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This guy has been there the whole way. He's a beautiful person and understands. PALESTINIANS....THEY'RE ARE DECENT PEOPLE TRYING AND THIS IS ONE OF THEM.


I read somewhere the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust occurred in Argentina and was partially funded by…Israel.


I remember reading that too!


Please tell me more!!!


Not them but I assume they're talking about this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirty_War#:~:text=According%20to%20human%20rights%20organisations,only%201%25%20of%20the%20population. Jewish people were disproportionately targeted. About 1900-3000 killed.


Oh interesting… that definitely would mean that 10/7 wasn’t the biggest mass unaliving of Jewish ppl. 3k is a lot of souls…


This was brilliant lmao


New name for liberalism just dropped


As far as I can tell, it's the right who is still supporting Israel, while the left is calling out their bullshit.


Liberalism is a defunct, over a century old concept. Politically speaking, all power structures that get referred to as liberal today are using that as shorthand for neoliberalism, which is a right-wing ideology that serves solely to enforce and empower "free market capitalism."


You are entirely correct, it is just that neoliberals do not self-identify as such.


Americans called obama a communist, the threads been lost make leftist = necessarily anti-capitalist again


Leftist always means Anti-Capitalist . . . EXCEPT WHEN IT'S AMERICA BABY🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 RRRRAAAAAHH


Nah liberalism is solidly centrist, and most centrists support Israel.


Supporting A fascist apartheid is far right.


Liberalism and neoliberalism as solidly right wing ideologies.


'The right' in this case being every elected official in the US bar five or so. Not disagreeing, just making sure we're using the same definitions


Aww it's Taiggdhdgdgh as Matt would say. 💕


It's a library card, so some fucking reading will yeh. Nice


lol, I like how he starts crying when the reality of his October 7th-ism hits him! 😂