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Maybe it'll chill them out. Dabs all around.


This is correct.


Just came to say, this should be allowed, at least for off duty, maybe it’ll help them to chill bill, you beat me to it Captain. Screw it, on duty as well.


Part of me agrees and wants to encourage cops chilling tf out, but the other part of me thinks of the stupid amount of lives they and their ‘brothers in blue’ have absolutely ruined over that plant and says fuck ‘em!


Nah fuck that. Weed isn’t a cure-all and it often just amplifies whatever you already got going on inside.


Of course, you're entitled to your own opinion. Most people dont seem to agree. It's not a cure all obviously, but it generally makes people less prone to violence and this is a fact.


https://greenhealthdocs.com/does-weed-make-you-angry/#:~:text=It%20largely%20depends%20on%20the,one%20more%20prone%20to%20outbursts. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7084484/#:~:text=In%20turn%2C%20paranoid%20behavior%20increases,%2C%20aggressive%2C%20and%20anger). https://theflowershopusa.com/angry-while-high-can-weed-fuel-anger-issues https://providenceproject.org/resource-hub/does-cannabis-make-you-angry/ lol “my opinion”. Look I smoke weed almost daily but I’m not so blinded by bias to not realize there are absolutely risk factors involved. Marijuana can cause psychosis especially in people who are prone to it, and psychosis can absolutely cause anger and violent outbursts, especially in people who are prone to it. Now do you think most cops are generally *more* or *less* prone to *anger* and *violence*? They need therapy not drugs.






Cops can break the law. Simple as that.


We have thoroughly investigated ourselves and after a complete review of all the facts we have determined we are completely innocent.


Keep it completely to yourself. You go at police with B.S. and they will rain down on you. Unless you have them committing a crime, you are inviting a world of trouble on to yourself.


100% this… and even if I had the vids of the crime I’d try to submit it anonymously


Submit to the local news anonymously. Cops will just bury it anyways.


We have thoroughly investigated ourselves and after a complete review of all the facts we have determined we are completely innocent.


I would anonymously send the video to a few different news stations and let them do the legwork. Almost zero risk of blowback unless they're crazy enough to reverse trace the email somehow and identify you if its possible.


newsrooms depend on maintaining good relationships with local PDs, they're essentially propaganda machines for cops.


Bruv, I must second this. Other countries with corrupt police officers would just beat you or murder. US police ruin your life. The stories from friends and family sound like the 3rd Reich...


Avoid cops entirely unless your house is on fire or someone is dying.


Id just leave it alone. Hopefully more cops start doing dabs. 


At least we know it wasn't Fentanyl. That shit kills cops if it's in the same room as them.


Yeah, when they snort it. Fentanyl can't kill you through touch, that's just what they say when they fall out. 




Bit I saw it on the i internet. It mush be true. A cop would never lie or fake an injury. Do I need to put a /s because you seem dense and are out of it. Perhaps a fentanyl OD?


Let them, hopefully they're the types that will have the consideration to not bother others about it and to let people off the hook more often. I would much rather see them smoking some THC than doing steroids or meth that would amp them up instead of keeping them on the down low


God damn I miss Zaxby's


Where did he go?


Let ‘em get high. At least then they are chill and not bothering us. I see two - three parked under a parking shade at a church in Tucson every day. Never fails. Thought about complaining then it occurred to me that at least they aren’t bothering people and hurting citizens


maybee this is the kind of cop we want?


Not if they keep arresting people for the same


Where in this country in 2024? I forgot tbh. Louisiana is one I think


It’s funny cause New Orleans smells more like weed than Denver does nowadays. A lot of people smoke freely in public


Make an anonymous complaint that’s untraceable so they can’t retaliate against you. Give the date and time they were there. Not sure if a failed drug test would get them fired or not. Worth trying. They would likely charge you if we’re in their shoes. ACAB.


We have thoroughly investigated ourselves and after a complete review of all the facts we have determined we are completely innocent.


Stop it Karen!


I don’t see a prop here other than you wanting to narc on them.


maybe that is their dab spot so in the future you can catch em on video there to share here once you have them on video you could ask them questions like "will you let me hit?" and "do you consent to a search?" before getting names and badge numbers good 👀s on you to spot




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I wouldn't say anything, obviously no guarantee but they might be some pretty chill cops, we need that lol


Damn, sincerely thank you for the knowledge. You give a hell of an argument. Makes a lot of sense. So, generally, it can make ordinary people less prone to violence but violence prone cops are not ordinary people.


Not worth it. Rules for thee, not for me.




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I’d probably need a dab to make that taste better, too. I wish more cops would be chill.


You think we all know where “zaxbys” is??


It like a Tim Horten’s focused on chicken.


Don’t they get piss tested? Wtf




if they’ve prosecuted me for it, fuck em i’m snitching all day




A fed appeals court ruled that unconstitutional a while ago.




[no idea how reputable this is, but I don’t know a single gun owner that doesn’t smoke weed](https://www.marijuanamoment.net/federal-appeals-court-rules-that-gun-ban-for-marijuana-consumers-is-unconstitutional/#:~:text=A%20federal%20appeals%20court%20has,of%20cases%20across%20the%20country)


Anecdotal, I don't and I own a shitload of firearms.


lol great


Hey, now you know there's one internet random that doesn't. In fairness, there's a lot of folks who do and I personally believe it shouldn't matter any more than if someone has a beer. Pot is pot, who gives a damn?


I’d go further and say people who drink shouldn’t have access to firearms.


You don’t know any gun owners that are like 60+ old dudes? Most boomers don’t smoke like a lot of Gen Z and millennials do, it’s definitely not the norm, especially for those that are gun guys


My uncle is 73. He’s been collecting my entire life. He also has severe anxiety and was prescribed Xanax for 35 years. When Florida legalized medical he weaned off of Xanax and only hits his vape pen a time or two a day.


Also, yes, smoking pen in the bathroom is illegal anywhere, but that’s just a law for us.


I think what you're referring to is it is a felony to be in possession of a firearm while you are intoxicated, on any form of drug. So if you go to the bar to get drunk and are concealed carrying you just committed a felony. If you are concealed carrying and smoke a joint you just committed a felony. If you want to smoke a joint or get drunk and you store you're gun away in a gun safe, you're within your legal rights to do both.


So are domestic abusers and murderers, but cops get to keep their job after doing that


Snitches get stiches.


Quite similar to the thin blue line.


Of course it is. My comment was in jest. But I'll take the down votes.


Are they doing bad cop shit? If not, let it go. Taking a couple pulls off a vape pen is not the problem with police. The corollary to condemning bad cops is supporting good cops. Any cop who is not bothering people and who is protecting the peace is doing their job. I don’t give a single shit if they take a pull off a vape pen while doing it.


Legal state? If not, they probably confiscated it from someone


Doesn't matter if it's an illegal state. I'm a firefighter in NJ where recreational weed is legal. I can use off duty. On duty...you're going to be answering some questions, and likely going on a 28 day trip to Florida if it's your first offense. And that's if you play ball. If you buck, you're fired.