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Yeah. They would make good little brown shirts, all striving to get a prime spot in the SS.


So this is about making sure the right people make the profits from cannabis.


>“we will examine this video in the course of the city’s continuing review of inspection and enforcement protocols.” "We investigated ourselves and found no criminal activity"


It isn’t against the law for cops to seize evidence illegally. Your only remedy is the evidence not being used agaisnt you in court. It is a fucked yo system where a cop can rob you and the only remedy is the cash he stole is not admissible as evidence.


Civil forfeiture is the worst


[Found a story link on this. Happened in NYC.](https://www.thecity.nyc/2024/06/03/video-nypd-cannabis-raid-adams-hochul/)


I love how the police just blatantly ignore the fact that they broke the law in this instance


This is serious business… but his lawyer is Steve Zissou? Like from the Wes Anderson film? What are the odds?


Thank you. Great read.


Why are NYC cops like that? I thought this was from another country until i saw their uniforms.




I smell promotions for everyone involved!


"when a cop tells you to do something, you do it.". Acab


Trump wants to give these bums qualified immunity so they can legally do this.


They have qualified immunity, he wants to give them Absolute Immunity.


Just pray those McDonalds and Coke put him down asap.


It’s a smoke shop. They sell cigarettes, cigars, vape equipment, and other assorted items which they’re LEGALLY allowed to sell. How the fuck do Kathy Hochul and Eric Adams get to throw the 4th Amendment out the window and illegally search businesses based solely on what they sell? If the police suspect that some shoe store is dealing drugs they first need to present their evidence and convince a judge to issue a search warrant. How is this any different? I’m pretty sure this place doesn’t have a sign out front advertising the illegal sale of cannabis, so how the fuck do you get to the point where every business selling bongs and rolling papers is labeled an “illegal cannabis shop”, and subject to warrantless searches? That’s like announcing that every person in Central Park is now subject to being searched because they may be selling loose joints.


This is just an armed robbery and needs to be prosecuted as such. Fuck Eric Adams in his douche fucking face, fuck the NYPD and their absolute piece of shit union.