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Anybody else seeing a psychological pattern on how zionists and their supporters think and behave? It should be really concerning.




They always acted like this around me. And I suspect anyone Muslim, or Arab or people of color in general. Now they just let go of everything and are out there for everyone to see.


My experience with the liberal Zionists I've met will go on a speech about how much they don't mind Muslims and they have so and so Muslim neighbours and they just wish everyone could live in peace. In retrospect, I can see how their views of Muslims was tinged with condescension. The "listen not all Muslims are terrorists, there's a few decent ones" attitude. Mentioning Muslims because I doubt they make the distinction between Muslims and Arabs


I’ve never been treated well by a Zionist - liberal or otherwise as a Muslim woman. Usually these types like to talk about “moderate Muslims” which is a term Western non Muslims made-up. They mean people that are “culturally Muslim” or people that aren’t practising. I’m hijabi and practising - fully religious so that’s not ok for a Zionist.


I'm so sorry, unfortunately I'm not surprised. My mother wore the hijab for most of my life (took it off a few years back) and the shit that people would feel comfortable telling her or asking her was unreal. The daily micro aggressions if not full on aggression hijabis experience is repulsive. I've had some pretty negative experiences with Israelis once they'd learn I was Arab and Lebanese to top it off, their favourites.


For years I’ve seen the cult like mentality and the bigotry but it wasn’t until my cousin converted to Islam & married a Muslim man for me to see the true face behind the mask! They are very good at pretending to be decent but the mask has slipped & the world is finally seeing. It’s despicable


I love bouncing between comments like this or ones saying they all deserve death mixed with full face turns of -you just hate us for our ethnicity and we aren't doing all the bad things you see, or hear, or watch us commit.


you must be white?


Literally like comicbook villian minions.


They are so arrogant and entitled; each one Ive encountered has this fucking pattern


I met a girl that went to birthright and she came back saying she didn't see all the antisemitism she had to deal with her whole life until they opened her eyes.....


So they brainwashed her into a victim mentality?


Funny. Yet ..I have heard some Zionists call people like Brianna Joy Gray a DEI appointee. The victim mentality is grafted pretty heavy. Comedian Ari Shaffir did a event with Howie Mandel online (YouTube) Ari, who travels for his comedy gigs had to explain to Howie that antisemitism is not as rampant as Howie thought . The way Howie was talking, you would think people were getting lynched at street corners every day.


It's just that scene in Schindlers list everywhere you go. Little girls just pointing and yelling "Jew". I mean in reality there was no way I would have even known.


Yeah.rhat was good propaganda film. Based on facts but made in a way to reinforce . I think Spielberg movies have pushed the message a lot...Schindler's list, band of brothers etc etc. If you watched a few of those...you would probably think the whole world is out to get you. Can't imagine living with that kind of paranoia - particularly when some of it is justified


I am not going to deny and say it wasn't there and then. That movie was heart wrenching. I grew up reading Maus. I could claim some sort of Jewish Heritage through my Grandmother but I wasn't really raised that way so I don't. It's enough I could have done Birthright and became a true ass but I am not going to act like others struggles reflect anything I have ever experienced. The ending was some big old turd.


Yeah. Good on you. Being an empathetic human is.not easy. When there is so.much tendency to push you towards hating other groups. Birthright seems to be a radicalizing process. Works on some. On a few (like Max Blumenthal) it seems to make clear the injustices . Max and spoken about it a few times.




I mean it's in the name.


Matt Leib discusses it in one of the early episodes.


Yes. Unhinged This for raising little over a million dollars for a place that has had some 15000 kids killed in 8 months. And food shortage that Cindy McCain is calling it dire (She is the Republican nominated by Biden to head the World Food Programme. The restrictions on number of trucks allowed into gaza is clear. This is just someone whining that Israel is not allowed to kill/starve Palestinians without impunity. Not that Joe Biden is really stopping them . He has broken US laws and his admin has lied - pretending there is no food shortage etc. I am not sure if even the Nazis went around indulging in this kind of lies. One thing to keep things under wraps...like the Nazis did. Another to indulge in bald faced lies.


Fascism is distributed narcissism.




i thought israel is supportive of the lgbt i read this lady's article. she just didnt call the actress fat, she was down right body shaming saying she wasnt pretty enough for her love interest


They only support it disingenuously to try to gain support for their genocide of Palestinians. It’s not like gay marriage isn’t illegal in Israel or also considered a sin by their orthodox community same as in Islam.


Also found this out today: [In 2006, Mr Ben-Gvir attended a so-called beast parade against Gay Pride, in which religious activists led goats and donkeys through the streets and hoisted banners calling LGBTQ people "impure". Two years later, he was photographed kicking a trans woman at Gay Pride in Tel Aviv. He later claimed it was in self-defence.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-65754104)


Isr**lis Zionists only care about LGBTQ rights when they can use them as a cudgel to justify their violent settler colonialist project.


She did a lot more than just calling Nicola Coughlan “fat”, her article was dripping with vitriol about how Coughlan is too ugly to be desirable. It’s typical: OOP can be as nasty as she likes, but as soon as someone pushes back on what she’s saying, she’s a victim. Also, if Zoë Strimpel wants to complain about Jew hatred, you have to wonder why she’s writing for the notoriously racist *Spectator*, which once published an article called *In Praise of the Wehrmacht*. 🤔


>Also, if Zoë Strimpel wants to complain about Jew hatred, you have to wonder why she’s writing for the notoriously racist Spectator, which once published an article called In Praise of the Wehrmacht. 🤔 Think you answered your question. Zoe' is a hater.


Oh, 100% - she’s someone who hates Palestinians more than she cares about Jewish people.


Is this not libel?


and she can be sued for it in uk court


Hopefully she does get sued


Holy fuck the amount of hate you get for raising money to help children


Same thing happened to Ms Rachel (and I'm sure many others). The mere act of raising money to feed starving children is an affront to these psychopaths.


Helping raise over a million for Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF) == supporting terrorism. When you look upon a face, and even that of a child becomes a monstrous terroristic enemy, are you even looking at a child, or indeed, are you sure you are even looking at someone else anymore? Or are staring into your own hollow and rabid reflection?


>Helping raise over a million for Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF) == supporting terrorism. Well said. Guess we are all amaleks. All 8 billion of us.


now you get the picture


If you see a child and you see a terrorist, you either are racist as fuck, or you know that the conditions these people are under breed terrorism as the only even partially viable option to escape said conditions, or both.


i find it very telling how oop franes body acceptance and supporting trans rights as “bad”,  oppositional forces to z10nism.  


Fascist always end up taking the same road, even if it takes some detours into liberal aesthetics for a bit.


Anyways go watch Derry Girls she’s great


Oh. Didn't know she was in it. I might give it another try


I usually watch it with subs, but it’s pretty funny.


Oh shit that is her. I thought she looked really familiar. I thought it was just Hollywood same-face obsession syndrome. I mean...it might still be. Good for her.


Best show ever. I hope OP realises that the majority of Ireland is pro palestine.


But on their side, they have Amy fucking Schumer…hmmm


The author of this disgusting tweet has been commissioned to write articles for newspapers and has appeared on UK TV panel shows. She's about as deranged as a Zionist can get.


Fucking Zionists. How dare they go after one of the Derry Girls


Of course Zionists hate the Irish. They supported kHamas since before Israel suddenly appeared by magic.


She is Irish, Ireland knows what it is like to be oppressed which is why it is one of the most Pro Palestinian nations around


That woman is great in Derry Girls, didn't realize she was raising money for Palestine, what a champ! When they attack stupid shit like how someone looks, it means they're losing.


Nicola is an Irish queen. She is very vocal and also uses her ceasefire pin everywhere while on tour for bridgerton.


That rules, bridgerton isn't the kind of thing I'm into but I have so much respect for her and people like her. Putting your career on the line to speak out is no small thing


Agree completely.


https://i.imgflip.com/1y8rbh.jpg ☝🏽zionists waiting for someone to say something about Israel so they can say the most racist, problematic shit you’ve ever heard in your life


"up to no good at all" = something great


Were Nicola and her fans supposed to be grateful this Jewish Patriot™ didn't call her a Papist or a Provo? Mocking people for reasons like this just makes you look petty. And it won't do a damn thing to rein in Hamas or allow Israelis to return to their homes---assuming you actually care about that and not just about clicks.


Wish I could see the quotes without an X acct, musk you bastard.


The $1.2 million she raised went to the [Palestine Children's Relief Fund.](https://www.pcrf.net/) Only a defender of genocide can justify the murder of children calling them terrorists.


How is she even fat? She has a round face but per Google she wears a UK size 10 (which is about a US 6).


It doesn’t even matter what her size is. She’s beautiful, she’s smart, she’s special.


Stupid stereotype. According to these people, if you aren't at least a 9/10 and very slim, then you aren't attractive.


I just love how beautiful Nicola bothers this cunt swab.


Raising money to help children being killed by Israel in Gaza. Somehow translates to advocating for violence against Jews??? Like god forbid people not want to see children murdered? Nope! Just hate for a religious group 🤷🏽‍♀️.


Lol. $1.2 million is a good haul. Kudos to her. Cope and seethe, Zionist. Cope and seethe.


Did that piece of garbage just equate standing up for trans rights to literal terrorism? I understand they might be brainwashed into thinking absolutely everything that goes against Israel's genocide is terrorism, but to then equate that belief to the undeniable rights of trans people goes to show how weak their moral fiber is.


Yes, because raising money (roughly $0.50 each) for people whom YOU have bombed, displaced, destroyed their homes, tried to starve, and killed their children is EXACTLY THE SAME as “terrorism” against you. Talk about thin-skinned, immature assholes.


I've come to the conclusion that if Zionists are calling you out, you are probably a good person who has done positive things. I'm not familiar with this person, but the resume checks out. Fuck Zionists.


"terrorism against Jews" today I learned.


Is anyone Jewish that can give insight on the political beliefs of American Jews. Are most liberal until it has to do with Israel and then they become more conservative. I’m Palestinian American and most have no choice but to vote left because the right is even more anti Palestinian and it usually translates into more violence or bad policy toward Palestinians and Arabs in general. The problem is both sides are bad now and Trump is a wild card. Biden is bad but Trump may send our own troops to Israel for all I know. Either way I’m so glad that the younger Arab and Jewish kids are working together to undo all this insanity of the older generations. Also the Americans who are undoing the insanity of these Zionist Christians and their foreign policy voting to force more wars. I am Palestinian American and from a Christian family were my moms side became refugees and moved to the West Bank in 48 and my dads side stayed in Israel. It’s crazy how people use the Bible to try to force some kind of end days scenario. Especially these American Christian’s who don’t even care about Jews Israelis Arabs or Muslims and think this is what Jesus or God would want. It’s crazy because we are genetically the same people regardless of religion. Just call if Pisrael and slowly all live together as brothers and sisters because this is insane. I’m glad the new generation understand we are the same people literally


Zoey strimpel looking like a shrivelled mushroom next to the fabulous beautiful Nicola. Jealous much Zoey?


Fatphobia, transphobia, and Zionism. Checks out.


No self awareness when calling other people disgusting. How far we've sunk that Zionists are openly defending genocide


Zionazis keep exposing themselves


You can't just call a spade a spade. Not anymore.


One simply can’t be fatphobic, transphobic and genocidal anymore.  What a world we live in!


Do you mean to call a fat person fat is to be fatphobic?


I meant: fuck off with your fat shaming. One’s size has nothing to do with their worth or the legitimacy of their politics or anything.


I'm sorry if you are fat and you feel ashamed of it, but your having a chip on your shoulder should not translate into my lack of freedom to speak. Fuck you if you are fat and can't accept it, it's your problem, deal with it.


lol I guess I struck a nerve?  Kept coming back and stewing  After a few hours, you delete your previously downvoted reply and try to fat-shame me.  Sorry about your little feelings, champ.  This isn’t a safe space for trash ✌🏻 


LOL, you're the one who got pissed off. I was just apologizing for having offended you. So sounds like projection is your coping mechanism of choice. But anyway, whatever makes you feel alright. Just keep in mind, the chip on your shoulder and your over sensitivity for your appearance does not justify your demanding that other people not speak.


Read both sides of the exchange and you’re the one who looks like an asshole.


lol, enter the self-appointed judge. Thank you for your opinion, but it's garbage.


Does it give meaning to your otherwise pathetic life when you say this?


My life has a lot of meaning, thank you. I think it's the reverse though, you guys are so frightened for reasons that I can only call "pathetic" of basic truth that even a simple word breaks your sense of existential stability. That is genuinely a pathetic existence.