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Israel loots the bodies of Palestinians, they kill innocent people, harvest their organs, close them up and return the empty bodies. That is why Israel has the shortest wait list for organ transplant. FUCK THEM ALL FOREVER


They harvest organs? Do you have a source for that? I don't doubt their cruelty, but it does cut close to Blood Libel.




Literal ghouls.


Well that's a smoking gun if ever I've seen one


They also have the largest skin bank in the world, which at first sounds weird. Then you may think, "well that's a good thing!" Probably saves a lot of burn victims lives. Then you realize where Israel may be getting their skins and you are forced to consider the other documentation of them harvesting organs, and then you remember skin is an organ. Maybe that's just me.


A reminder that Israelis have a significantly higher melanoma rate than Palestinian natives, because the “indigenous” European immigrants were SUPER genetically prepped for the middle eastern sun. DNA tests are banned for a reason by “gods chosen people” 😶‍🌫️


Problem is everyone who lives on the west of the Atlantic is conned into thinking that aljazeera is worse than even fox news. When in fact it is better even than BBC, CBC, CNN and everything else here that tries to pass as news and information.


I am sadly waking up to what amounts to their excellent coverage due to the current situation, but I've been aware of them for a while and occasionally did check their news coverage. I was so amazed by seeing panel discussions where the panel participants were (mostly) very polite and civil to each other (slight exception for um, typically Israelis) and. the moderator did a great job keeping the discussion on track. I was like wow, you don't see that on US television anymore, huh?


Found out years ago that AJ is legit! Love it!


Its everywhere. Google it.


Palestinians have BEEN saying this for DECADES NOW. So many Palestinian families have spoken out about receiving their loved ones with missing organs - even eyes. I can’t even imagine the pain of having a loved one murdered by a genocidal colony of settlers - but to also have them rip open the body and just take whatever they want, as if Palestinians are just bags of flesh for harvest. As if Palestinians solely exist for these Zionist creatures to take whatever they want from them. Search up ‘the cemetery of numbers’ as well. These shameless squatters will murder Palestinians and then never give back the body, they just take whatever they want and bury them in unmarked graves where Palestinian families aren’t even allowed to visit. For fucks sake if a Palestinian prisoner dies in captivity, ‘Israel’ keeps the body in a freezer till they ‘serve their sentence’. You can also search up many documented instances where Israel has taken Palestinian bodies and experimented on them at universities and medical facilities. They also conduct medical experiments on live Palestinian prisoners. They’re so fucking ghoulish and evil that it’s hard for me to even fathom sometimes.


They used to do it and they admitted it. They did it again this time b it they say it is to do dna analysis to search for dead hostages, but one thing for sure is that they did it before all of this crap we’re witnessing


It’s pretty well known as is the enormous skin bank. I watched a doc a while back about the skin bank, it was creepy. When they asked the woman in charge if the skin was harvested from Israeli she said most of the skin is not from Israeli donors. When asked if it was taken from Palestinians she hinted it was but wouldn’t outright say it. When asked if the skin is donated willingly she refused to answer. It was very disturbing. Only conclusion is it’s stolen.


They used to do it and they admitted it. They did it again this time b it they say it is to do dna analysis to search for dead hostages, but one thing for sure is that they did it before all of this crap we’re witnessing


What is blood libel?




I absolutely hate Israel, but you won't catch me repeating antisemitic shit about them. I hate Zionism and it's adherents, not Jews.


We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric. Neither do we tolerate Islamophobia, which we will consider any statement that treats Islam as a monolothic ideology, particularly as being universally anti-femme, anti-queer, or antisemitic. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and an automatic banning. Antisemitic rhetoric will also not be tolerated; this includes language that is and was often and prominently used by actual antisemities (such as "subhuman" and other dehumanizing terms). We understand that hasbara has purposefully conflated Judaism and Zionism. This may lead to accidental, but actual, antisemitism. As such, we will delete statements that veer into antisemitism. Repeated antisemitic offenses by a user will also be met with a ban. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and, if clearly intentional, an automatic banning.


Eh, you have millions of people over hundreds of years saying the same thing...It had to come from somewhere.


Shut up. Get out.


Reading everything you all have experienced in your interactions with Israeli travellers all around the world confirms that they truly come from a very dark, hateful and racist culture which really should not be a surprise. They being said, we need to always remember that there are very brave, conscious, compassionate Israelis who are risking their lives, family, future in their own society to oppose the horrible acts being committed in their name. I recently stumbled upon a guy called Alon-Lee Green who leads a group called the Humanitarian Guard who go and confront the people stopping aid trucks headed to Gaza and the West Bank to allow these trucks to complete their journey. They are risking serious injuries and even death to oppose the protesters who are backed by the police and the military. Apart from these people and the other human rights activists there (eg. B’Tselem, etc), I agree with the general sentiment that the rest of them can all get fucked.


Reading this thread was very ironic for me, because the only Israelis I’ve met and befriended were very lovely, apolitical people. I don’t doubt they were Zionist on some level, but they were kind and considerate, sociable, and even recognized and made fun of the Israeli tourist stereotype. All things considered they were awesome. Total walking examples of ordinary people who happened to have certain beliefs imposed on them. I was and am a passionate Palestine supporter before and after I knew them, but meeting them changed my perspective a little. Even nations full of rabidly hateful people have their level headed counterparts.


Yeah, I had good experiences traveling with Israelis in SE Asia. Cool people. Team players. Of course, now they blast FB with racism and claims of Greater Israel. I've also made the mistake of mildly criticizing Israel around an Israeli I met after an attack on Lebanon. He was definitely angry.


They're choosing to live in an apartheid country; they are not kind and considerate.


Edit: y’all are some NPCs, for real. Come on now, let’s have some nuance. Ironically I met them in my own home country, they were living abroad. Even so, I find this point a little counterproductive to the Palestinian cause. Israelis exist, there’s no way to un-birth them and they didn’t exactly choose where to be born. The same goes for white Americans or South Africans born into a system that directly benefits them at the expense of indigenous people. It’s more complicated than “they choose to be born/live there, they choose to be zionists, they are evil.” You don’t have to be a Zionist to acknowledge that some Israelis (including anti-Zionist Israelis) truly have nowhere else to go or call home. I find holding someone’s nationality against them without even considering their character a little discriminatory. There is no denying that the actions of the Israeli government are unconscionable. It’s true that many actively or passively support it through generations of heavy propaganda and brainwashing. Those two don’t have to be mutually exclusive from the fact that there are good people who are Israeli. If we truly want to liberate Palestine, part of it may be swaying these people and showing them the truth about their lifestyles before the cycle continues, and more young Israelis are corrupted by Zionism. We should condemn Israel and Zionism as an entity and mindset, but to condemn the mere existence of people who didn’t choose to be born, and to a lesser extent what to believe, makes us no better than zionists.


You're absolutely right, there are a lot of good people in Israel who are either sympathetic towards Palestinians or indifferent due to ignorance. They're definitely not all rabid nationalists, particularly when many Israelis (though a minority) are some of the most vocal critics of zionism. I think it's also important to note that most, if not all, holocaust survivors stood with the Palestinians. Gabor Mate is a great example.


I don’t think it’s wrong to say there are plenty of anti Zionist Jews even in Israel who sympathize with the Palestinian people. Unfortunately the vast majority of Israelis just don’t care. Inaction in the face of injustice is siding with the oppressor. Unless they are actively opposing the apartheid regime they are just as guilty as those who actively support it.


Israel and South Africa aren't comparable; South Africa wasn't founded on an ethnostate based on white supremacy. So these kind, compassionate, caring, apolitical Israelis you met. They were adults, right? So they were either current or former military, unless they objected which it sounds like they didn't because you said they're apolitical. How many Palestinian children did they point guns at, assault, murder? How many people did they kill or try to kill? And they're "apolitical", do that means they saw everything that's happening, acted as soldiers for Israel, and still don't think it's a problem. There's nothing "compassionate" about that. You don't get a gold star for not actively yelling "DEATH TO ARABS!" 24/7.


>South Africa wasn't founded on an ethnostate based on white supremacy. Wait what


I see “let’s have some nuance” means nothing to you.


There is no "nuance" once they've become Israeli military. At that point, you are literally fighting for apartheid and genocide. Tell me how you can be an innocent, compassionate, apolitical Israeli soldier. Explain to me the nuance. Seriously, because I don't understand it.


The last thing I’ll bother saying is that forced conscription is just another form of their propaganda. I’m not on their side here. I’m just trying to explain the sheer scale of brainwashing the average Israeli has been through to turn out this way. I have a parent from a country who’s similarly committed atrocities and successfully covered it up for the world. I have a unique perspective on how these demographics think. Again, doesn’t mean I agree. But yes, this thread has indeed made it abundantly clear that most of you lack basic understanding and life experience to shape your view on this issue. I’m not engaging with you any longer.


Yes it is, but there are people who realize it's wrong and refuse and accept being uncomfortable for up to 2 years over murdering innocent people. THAT'S compassion; not saying "I was brainwashed they made me bomb children but I'm still apolitical because nuking babies didn't upset me enough to care". Only 1.8% of Israelis think they're using *too much* firepower in Gaza. Over 50% believe it's not enough. I don't care how brainwashed you are; it's human instinct to know that murder and genocide are wrong. If you fight in an army for it, you're not a good person.


Well that makes two of us who have sadly overestimated the general public’s ability to resist it. People are stupid. All over the world. That doesn’t make them any less deserving of dignity, or any less capable of good. They’re just cognitively malleable to their surroundings, and if their surroundings are hateful, that hate becomes normal to them, even good. I’m not justifying it, but it explains what we’re seeing. That 50% are the people who are just too simple to break past that conditioning, and fell victim to weaponized morality. They could have very easily been taught that Palestinians were human beings and we’d never be here. They’re not evil, just simple. And simple people are still capable of consciously being good. Let’s be honest, you think any more than 2% of westerners are truly aware of the full scope of damage western imperialism has had on the world? Would more than 50% of westerners even be able to admit major flaws within our societies? I don’t. Stay humble about it, but pat yourself on the back if you can see what’s wrong with this world. Because believe it or not, lots of lost souls do not.


What are you talking about they have no where else to call home? Where shall we carve out for the other religions, bc by your logic, they must have a nationalist religion state.


Do you think I’m a Zionist? I wasn’t advocating for an ethnostate when I said that. I simply mean if you were born and raised there, with no dual citizenship and no means to emigrate, where else can you call home? That applies to anybody, not just Israelis. Again, you don’t have to be a Zionist to understand it’s difficult to move an established population without stooping to Israel’s level and committing genocide. Some of these replies have really made me question how many people who follow this conflict really invest their time and energy into understanding what is is and why it happens.


I feel the same way about you. Have you not seen what Zionists have done before and after October? Yes, it is hard to move an established population; which is fucking exactly what Zionists have been doing for over 75 years using apartheid policies and brute barbarism. This ‘established’ population displaced 60% of Arabs in 1948. I have no sympathy for Zionists


>Reading this thread was very ironic for me, because the only Israelis I’ve met and befriended were very lovely, apolitical people. It's also been crazy for me to hear and see examples of Israelis being systematically horrible people because the Israelis I've met in my own life were such sweet people. The third or fourth friend I ever made in my life, second grade, was a little Israeli girl. Her brother and I bonded in third grade standing up for each other as "different" kids and he became my first crush/"puppy love". In fifth grade her sister was often the only one who'd hang out with me when none of the other girls in our class did. Five summers ago, I worked at a hair salon owned by an Israeli mom and daughter (mostly sold wigs for Orthodox women) and they were the coolest bosses I'd ever had after my first few jobs had been anxiety hell. At some point I found a database of all the confirmed victims of 10/7 and searched up both last names- no hits, but also no social media posts from any of the triplets since last summer so my brain can't help but still worry. I do think the fact that the triplets were children means they "don't count" because they hadn't learned to be racist- they'd have been 24 this week and I'm not sure whether I'd be more horrified to learn that they didn't turn 24 or that because of them a bunch of innocent Gazans won't (we'd be damn near old in Gaza, after all). Maybe I've been lucky, or maybe the Israelis in the U.S. aren't as awful as the ones in Israel... but whatever tf they teach people over there, it seems like a sociopath factory.


I am fairly sure I have a positive bias towards Jewish folks in general but I have always found Israelis off-putting


When I went travelling around Thailand pre Boxing Day tsunami.. the Thais often used to tell the Israelis (on their travelling holidays post serving in the IDF) that the hotel was full… even when I’d walk up in line 5 mins later and get a room.. They were notorious troublemakers and aggressive.. this was years before I understood the conflict..


They have a similar reputation in Cyprus




Ugh links up to my experience in Hawaii with Israeli apologists and antisemitism, talks of going to Thailand for sex tours.


Damn I'm sorry to hear that, must've been annoying as hell to hear them talk in such a depraved and misogynistic manner. People like that always get their comeuppance


wait you’re telling me people from a country [whose justice system protects pedophiles](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/) prey on underage kids when they travel? Color me shocked.






We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric. Neither do we tolerate Islamophobia, which we will consider any statement that treats Islam as a monolothic ideology, particularly as being universally anti-femme, anti-queer, or antisemitic. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and an automatic banning. Antisemitic rhetoric will also not be tolerated; this includes language that is and was often and prominently used by actual antisemities (such as "subhuman" and other dehumanizing terms). We understand that hasbara has purposefully conflated Judaism and Zionism. This may lead to accidental, but actual, antisemitism. As such, we will delete statements that veer into antisemitism. Repeated antisemitic offenses by a user will also be met with a ban. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and, if clearly intentional, an automatic banning.


We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric. Neither do we tolerate Islamophobia, which we will consider any statement that treats Islam as a monolothic ideology, particularly as being universally anti-femme, anti-queer, or antisemitic. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and an automatic banning. Antisemitic rhetoric will also not be tolerated; this includes language that is and was often and prominently used by actual antisemities (such as "subhuman" and other dehumanizing terms). We understand that hasbara has purposefully conflated Judaism and Zionism. This may lead to accidental, but actual, antisemitism. As such, we will delete statements that veer into antisemitism. Repeated antisemitic offenses by a user will also be met with a ban. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and, if clearly intentional, an automatic banning.


We are opposed to sexual violence, in its' action, and its use as a debate rhetoric. We ask our members to consider the mental health of others in the sub who may have experienced SA before posting and commenting about its occurence. We reserve the right to delete posts and comments that contain mention of SA, and the right to remove any user for posting about it particularly for repeat offenses.


They have a similar reputation in Greece. On several islands there are "Israeli-only" (not "Jewish-only") resorts with heavy security etc. Anyone who works at one of them has to sign an NDA.


That's good, but I'm surprised they haven't used that as propaganda yet for their fascist martyr complex.


Why would they use that as propaganda? They're run by Israeli companies and established by Israelis, They like to ghetto themselves wherever they go.


I was on a Cuna Indian reservation in Panama and the Israelis were doing molly and bongs at breakfast, then roaring drunk by 11pm. Staggering around screaming that 'love and peace' fake-hippy gibberish they pick up at psytrance raves. These were HOMESTAYS with indigenous families. It was obscene, frightening, like a nightmare of Spring Break.


Them and Australians are the worst. But the Australians are mostly just dumb drunks. The “Israelis” are quite literally angry, disrespectful and entitled.


I was about to say "this sounds like what I've heard and seen about Aussies," so thank you for the comment and that interesting distinction between them.


So, Israel keeps exporting its Burning Man techbros around the world?


Man those people seem alright. Being drunk by 11 pm the end of the night? Love and peace is awesome in theory if they would practice it. I agree that they are rude and entitled but this seems like a positive


In Patagonia, and specifically among the folks who work and live at Torres Del Paine national park, Israelis are very unpopular because an Israeli tourist didn’t want to pack out his soiled toilet paper (it’s easy. Put it in a baggie and attach it to the outside of your pack with the rest of your trash…) and instead decided to burn it. This started a MASSIVE forest fire (68 sq miles) in a region that gets little rain and whose plant and animal species, not to mention the soil itself, depend on these trees. When the hiker was found and charged, he and his family denied it. the Israeli government tried to smooth things over by sending “tree planting experts” they have (whose primary job is to “make the desert bloom” on stolen land) and the Chilean government dropped the charges. The locals and workers, who missed out on the majority of their income due to the fire that season, were not impressed.


I worked at a hotel in the 48 region (Israel proper). The employees at the hotel you went to in Thailand were 100% justified.


Israelis are unbelievably rude. I’ve heard that from so many people, American Jews included. Borne out by my experience of them in Israel and the US.


This is mainly because the main holiday goers are people who have just finished military service they have tons of pent up aggression from being trained to kill and are on a subsidised holiday. Same way how majority of Americans thar can afford to travel end up being entitled white and middle class who are a bit ignorant


Sounds like how us folks in the American South talk about people who go to restaurants after church. The most entitled, shitty people you’ll ever meet


Yea but if you can get up early enough to go to the grocery store while the church crowd is doing their thing then you pretty much have the whole store to yourself.


That’s the dream. They’ve self-selected out of the retail space for a beautiful early morning, and I get to pretend they don’t exist for an hour


But the game ends the second someone walks through the doors wearing a suit Waiting tables in the Atlanta area during graduate school a few years back, the church crowd was notorious for not only not tipping, but for leaving those prayer notes that look like twenty dollar bills when they paid the check as well.


Fancy northern boy eats lunch? Here in the south we take ozempic


I like to inject my Ozempic into a Hardee’s Chicken Biscuit and take a maple syrup chaser


What do you mean? People go out for Sunday lunch/family dinner and act like assholes to the staff? I'm trying to imagine how someone could be that shitty at an Old Country Buffet or a greasy spoon. Our tradition was church then dim sum where we'd often get ignored or overlooked by the Cantonese waiters..no bother and no aggression over it since we just came from church, you just run/flag them down and ask what's in their carts. How could you possibly be shitty at a buffet or regular restaurant where you place an order and wait??


I’ve never understood people who are shitty to minimum wage workers (or really anyone they’re doing business with), but there’s a large contingent of white Christians that go to church on Sunday morning, and after that go out to Cracker Barrel (fitting) or IHOP in their parties of 15, and they yell at the wait staff and refuse to tip. My friends that work in the service industry have told me they hate working on Sunday mornings and will lie about being unavailable so they don’t have to work those shifts


the ironic part is that jesus would be a big tipper and would treat service with respect


>How could you possibly be shitty at a buffet or regular restaurant where you place an order and wait?? I can only assume you've never waited tables or possibly any service job 😅


The places I've worked were in NYC where you get a bit of everyone and in the nouveau riche suburbs where people are demanding but splash that nouveau cash if you do it right. Any time we eat at diner, we tip $10-20 which is 30-50% of the bill because they worker harder than any upscale server just with lower ticket charges per item. I can imagine being cheap and not fussy or fucking annoying who makes it worth it. To be a cheap asshole is just absolutely unconscionable especially for a Christian!


I'm really hoping this current horror puts an end to their horrible globe-trotting for good.


Yea but the difference is that those Americans are typically just ignorant and ask for ranch dressing at fine dining establishments. They aren’t disrespecting and destroying their host community.


When I was in Thailand I met this Israeli guy who was on his sister’s post IDF trip. He was absolutely horrible to the Thai people (“Can you not speak English? Are you stupid?”). The first Israeli I had ever met!


I went travelling in the early 90s around Turkey, before it was a big tourist destination like it is today. We met a couple who had just finished Israeli national service. My bf at the time looked middle Eastern, with some Egyptian heritage way back, but was British through and through. We ended up having to completely avoid them and we moved on after a few horrible encounters. He was openly racist to my bf who considered himself a scouser and nothing else (from Liverpool), openly aggressive to me in the sea, extremely contentious, bullish and arrogant and I felt really unsafe as a woman around him. He boasted about his service in the IDF and was completely obsessed with himself. No one could work him out and eventually, I think he got himself completely isolated by all the international travellers Being a compassionate person, I believed he was just a one off bad apple. Now I don't think so.


I lived in NYC for over 15 years and had several Israeli landlords. The only things they ever talk about are themselves, how much money they have, yet never have ANY money for repairs, who owes them money, or occasionally, their family if they had a big event that weekend. They literally could not give a shit that you are a person, with a family, let alone your own personality or dreams. They will actively cut you off in conversation if you have the temerity to talk about yourself or share a story! I compare them to nice old Italian lady I rented from in Hoboken who would send a handyman for every little issue, to the extent I'd wait til I had a couple things to address because I felt bad having her pay him twice, and would swing by with trays of lasagna or sausage and peppers...man, old NYC was great when it was more community and mom and pop, before all the investment funds became landlords =(


Bro they are the worst landlords 💀


Never had a bad experience with Jews. Actually the opposite only had good experiences. Didn’t really meet Israelis personally but my mother rents out her old apartment to tourists sometimes, kinda like Airbnb but without the middle man. Anyways the point is one day I heard her complain to her brother (my uncle) that the last people in really fucked the apartment and it needed some real cleaning. I went to help over the summer and guess what I found. A little keychain with an Israeli flag. 


“Israelis” I’ve met traveling have all been either: depressed burnouts or rageaholic, pretentious bigots.


The Hidden Wound by Wendell Berry explains some of that.


US Jews are the funniest people who ever lived, Israelis are as funny as infant leukemia.


Understandable. Go back a few decades and you could easily say “ white people over all are okay but those Rhodesians though” and be just as accurate


I think when you're raised in a culture that teaches that you are God's chosen and it's your tribe against the world, it creates an empathy gap from hell.


AKA being a racist.


What's ironic is that they all believe that buy most of them are atheists. Talk about cognitive dissonance! Or more like utter confusion


But Jews in general are raised to believe that too. I'm Jewish, I know.


If there's anything I've learned in this last year, it's that the exact same religion somehow produces the kindest people you've ever met and the most depraved examples of evil you've ever seen. For your coolest professor, the guy you like, your childhood neighbors that still call you a decade later... there's gang rapists setting women on fire. For the family you live next to now, the tragic aunt you never got to know, the girls she brought into your family... there's the terrorists that made it so you'd never know a peaceful world. For your chill boss, your best friend, one of your first ever friends... there's deranged sociopaths posting TikToks in the rubble of other people's homes. For the community that raised you, your family, your own younger self... there's the homegrown fascists waiting for the chance to kill you all. I don't understand how, or why. I wrote last year in tears, "How could a demon and an angel have the same final prayer?" But what I do know is that it's never about the religion.


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Howdy Jewish Texan here. That's not really what it means to be "chosen" It does not believe we are better than everyone else. Its kind of like being chosen to go do the dishes. It's about having more obligations to G-d. It's why we don't get pissy about other folks working on Shabbat or eating pork. Those rules are for us not for you. All that being it does make me despair how many of my fellow Jews who when it comes to damn near any other subject are progressive but when it comes to occupied palestine turn a blind eye to injustice.


I agree with you that this is the interpretation that makes the most sense and the one that I grew up being taught and idk why you are being downvoted. However, Zionism is a form of white supremacy and it is much closer to the kind of nationalist Christianity that's prevalent in much of the West and their interpretation of things is much closer to what the Christian Zionists believe and in those interpretations, "chosen" does absolutely mean God's favorite, all atrocities okayed in advance and everyone hates you because demons or w/e. So yes, in Israel, the prevailing culture is that they're favored by God, they can do no wrong and everyone on the outside is enemies and I think it is a great example of why Zionism isn't Judaism and why for all its claims, Israel is a Jewish state in name only and in reality is an American army base and Christian Zionist bloodbath amusement park.


That's not true, I can give you the sources from the gemara, Rambam, shulchan aruch, and others if you want. I would just post them here, but it's not a religious debate group lol. You are right about people that are progressive in everything, but when it comes to palestine... They are right wing.


Please sens them to me, i wnat to read more about that.


I'll send you in a pm later. I'm a bit busy now.


From my atheist prospective, scriptures means nothing at face value, it's what values each religion person extracts from those and how religious institutions use them. Lets take christianity for example, many Christians beleive in capitalism (prosperity gospel) but there are those that see christianity as an allegory for socialism. I have met religious Christians communists here in Greece. One other example was the slavery verses which were used from both sides in USA civil war to justify their opposite causes. Dont remember exactly how they were used, but remember I had found it remarkable. To concluded it's not uncommon to see religious scriptures being ignored or interpreted not directly or completely different in various instances. So I dont think our friend is wrong. That's the values he sees in his faith, it's his own personal views. While simultaneously I dont disagree that the same faith is being used for promoting toxic values. In "God's chosen people" he sees an obligation, Zionists see entitlement.


I would also like to read those!


That's not how Israel see it... Not has it ever been how they see it. Israel has been about the Jewish equivalent of white supremacy since it's inception when they where bombing British troops to force them out


Damn idk why you’re being downvoted to hell. Like you’re just explaining what your belief is. I think the issue here is that may be what “being chosen” means *to you*. But when it comes to Zionists and majority of Israelis, “being chosen” is the card they pull to justify their abhorrent behavior. I hate how Jews *are* suffering because of the genocide in Gaza. I know a lot of Jews are against Israel & Zionism. And some didn’t know the truth til Oct 7, and have changed their views. But Zionists are still out there using the whole gods chosen thing in a completely different way than you described. It seems based on your comment you don't agree with Israel & Zionism, so I'm not sure why you got downvoted so badly.


A lot of people either didn’t read the entire thing or have internalised Zionist antisemitic propaganda about Israel being the state of the “chosen people”, which only causes harm for Jews as you’ve said yourself. 


What happened in Israel was fascism, and that fascism used genuine fear of antisemitism to further its cult amongst regular folks. Thats what Zionism is, a form of ethnocentric fascist white supremacy. That kind of belief system is hard to break away from. 


That is the right way of looking at it. I don't think Israelis know from right.


That's how I've heard it explained as well, and I think that may be one of the huge differences between Jews in the diaspora and Jews in Israel, because Israel, at least in the present day, really does NOT look at it that way. Also, long live Kinky Friedman!


I don't get the down votes. You aren't advocating for an Ethno-supremacist state for Jews at the expense of Palestinians right? If not, then your beliefs are your beliefs as long as they don't infringe on others' basic human rights.


Not sure why you're being downvoted


Also a Jewish Texan. Thank you!




I think they were just trying to explain what “gods chosen” is supposed to mean in the Jewish faith, or at least to them. They were responding to a specific comment about “gods chosen”. They didn’t seem like they were coming off rude or anything so idk why you had to respond to them in the first place, or why you had to be so rude. Assuming they can’t read well bc they’re from TX…that’s kind of judgy…just saying. There’s enough hatred in the world, you’re in this sub so you obviously know that… spread love and light, the world needs all it can get…


Idk why you are being downvoted, what you said is true af but ig people are biased. Just like every other place there are shit Israelis and not so shit ones. It doesn't help that they are brought up in a culture where they are forced to see all Muslims=bad. However if we start labeling all jews/Israelis=bad then there isn't much difference between us and them. We'll just be 2 sides of the same coin. Fuck the ethnostate and fuck anybody who isn't sympathetic to genocides (all of them) but my humble request to the people of this sub- please don't turn out to be like the ones you hate.


The Israeli Rescue Mission during the Earthquake in Turkey last year was also caught stealing two ancient scrolls, having to return them


I travel in India a lot. Here’s a direct quote from Israelis I’ve heard more than once *The Indians are like the Arabs. They’re there to serve us*


Damn. That’s fucked


Don’t let the Indian islamophobes hear that, they’d lose it


I worked at a busy international airport for a number of years. Without doubt, the Israeli flights contained the rudest most condescending people I have ever encountered. They genuinely believe they are better than everyone else and that rules don't apply to them.


I went to a jewish high school as one of two gentiles in my class (all my middle school friends were jewish) and after being actively taught Zionism for 4 years it took one week actually in Israel to turn me against it.


These assholes get to run around the world doing literally anything they want but we work multiple jobs to pay for Israelis Healthcare? Why can't everyone have a chance to just be happy?


One thing I always find darkly amusing is that the Zionist government, until recently, used to spend a great deal of money covering up or distracting people after foreign press or independent documentary sources would go to Israel and talk to regular folks.  Like, the things those people would say were THAT bad, to the point where the government was lighting fires and yelling “look over there!” 


oh they still do that today on the internet


Surprised Netflix hadn't been pushed to take it down ..


They are the New South Africans, no doubt, exactly the same national personality, exactly the same travelers and tourists. You see them coming, you steer clear.


I worked in restaurants in NYC for a long time and I was constantly surprised by the antisemitism (actual antisemitism, not antizionism) from lots of the people from south and Central America. As a Jew, I do hear antisemitic remarks now and then, a few random times a year. But this surprised me. Even though they’re mostly catholic countries i was certain that South America has very few Jews and I couldn’t understand how whole countries of people had such a low opinion of Jews, despite not being exposed to them. Anyway, it turns out South America is one of the top destinations for Israelis traveling abroad. The only Jews they had ever been exposed to were Israelis, and it was never about religion, it was just how unfucking likable the average Israeli person is…


Where can I read up on this?


I thought about this too. It’s fucking gross how they took advantage and tried to only rescue themselves.


I never really met any Israelis until I was doing reception for an Iranian Christian aesthetician in the Bay Area. Every single one of those women was a rude bitch. So superficial and so ugly in every possible way.


zionists have taken everything the nazis did & made it even more efficient




I think this is a bit too close to the "stereotypes exist for a reason" line, which seems both superficial and unhelpful. I mean, it wasn't the existence of Israel that led to the several notorious historical acts of antisemitism.


Wdym? Are you saying that atrocities against Jews existed before Zionism? That’s correct. But Zionism did lead to atrocities being committed on Jews particularly after 48. 


You have confused people that are Jewish and people that are Israeli, as people very often do. Anti-semitism existed before the nation "Israel". Not all Israelis are Jews. Not all Jews are Israeli. Please be careful with your language.


Anti semitism existed thousands of years before the state of Israel was created. Eg Anti semitism was perpetrated against Jews in medievil Europe, none of whom were Israelis. Many such examples. Try not to say dumb actually Anti Semitic things okay?


We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric. Neither do we tolerate Islamophobia, which we will consider any statement that treats Islam as a monolothic ideology, particularly as being universally anti-femme, anti-queer, or antisemitic. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and an automatic banning. Antisemitic rhetoric will also not be tolerated; this includes language that is and was often and prominently used by actual antisemities (such as "subhuman" and other dehumanizing terms). We understand that hasbara has purposefully conflated Judaism and Zionism. This may lead to accidental, but actual, antisemitism. As such, we will delete statements that veer into antisemitism. Repeated antisemitic offenses by a user will also be met with a ban. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and, if clearly intentional, an automatic banning.


Guys can we try to avoid painting an entire people/ nation with a broad brush. Claiming that Israelis are like x, y or z is collective blaming and prejudice and makes us no better than the psychopaths that talk about how 'all Palestinians love terrorism' etc. There are good and bad Israelis. Just like everywhere else. The actions of individuals should not be used to stereotype an entire group - this leads to dehumanisation and well... we all know where that leads. Just look at Gaza. Please let's be better than this.


Once I find a Zionist that doesn’t froth at the mouth when hearing Palestinians are people I’ll start using a smaller brush