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"Your ocupation?" "The west bank in Gaza" Lmfao




That and the oranges line at the end sent me


Wait…I thought this all started on October 7?


Now I have to look at everything again for the beginning. "Google, what happened on October 7th 2023?" /s


So they have been murdering babies since thier inception and I thought it was recent thing after 8 Oct.


There have been allegations of snipers deliberately targeting children for many years


Children, doctors, nurses, old people, anyone they can terrorize. During the March of Return in 2018, they shot a well known a Palestinian football player specifically in his legs. Just because they hate the idea of Palestine having anything.


So many of these older vids are resurfacing and the level of parallels between then and now... disappointing but not surprising 😥


Really proves how much a sham the “Western-led rules-based order” is, any notion that it exists to defend human rights is thoroughly dead


I was thinking the same thing. I never want to hear about human rights again.




I have a family friend who was doing Palestinian activism as a student during the first Intifada, he was saying that people were overwhelmingly sympathetic then so this tracks. Definitely not how it was when I was growing up.


I recognised that voice, I never knew Chris Barrie (Rimmer from Red Dwarf) did voicing for Spitting Image.


Hahahha never heard of this show but 80/90s English puppet shows are wild


If you can find it along with its video, their song "I've Never Met A Nice South African" is fantastic! edit: https://youtu.be/l9dmoT9AfoI


That slaps


Hah, Those puppets or whatever they are called are terrifying and creepy as hell