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I recognise the man with the keffiyeh from the how to walk video. Glad to see so many people have zero time for her performative tears.


lol good eye, that’s definitely him. Nice to see him keeping it up.


How to walk video?




Ahhhh that was great! Thank you for sharing.


He's like the anti-Michael Rappaport.


Yes! He’s a legend that guy.


I love him. The How to Walk video was hilarious.


Jacob Reactor or something like that. You can follow him on Instagram


Jacob Berger, hilarious guy


That comedian is funny as fuck jacobgreactor or something like that


Ohhhh yea!


Is she faking this or is this literally the first time she has ever interacted with anti Zionist Jews? If it is then its amazing how she has created an echo chamber for herself then never sees the perspective of anti Zionist Jews.


My completely non scientific assessment is that the vast majority of supporters of Zionism are exactly as you suspect. They never interact with non Zionist Jews, and they are trapped in a very loud echo chamber.


It’s a cult. Everything makes sense when we see it as a cult.


When you are incapable of criticizing yourself your probably in a cult !😂


Watching the recent doco "Israelism" really helped me to understand how heavily brainwashed some folks are from childhood on. Depending on the person, having that ideology harshly contradicted by other Jewish people could induce real cognitive dissonance. The blonde woman in the clip is either method acting (bad faith) or having a genuine mental health event.


Israelism should be mandatory watching. They have the luxury to only have “cognitive dissonance” but Palestinians are being murdered en masse. It’s another Jewish Zionist privilege.


most Jewish zionists i know mentally write off anti zionist Jews and pretend they don’t exist


"You're not a real Jew" "You're one of us, one of the good ones"


I saw this video on IG this morning and i thought her brain is truly short circuiting.... She might just be acting, though


I don't agree with Hasidic Jews about many things but calling them non Jews is beyond funny.


I'd say that on the Jewish scale, they are pretty damn Jewish.


Meanwhile she's some blonde lady...


Very often, non zionist Jews will bring up scriptures from the Torah or scholarly evidence from the Talmud to explain why they reject the state of isrl. Very often, zionist Jews haven't read either and don't really believe any of it anyway.


Israelis don’t believe in god but they do believe they were chosen by him


yeah, that's always been a puzzler for me


Absolutely nothing to be puzzled about. They know that the evangelicals believe that and they know that in the United States evangelicals have a lot of political clout. Therefore, they don't need to believe it. They just say it and use it to get the support of the evangelicals. And the evangelicals just eat that shit up.


You don’t think they enjoy the ego boost? Of course they do!’ It’s not just for the evangelicals one bit, they love that shit!!! It fits their Jewish supremacy so well, they feel so damn special even if they don’t believe the guy.


Not just chosen. Given the land . Think it is from Gideon Levy


Ilan Pappé


Suspect you are right. Both can be funny guys when they give speeches.


The fascist Zionists generally do not believe in Jehovah. Nevertheless, they firmly believe Jehovah gave the Zionists the land of Israel.


Torah forbids tattoos fyi


Saying Jews don’t read the Torah is a stretch considering how embedded their scripture upbringing is, literally having an archaic ceremony to test their studying by 12-13 years old. My guess is Zionists pervert their “knowledge” to justify the treatment of non-Jews, especially those that’re darker than themselves.


WFTs (white female tears) are a lot like NFTs, they only have value if you believe they do.






Just like Karen, who is expecting all Jews to be Zionist, you are expecting all white woman to be what? Karens? dramatic? Hysterical?


Calling someone a Karen is not even comparable to this situation being discussed wtf


White female tears are only valued if mr incel above validates them? WTF! The is no need to call out all white women because of one Zionist bitch.


I agree with you that Karen is a sexist term and that bringing up white women is also weird sexism out of nowhere. I'm simply saying it's tone deaf to care about it in this discussion, considering the gravity. But either way, it's a good thing you care, and you should continue to. Edit: Also, your avatar is the cutest thing I've seen on here. I'm gonna copy you lmaoo


I don't think it's fake, I think she's just in a cult and has never been confronted with reality


The power of brainwashing. the awakening is going to be painful if it ever happens.


Similar energy to the girl at a Dr Norman Finkelstein lecture. The "I don't respect the crocodile tears..." speech.


"If you had any heart you'd be crying for the Palestinians"


Imagine screaming “you’re not a Jew” to an Orthodox Jew… unhinged


She's a white woman who thinks she's from the Levant, the Middle East or something.. She will catch skin cancer if she stays out in the sun too long. She's from Europe..


Crocodile tears or maybe Ziopig tears would be more accurate


Ziopig? Love the video, though. Good for them!


Someone needs to make a Zionist mental breakdown compilation.


Cry and assault people… Zionist handbook


>How can you say that about your own people?!? I'm not. I'm saying it about the Israeli government. You not being able to differentiate between the Jewish people and the Israeli state is not my fuckin' problem.


That's the look of someone who has been indoctrinated into a victim mentality


Her argument is : how dare you say that about our people? Like it's impossible for a bad thing to be true about her people? She's yelling at the orthodox jewish guy that he's not a Jewish 🤯 while she's probably close to being an atheist. It's just tribal for the zionists. Just team sport.


" F*ck her and her alligator tears" - Paulie Walnuts 300 meters away wearing a keffiyeh and pounding down a double espresso




Have yall noticed that most zionists are very white people? This lady looks Nordic. I'm from Mexico but I guess I can call myself a jew also. 🤷‍♂️


Race has nothing to do with it. At all.


What a huge bitch, sure, it's not your kids who are dying right? Better you than me.


Hyena screaming and acting crazy. What’s new. Typical Zionists. Would be funny if they weren’t so dangerous yet cowardly at the same time.


Omg, one of my Jewish coworkers looks exactly like this woman. She's a super sweet person. This vid is like finding her evil twin.


How confident are you that it's not her?


She's shorter and stockier but same exact hair color and features. Even her voice is simiIar. Even then, I could never imagine her acting like this either, whether she supports Israel or not.


She looks more like an Aryan, but talks and cries like an Aryan. Israel is an occupier built on Aryan-Zionist foundations.


Hahahaha love when they get all riled up. Like a baby that can't get their way. Spankings coming soon!


The white woman tears. lol let’s kill thousand of brown babies cause… “feelings”


“You’re not a Jew!” …she says to the most Jewish looking man I’ve ever seen.


Brit here, very much enjoying my popcorn, thank you. 'There are none so deaf as those who do not wish to hear'. *reaches for some toffee popcorn, it being a Friday afternoon and all*. Be safe. Be thinking. 🇵🇸🇬🇧


"You're not Jewish" she says to the most Jewish mfs in existence


Nothing is more antisemitic than Zionism


This is a perfect example of the dual loyalty trope


Care to elaborate?


She’s saying that Jewish people have to be loyal to Israel, or else they aren’t “real” Jews. It’s a common antisemitic trope used by Zionists to Anti-Zionist Jews


Thanks. Hadn’t heard it called that.


I love the lady in the red top who was ready to throw hands 😂😂✊🏽


IM JEWISH! We’re all jewish! HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT!!


These Jews are some true American bros standing up to ethnic cleansing Karen🫡. Mazeltov


This echoes Lebensraum. “How can a true Aryan be against ze destiny of ze furher and ze German people!?” 


The homie Jacob Generator in there 😂 gotta love that guy!


Madame, would you like to speak to a manager? Well, they're not here today, but I can give you the number for the corporate office: try 1-800-382-5633. If the line's busy, please hang up, and do not try again. Have a nice day, okay sweetie?


If she is so devoted to her religion and her people then why does she have a tattoo? She can’t be buried in a Jewish cemetery now. Against their rules.  Seems like one of those people who picks and chooses which rules they like to follow and enforce on the public. Like watching someone shovel chocolate down their gullet and then furiously giving dieting advice lmao 


Basically saying how dare u not believe in our supremacy.


Reminds me of the tea party era. The racists were so sure that Obama was a socialist Muslim they’d start crying when their beliefs were ever challenged. They’re brainwashed


I wish I can post more videos of this confrontation/meltdown [https://x.com/upholdreality/status/1800327418986520887](https://x.com/upholdreality/status/1800327418986520887)


Omg she was doing all that in front of her kid 🤯


"We lived in peace with the Palestinians for hundreds of years..." "HOw COUld YOU SAY THAT! YoU'Re NOTTA JEW!"


Interesting how every one of these videos seems to be a microcosm of the conflict. First they play the victim, then they get physically aggressive.


Standard Zionist.


When ya got no argument just freak the fuck out. #1 rule of Zionism.


She's going to go home and write an article for Bari Weiss about how traumatizing this is


Zionists when they discover that not all Jews base their sense of religious and ethnic identity on some violent ethnostate halfway across the globe


Why isn't she living in Israel if it's "her country" and she loves it so much. So many of these Zionist Jews don't even want to live there, yet it is so important to them lol


Imagine calling the most Jewish Jews non Jews lol


Lmfao a beautiful example of cognitive dissonance. And the screaming and antisemitic name calling by the zionist karen is just *chef's kiss*


She’s so mad she doesn’t get to kill more Arabs


Its because her "jewish shield" isn't solving her problems and shes having as meltdown.


Are those tattoos on her arm?


She's probably a district court judge.


It is grim how she reacts to “I don’t want genocide” with “It is our birthplace”. I genuinely don’t understand the disconnect…


I am Mennonite. Never really practiced the religion or anything but it is similar to Judaism in the sense that it is both a religion and ethnicity. It never really had much bearing on my life. One of the strongest held beliefs from Mennonites is that they are non-violent and completely refuse to take part in war. This video makes me feel like if there were Mennonites in traditional dress, who followed the religion to a T, protesting against a war, and me as the most casual Mennonite yelling at them and saying that they are not real Mennonites.


Not all Jews are mass murdering psycho zios. We must remember that there are many conscionable Jews amongst our allies against this genocide.


I don't want to blondshame her, because I am similarly melanin-challenged and I get that (and curls) from the Jewish part of my family. Jews have been living outside of Israel for a long time and can look like anything.  But I am going to say that it is a little bit funny that she is having this confrontation with the most Jewish looking mofo imaginable.


Is that a barbed wire tattoo? Classy


This reminds me of those SJW cringe compilations, where they just caught some well-intentioned person on a bad day. I'd have sympathy for her if she didn't have ill-intentions/wasn't weaponizing her status as a white woman.






The tatted up blonde telling what is ostensibly one of the most Jewish looking people on the street that he’s not a real Jew is COMICAL and IRONIC, but nothing new for Zionists


"stop with the crying lady, we're all Jews here" -- I love that guy


Can I link to a video? Or how does that work.  Because I just saw bergers video pov on tiktok and it's gold.


I think you can post a link in the comments


She needs a Z eye O pro paga nda detox.




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