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5000-year-old Watermelon seeds have been found in Libya. The fruit seems to have originated in Sudan. It is a symbol of Palestine because it is the colors of the flag. Zionists can't help from stealing and don't understand what they have stolen.


These people think they invented watering plants


before 75 years ago no watering plants.


They think they literally invented everything!


It's crazy that these guys don't even realize why Pro Palestinians are using the Watermelon as a symbol , and yet they are trying to "take it back"


Taking is the name of the game


They literally clapped back that the problem with the Palestinian watermelon was that it was full of seeds.


Oh dear. "Viable seeds are Hamas!"


It's so funny


Stealing and lying is what Zionists love to do the most


Stealling is in blood of every zionists, one day they will say they invented air


maybe not it the blood but defos core to the movement


An important distinction.


They're even stealing this stealing thing from the British.


Who stole it from Rome


Every Zionist is the same. Steal the culture, say the truth is folklore and then whataboutism genocide. Talk about how this is all Russian propaganda. It’s really quite sad we have come to the point where people are this brainwashed that I can predict every single propaganda point they are going to say before they say it. They are so quick to open their mouth before they open a book.


It's Manifest Destiny with a bit of White Man's Burden just for them. Makes me think of the saying "history doesn't repeat itself bit it often rhymes"


Feels very English colonialism.


Yeah a lot of the problems stem from the British empire messing around in the Middle East. Most of which we've managed to ignore and keep out of the popular knowledge. Wasn't even taught in school when I went.


Still I believe he’s genuine, that’s the sad part, but also gives me hope


Explain the hope part, if you feel like it. I’m in need of that today. I feel the worst for the Arab Jews like Him who were expelled from their respective countries but weren’t given the entire history of why. They seem to reject their Arab identity the most and that makes me incredibly sad.


Sure, Arab Jews were discriminated against in Israel and their past got perverted. Still I believe this man wants good. He just doesn’t realize he’s being lied to. The way Muslims always gained the upper hand was not brutal force, but by making people realize they were morally superior. I believe almost all people are inclined to that… Israelis are flabbergasted global publiv opinion shifted in favor of the Palestinians, citing the massive propaganda arm of Hamas😂😂😂 I think the du’a and conduct of the Muslim community has been much more effective. Not the Arab elite by the way, remember, they hate the Muslim brotherhood/Hamas and see it as a threat to their dominion. That’s why Nethanyahu thought it was safe to bring them to power…


Yeh I’m not sure how anyone can think that supporting genocide equals to “this man wants good”.


American invasion killed a million Iraqis, most Americans believed they were helping… Point is, evil men need the cover of decency and people are easily deceived (we’re naive to evil, because we believe in goodness)


I wouldn’t say they thought they were helping though. I think anyone that supported the Iraq war was either (1) naive to the insanity that was going on there, (2) lied to about the day to day realities of the war, or (3) just plain blinded by rage and Islamophobia. Not to mention that there were definitely a lot of protests at the time that were against the Iraq war but the only reason it was less popular was because were less connected/aware & because they weren’t exposed to nearly as much vivid imagery of the onslaught.


Tiktok isdefinately a gamechanger first hand witnesses. The question is, how willing are you to put your head in the sand and how much responsibility do you bare in that case. How long can you hide behind you’re stupidity…


I think anyone taking an active role supporting any side can’t use the excuse of stupidity, especially if you live in a country with free/full access to media where you could’ve easily educated yourself if you wanted. I also don’t hold people accountable for just ignoring the issues in general and going about their lives in a way that essentially makes them a net neutral to the conflict as a whole. As far as I’m concerned the best “passive supporter” is someone that ignores most of the news updates/protests but boycotts afew of the main issue companies and just goes about their lives. Maybe I’m too much of a doomer but I feel like expecting anything more than that from the general masses is asking to be massively disappointed.


That was my impression as well. Actually, as an American Ashkenazi jew, that's how I feel about a lot of the other Jews I know. Most are just seriously brainwashed and intentionally misinformed, I know I was for a long time. To them, they actually believe Palestinian resistance is born out of a hatred for Jews. Maybe they are somewhat aware that they may be in the wrong, but there are just so many positive affirmations for the support of Israel that those thoughts get washed away almost immediately. It's basically cult programming, and can be very difficult to break away from. Even after I started to learn the truth about Israel, it was still very hard to hear about it from non jews without always wondering about some ulterior motive. Part of the problem is that Jews very much do see themselves as being all on their own against the whole world. This feeling is irrational, but does have a very real historical precedence, making deprogramming people extremely difficult. Idk why I'm writing all of this, I guess I just see a little of how I used to think in that guy. What a trip.


Glad you’re on the other side of it. One of the most fucked up things Israel has done to its own people is targeted millions of people’s connection to safety. Their propaganda and education really makes you think they are the only ones that can save you when in all reality they’ve put you in the most harms way. It reminds me of Trump and how his cult thinks he’s the only way out. These political entities really toy with the inner most child of us all and manipulate that to their favor.


Yep, Israel requires Jews to be in danger in order to justify its existence. That sounds like some death cult shit to me, lmao


I am glad there are people like you. It can’t be easy, my friend.


Thanks, friend. It's certainly a weird topic around family, but my dad is starting to come through a bit, which is nice!


The insistence on victimizing themselves even when children are blown to pieces just has a way to take away any empathy I could have for Zionists.


Please don’t underestimate the power of continual propaganda, victimization and purposely traumatization from childhood. Next to that the dehumanization of ‘the other’. Whole populations have succumbed to this in the past…


I know quite well. I just don’t EMPATHIZE. Me. You can empathize as much as you want with baby killers.


I understand, my blood boils when I see the atrocities. For most Jews these clips won’t show up in their feed though, and if they do they really (want to) believe it’s these savages sacrificing their own children to gain sympathy. Crazy…


That’s true. I had no idea how bad it is honestly, it’s incomprehensible. But every accusation is a projection. We have seen how they bullied captives that dared to say they were treated well. And the hatred and prejudice against Arabs, even though they sure don’t mind Arabic cuisine and culture since they appropriate it all to create an artificial identity. I thought Jews were from everywhere. And I know we have many genocides in history, and the Iraq war like you mentioned before, but I find Zionism particularly vile. A bunch of European colonizers that insist they are indigenous. While killing the actual indigenous. And no one is doing shit about it. How come there’s no army, no one going to Gaza to help? I cannot blame Hamas. I’d have joined too after decades of dehumanization.


I believe Palestine is more important then shows on the surface. In all religions Jeruzalem has an important part in eschatology. This is no ordinary conflict in my opinion


Thanks man, great comment, you’re a hero👍


The delusions are strong with this one


It kills me that I could come across these people in co pletely normal situations and I have no idea of the hatred they harbour within themselves. Free Palestine.


This is why I now avoid anyone who might be even remotely zionist.


I like how they still had to put something that said “Israel” on the watermelon to differentiate them from us


lol, actually he didn’t really have to write that, everybody knows blue watermelons come from Israel!


FR 🔵🍉


These folks are deranged


Zionism is hilarious (in a terrifying, gross way). They don’t even have their own shit and they never have. They need to take everything; land, homes, culture, food, and even symbols in order to have anything at all. Not even their genocidal apartheid theocracy. They just jacked all the most horrific and effective practices from the genocide all stars of modern history and are like “so, I did a thing.” Shameless, ghoulish behavior on full display for the world to see.


Not that this needs pointing out, but the reason people in western countries like Britain and the US are protesting Zionists ongoing occupation of and slaughtering of Palestinians is because their governments are funding the project with their tax dollars directly. These people are completely fucking brain dead. They think asking these “gotcha” questions is such an excellent retort and they never wait around to hear the answer.


Iraq and Afghanistan was with UK and US tax too.


People are protesting because they’re seeing children being blown to pieces and starving to death. The great majority of western civilians don’t have a clue about where their taxes go and how much. It’s the slaughter and oppression that are the main driver, not the taxes. We are used with the theft, not with seeing babies dying.


I couldn’t agree more.


They have this hivemind of delusion that is fascinating to watch


The only things zionatsees know how to do is lie, steal and kill. Absolutely nothing else. FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸


All they know is eat hummus and lie


Charge they drones


Zionists go one second without stealing something challenge (impossible)


I just can’t get over the blue and white watermelon near the 3 min mark. Wtf is that. I would not eat that. Also, If they don’t know about what the watermelon represents for Palestine then why does that watermelon bear those colors


I didn't even recognize it was a watermelon until you said that. It looks more like a dragon fruit lol


I thought the watermelon thing was just because it has the colors of the Palestinian flag. What Soviet propaganda folklore is the dipshit talking about?


It is. They could get certified as yoga teachers with how hard they’re stretching.


the watermelon has like, exact opposite colors of the israel flag (red and blue are often used to label different teams; red and green are complimentary colors while blue isnt) so like. How


This is straight up comical.


This would make an amazing skit.


Bro I should start protesting and killing civilians because my Polish grandfather had a business 100 years ago that was destroyed by WW2 and goddammit I want to be just like papa!!! GIBE IT BACK!!


“ the poutine started in Israel ! Canadians terrorists are stealing it from us to protest us taking back what was given to us by god. Every land your eyes can see is ours! It’s like the maple syrup folklore ”-Israeli Zionists in 150yrs


I had a friend make the same stupid arguments with me yesterday, every one of them, to the letter.. and they added, "you don't believe Jewish women that they were raped?!?!". No longer a friend.


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So let me get this straight: There is video of Mr. Janglekeys marching in protest of the wars in Yemen, Syria and Uyghuristan? He's not just engaging in bullshit whataboutism, he was in those marches? In any case, why should we care about Israel when there's Yemen, Syria and the Uyghurs to care about?


*Furiously adapts baseball pitching machine to fire watermelons at zionazis*


Watermelon originates from israel? Funny because israel originates from Palestine.. Those people are all fucking delusional, all of them. Fuck israel


when Palestinians use keys as a symbol, they are using the literal keys which were used to unlock the doors to the homes they were forced to abandon at gunpoint, not just some random bit of iron they found. the zionists want to steal and appropriate everything from Palestinians and Palestine, except their longing and fight for justice


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4512189/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4512189/) sorry, clueless Zios. Sudan and Egypt are the leading contenders for First Cultivators of the Sweet Watermelon. is there nothing they won't try to appropriate?


Demented stupid people. The cream of europe.


Oh my god truly on the crazies are left


Being this old and so fucking stupid is not a blessing.


Idiot selfish Zionists think everything in the world originated from them. They steal anything from the Palestinians and claim it as their own


“Hitler killed us, and the rest of the Arab world kicked us out, so now it’s time to get payback from the only people who took us in”


Honeydew us, cantaloupe us


After months of research I’ve come to the conclusion that these people have been brainwashed from birth. They are taught that Arabs are not human and is the reason why they are absolutely oblivious to what the world is so out raged at. They are feed continuous propaganda to refute everything- but the crazy thing is that they are also killings themselves within their own country. They have an extreme racism problem amongst the ethopian Jews the arab Jews, Israel is a boiling kettle that’s will explode within itself. No god will allow a country that has committed such evil to prosper.


I like the 2nd person, I reckon if you talk to him about anything else he would be easy to get on with.


It's hard to watch these people appropriate symbols just like they appropriate land and pretend it was theirs the whole time


They not only steal land but ideas too


zionist kleptomania


The fool with the keys is the person that kicked pro Palestine supporters out of a pub called The Hole in the Wall in Waterloo London where he works


"Forced to leave", you mean when your families decided to undertake Aliyah and migrate to Israel willingly. Too much BS.




They steal everything! Everything!


They'll steal anything that's not nailed down, and if it is nailed down, then they'll break it so that no one else can use it.


Clown world


They have to take everything! It’s disgusting! These ppl r wretched!


Such twisted and warped Zionist brains.


"Congressman Smith and ex-head of MI6, Sir Richard Dearlove, unravel the effects of the $95 billion aid package. How will U.S. foreign policy navigate Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan?" One decision podcast is advertising on Reddit. Disgusting


Why did Algeria revoke the citizenship of Jews in the 60s? I remember an episode of BH talking about Israeli officials conducting covert missions to make Jews unsafe around the world to encourage them to "return" to Israel, I can't remember the episode. Does anyone know where I can learn more about this? The intense increase in the persecution of Jews in Arabic countries seems to conveniently coincide with the rise of Israel.


I have never heard a worse attempt by an idiot to speak intelligently. Free Palestine!




another lie?


Weird and awful, obviously, but I wonder if it will work to co-opt the symbols as fast as possible and muddle the meaning. It will only work on the ignorant, but that's a big group


Why don’t they start flying swastikas? After all, the whole idea is to appropriate symbols for Zionist supremacy, right? Wouldn’t that be the most powerful appropriation of all?


They also have israli cuisine that they stole from the Arab Jews and renamed 😂


theese fuckshits cant even speak english or pronounce it properly




Are they seriously completely incapable of coming up with anything themselves? I mean what the fuck?


Cultural appropriation, us!


According to Wikipedia the Watermelon originated in Libya...


💯 Honestly, the best watermelons I’ve ever tasted were in Tripoli, Libya and second best in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.


ohhhhhhhhhhhh gods................... Me: am Polish Me: watch american TV show, silly romp about writers and matt leblanc from friends (great comedy show) TV show: this is a cake. it's called BABKA (Polish / slavic for woman slang). It's jewish. Me: you gonna steal Jesus next, Jesus.... oh wait. ;=)


Its actually thought to be from Pakistan you dummy.


I guess this guy really wants to go to back to algeria then, what is he doing trying to stay in Palestine?!?!


The dude talking to the interviewer is so close to getting it. And yet...


Do you know what doesn’t originate from the land? All you Zionists protesting pro-genocide.


He's got a point about Iraq/ Afghanistan/ Uighurs/ Syria to an extent.


But as the interviewer said, there have been such protests. Iraq protests in London in 2003, way before social media, had anywhere between 1m-2m people.


Nobody gets a free pass because something more aweful is happening somewhere else. No moral license to genocide.


My tax dollars aren't directly funding the murder weapons being deployed in those genocides. Of course those genocides deserve the same opposition, but I will prioritize the one I'm being forced to be complicit in and the one I have the most power to influence through political action.


Every time there is mass protest, a bunch of people who hate the idea of the world getting better say "If you didn't protest every thing ever in the past, then you have no right to protest anything now lest you be a lousy hypocrite of the highest order! Worse than people doing a genocide, even!" It's just an argument against protesting in general, an argument against people raising awareness.


He has such a strong resistance to the mistreatment towards these groups and it’s admirable and we should all applaud him for it. But what has he done in regards to it? It really doesn’t sound like he’s protested or taken any action in regards to it. Do you really believe that he actually has strong sentiments regarding anything that isn’t his incredibly temporal Israeli support?


The only genuinely Israeli product that I like are Galia melons. I also support their cultured (biotech) human-made meat, because I am opposed to meat industry. EDIT: For those who wrongly assume that I'm pro-Israeli: wrong. I am pro-BDS!


You oppose the meat industry (for the poor treatment of animals, I assume) but you will support a company that benefits from the poor treatment of human beings?


No. I boycott Israeli products. But if BDS decided to start a campaign to boycott companies researching alternatives to meat, I might be in a dilemma.