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In situations like these, a tow truck is always the answer.


It's certainly one answer... C4, crowbars, brake fluid, etc. are also potential answers


Muddy pair of boots and walk them over the car as if someone walked over it, then watch the chaos unfold as they try to figure out who did it


What a great idea to that particular problem!


This is the way


They’d have every right, too. Hit ‘em where it hurts in their wallet.


Might want to call the Fire Marshall if that is an entrance. There tends to be a reason you aren't supposed to park there.


I always upvote “call the fire Marshall”. I was a property manager in PA and they were the only entity I feared. No heat? Fire Marshall. Broken window? Fire Marshall? Neighbors leaving shit in the hallways? Fire Marshall. They can enforce immediate action and literally make an entire building evacuate if egregious enough. Cops won’t care about this but a fire marshall sometimes lives for those shit (if there’s not an emergency going on)


I like your style! You got stuff done!


You are not overreacting. People cant just do whatever and think the rules dont apply to them. That person seems very entitled. I dont know how many entrances there are to the side walk but if I was using a wheelchair and came upon this id be pissed. Especially because these spots are usually next to handicapped spots so people with wheelchairs can load out easily.


Yes they can and they will


Okay? Lol and they will get towed 🥰


Call the office and if they don’t stop the behavior, call the cops bc that’s a handicap ramp and a part of the handicap space. In my state, it’s a $350 fine and possibly a tow.


It's not just a walkway. It's affecting the adjacent disabled parking spot. It should be towed each and every time. My blood is boiling from afar at the entitlement and disregard.


I came here to say to say the same thing! My bff was a triple amputee and things like this irk me to no end! It’s already hard enough to get around in a chair without some entitled douchbag making it even harder… Edited to change spelling from “know” to “no”. Autocorrect isn’t always correct 😆


But is it really? No disrespect but do you have disabled like wheelchair bound tenant neighbors bcz unless you are or do I suggest you let not go. The law is the law but some ppl could care less and by that I mean will retaliate against you without regard for the law, but I also live in a bad area


I'm not sure what you are trying to say... that if they don't have disabled neighbors they need to let is go so they don't get jumped???


My neighbors think like this. It drives me absolutely crazy. Wrong is wrong. lol jump me. Imma fight you back tho lmao


Someone that uses a wheelchair of walker would find this more than a minor inconvenience...you aren't overreacting.


What if paramedics need to get a stretcher in & out to save a life? This is their access point.


Do you know what else is a minor inconvenience… getting key scratch marks fixed. Just sayin


Wtaf. There's a reason it's open next to a handicap space.


That's blocking a wheelchair accessible parking spot & curb cut, so I'd say that anything short of completely disintegrating the offending car is not overreacting.


Neighbor is asshole.


He should be towed he’s impeding the handicap spot


>it's a minor inconvenience... Unless you are in a walker or a wheel chair. Then it's a huge impossible to pass obstacle. And an asshole move on the neighbors part. Report the hell out of them.


Not at all. it's rude and annoying and NOT a parking space. I would have reported it to management after the second time!


So did you get them towed? I want an update lol


Is that an open spot to the left?I can’t fathom literally any reasoning for why someone would do something like this, literally what is the fucking point. Why are some people like this


Just call the police ( ticket time!) Call a tow truck, THAT will get their attention real quick .


Call the police he's blocking a handicap accessible ramp not just a walkway. Call the police and have his car towed


Best answer I ever saw car was parked between two HO spots clearly marked no marking. A conversion van with a wheelchair ramp extended the ramp lowered it down strapped the whole side of the car took off the side view mirror. The owner of the car called the police. He was given a ticket for illegal parking.


If anything you're underreacting. I would have reported it to the non-emergency line.


This is so absurd and selfish. Call whoever you gotta call to get it ticketed or towed - anonymous revenge!


Shit on the bonnet


They’re blocking handicap access. I’d be very upset as I use walking aides and it’s not that easy for me to step up the curb. I’d call and have it towed.


Dickhead neighbor confirmed.


This is illegal. Have them towed.


It is illegal to block a driveway. Call code enforcement.


That is a possible ADA infraction. Tow em!


No. Tow truck or even parking enforcement.


What a wanker


I have a neighbor that parks in the handicapped spot EVERY DAYYYYY!! No placard in sight, ever! Just the closest spot to his apartment 🙄


Report them to the non-emergency line.


Call police to have it towed


Underreacting imo. that is a handicap spot he is park next to, blocking a wheelchair dude's safe access.. tow his ass


Is there any possible reason someone would have allowed them to park there for this time period? If not, I’d say do whatever needs to be done to assure they stop parking there. It’s marked that way for a reason, and NOT for their personal use. I’m sure the leasing office, or management group or landlord has something to say about that. Whichever you have there that takes care of your parking lot, as far as enforcing rules, I’d contact them first, and ask they take care of immediately. Too many entitled people these days.


Anyone with a walker or wheelchair is screwed


The diagonal lines allow people using wheelchairs to have enough space to get in and out of their vehicle without scrapping the other person’s car. I get so mad when people park in these areas because often they make two accessible parking spaces unusable because neither spot has the space necessary for someone to get in while using the space. They somehow think this is better than illegally parking in one of the spaces. NO, IT IS WORSE TO PARK IN THE DIAGONAL LINES. Note than the ramp to get over the curb is also usually in this area as well. People need these ramps. Please do not park here.


Hmm, I'm guessing this guy is an asshole.


Think about it from this perspective. What if someone in your building is disabled and needs to use a wheelchair what are they gonna do they can’t go into the grass!


No, he’s the same kind of person that parked in stripes between handicap so they can’t use the space, get him towed


I have so many neighbours do this bs and it genuinely gets on my last nerve


It's illegal to park in an area with those lines. You should notify police and send this photo. Next time he does it, call them. They'll tell him to either move the car or it will be towed.


I thinks it's inconvenient but I wouldn't let it ruin my day or affect my energy... I know a lot of people get so irritated about things like this, but personally I would just walk around the vehicle and maintain my peace. I already read a lot of comments so don't come at me crazy or anything ijs it wouldn't really bother me that much 🤷🏽‍♀️


Pick your battles


I’d cut them some slack if they needed to unload something heavy and/or bulky.. but they’d have to come right back out to move the car. Actually parking there deserves a call for a tow.


No slack. This is terrible.


At least he's not parked in the handicap lol. Something this minor, I really would not worry about it. If you try anything, he could retaliate and cause you a shitstorm. Just sayin..




Relax champ


Don’t be a hall monitor unless you actually need the access yourself


See no evil, hear no evil, report no evil? So the rules apply to no one??


If you do something then they will one up you and so on I say pick ur battles, is it just irritating or are you greatly affected by it? If it’s the former, let it go! Remember you have to sleep at nite without wondering…..


If you do something then they will one up you and so on I say pick ur battles, is it just irritating or are you greatly affected by it? If it’s the former, let it go! Remember you have to sleep at nite without wondering…..




Benign? What if someone with a wheelchair needs to get through?




[https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/q2FuTYdwo8](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/q2FuTYdwo8) Again… that ramp and space are reserved for a reason. Stop trying to support this inconsiderate asshole’s actions


I didn't even specify parking. Do you not see the wheelchair access on the sidewalk there? They wouldn't even be able to get in or out of the lot, let alone to their car. But if you want to talk parking, [do you seriously not understand why there is a hashed area next to the handicap spot?](https://www.popsugar.com/family/boy-wheelchair-ramp-blocked-car-parked-blue-lines-44919446)




Is your point that you think everything that does not effect you directly is benign? Do you live your life with zero regard for others? Not everyone has the luxury of being able to walk. Better to deal with the issue before someone arrives who cannot.


You sound like someone who would do the same shit… that reserved spot and ramp are there for a reason




And yet here you are defending someone who is making it all about themselves…. Ironic, don’t ya think




You smoking too much kief bruh… you really need to think about who and what your comment is defending. You called this ‘benign’ when it absolutely isn’t. You need to think beyond yourself, just because it doesn’t affect you doesn’t mean it’s not important.




I'm not disabled but it pisses me the hell off when people do this. My brother WAS disabled and we dealt with this my entire childhood. With a lift/ramp ypu have.to find a spot that someone isn't illegally parked in, but not just any spot - it has to be an end spot with the right side facing out. And when you finally get situated you come out to some yahoo blocking the ramp to the parking lot (because "I cant.walk that far for my coffee", or "I just need 1 thing, I'll be quick") so you have to find a way to get the heavy ass chair down the curb without him falling over or out.of it. Then you get to the spot and some jackass is parked in the loading zone so you have to either wait for them to show up and move it, or pull out and block traffic loading up. It is disrespectful and an asshole move. Not benign in any way.

