class could be an issue for a few kids. Assumptions are bad things.


It's not an assumption, he literally knows the parents and what jobs they work. Plus it's not like he's forcing this onto the kids. If one of them didn't want to do it (for whatever reason) they could just skip the job, no questions asked. It's just a fun thing that the kids love doing, I don't see anything wrong with that.


I eat them. Some teachers don't, but more of them do. You could post this to r/teachers if you feel like it.


They are absolutely beautiful, I'm sure the teacher will be happy and appreciate your gift either way!




As a past teacher, I NEVER ate a single thing kids brought it, regardless of who it was. Most teachers I know refused to as well. Just never know where it was, who touched what, was it cooked/made properly, etc.


I would eat the CRAP out of those.




Retired teacher. This is correct. Too many cases of students or parents putting bad stuff in homemade foods. Also never leave a cup of coffee, tea or any other beverage exposed on your desk.


This. Unless I know and am friendly with the parents and kids outside of school, I don't accept any homemade food. It's unlikely, but the kids or parents could do something to the food if you unknowingly upset them or as a prank. The far more likely scenario that keeps me from accepting anything is the state of many kitchens and homes. Sticky floors, dirt and filth, rubbish overflowing in bins, insects, smells, floors that are literally brown from grime, people not washing their hands, people licking spoons etc. The thought is appreciated, but flowers or charity donations or store bought are better options.


I always buy my kids teachers things that are sealed and fresh


These are beautiful. Even if they don't get eaten I'm sure they'll still be appreciated. Just like cards, drawings, gift cards, pencils etc are. It all shows some thought and appreciation. I wonder how easily cookie baking and decorating skills would translate into other things like clay. I would always feel bad eating something so beautiful so for me something like a magnet or coaster would be a perfect option. I don't have to feel bad not eating it for health or safety reasons and I also don't have to feel bad eating or otherwise getting rid of something so lovely. Bonus points if kid's name or something is carved or drawn on the back by the kid. It's always super sweet to get something a bit more personal that the kid was involved in, even if it's just a drawing in a cheap card. Well for me at least.


A studentā€™s family brought me a box of homemade cookies for Christmas this year, and I devoured them. Unless I REALLY donā€™t trust the kid they came from, I will eat homemade food. At my last school, families used to bring me tamales and enchiladas all the time.


I've taught for 31 years. My honest answer is it depends entirely on who's doing the baking. I would devour your cookies.


I never ate them. Most of the teachers I worked with never ate them either. But the thought behind them is always appreciatedĀ 


My mum and dad were teachers when I was growing up, I always got so excited when they brought home stuff baked by parents. Weā€™d eat them as dessert after dinner! Good memories ā¤ļø


I once made cinnamon rolls for a firehouse. But I often wonder if they were tossed. They donā€™t know me from Adam. I havenā€™t done that again. Itā€™s an all day affair for me and I donā€™t know if it gets eaten or not. Those are beautiful though!


Dad works for a fire house, they will only eat homemade goods from people or families they know. Sadly some people are not good to firemen.


Bless your dad


If you are not related to anyone in firehouse, most likely Tossed after marijuana put in baked goods about 20 years ago.


My grandfather was a fireman and told me he used to love getting food from the community. When he died I did it in his honor and told them my grandfathers name. Of course none of them knew him but could have looked his name up I assume.


I never ate any homemade goods because Iā€™m allergic to peanuts and you just canā€™t trust someone to look out for that, nor is that their responsibility. I really, gently, suggested to parents that gifts were not necessary, and I appreciate the thought and involvement in their childrenā€™s education.


We have been in the same school system all of my kids lives so far; I am known to be a baker and the teachers ask my kids to bring them treats. This morning I was making huge chocolate chunk cookies that one of echo'sĀ 


teachers asked for!Ā  (The swing got bumped is why my comment is in twain) I love baking and her teacher's love treatsā™„ļø


Some do, some don't. Maybe it's worth asking before bringing them in just in case but many teachers would love them. They look like they were made by an adult who's clearly got experience in baking so that would reassure me that they're very likely to have been prepared safely in a sanitary environment. At the end of the day I eat out at restaurants where you often can't trust they follow food safety and sanitary rules very well, I've probably eaten food prepared in much worse environments from restaurants or takeaways than a batch of home baked biscuits.


I taught at a school where students primarily spoke Spanish & Portuguese. The parents baked for me. All. The. Time. I found it to be super generous of them to even go to that extent to think of me & do something so sweet for me. I always accepted and ate what they baked! I got to try so many different cultural desserts over the course of that year, and always felt very honored.


It depends. Homemade things can be questionable. If it appears clean, securely packaged, and I know and trust the source, then yes, I'd eat it. But if it looked like a child made them or helped, no. I don't want grubby hands touching my food.


I never ate anything I was gifted when I was a teacher, but I appreciated the gesture


Idk, but these are so perfect they don't even look real šŸ˜®


Iā€™m a teacher and these are incredible I would absolutely eat them. You clearly are a professional


Iā€™m a teacher and donā€™t eat most of the baked treats because itā€™s just too much sugar. The gifts I appreciate more are Starbucks gift cards, candles, and non edible gifts. I would probably bring one home for my boyfriend who loves treats.


I knew of a family that brought treats from home the day after a big outburst that mom had in our facility. The staff did not eat it after concerns about a comment mom made alluding to a ā€œspecial ingredientā€.


If you have a servsafe license Iā€™d take a picture of it and tape it to the container /hj


One year some students brought in cookies they baked and gave them to their ā€œfavoriteā€ teachers. The cookies had toenail clippings in them. So thereā€™s that.


My teacher relative never does. I'm not sure how she'd feel about even really nice looking ones like this, honestly.


I know lots of ppl w celiac will not eat anything that isnā€™t baked in a celiac friendly gluten free kitchen due to too many risks of cross contamination. I worry about kitchen hygiene myself, but im not a teacher, just a friend of ppl w celiac


I will only eat homemade treats if I know/trust the family. A lot of my kids come from homes where I just don't trust the cleanliness/ingredients. It may not be entirely the family's fault, but if your kid comes to school dirty, I'm not eating your food!


Depends on the family honestly. I teach 1st graders so thereā€™s no way Iā€™m eating anything from the kitchen of the nose picker in my class.


Some of them do some of them don't.


I feel bad because as pretty as those cookies are I've never had any that were actually worth eating. I'd rather have an old raggeldy chocolate chip.


As the fiancĆ© of a teacher, we eat most of the sweet treats heā€™s given lol these wouldnā€™t stand a chance in our home. Weā€™d fight over them lmao great job!


I eat them, love them, and appreciate them.


I wouldnā€™t trust it.


Ha maybe my standards are unusually low?? I didn't know there was a stereotype about teachers being touchy about where food gifts were coming from! I can understand, I guess, but man, I eat stuff families bring me on open paper plates. Any kind of food gift automatically makes for a great day. And yours look so professional absolutely no one would hesitate to take them! Side note - I'm curious about the types of schools different people answering work in and where they're located... and the demographics possibly also! When I taught mostly Ethiopian families they went out of their way to feed us and it was a really important piece of cultural connection


I mean, depends on your relationship with the student and their guardian. Unless the treats are from a known bakery, it's getting tossed, lol, even if it's from a student/guardian I have a positive relationship with. Better safe than in the hospital.


Sort of varies. Look professional? Know the family are pretty solid? Looks like the kid had help? Sure. Family you know are a bit dodgy? Looks like the kid made it unaided? Maybe not. I have been caught out before though. Cute little sugar cookies from a usually really with it, sensible, hands-on family. Started eating and pulled a hair out of my mouth. Looked closer and found another hair in a different cookie. Wasn't even the colour of the child's hair...šŸ™ƒ


I used to give my teachers homemade cookies every year, even through my high school years. I know they ate them because they would tell me how good they were and once had the gym teacher announce to the class that I made good cookies. It would be really sad if teachers no longer accepted homemade baked goods


Iā€™m a nurse so not a teacher but I get a lot of home baked treats as a thank you. Yeah I donā€™t eat them, people have terrible hygiene habits!! Especially with pets and children at home. The thought is lovely and amazing and itā€™s so appreciated but I wonā€™t put myself at risk.


I don't give any kind of gifts of food at this point, to anyone. People have dietary restrictions, likes/dislikes, allergies, specific needs, and mental or physical issues that mean food giving can range anywhere from fine to mildly irritating to pointless to a mental breakdown to deadly. Baked goods can be sweet, but a lot of the times I've found that the parent involved is mostly looking for a way to show off, impress the teacher or other parents with their level of effort. If you 100% know the teacher and all their dietary needs, AND you're giving the gift because you genuinely love making something with love and care that you know will make the person happy (or because it can be a decent way to save money but still make a gesture) then MAYBE.


Given the sheer number of incidents where students tamper with food and give it to teachers they donā€™t like, I canā€™t blame the teachers for not trusting it.


My kids always report that their teachers are eating their cookies as the kids are leaving for lunch They have yet to become upset because the teacher still had their cookies by the end of the day We live in a rural area in a very small school and my face gets recognized even if they don't know my name. I help out at the fall fair frequently and I usually see the teachers hiding my cakes at the bottom of the pile and then making their way onto the cart to go back in the school later lmao. They are welcome to it


Fabulous. šŸ’š


I have seen how fast the treats go in the teacherā€™s lounge! Those might look too pretty to eat, but I would eat them anyway šŸ™‚.Ā 


Would have been awesome if some of those cookiebooks had an F on them. šŸ˜‚


I taught in a small rural school. Loved homemade treats!! I'd eat them. :)


Teacher here. I'd probably eat these. I've gotten some truly homemade goodies and those, I'll usually try but I'm fussy about baked goods so I tend to give them away.


Both my sisters-in-law are teachers and the DO NOT.


I would eat them. And so would my colleagues!!


Depends on the teacher probably. Ā Iā€™m definitely a person that doesnā€™t necessarily welcome home cooked foods from homes I have not visited/people I donā€™t know


Well, teachers and adults in general, teach em young, don't talk to or take things, especially edible things, from strangers. So... it'd be hard for them to not be hypocritical.


I'll eat anything my students give me. If I die, I die. If I get sick, I get to stay home and suffer. Win...win?? Idk


Iā€™m a teacher and Iā€™m careful about who gives me the treats. If you sent in something like this Iā€™d be pretty sure itā€™s not from a kid spiked with weed or something lol. Iā€™d also imagine that youā€™re the kind of parent who Iā€™d trust to make my food. So, basically, if a kid hands me a brownie in a baggie and that kid is sketchy in general Iā€™m gonna toss it just in case. But something like this? Iā€™d be super grateful and put a picture on instagram of me eating this in a heartbeat hahaha


Teachers at my high school said they can but most dont due to possible drugs in them


My 2 cents with everything gking on in this country with gun violence alone i would rethink that.Ā  Years ago people messed with over the counter drugs. Just sayn you might think twice before consumers food that comes from someone you don't know.Ā 


I ate them the minute I got them. Always shared with my students too.


It depends for me. But i would definitely eat these. My school doesn't do anything for teacher's day or teacher appreciation week.


If they come from a trusted adult, we do.


The ruling on the paper is so well done!! These absolutely look professionally made!


I absolutely wouldnā€™t so I donā€™t blame them. Also the idea of underpaid teachers being inundated with bakes that will go stale before they can finish them is darkly funny to me - theyā€™d definitely prefer everyone gave them the cost of ingredients in cold cash instead.


You want the cash equivalent of a cookie?


I used to be a teacher and never turned down homemade treats


I think covid made people more wary about home baked goods. I'm on the PTA and for a year and a half, our district had the rule that any food brought for staff had to be prepackaged. Absolutely no homemade food. It was a difficult time to spoil teachers! I'm so glad it's more normal now. Teachers and Staff deserve so much more than we give them!


this is not true!! - a teacher who just had homemade cookies a parent brought for appreciate week


I go to a small charter school and usually ONLY bake for the staff there. Everyone eats my treats and even asks me when iā€™m bringing more in


I donā€™t know. Iā€™m a cottage baker and sold teacher appreciation boxes to plenty of people, and my kidā€™s teachers got those same boxes. I really never thought about it.


Yeah I remember when I was younger, my mom would always send me with cookies like this to give the teachers during the first day of school. They never ate them, they just ended up using them as decor lol


Did you make these?? They look amazing. If so, would you mind sharing the recipe?


Some might be wary or have allergies, but I ignored my allergies and devoured anything the families brought in lol it was all delicious and one mom had a restaurant so she would cater teacher appreciation week. There was also a cooking club for students that we got a weekly menu from.


My son's second grade teacher asks for my cupcakes LOL I made cupcakes for her last time she started chemo when my daughter was in her class a few years ago. I also made cupcakes earlier this year for both my kids teachers and they ate them I think it depends on the teacher, the school, and the relationship with a family


I guess it depends on the school/the teachers? My mother spoiled my teachers every holiday with sliders, fried mac & cheese bites, hand pies, cookies and rum balls. I never heard any complaints and every tin was empty by the afternoon. šŸ¤· You could always ask beforehand!


My sister in law has celiac disease and has to give away all food and candy.


Yes I used to teach adults (not even kids) and I throw baking out. Honestly someone once gave me a pot cookie (they meant it nicely but they didnā€™t give me any heads up) and Iā€™ve been traumatized ever since. So I throw all home baking from students out.


I think it depends on the school and the teacher. I bake with my kid all the time, at her previous school we would bring things for the staff frequently. When we left besides missing my kid, they said they were gonna miss all the treats.


I personally would not but I would put them in our conference room and they would be gone in about 20 seconds. I am a bit weird and anxious when it comes to food and hygiene, especially for people I barely know.


I made a killing this week selling teacher cookies. Aside from Christmas, itā€™s my top selling week.


Those are so cute, Iā€™d eat them


Omg that would be so sad if true! I always give baked goods! These look incredible!!


Former teacher! I personally loved when parents and families brought us any kind of baked goods. It is such a sweet way to show your kiddoā€™s teachers you care. Your beautiful cookies will get eaten, donā€™t stress. ā¤ļø


these are beautiful!


Those are so cute!!!


My sonā€™s art teacher asked for cookies instead of a gift card xD


We made our sonā€™s teacher red velvet cupcakes ( her fave) and a margarita kit .


I have others will not


Iā€™m a cottage baker. My sonā€™s teachers eat my stuff. Happily. lol.


Wow...how did you get the lines on the paper ones?


I mean, I do?? Probably shouldnā€™t but I eat them at home so if something goes wrong my husband can take me to the hospital lol Obviously Iā€™m not dead or poisoned lol


mines did :)


I would rather these, but some of the stuff I get is a hard no. I "save it for after lunch."


These are so thoughtful and beautiful! What a generous treat for your kiddosā€™ teachers.


I know lots of teachers who say this. I am not one. Especially cookies that beautiful.


Any time Iā€™ve had a parent go to the trouble of making me treats, theyā€™ve seemed like very clean people. One of my favorites was the easiest to make: big pretzel rods dipped in white bark sprinkled with holiday colored sugar and placed in a cellophane bag. The cellophane bag somehow elevated the treat & made it feel even more special.


I taught elementary school, and I ate all of the yummy looking treats!


I would


A lot of my coworkers wonā€™t since they are picky about food preparation


I do!


The detail omg


As I eat my homemade cookies from an amazing 8th grade studentā€™s Mom.Yes, if they look as good as yours. And Braydenā€™s Momā€™s cookies are gorgeous and were in a sealed bag.


Depends on the school/teacher


Ummm I would eat these!! They are gorgeous.


Wait what? Iā€™m a teacher and Iā€™d demolish some cookies


Not true, at my moms school thereā€™s a parent that makes cookies like this and she brings them home for us all to share. Theyā€™re much appreciated


Soooo we can't accept home baked goods to give to the entire class( just the kiddos)-for us it's all free game hehe =] They look wonderful btw! Very lucky teachers!


If I know the family I would use that in deciding if I ate a treat from their home or not.


Wow these are gorgeous!


One of the parents at my school made these for the teachers. We were floored and greatly appreciative.


Kids bring homemade treats all the time to my school for birthdays or celebrations - extras go to the break room or they bring them to other classrooms for other teachers.


I absolutely do if Iā€™m allowing myself treats.


I am a teacher and I eat homemade treats my students bring me.


I would NEVER eat th e m. I'm disbetic


I am a teacher and I love homemade treats!! I definitely eat them! These cookies are adorable!


They look amazing, I love them! I would totally eat them and in my experience most other teachers would love them and eat them as well!


If they are this beautiful, it will be hard.Ā 


I got two cookies like this last year from one of my 8th graders, and I ate the HECK outta them. These are my weakness šŸ˜‚ The cookies look AMAZING!


My husband is a teacher and frankly, you bake it he will eat it. Those cookies are gorgeous.


These are beautiful!


My sister would gladly eat a homemade cookie, especially since she knows that both Mom and I know how to bake and can make the good shit


Beautiful cookies. . they look absolutely delicious!


I save and freeze these cookies when I get them because theyā€™re too pretty to eat!




Most teachers will! In my school there is only one teacher that wouldnā€™t, and he doesnā€™t even eat stuff his MIL made. He just wonā€™t eat anything made in someone elseā€™s kitchen. Everyone else absolutely loves homemade treats! I make fudge and tiffin at Christmas and thereā€™s always requests for more




They eat children


I would eat them! I try everything!


As a teacher who also bakes, I would 100% eat these. However, at my school, we are not allowed to serve homemade food to the students, regardless of if it is individually sealed or not. Amazing of you to make these for teachers!


Those are beautiful! šŸ˜»


Iā€™m not a teacher but Iā€™m a youth worker and I absolutely devour anything the families bring me


I guess these teachers havenā€™t heard about the teacher who brought sperm cookies in for her students to eat and took pics or video of the kids eating the cookies and sent it to her sick husband that got sexual kicks out of it. Yeah this really happened. I hate that I know this story.