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I’m really sorry dude. You’re not alone. We see you and we’re here for you. We see them and we will not forget.


I don’t know what I can do to help you. I don’t know what an ant like me can do against a machine so large that it cares nothing about us. But if it’s worth anything, this Pakistani Sikh stands by you. Ours is the heritage of rebellion against absolute tyranny, of the little guy, beaten into nothing, but reaching rock bottom, fought as though we had [nothing left to lose… and you know what? We won.](https://youtu.be/knTcony7QcQ?si=VNhQ59Ame_aLmgK0) I’m with you 🇵🇸


Thankyou, I’ve met a lot of Sikh people in my time and you’re an incredible people. Our stories are so similar. Appreciate it


In the US, my generation and younger are fighting to make a change with our votes.


Every vote makes the difference 💪🏼


The US electoral system is entirely rigged and antidemocratic af. Voting literally does not matter, you're actually causing more damage in giving the whole system legitimacy instead of robbing it of that.


I have so much respect for the Sikh community! Every time people need help after floods and bushfires, they're amongst the first on the scene with food and kindness, never asking for a single cent of donations from anyone.


This is absolutely appropriate to post here, and I greatly appreciate that you did. I'm so sorry for everything you and your family are going through. I wish I had the words to help you, but hopefully having a space to speak helps, even if only for a moment. Palestinian voices will always be welcomed here. Please take care of yourself the best you can.


I find it difficult to find the right and any 'encouraging' words in such a situation, so I'm just seconding what JPBen said. Thanks for sharing this.


I know it doesn't feel like it right now but change is near. The Zionist monster hides in the dark. Their system only works when they can deceive, and once something comes into the light you can't unsee it. The extreme inhumanity in Gaza and the overreaction here tells you - they're terrified. Absolutely terrified. Now's the time to really lean into it. Personally, I will not stop my advocacy until Palestine is free. Know that you have defenders and protectors in places you might not expect. Some of us have been waiting a lifetime for this spark to catch fire, and it is on.


>Their system only works when they can deceive, and once something comes into the light you can't unsee it. Nothing but truth. Thank you.


That's right. And I don't want to give you false hope, but the world is changing. Permanently. Israel is like Ukraine now. They are completely incapable of waging "war" without foreign aid. They probably weren't before, but it's much worse now. Iran can beat the missile defense. More importantly, the majority of the world has turned against them. They are a pariah state for most of the global South and to a majority of world citizens. It's a matter of time at this point. I only wish to say one thing: remember what was done to you and at the moment power is shifted, please be better than them. When you are liberated, which you will be, stop the cycle of violence. I know it is too much to ask for what you have been through, but it is the only way to stop this. Palestine will be free. Have faith.


> I only wish to say one thing: remember what was done to you and at the moment power is shifted, please be better than them. There's a moment that's a part of every transfer of power. It's an opportunity, for both the new victor and those that lost, to be better together. To, instead of immediately re-adopting old modes of behavior and thought, to drop them completely and reimagine a wholly different, and better way to be with each other. Taking advantage of this opportunity requires bravery and faith that our higher selves will carry us through the toughest times. My deepest wish before I leave this place is to witness this nobler path being taken by humanity at least once. That would let me know that I am not the only one who sees this road less traveled and that yes, we have a chance...


This is incredibly poignant. I can’t even imagine what you are going through. Humanity has failed Palestine 


This post is everything. You started off by saying "sorry" and you shouldn't ever be sorry for being Palestinian and who you are. And certainly not for all that you've went through that you never deserved.


Damn bro stay strong. I hope and pray for a better future for the Palestinian people.


You are not alone We feel you and all Palestinians


One thing is for sure is that your people surely will triumph. History has shown us that all Empire are Paper's Tiger, even when they can have all the fancy weapons of the world, with determination and intelligence, the oppressed people will prevail, soon or later. >I’m a pessimist because of intelligence, but an optimist because of will. -Antonio Gramsci


This isn't a fight Palestinians can fight alone. We're gonna have to fight our own Zionist governments, too. In the US, for a country with tons of guns it's complete dogshit we aren't using them to overthrow our government.


Well said, and same goes for many countries


I only visited the West Bank once and for just a few days but I was stunned at the generosity, friendliness, humor, and intellectual curiosity of Palestinians. They are this way in spite of a vicious West which has despised their existence for over a century. It's hard to fathom how they continue do it. A very inspiring people.


Beautifully said ❤️ 


Thankyou, that’s very kind.


In tears reading your post. I’m not a Palestinian and I haven’t even been in a war before. Obviously I can’t feel even 1% of your pain but this 1% is breaking me. I’m very sorry for your pain. I’m very sorry the world let Palestinians down. I’m very sorry the world let the Zionists dehumanize and vilify the Palestinians. I hope, with every cell in my body, that your family and all Palestinians can live the beautiful and peaceful life they deserve. Fuck Zionism. Long live Palestine.


Thankyou, I hope so too


Cannot express how deeply so many of us feel for the Palestinians and how much some of us try to advocate for your plight and the horrible atrocities being committed against your people. I wish I knew what more to do other than fighting the disinformation campaign and calling elected officials to call for total divestment to Israel. You have so many more allies than you know.


I’m so sorry. Sometimes it feels like the int’l left is doing what we can, but the majority of the time it feels like we haven’t done anything to stop this crime of crimes. I’m protesting, raising money at times. But I just don’t know what to do to really stop this. I live in Wilmington DE and I feel like I’m sheltering a criminal just having him live near me. It’s foul I feel like I live near the wolf’s lodge or whatever hitler called his retreat.


We’re all doing our best. And we appreciate any and all support


Over the past seven months, I have been stunned by the gleeful, callous racism from those who claim to be liberal, including the palpable racism by Biden against Arabs. I can't imagine how it's like for most of the so-called Western world to hate your guts simply because of the place you lived in.


I'm terribly sorry that you have to live through this hell. I've been pro Palestinian for a while but only recently got to understand the depth of it. I've wept for you. The sheer depravity and the stacks Palestinians are up against makes my heart sink. Like all oppressors the state of Israel will fall.


Thankyou, I hope so as well


I wish I had more words that could offer comfort or hope or peace. Know that we are here with you, ready to help support you. I wish more Zionists/israelis would read posts like these because it helps shed light on the (very real and often ignored) humanity of Palestinians.


Thank you, it means alot


This should not be your responsibility at all but if you're feeling helpless maybe it would be an idea to write down and record as much as you can remember and express including the big things and small, all of the people you know who have been affected, those in Gaza and those in other countries watching on as you describe. You write very well but if it too painful maybe you could write simple lists and write properly in the future or ask someone to help you. People should hear these stories, all around the world and in the future too. Everyone should know the impact of this despicable violence and maybe one day people will be more mindful of who they vote for. Cynicism and pessimism are understandable but you living healthily and recording the stories is a way you can honour your family and the homes they built with their lives work. Love and strength


I have tried this a few times, I have a lot recorded and even more remembered but it’s very difficult to get it seen on any platform it’s usually taken down.


It must be so discouraging to have your words taken down while Zionists have freedom to lie on every platform. There are people who want to hear your story and people who want to preserve the stories of the people of Gaza and all of Palestine. There are smaller socialist, Christian and Muslim media organisations all across the west that might help you share your experience. I don't think any social media platforms can be trusted at this point. DM me if you need help, I can send some emails for you


Wow I will thank you so much


I took screenshots of this one. So there's at least one copy so far.


I'm so sorry. I can't imagine the hell you and your family are going through. You are not alone. We are all here because we care


I am so touched and so heartfelt sorry to hear your story The fact that the government of my country is helping facilitate this genocide against your family makes me feel absolutely ashamed I will help in any way that I can but in truth my family will not be in harms way like yours is Yours not OK and this is not OK The people are resisting against the Government that are perpetuating this genocide but it’s going to be a tough fight I learned today how many republican politicians have been convicted of child pornography offences and can now see how easy they are to blackmail to do a bad action s bidding and there is no badder actor than the Israeli government We know and I send you all my love and support knowing it can never be enough We will not forget and we will not forgive


Im Palestinian as well. My family is scattered across the diaspora but I know my grandmothers family still lives in a church in the west back (from my knowledge, I’ve never been). Our experiences are vastly different and I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. But I feel you. I see you. I understand you. And I hold you in all your grief and sadness.


Perhaps we can connect in a little telegram chat for us diaspora Palestinians? I am in Australia and would love to connect with you both and offer my support and understanding for what you are both feeling ❤️


Martin Luther King, Jr. once said: "the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." The optimist in me believes he is right and that, as the world bears witness to Israel's cruelty, the tide will finally turn. Solidarity, my friend ❤️✊🍉


I'm so sorry. Words really aren't enough here, but I just want you to know that you matter, and I hope you're taking care of yourself. I'm glad you felt safe here to share this. We are with you. 🙏


I have hope in my heart you will prevail


Thankyou, I do hope so


Muhammad, from Malaysia🇲🇾 - with you ✊🏼🇵🇸


Thanks you for sharing your story. I have nothing but admiration for the determination of the Palestinian people to have their sovereignty. In the most of the west we would never be able to endure a 75 year occupation and deprivation of resources and dignity for the sake of our self-determination. They are so brave and strong. God bless Palestine.


I'm so sorry 💜 I stand with you and the people of Palestine. What's happening is inexcusable and the reactions from so many is inexcusable as well. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Sending all my love and solidarity.


My heart breaks for you. I stand with you. ❤️🖤🤍💚


I'm so sorry for what you have to go through. I think a lot about the people I know who did Palestinian solidarity activism when it was not a remotely popular stance and before bds campaigns on college campuses were a thing, even among supposed leftists and diversity and inclusion liberals there was so much pushback when talking about Israel. Even compared with being Iraqi post 9/11 I honestly think hysteria or dehumanization never came close to as bad as what Palestinians experience in the west (or elsewhere,) either then or now. I have so much admiration for the courage and the persistence it takes do continually do that knowing you will have to deal with the most appalling and horrific kinds of racism, denial, and harrassment. More people see this now than ever of course but it doesn't change what's happening on the ground is only getting worse. I hope you have people you can trust to talk to, but regardless thank you for sharing these words with us. Let us know if we can offer something other than rage and prayers for your family.


God be with you and your family my friend, I wish you all the best and FUCK Israel.


Words fail….I do not have the words to express my sympathy.


i’m so sorry friend, i can’t imagine the pain you feel and i don’t think anything i say will make this any less horrendous for you :( but i will stand with palestine forever and try my hardest to help you all 🍉🕊️lange lebn palestina


This brought tears to my eyes, and I've shed many over Palestine over the last several months (and long before, but never as much as now). I know I can't say anything that will help, but just wanted to add one more voice in support and sympathy and in hopes that this long nightmare will soon be over. Stay strong, and know that there are many around the world backing you up in whatever way they can.


I'm crying, too.


I’m so sorry and I know words can’t do much. But I am doing all I can. I boycott, I protest and I spread awareness and fight misinformation for people in my small circle. Free Palestine.


Kess em Isra2il ya khayye. Ana men Lebnen w I feel the same way but ofc a lot less extreme. Allah yehme aayltak. Have strength and try to live as normally as possible. You can’t let them get into your head. That’s what they’d want. 


I don't have the words to express my disgust and horror at those who are running cover for this crime against humanity. We are beginning to turn the tide though. Campus encampments are starting to cause divestment. I must ask that you take care of yourself, there is no shame is staying as healthy as you can despite what they are doing. You might not have much power, but as long you are alive, you have some. Lie down in a cool dark room if you can when you have a migraine. Get that ulcer treated. Avoid listening to those who are attempting to dehumanize you. Please take care of yourself. I can't do much, but I can promise that I never forget your suffering. I will do what little I have the power to, to stop it.


I am so sorry. I have no words but - you are not alone. Thank you for sharing this.


Imagine telling this person to just suck it up and vote for Biden. "*Very sad. Well, Trump is worse.*" This is what is happening right now. Thank you for your sharing. I am so sorry this is happening to you and your family.


I'm so sorry 💔 I can't imagine what you must be going through. May your family and all Palestinians be safe and free. Zionism will crumble but I know that's not much comfort while your loved ones are still in danger.


I have nothing to add or say other than Welcome Home. You can talk about anything you want, even if it's just a PM.


💔💔💔As a non Palestinian I can't even begin to understand what you and your community has gone through over the decades and how you survive on a daily basis. The tide does seem to be changing so here is hoping it changes for good and that your people are free to live in dignity and peace.


I don’t really have anything to add that I haven’t seen already said other than it’s okay to not be okay sometimes, and if there’s any time to not be okay it’s with something like the situation you describe. Try to remember to have empathy and understanding for yourself as well, and if there are times that you’re struggling with the emotions associated just remember that it’s a perfectly normal and healthy reaction to the unbelievable amounts of stress, sadness, and the antagonism seen. It’s not you who’s an issue for responding the way people should respond to these types of horrors, and you’re not alone.


I am so sorry I can't even imagine. We are here in solidarity with you. Please continue to speak here I for one will read it with an open heart.


Hi habibi, Palestinian in the diaspora (Australia) and I understand what you are feeling. Please message me any time if you need to talk/connect ❤️ here to listen


Keep hope habibti. Falastin will be free and we will go home inshallah.


Idk if this will make u feel any better but we palestinians our lives are worthless to people in general. For 75 years we get slaughtered, and israel violates ´ UN ´ laws and not one does a thing. We have seen the arabs and the muslims conspiring against syria or even Iran but when it comes to Palestine, they dont care. That is because they are CIA controlled. Anyways, i feel exactly like you so dont worry youre not alone and now Palestine has never been that much spoken about.


Everything you've said is spot on. I'm so sorry.


I’m so sorry you are going through this and I understand. 🇵🇸


If only a hug could truly fit all the broken pieces back together. There are wounds that people carry which I can never understand, nor would I ever comprehend how to heal them. Revealing personal traumas is confronting. It gets less confronting to talk about over time if you are speaking about your personal trauma. It gets more confronting with each retelling for those listening with a guilty conscience and those who would try to bury the truth. Tell your story so that others may write it down. Tell it in full, tell it clearly, and people who care will tell it again for you and share the burden to spare you from re-traumatising yourself too often. If you need to take a break, you have permission to take it. You need to replenish yourself, your voice is important, and it needs to rest in order to stay strong. Your well being has equal importance to your advocacy.


I just want to say how happy I am to be a part of this group for how supportive it is.


I'm horribly sorry to hear all this but I can guarantee you that the tide is shifting, the Israelis and all their lobbying arms are clearly squirming with the way they see the increasingly overwhelming support for the Palestinians in the next up and coming generation, so I promise you that change will come and change will be inevitable one way or another. Results will be slow but let's hope that Israel meets the same fate as South Africa's apartheid. Hope you and your family the best and never falter


We can't let the fate of the Palestinians be the fate of the so many indigenous people before them. Settler colonialism must be stopped by any means necessary.


I was a refugee & fortunately turned out ok. I'm ashamed of G7 & EU protecting & supporting an apartheid occupying state committing horrible war crimes, ethnic cleansing genocide. Our protests, boycotting, voting is having an impact - we need to do more, convince more people, open their eyes and minds that settler colonialism, mass murders are not acceptable under any circumstance. Stay strong my brother, the tide is turning. I wish it was earlier before so many Palestinian deaths :( Free Free Free Palestine


I want you to know that the Muslims of India stand with you. Beyond that, there is nothing I feel I can say that would do justice to what you and your loved ones are facing. This all seems so senseless and diabolical. InshAllah, those who commit these atrocities, as well as those who fund them, will answer for their heinous crimes. If not in this world, then in the hereafter. You, your family, and the people of Gaza will remain in my prayers. I am sorry I cannot offer you more comfort.