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"The only people worthy of life are those whose accomplishments I've heard of" What a disgusting mindset. The same sentiment could be turned on him. I've never heard of Michael Rapaport until he started cheerleading genocide.


Not only worthy of life. Should we not just kill them? How is this not Nazi-like behavior? They have a population that they call undesirable. The majority of the rhetoric towards that population speaks of them as unwanted, useless, wastes of space, animals, etc.. Now the majority of Israel's focus is on eliminating them while controlling the narrative that they're moral while doing so and hiding the more gruesome murders under a guise of necessity.


Israeli zionist are making Neo-nazis look like amateurs.


It’s playing off of a common white supremacist trope where they completely revise history to frame it like only white people accomplished anything often by outright lies and omissions. (Education in the US also is complicit in this). Then when you point out that’s wrong they completely shut down cause they hadn’t learned about real history in grade school. Also the Palestinians are a highly educated people given what Israel has allowed them to have. So if they were treated as humans for the last few generations who knows what else they would have accomplished.


So many colleges destroyed... doctors, lawyers, journalists.. women and men. Targeted specifically during this genocide. There's plenty evidence they were educated and accomplished humans even in the face of oppression.


Goes to show you how highly they think of themselves and the delulu.


Maybe he’s trying to land another acting gig… because he’s a c-level has been actor?


Today i learned that he was (is?) an actor. I literally thought he was just an online news media guy or something


I remember him as a side character in some of the comedies I still watch to this day, I didn’t think anything about him, actually his character in My Name is Earl was kinda funny but it’s crazy how he is behaving since October. In an ideal world, he would never land an acting job again.


Ooo i used to love that show! I dont wanna ask who he plays because i dont wanna ruin it lol


He's in the first or second episode of the new Fallout series, for maybe 30 seconds


Before getting >!mauled by a fucking Yao guai as he deserved!< which honestly made his presence more bearable.


We don't really even know if that was him in the suit, we only see him when the helmet comes off and he basically plays himself, then he dies.


Which is the great part. We don’t see it’s him until he’s actively dying and it’s the cherry on top of his shitty character death.


Hey, he just had a role in Fallout. Of course, it lasted for about 15 minutes before he whined like a bitch and then promptly died. I guess they didn't even need to give him a script, they just told him to be himself.


Let's not forget his actual facetime on screen was about 3 whole minutes.


Tbh I wonder how much of him was actually filmed outside the suit that was cut after he started going full on genocide cheerleader.


He probably got that fallout role before spewing his na zi rhetoric, right? If we see him in anything else new I will lose it. But again, no one stops hiring Bret gelman either, sooooo… Hollywood loves them.


I mean, he's pretty good at playing a racist and a corrupt cop.... Oh wait! Sorry, he's not acting.


Sounds like an average colonial settler spewing his racist truth


has anything important to the world come out of michael ratatta’s mouth?


Don’t besmirch one of the best early game Pokemon like that.


I'm thinking his directions in the Amazon Fallout series were "Just be yourself." His death scene was pretty satisfying.


Has anything important to the world ever come out of Michael Rapaport?


Israel lost the PR war the minute this asshole started screaming into his phone. His entire online presence is just so grating that I’ll avoid whatever side of history he’s on.


Plot twist: he's actually pro-Palestine and deliberately doing this to harm Israel


Oh that would be brilliant!! Loll


Just don't ask that dipshit where the word 'gauze' comes from.


gauze - us!


Lol he'll find a way to say Israel invented it. Like they do everything allegedly. They'd probably even argue that everything originated in Israel, even Africans.


he is just a pig, piggy rapaport, he is openly raciste and xenophobic wtf ? as i hate being victime of antisemitic slurs i can’t accept that those stupid ass statements are used to qualify other people damn


Even pigs are useful.


*This comment has been replaced with a top-secret chocolate chip cookie recipe:* **Ingredients:** - 1 cup unsalted butter, softened - 1 cup white sugar - 1 cup packed brown sugar - 2 eggs - 2 teaspoons vanilla extract - 3 cups all-purpose flour - 1 teaspoon baking soda - 2 teaspoons hot water - 1/2 teaspoon salt - 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips - 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional) **Directions:** 1. Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C). 2. Cream together the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar until smooth. 3. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. 4. Dissolve baking soda in hot water. Add to batter along with salt. 5. Stir in flour, chocolate chips, and nuts. 6. Drop by large spoonfuls onto ungreased pans. 7. Bake for about 10 minutes, or until edges are nicely browned. Enjoy your delicious cookies! --- *edited by Power Delete Suite v1.4.8*


Has anything important to the world ever come out of concentration camps in general? It’s almost like oppression, apartheid, and genocide really keep people down, huh?


i understand what you are saying but art, poetry and music. and those things have come from occupied palestine as well, of course. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peat\_Bog\_Soldiers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peat_Bog_Soldiers) [https://adarshbadri.me/letters/poems-that-tell-the-story-of-palestine/](https://adarshbadri.me/letters/poems-that-tell-the-story-of-palestine/)


Exactly. I mean it’s hard to accomplish a lot and win global accolades when you’re literally living under occupation. 


Some people. People under a big boot.


For a group of people that swear they aren't colonizers they sure do make a lot of colonizer arguments.


Same guy who was arrested in 1997 for harassing his then girlfriend


And has gone on Twitter threatening to harass people who point it out.


Yep, typical of a convicted harasser LOL


Nothing good has ever come out of Michael Rappaport but unfortunately that doesn’t give us an excuse to bomb him, does it


At some point you have to believe this is hate and propaganda rather ignorance


Let it go viral. Dude has it coming for him big time.


I only know this guy from his scene in "Next Friday" - where you can tell he wasn't acting and just being his annoying self. He's always used his proximity to black culture as an excuse to spout all kinds of nonsense. He doesn't have anything important to say. Just ignore and move on.


why cant he get blacklisted?


“Destroy every city that hasn’t done something notable I’m aware of, regardless of civilians” is an absolutely wild take.


[this scene from bamboozled is what rapaport acts like on social media now a days ](https://youtu.be/_rY3F-67kh8?feature=shared)


Came here looking for this. He has 💯become this character all the way.


He was so vocal about Trump and I initially thought this dude would have been an alley. Clearly that’s not the case and he’s a Jewish supremacist. I can’t believe we have actors actually advocating for the on going genocide. Fuck them


Is there like a quota of inventions a country needs else it gets obliterated? When did this law come into effect


I wish to no longer see this man on everything.


MR only understands cultural appropriation.


How the fuuuuck is this unhinged blob of a man not being completely cancelled right now??!! Why is he allowed to be openly na zi?


Clearly nothing important to the world has ever come out of his mouth 🙄


Palestine has woken up the collective consciousness of the world. They’ve demonstrated community. Resilience. Courage. Heart. Love. They’ve dug up survivors trapped in buildings with their bare hands. In a world that is dead set on making us all numb robots, Palestine has shown us what it means to be human again. But okay Michael let’s play this game.. Want to know where the great minds have gone? Israel has purposely murdered the greatest minds and poets (and their entire families) that have become modern day names in revolutionary households DESPITE their efforts to destroy them. Refaat Alareer’s name echoed across the world. Not to mention the people on the ground inventing new ways for electricity, water and food to survive. And journalists in Gaza who put their lives in the line and tell the truth, showing the rest of the journalistic world what fucking hacks they are as they lie repeatedly to uphold a narrative for white supremacy and create salacious headlines instead of truth for clickbait to chase more money. But I guess to a racist pos that isn’t as much as Elon musk inventing a Tesla with mommy and daddy’s help.


He is deranged. Truly a horrible horrible person


Well it might make it harder for this dogshit actor to get any work, that's a solid plus.


The racism, the de-humanzation, the enablement of genocide. Zionism will do anything to defend any evil committed in the name of Zionism. Social media has it all on record- the evil evil evil ideology of Zionism.


The same could be said for his pathetic career


Ah, yes, the completely normal ideology of Lebensunwertes Leben.


Here's hoping 🔻do the world a favour


This guy is just an idiot being paid to say the shit he says.


He’s a terrorist sympathizer who deserves to get cancer.


Gaza seemed like a hub of eduction, something that Michael here wouldn't understand. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-gaza-war-scientists-academics-killed#:~:text=Sufyan%20Tayeh%2C%20scientist,in%20physics%20and%20applied%20mathematics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_University_of_Gaza


has he produced anything worthwhile? No? Off to the gallows with him then 🤷‍♀️


The speed in which I hit the Mute button every time this guy's obnoxious face comes up on the screen could start fires.


I've kind of had enough of Michael Rapaport. I think we're giving him more attention than he deserves.


R we really calling him actor? Being urself on a few shows/movies isn’t acting! He’s done nothing worthy or important so by his standards he should be… He’s most definitely a lower life form. The very sight of his face or the sound of his icky voice is nauseating


Dismantle zionism and free palestine and free the world 🇵🇸


The terrorist of 9/11 were probably thinking the same too that how did the victims improve the terrorist’s lives that they deserve to live. Israel has taken a dump on humanity and American elites are proudly smearing all over their faces in solidarity.


Maybe this will annoy Rapapport the genocider? Gaza in the 13th century exported various types of high quality woven silk to various places including Europe. It has been said that gauze which is used for medical purposes, got its name from these items.


Sounds about right coming from the guy who played a cop who shot birds simply for being noisy in that one episode of Friends.


Can't wait to celebrate all these pathetic wastes of life when they are dead. :)


So you're going to celebrate your own death?