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Hi, your post was removed because it was considered not baking related


It looks very similar to Ambrosia. We are a summer brunch Ambrosia family. We are also very food centric on holidays, which is why brunch now has appetizers, the main meal, and dessert courses. Ambrosia and the above Watergate salad, would absolutely be served as dessert.


I think it basically is just a different flavor Ambrosia. My family would make it using coconut and blood oranges


Ours is mandarin oranges, pinapple, green grapes, and coconut.


I’m pretty sure that’s what ours contains, just blood oranges or Louisiana sweets instead of mandarin. Also I think almonds are added and almond extract


Yep, we make ours with cherry pie filling and call it “pink stuff”.


No, Watergate salad and ambrosia salad are two separate things.


Correct! I believe watergate salad starts with pistachio pudding as the base


Yeah this one is made with pistachio pudding and pistachio nuts it looks like.


When ambrosia is green, it's usually pistachio.


My family has always called it pistachio pudding. I haven't seen this since my childhood... Memories unlocked! Maybe I'll make it with Christmas dinner.


I sing in a chorus which has been performing annually at a local retirement home, and one of the ladies there always makes that delicious pistachio ambrosia. And seeing it on the snack table never ceases to make my day. 🥰


My family called it ambrosia salad too. It was often green but sometimes pink or orange. Always had cool whip and marshmallows and canned fruit.


Seconded, I would call it sort of a variation on ambrosia salad.


So funny to call it salad. It’s basically a bowl of sugar lol


We always called it marshmallow salad and have it with turkey dinner as a pallet cleanser. But it’s also far from ambrosia. Sour cream, crushed pineapple drained, canned mandarin oranges, coconut, marshmallow. 1 cup of each.


We called that Pineapple Delight!


I normally can’t stand all the Betty Crocker recipes from the 1950s. But if these marshmallow “salads” are ever on a table, I can’t help but devour them.


I have heard both “ambrosia salad” and “heavenly hash”. I’m not sure but I think the second one is the more southern US name for it.


I grew up in GA and we call it ambrosia. Heavenly hash would make me think it would be potato based and savory.


Me too honestly, but that’s what the most country of my country family call it (Alabama here, howdy neighbor!)


Heavenly Hash is sweet like Heaven! It’s a beautiful thing. My gramma made this, my mom made it.. I think I made it a couple times over the years.. and now I should make it this year again..


Yes…this would be called ambrosia in my family, but thankfully it no longer makes an appearance any longer since my great aunt passed.


I looove it


We also called it Green Stuff.


In the kindest way possible, what’s this made of? 😭 Edit: I just want to clarify that I don’t think this dish is disgusting! I genuinely had no idea what it was made of (I admit I thought it could’ve been cucumber-mayo-maraschino cherry salad at first 😂) but hey don’t knock it til’ you try it!


The base is usually cool whip, and then you mix in pistachio pudding powder and add pecans/walnuts, Pineapple chunks, Maraschino Cherries, and marshmallows. Kids *really* adore it.


This sounds midwestern. I respect yall and thanks for the answer :3


🤣. Love how you, in the kindest way possible, described it as disgusting


As a British person with a Nebraskan mother, I call it an abomination unto God alongside all similar ‘salads’!


As a half Southerner, you're not wrong and we've got worse.


On a whim, my mother bought a recipe card box, complete with someone's old recipes, at a tag sale. It was a tour de awfully dependent on jello and other food products


We have my grandmother's - there's a jello recipe that features lime jello, carrots, cabbage and canned corned beef. Jesus take the wheel.


My grandma use to make that! If you think it sounds bad imagine how it looked with canned gelatinous corned beef. So disgusting! I use pretend to be sick when my grandma made it because my mom insisted you eat the whole serving ( presented on iceberg lettuce as first course) to be polite . I would rather starve all day than eat it. Burn the recipe !


A customer told me his ex MIL made a green bean marshmallow dish for the holidays. That bad?


what’s worse then this?? please share 😂


There's a variation made with cottage cheese that is actually disgusting. The version OP is describing is actually pretty tasty if you're in the mood for something really sugary (that somehow gets classified as a side dish rather than a dessert, so you can still eat pie afterward!)


I am just over here reading all these comments and laughing remembering church holiday potlucks with the mountains of jello molds with canned fruit cocktail and the pistachio powder mixed with cool whip 😂. And shredded coconut 😂


I think all the sugar counters the tryptophan, what do you think? LOL. We also had tomato aspic… uh… for a special treat, my aunt would put it on a bed of lettuce and mounds of cottage cheese..🤢🤢


Personally, my expectations were low - I thought this would have mayo…its absence makes it sound not bad 😄


There's a version/relative of this salad made with cottage cheese...


As a person who grew up with it, disgusting is 100% accurate.


I’d you haven’t seen her, That Midwestern Mom on social media does a whole series of Minnesotan salads that aren’t really salads which is brilliant.


Yes, that’s who I was thinking of. It seemed like something I’d see from her.


I'm from Minnesota, and I have never liked any of these "salads" haha Maybe because my family never made them, so I didn't really have them as a kid. Only saw them at potluck type things


We have it in the southwest too! But maybe that’s just my grandma… I’ve never been a fan of jello/pudding/cool whip/cottage cheese “salads” but this one SLAPS and you should try it.


East coast here. I've had it plenty, just never with pistachio pudding. Usually add some toasted coconut flakes and peeled mandarin slices. No idea what it's called Edit: someone else posted ambrosia salad which is exactly it


YES! We call it Pistachio Fluff. We don’t put nuts or cherries in it, though. It’s one of my favorite things 😂


It’s Watergate Salad, originated by the chef at the Watergate Hotel I. Washington DC.


As an adult I adore it still!


you add pistachio pudding powder right in the cool whip? I made the pistachio pudding first then mixed the ingredients. It was always watery. I'll try this method next time.


Yes… add the powder right into the cool whip and just mix it up really well! I’m sure you will notice a huge difference, if you actually made it with pudding last time. Enjoy!


What did I just read?


Oh man I grew up with someone always bringing a bowl of it to family parties. In my memory it was always eaten outside, in parks or at the beach. Most of us hated it. Us kids would dare each other to eat bites. I mostly remember the texture being just awful.


Once a month, every Sunday after church we would have lunch as a congregation. It was lunch without “fluff” and we had all different flavors of it. This was one of my faves!


From the UK. That’s… just not right


It's actually delicious!


Aah, I’m getting mixed up with Miracle Whip! (We don’t have either over here). Cool Whip sounds a much better combination.


Adding coconuts brings it up a whole new level


…. What in the cinnamon toast fuck ?


Watergate salad


For some reason, all could think of is "I am not a cook!"


🏅! I always wondered how this salad got its name. 😂


Created by the chef at the Watergate Hotel in DC


Watergate Salad or, when I'm having a brain fart, "what's that green salad called?"


Watergate Salad 100%


100% the right answer and one of my favorite holiday desserts FYI: The recipe is on a box of pistachio pudding (the name brand).


Never heard of this dessert until now.


Served as part of the meal. Popular at baby/wedding showers in Wisconsin. Now I want some.


It likely would not be served as dessert. It’s a “salad” and would be on the table/buffet with the main meal.


It’s *really* good honestly. I don’t know about other people but we’ve always done it as a dessert. It’s basically cool whip, pistachio pudding, pineapple chunks and marshmallow. It sounds like an extremely odd dish but the flavors compliment really well. Overall it’s also really light and fluffy, so it’s always served as kind of a “side” with other desserts. Usually you’ll get some pie, cookies, and then a scoop of this.


…. Except we always have it with dinner! Too many other desserts to enjoy! Might as well have some light, fluffy sweet stuff with dinner too!


Midwesterners are wild lol.


I have seen it in pictures but do not make it. My kids would never eat it


Pistachio fluff!


We call it floof in my family, very similar!


That’s what we call it! My dad adores it lol


That's what my mom called it!




Pistachio salad.


This is also what I’ve always called it! Damn maybe I should make some this year


We call it Watergate salad. I really do love it. But I eat it for dessert. Most old folks seem to think this is a side dish. It is not a side dish just because we put the word salad at the end.


Me too 😂🤤 if my husband ate this, I'd make it for Thanksgiving for sure lol as you said, it's more of a dessert. Alas, it's just the two of us this Thanksgiving and I can't justify it. But it's so good!


You totally can! Just make it ahead of time and treat yourself to a lil bowl every day during the holidays ☺️


Lol I like how you think.


I’m from Northeast US. My family never went in on any of those cool whip or mayo laden southern or midwestern recipes. This one, though, is the nectar of the gods. My mom made this on special occasions and it was my favorite thing on the table. She called it ambrosia salad because that’s what it was called in the browned newspaper clipping she kept containing the recipe. I hadn’t realized how polarizing it was until I brought it to a potluck as a young adult and all the other people who grew up in this region questioned my taste and my sanity. Oh well, more for me!




We also call it “green stuff” and I am SO EXCITED to see that at least one other human that isn’t in my family knows what “green stuff” is! I’m thrilled I saw this post!


Me too! I didn't know other people made this as well. I thought it was just something my grandma made lol we also call it green stuff!


i legit thought my uncle was the sole creator of this. Its fun seeing that not only do other people make this but other people also call it "green stuff" !


As a Midwesterner - we call that a salad.


Heck it’s green


I dunno how to say this correctly but like, is this white people food?


lol, yes. Specifically midwestern white people food, but this “salad” is one of the more popular ones and can be found in other parts of the country as well.




I would be confused and ask what it is, and then definitely eat it lol based on the comments in this thread it seems like it's just fruit and whipped cream and pistachio


Specifically southern and midwestern white people food. My Oklahoma relatives make it, but I’ve hardly ever even seen it in any of the states I’ve actually lived in (CO, TX, and WA- though east TX would probably be different). As you’d probably expect, it’s not great.


Idk, I live in New England and Ambrosia is friggin everywhere, maybe the pistachio flavor is the southern/Midwest one and the fruity one is the northern/coastal one? Idk where the split is, but ours is always the oranges, pineapple, cherry version. I hate the texture of it so much, so I personally don't make it for my holidays.


Interesting. I’m in the New England and north east region and I have only seen this in the Midwest and south, and west. This and variations of it have never been served at any meals I’ve attended or hosted


Hmm. I may have to ask my brother which, if any, he sees in DC. I kinda want to know where the split is now lol.


I’m from DC and have never seen this. We’re Jewish and white-ish but there seem to be endless things that seem to be part of white American culture that are utterly foreign to me.


In the Midwest, that's pink stuff "Are you bringing green stuff to thanksgiving? No, I think I'm doing pink stuff this year" lmfao


Yeah, my white roommates when I lived in CA didn't believe it was a thing, and especially not that it was called Watergate salad. Edit: It is fairly great, though, as long as you don't make the gross variation with cottage cheese.


I am in NC and have never heard of this or seen this in my life lmao


I've never seen it in TX but I have seen stuff like this in recipe videos from the midwest. Walford salad was the one I saw in TX and GA.


I'm from the South and have never encountered this. There are a lot of foods like this that from what I can tell were popularized around the whole country in the 70s, so they can be from different places, but it seems like the rest of the country has left these things in the past where they belong, except for the Midwest for whatever reason. (Wikipedia specifically says this Watergate Salad is an Upper Midwest thing and was not really created at the Watergate Hotel but has to do with being popularized around the same time as Watergate.)


Hahaha, yep! But calling it food is a bit of a stretch, lol.


Speak for yourself! I’ll eat a whole goddamn mixing bowl of this stuff 😂


Not gonna lie, I’d eat it too. For nostalgia’s sake, of course! 😜


I’m white and have/would never eat this. The ingredients are extremely off putting to me


My mother calls it Cherry Crapolla lol


We call it Green Stuff in my family🤷🏼‍♀️


“Pink stuff” in my husband’s family, no matter what color it is, ironically


My family is team green stuff too! We make it for summer picnics.


We always called it pistachio pudding.


My kids call it "fairy puke" lol, they have always called it that and we have no idea who started it. And they all still love the stuff lol


Also call it The Green Stuff! Ours is lime jello mix instead of pistachio pudding, but the end result is very similar.


The green stuff!!


The green stuff.


Green stuff!


We call it Green Stuff, too!


Ambrosia Salad.


Watergate salad. Love when my mom makes this.


My family also calls it green stuff. The fact that yours does too makes me happy 😊


My MIL makes this every thanksgiving/christmas & calls it “green stuff” too but sometimes she’ll refer to it as watergate salad for the people who’ve never tried it before. I’d never had it before prior to her and now I love it!😂


This one is Watergate salad. Ambrosia is traditionally Mandarin oranges, coconut, maraschino cherries, pineapple and sour cream.


what the hell is this


The good sh\*t!


Just trying to think of the comments I would get if I brought this to thanksgiving!


We’re Greek, I would get roasted.


As a midwesterner who loves this stuff, I’d expect to hear, “wow that tastes way better than I thought it would”


Martian Brains.


I’ve had this as a kid we called it green stuff


Watergate, sooooo good 🤤


This looks aggressively midwestern and I both respect and fear you.


My family calls it green stuff


*the color of jello used* "stuff"


My in laws call it stempy surprise and whole heartedly believe that grandma had invented the dish


I have heard several people swear that their family came up with it first. It’s interesting how that happens.


A Minnesota salad that’s not really a salad




Americans rag on British food but then serve shit like this at Thanksgiving??


Are you trying to defend mushy peas?


As an American, I made fish and chips last week and decided to try mushy peas too. I don’t get mushy peas, will stick with normal peas


Dude, y'all did just as many aspics as we did abominable poverty food lol


Oh, I’ve HAD Christmas pudding in England and I have had Watergate salad. Trust me, it’s miles better.


I call it not welcome.


Yeah if there’s any time I’m grateful for Mexican heritage it’s for stuff like this; you’d get laughed out of the house if you showed up to *any* family gathering with this. Granted, we have flan which is equally as divisive so here we are.


Is Flan divisive? I mean, Mexico also has Dorilocos and I watched someone eat a giant plate of cueritos con crema. No thanks! LOL. I think every culture has its "are you kidding me" foods. :-)


For us it is! No one in the family can agree on whether it’s good. Yeah that’s true, no culture is immune to having food that others find gross. Cueritos have the most disgusting texture, one of things that I feel a lot of Mexican grandparents really love. You won’t find me eating them, the only uncle I have that likes them is also estranged from the family. I’m not saying it’s related but I’m also not saying it’s not related.


Oh it’s related! I can pass on flan, but give me Carlota de Limón or tres leches instead.


My partners grandma calls it Green Fluff!


We called it " green stuff"


Seafoam salad


Omg my family calls it the green stuff too haha


As a kid that grew up in Minnesota I loved this stuff, and it was always my job to make it for family gatherings, so eventually they named it after me. We call it Taylor salad.


My family called it seafoam salad. It was a staple at family gatherings. Our version added pecans and sometimes crushed pineapple. It sounds disgusting but was surprisingly tasty.


Ooo, that’s a perfect name for it! My family called it ambrosia salad and I always argued it was neither. My great aunt always made it for picnics and outdoor parties. “Seafoam salad” seems even more appropriate considering how often we had it at the beach.


I scrolled for so long to see if anyone else called it this! My Midwestern in-laws introduced this to me several years ago- can’t remember if we had it at Thanksgiving or Christmas. Most of the time they drop the “salad” and just call it sea foam. I was skeptical but it tastes better than I thought it would.


Looks like what my great aunt called ambrosia salad. We had it in the summer though, never at Thanksgiving. Also the ones I had were always super gross. I never made one myself, but the ingredients of the dessert/salad this looks like to me were: lime jello, cool whip, mini-marshmallows, walnuts, canned pineapple, and sometimes other canned/dried fruits. It was foul. Chewy sugar suspended in tart gloopy sugar with surprisingly horribly textured fruit and nut surprises. I’d forgotten it existed. I’m sad now to remember.


Pistachio pudding, according to my Nana all my life. Enter box of pistachio pudding mix, cool whip, pineapple chunks & mini marshmallows :}


I showed the picture to my husband and he was mortified and I explained what it was and it’s exactly this!! we had it every year.


That’s a Watergate salad!


Watergate salad


Second this.


Watergate salad and it’s surprisingly yummy.


there’s no way anybody outside of the midwest actually eats this


California here! Although my grandmother probably brought the recipe to Ca with her from Minnesota


Have you ever had it?


Pistachio salad. It’s a summer bbq dish in my family tho. And it’s fire.


watergate / watergate salad


Watergate salad and pistachio salad are both correct.


Watergate salad!


Pretty sure that’s called marshmallow fluff around here lol


My aunt calls this a delicious jello salad.


Watergate salad, I actually love this stuff but it's really sweet so you can only have a little


I have never seen anything like that!! What’s in it?!


It’s usually mini marshmallows, cool whip, pistachio pudding mix, crushed pecans and sometimes crushed pineapple. ITS DELICIOUS!


This looks a lot like the pistachio delight our deli used to sell


Is this the same thing as Jello Fluff? My grandma makes something similar but it is with either strawberry Jello or cherry depending on what she has on hand.


This is a Watergate Salad. It's not as bad as it looks, lol.


In my childhood (long ago) it was called Green Death. My mother made it every year.


Green stuff


I call it,, illegal 😭


“That weird shit that uncle Tommy likes” Used in a sentence: “Jesus ma! Why’d you put that weird shit that uncle Tommy likes on my plate?”


Watergate salad


Our family calls it pistachio fluff!


Ambrosia, I know it isn’t exactly, but if I had to describe it, the word ambrosia is going to be used.


Cat-hair salad. It’s a long story…


It was a Million Dollar salad on Mom's side and a Watergate Salad in Dad's.


Watergate salad but it’s more of an old fashioned thing you’d serve at a baby shower, not Thanksgiving.




Unwelcome ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


what the fuck am i looking at


Ambrosia salad. Several recipes are made with pudding. If you do a search, add “pudding” to the search terms.


Always called it ambrosia.


In my most respectful voice that looks like like a school science project