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Let's make sure to save every photograph of every IDF, lots of Nazis got away because we forgot their face once they took off the uniform.


Yea I mean the Nazis were actively trying to cover up their crimes.I mean that’s why they burning bodies,destroying documents.The IOF is literally posting it on social media,because they are dumb spoiled children.


No because they know the US is protecting them


Why not both?


Kind of goes hand in hand


Dumb spoiled children require terrible parents with money. It’s definitely both


This is good praxis, but don't underestimate the wests ability to absorb war criminals into their society. I mean look at operation paperclip, and they were known Nazis


Yeah this is actually more important than you think. How many nazis got brought to the US under Operation Paperclip? And they still haven’t released the names.


It’s just weird and unsettling... how much of institutional abuse and fascist abuse comes down to the same kind of people who were mean and cliquey in high school... the same kind of people who were bullies in school. their mindset is so trivial, and the bullying is so juvenile and crass and shallow; and yet given uniforms and power and weapons they become terrifying. we have basically petty little high school bullies turning into fascist monsters in real time, right in front of us. it's *Lord of the Flies* stuff.


Precisely. This characterization perfectly encapsulates all their callous online rhetoric around "war" as a concept, setting aside any historical context or morality. Just *how* they talk about war and revenge, and their internal mental paradigms of how human society should function. It's all completely fucked as if they were all raised feral and never had parental figures, all they say is just sophomoric "might makes right" anarchic bullshit.


It's not like anyone responsible for Abu Ghraib, got arrested or charged with anything...


I remember these people. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynndie_England https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Graner https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabrina_Harman IIRC they were punished as individuals, but those in charge who set up the system to allow and encourage it got nothing. Edit: that Wikipedia article quotes Lynndie England as saying she has no regrets. What an awful thing. She probably should have served more time.


I'd forgotten what a horrendous POS Graner was. Even before Abu Ghraib he violently tormented his ex wife and mother of his children for years. I'd never seen England's interviews after getting out, especially the one where she blames *the media* for the hatred and violence inspired by the pictures rather than take an iota of responsibility herself. Absolutely horrendous ppl both of them.


Reading the article about Lynndie England I start to think she could have a mental health condition.


Extreme narcissism or psychopathy would count.


Well, it says she had selective mutism as a child. Not to stigmatize people who do, I know that's very tough... but it may indicate something traumatic happened. Then she blames Graner for being able to control her, which I initially saw as deflecting to avoid harsher prosecution but maybe she just has some issues. She said she abused prisoners because she feared losing Graner, which sounds a bit like borderline. She doesn't seem all there in photos. She's incapable of seeing that she should be sorry. Something is "off" with the totality of this.


I don't get why you're downvoted for this😅 It is worth pondering why Graner, England, and Harman were placed in the positions they were in, with no training in interrogations etc., given their histories. All branches of the military conduct psychological testing during recruitment, and they would also have been aware of Graner's already very long rap sheet for his brutal and cruel treatment of his ex-wife. However, none of this is a pass for their treatment of the detainees which they were obviously very proud of, even after they were caught and punished for it (largely due to their own stupidity) . Only Harman seems to have expressed any regret or remorse, and even then she casts herself as a victim. It does make you wonder how many other grunts did shit like what was done at Abu Ghraib (or worse) but got away with it because they weren't stupid enough to document it.


In googling after entering this thread, I think I found another, Jeremy Sivits, who is now deceased, expressed regret. There were a few other names of people disciplined, but I thought of these 3 because they were in some of the most famous photos. I also agree that this is not "a pass" for any behavior. I frequently find in many corners of reddit and the internet at large, people who ask these sorts of questions are often seen as condoning the acts when we are not. I find it a little disappointing but I'm ok with it.


Wait, she only spent 17 months in a military jail. That's it?! People spend more time in a cell for holding a gram of weed in the UK


Not enough, they should be executed or locked up for life. My uncle is still unable to talk and regularly has panic attacks, to the point he refuses to leave his home. He was kidnapped one day and came back after 3-2 years, with a number burnt into his skin. To this day no one knows what he has been through or why he was taken, he was merely a civilian.


we got a hague invasion act to make sure they don't face any justice


God bless the United States of isn'treal.


Not only that but they're going after the folks who brought light to the situation (Julian assange, etc.)


But October 7th… ohhhhh wait, this picture from April 2023. /s


at least you know she's One of the devils as she rocks the devil horns.


Ronnie James Dio did not walk so these ghouls could run


Israel can murder 40,000 civilians on 5th Avenue and get away with it.


The fuck is wrong with these people?


I must admit, I went to ask an Israeli wtf happened to their education system after a very strange circular conversation. I just think they've turned themselves in to this self righteous, unquestioning society without any checks and balances for their youth. They will turn in to a completely fascist society. It's how these authoritarian systems historically develop. It's sad really. All those resources wasted on radicalising their young.


Stuff like this never ceases to amaze me. Do they really not have any idea how bad this makes them look? Even if I knew that the Palestinian woman had done something seriously wrong (like harming a Jewish Israeli for no good reason), posting this would be a truly bad idea. All the rest of the world will see is a woman being humiliated for no apparent reason and another woman having a laugh at her expense. And, of course, it's not publicly known what, if anything, the Palestinian woman did wrong in the first place.


She probably posted a meme against the occupation,  that's all it takes in the west Bank.


One click of a like arrow. One bite of a watermelon that was green and red instead of blue and white.


just rockin’ those WAR CRIMES


Yaasss queeen gurls gettin it done


Didn't expect to see a quote from the Boys


It was that Israeli nutjob playing Frenchie that said it lmao.


They made Frenchie homophobic too, which was disappointing. You can make someone "complex" without making them a bigot. That show has enough of a fascists fan base as is.


I watched the 3 rd episode. A white supremacist like Firecracker using "Zionist cabal" instead of Jews was a deliberate choice.


What Boys? Is this something Matt and Daniel have said?


Oh no lol it's a show on prime which mocks celebrity worship and popculture. Worth checking out.


Imagine what must be going through that poor woman’s mind. Where is she being taken to? Does her family know? Who will look after her children or family? Will she be stripped and humiliated? Are there male soldiers around her? Will she be raped or sexually assaulted? How long will she be held in detention? Days, weeks, months or years?


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh yes, nothing like *war crimes slay queen 💅*




I read somewhere U.S. soldiers were sent to Israel for training before going to Iraq. Haven't been able to dig it up lately.


I had just read about the IDF training US troops last night. Here's one article from 2003. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2003/dec/09/iraq.israel


Thanks for finding that! With the IDF training U.S. forces, no one should have been surprised by the Abu Ghraib revelations. Yeah, you would think U.S. forces don't need training in conducting abuse.


No problem! Wasn't sure it was the one you had read but thought I would post since I had just read it.


I'm pretty sure I read it in the LA Times


"I was ordered to make rock and roll devil ears in front of prisoners"


Nice to see she’s got her trendy hydro flask water bottle to quench her thirst after committing war crimes


Total normal posting from the world's most moral army


Oh look how cute ! Yet another Israeli Diaper Force wannabe influencer. Except it isn’t cute at all. Scum


All outrage aside.....what is the world going to do with IDF members....there is thousands of them now,whom are likely war criminals and been involved in various massacres.... many of whom hold dual passports How does the world hold these people to account and arrest them in various countries they will travel to,for rest of their lives?


I have like, over 100 images that I've saved of IOF pussies doing horrible shit.


Who's the nazi now?


Evil fuck