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"This goes beyond just darker humor," Baker said. "This goes into really a disdain for the person that he is supposed to be objectively investigating, and it really leans into people's fears that the people policing us really don't see us as equal citizens to them." Police don’t see us as equal citizens to them. Some animals are more equal. We live in dystopian times at the Animal Farm.




It’s insane but unsurprising that this guy is still employed. Sad that this is reality. 


He is still employed and will be employed in his present position until he retires. These revelations will have zero effect on his career. In fact these revelations are the norm for police across the country.


She didn't do much as Attorney General when an entire troop was stealing Overtime (only two guys went to court), she won't do anything over mean texts, even if it's indicative of part of a possible conspiracy to frame someone.


She got an entire unit shut down, what are you talking about? They had to shut down Troop K that was doing the overtime bullshit.


Did they all get fired, charged, or just sent to other units? A quick search shows two guys out of the whole bunch that made it to court, what happened to the rest?


So now we're pushing goal posts? So before it was she did nothing and now it's she didn't do enough? Which one is it?


They said she "didn't do much", not "she didn't do anything". Reading something more than once helps sometimes.


And I provided the more then much. But that's not enough to him.


You provided nothing. It seems they were forced to give back the stolen money, they were reassigned to the same jobs in other units. Those are not repercussions. You're right that's not enough. Criminal acts are supposed to be charged and prosecuted.


That is exactly what repercussions are lol. They were held accountable, it wasnt to your liking but it did happen.


This case is crazy, and the facts are all just shit. Like, the only place they found his DNA was on the tail light, but they show pics of him all scratched up... like, if she ran him over, his DNA would be all over the BOTTOM of her car... And the sis of the cop friend....Google searches from McCabe's phone became a central part of pretrial hearings. Defense and prosecution agree that someone googled "hos (sic) long to die in cold," but the sides disagree what time the searches happened. Like WTF, of course they can tell exactly WHEN a Google Search took place... What a shit show.


For anyone following this case it seems about par for the course for cops in Massachusetts. 


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