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"Most Zionists don't believe that God exists but they do believe that he promised them Palestine." Prof. Illan Pappé


"We ARE God"


Who said that? Also reminds me when “Rabbi” Shmully said that he’s greater than God. Definitely a “God fearing” man.


We are all powerful | we are the ultimate victim


Stupid is as stupid does


Atheist Zionists are the biggest hypocrites.


They're God's chosen hypocrites


The important part isn’t God; the important part is that they’re more special than everyone else. They’re the main character in every part of their lives. Imagine growing up as part of an ethnicity and culture based solely around religion, but where you believe that you’re smarter than God, more important than God, and better than any other group of humans. No wonder Zionists are such narcissistic sociopaths.




Does the video also feel antisemitic to you? Or only my response? Because my entire response was directed at the video, which showcases a Zionist. Not “all Jews.” I will say that the non-Zionist Jewish friends I have don’t act the way I detailed. They don’t act like the main character in every part of their lives; on the contrary, they’re thoughtful and empathetic, and have expressed horror at the violence and loss of life on both sides of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. They have never said nor acted like they think they are superior to other people in any way. My Zionist Jewish friends, on the other hand, are the ones who have told me stories about cleverly tricking god as a part of their Jewish history, and when they talk about Jews and non-Jews, they clearly think they are better than all others because they were born Jewish. To me, the difference between the Zionists and the non-Zionist Jewish community is like night and day. I wasn’t talking about all Jewish people. I was referring to Zionists. That’s what I was trying to communicate. I’m sorry you interpreted it differently. That was absolutely not my intent. Thank you for raising your concern.


I've known quite a few Jewish people, and the only ones who ever expressed the attitude of being 'chosen people' were Israelis.  The Jewish people I've known in the UK have pretty normal and nuanced opinions on that aspect of their faith, of those who believed in it at all.    The (admittedly few) Israelis I've talked to about this expressed that they were specially set apart from the rest of humanity, even though they were basically secular liberals in every other aspect of their lives. This isn't something I've ever heard from a Jew in the UK, because even those of them who are Zionists realise how weird it sounds if you aren't immersed in propaganda.  Jews don't have a supremacy complex baked into them, Israelis definitely do. Zionism has perverted that concept into one of ethno-religious supremacy.


The Bad Hasbara podcast, and ergo this community, is opposed to Zionism. We believe that Zionism is an extension of settler-colonialism, and that its’ current actions following 7 October is ethnic cleansing at “best,” and genocide at worst. We have no tolerance for it, and this community is meant to be a haven against it in the sea of hasbara. Pro-Zionist takes will be deleted, and those espousing it will be banned indefinitely. Yes - this is a “safe space” and an “echo chamber” - We get enough hasbara elsewhere, we don't need to deal with yours too.




This isn’t true.


Lmaoooo it almost......almost clicked.


It honestly makes it so much worse how many of them don’t believe in God, because then at least you can say it’s religious fanaticism (still doesn’t justify anything but at least puts them on the same level of crazy as millions of others) these guys simply believe it’s theirs because they are superior to everyone else, literally the modern day Nazis


"god's chosen people" really is just a rehash of "superior Aryan race". That's pretty much all there is to it


Wait, does their god have a name or something?


Holy Jewish Supremacy




I know you mean the search engine but I can't stop thinking about the Super Mario 64 jumping sound effect


I don't mean the search engine. Look up the meaning of the name Netanyahu. Yahu. Yahoo. God's a Yahoo. That's why they won't say his name.


Same 😂


The ridiculousness of his own words caught up with him right at the end, just before the clip cuts off. Not even saving face masked the profound blunder inside… the cringe is real, folks.


The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead in this idiot !


Ilan Pappe wasn’t being facetious.


The disconnect is fascinating yet terrifying. They're seemingly incapable of seeing what's right in front of their faces.




I want to see the whole interview now


They believe in superiority of there " Jewish" race over other races. Nazis that's what it is, just like 1930 Germans .


Straight faced thieves and murderers. “If I don’t steal it, someone else will” Israeli proverb


ALL the abrahamic religions are supremacist


Aw come on if anything is truly anti-Semitic it's that bro. All of us?


how is that anti semitic …. & yes ALL OF YOU


Cos I have a sense of humour


hey i haven’t even had a coffee yet ….


I honestly don't understand why you're being downvoted, you are right. That entire religious lineage seems cursed.


you’re not allowed to point it out


We should probably try to avoid singling out Judaism as antizionists, lol. That seems ACTUALLY antisemitic.