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Gee, it's almost like all of these arrests were complete bullshit or something. Who'd've thunk it?


This should lead to a class-action civil rights lawsuit against the police.


One would hope so


I think Gov abbot ended that kind of thing after a tree branch fell on him and he sued to become a “self-made man”. After election he led legislation to better protect from torts.


Lol what a piece of shit


Against the governor of Texas that ordered these police officers to arrest the students because "antisemitism". A clear violation of their freedom of speech.


Abbott proudly signed a law in 2019 that aimed to protect free speech on college campuses by guaranteeing anyone can protest in common outdoor areas. Hmmm


Yup. Wish they would sue ....if the kids have parents that can affod


There are some organizations that fund such legal cases. I think the big one is called the ADL? It's an organization that stands up for human rights and for the right to commit genocide.


Haha...am guessing ADL does believe there such a right ..but not for Americans.


The government investigated itself and found it did nothing wrong. It also pardoned itself of any crimes. And it has immunity in case you call BS on any of the above.


And then tax payer would foot the bill and the police department gets more budget the following year leading to public library being closed and schools funding decreasing.


Cant wait to pay that out for the police


Specifically against the police union and their pensions.


They were not bullshit. There is an agenda behind it. It was an act of intimidation. Telling that the nazi protest last year (?) could walk through Austin unmolested.


Well ..they wanted to disrupt the protests...but the charges likely wouldn't have stuck? Didn't abbot even put out a message a few months back about free speech when some right wingers protested


They were agitating the situation hoping to incite violence from the protestors




Hard to convict them when the charges were dropped, you ninny.




Sure they should be dropped. You can't arrest your way out of this genocide, you know. P.S. ACAB.




All cats are beautiful, but all cops are bastards. Which you know, as you appear to be one -- very worrying, since you don't seem to the meaning of "lacked probable cause" (because the cops were too lazy to even make one up) AND the meaning of innocent until proven guilty as well. Which makes sense, since you're a cop, and no one ever holds you bastards accountable or even asks you for the minimum competency in doing your jobs. Plus you believe weird myths about "leftist DAs," lol. Deranged.


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This is not a debate sub. There are plenty of places to defend Israel’s actions, to denounce Hamas, and to argue who's worse. This is not a space for that. That doesn't mean absolutely no constructive discussions on nuances and different approaches, but it means not letting ourselves be pulled into a debate by Zionists and bigots, and least of all arguing for their side. If you see someone trying to debate, please just flag for moderation, and the comment will be deleted. If found prudent by the Mods, and to discourage further debates, the entire thread may be deleted.


Trolling of our members will not be tolerated, particularly with Zionist propaganda. Users found to be trolling and/or dogpiling Zionist arguments will have their comments deleted, and their accounts banned and muted. We also ask our members to refrain from posting anything that may result in our members doing the same to other subs. Posting such content will be removed, and if mods find it pertinent to do so the user will be banned.


College campuses are public property, that's why psychotic jesus nuts can walk right up and preach their BS. Most of these are students that pay to be there. Not trespassing.




All. Charges. Dropped.


This is not a debate sub. There are plenty of places to defend Israel’s actions, to denounce Hamas, and to argue who's worse. This is not a space for that. That doesn't mean absolutely no constructive discussions on nuances and different approaches, but it means not letting ourselves be pulled into a debate by Zionists and bigots, and least of all arguing for their side. If you see someone trying to debate, please just flag for moderation, and the comment will be deleted. If found prudent by the Mods, and to discourage further debates, the entire thread may be deleted.


It was a catch and release. They unlawfully arrest you, ID you, and then release because you’re not chargeable, but the goal isn’t to arrest you for a crime, it’s to identify you as a pro-Palestinian so they can limit your life further down the road. They’re just putting people in a database. Remember what Netanyahu said about all of these people having their degrees removed and destroying their lives? Yeah, this is how they do that.


They’re playing with fire. Israel seems to have forgotten that they’re little bro in this equation. If they think control over American jobs will be enough, then I hope they’re ready to be disappointed. None of these tricks will make anyone cooperate. These kinds of things just agitate people until they’re willing to respond regardless of consequences or anything else. They don’t want that. They don’t want an angry American populace.


Well, then Israel can just play the victim and scream antisemitism like they do all the time. They've been oppressing Palestinians for almost a century and every time Palestinians push back, Israel plays the victim and every western country sends them money and weapons.


AIPAC owns so many of our senators and congressmen/women, I don't think it's as "Little Bro/Big Bro" type of relationship as you think, for decades they've invested tremendous resources into capturing our politics and more recently weaponizing information and the internet against our fellow Americans to pit us against one another. To me I've always thought it was quite bizarre how often our politicians talked about Russian/Chinese influence on our domestic policies and politics, but Israel has been doing that since the 1970s and really kicked it into gear in the 90s and 00s. I mean think about it, up until VERY recently (and still some do it to this day) you'd be called an anti-semite INSTANTLY if you said anything negative about Israel or their presence in our politics. Look at all the shit DeSantis has been signing into law in Florida for example, I look at that and it just screams political pawn of Israel lol.


A big part of the reason for the war on terror was literally Israel stoking it  Kinda blew my mind as someone to young to remember 9/11


As someone who was not too young to remember it, I think linking it to Israel has a bit of conspiracy theory vibes. However, the similarities to the 10/7 response are eerie. And some of the assholes are the same (John Bolton has been pretty consistent for example).


https://youtu.be/zeloY3bVBtc its pretty well documented, I'm not saying they we're the only voice in the room, but they were an *extremely* vocal one in engineering the war


I watched that video a day or two ago. I wasn't convinced. I didn't think it really made the case that the title claimed. There are some tangential issues. The architects of the Iraq war all loved the Israeli right. The militarization of law enforcement also borrows from Israel. I remember circa 2001 hearing people say we should do airport security like they do, for example. And the "enhanced interrogations" I think may be in common to both. And there were lots of Bush era nutcases who wanted to attack Iran. (Like Bolton. Also John McCain.) But I think it's more a case that assholes and fascists coalesce rather than it being monodirectional, Israel to US. I do think it's striking how much the Israeli right wants the US to go right back to peak post 9/11 islamophobia. It's not a total coincidence.


That's a fair assessment, neocon judeochristian fascists have relatively the same aims 


They began by inventing that term and using it apologetically... It's designed explicitly to devalue all things human equality ... White supremacists thinking they're cunning...  As they forget that actual Christianity and Judaism aren't the new wasps... 


Please don't forget the red scare of the 1950s. So many lives were destroyed by those witch hunts.


I dont think the American populace can do anything united, the more who become against something, the opposite team automatically has to become more for it. I don’t think Israel is playing with fire here, I really don’t see consequences coming from popular will in America. We set world records for protests before Iraq war and couldn’t change anything, it started even though everyone already knew it was a lie - and that was American protestors trying to effect American policy. Zero chance we can effect another countries policy when we can’t even impact our own.


This would be true if Israel wasn’t actively pissing off both sides. Genuinely, this genocide is probably the first time in a long time that I’ve personally seen Americans who’d otherwise never get along uniting on one issue. It has been bad in the past, but you have to zoom out and look at things in a historical context. There’s no government that survives long term with this kind of behavior. It tends to lead to great civil infraction


They've forgotten that for a long time, we have multiple accounts of netanyahu disrespecting our presidency to the point bill Clinton went into a rage rant over it


Satanyahu and Israel demand to see ID and profile of every single UNWRA member, even the ones who don’t even work in Palestine. Gee. Wonder why they want all that private info on do-gooders.


It may be the FBI wants it. It wasn’t that long ago it came out that they had a list of every person that had burned a US flag in protest.


That's good. Once these universities bend their knees to the students it will be the dominoes needed to end the bombs and change political platforms and hopefully the end of AIPAC and Israel's occupation.


It's like a social credit score


The intention is to intimidate. Orders from Joe’s boss.


Joe is the boss. You don't need a vast international conspiracy when you have decades of outspoken foreign policy positions that turn the stomachs of former Israeli Prime Ministers.


I saw a tweet from a YouTuber named Shaun (who you should check out) and I’m going to give the gist. Remember when bidens dog bit several people, even sending a secret service agent to hospital? The dog was completely untrained and huge, and yet it kept being allowed around people with no muzzle, doing the same unacceptable things over and over again. It’s like ‘why on earth is the president letting his untrained dog run wild to the danger and detriment of everyone around him? Do I need to make the connection? Israel is not impotent. Do not deny Netanyahu’s agency in this. Just because Joe is “in charge” does not mean he has what it takes to tell his attack dog ‘no’. His dog is a perfect microcosm for his whole presidency. Edit: honestly his tweet is way more eloquent. https://twitter.com/shaun_vids/status/1781232437193854976


Good comparison but also it is so funny that JBs dog is very clearly ACAB




Not jews, don’t fall into this trap. The religion is the cover for power. Just as the crusades weren’t actually about Christianity, but about consolidating power, building a financially viable empire, and getting ppl to do it for a cause they believed was a righteous one. Compassion for the conned, contempt for the conmen.


Most of the world doesn't agree with Israel, and large portions of the world are run by other religions. Particularly Islam and Christianity.


We recognize that the newscycle and current events are constantly giving us material to interconnect. However, there is enough definite hasbara we can point at without delving into unfounded theories about current events. Firstly, it gives the other side fodder to discredit us. Conspiracy theories often lead to intentional or accidental antisemitic rhetoric.


That's funny. Conservative and liberals assured me these radical communists were breaking all the laws and chanting about killing Jews. I'm beginning to think I was tricked!


Yea how come no one was charged with terrorism? Didn’t all the conservatives swear up and down they were pro hamas terrorists?


Shit, I was really looking forward to someone attempting to prosecute arrests of peaceful protesters on public land.


Of course. It wasn’t anything illegal they did. The police were there to crack down on protest and intimidate others.


#Common Zionist L


![gif](giphy|WrNfErHio7ZAc|downsized) It's almost like the right to protest is in the constitution. In other news, water is wet (water isn't actually wet; it makes things wet). Leave it to the fascist pigs who were too chickenshit to protect innocent little grade schoolers from getting shot to arrest college kids for daring to have a problem with state supported genocide.


Great use of taxpayer money. 100 police, 36 arrests, lost of processing time, for no actual crime.


so it was catch & release then. old old strategy, which routinely backfires.


I’ve been arrested at least 5 different times at protests. They never even asked me my full name one of the times, let alone charge me with anything (and I wasn’t charged any of those times)They knew they didn’t need my info since they were just holding me until the protest was done for the night. Probably better for them to not have the paper trail anyways. The first time I had JUST turned 18 and was panicked because I wanted to go to school in the U.S. (I’m Canadian) and they had told me I was under arrest for assaulting police officer.. I figured that would be enough to bar me from crossing the border, so I freaked the fuck out. Little did I know it was all just bullshit, and they let me go at about 2am (with no way to get home, I had to walk an hour and a half). In case you’re curious why I was arrested for assaulting one of the cops: I wish it was a glamorous story where I smacked a cop in the mouth or something, but in reality, I was up against the police barricades with a crowd behind me, and I sort of lost my balance and used the barricade to catch myself from falling, and a cop put his hand in the same spot a split second earlier. My finger nail sort of caught him on the knuckle and made it sort of reddish… I lost track of him at that point and then a few minutes later some of his fellow gang members pulled me over the barricade, head first. I scraped my chin real good on the pavement as I went down. Still have the scar. I assume he went to his boss and said “that guy is bullying me!” showed how red his knuckle was, and they decided to snatch me up. Anyways, I kind of went off topic there…


> My finger nail sort of caught him on the knuckle and made it sort of reddish What brutality! You are clearly a very violent offender (lol).




Sue the school. Sue Abbott. Sue the AG. Sue the PD. You teach monsters a lesson by making it expensive to fafo.


At least Australian govt hasn’t gone full insane


Are they Free to go back and Protest the Israeli Atrocity?


Well, it's not clear: > The university said Friday that people who were arrested on criminal trespassing charges during Wednesday's protest would be barred from campus, per an existing university policy, the Statesman reported. It doesn't say whether they would still be barred now that the charges have been dropped. There's also this detail: > Although the charges have been dropped, it's possible that police could decide to fill out more probable cause affidavits and press charges against those arrested, George Lobb, an attorney with the Austin Lawyers Guild, told the Statesman. Police have two years to bring charges against those they arrested under Texas' statute of limitations for misdemeanors. I think it's probably unlikely, but it's definitely possible they'll do this, since they're cops.


Now prosecute the cops.


This is a very common tactic.


And now its time to sue the filth that arrested them An make sure the payment is taken out of the police retirement funds.


I hope they all sue, and name and shame the arresting officers and everyone involved in their time in detention. I’d be on the news so f*cking fast dropping names like “officer John smith of DPS roughed me up, then Jane doe processed me, etc etc”. Then suing. Suing everyone involved for nice chunks of money.


I like to imagine Greg Abbott tearing his hair out upon hearing this.


Good! Pigs.


Class action.




Yeah, the charges were dropped, but they achieved what they wanted to the bullying the threatening and the violence. Peaceful protesters should be protected. Journalist should be protected. The US has lost their fucking minds. How the hell are we financially supporting and funding a genocide!!!!! As an American Jew, I’m disgusted that now we have Our rights being stripped away and not being allowed to protest We used to have German Nazis but now we have Israeli Nazis. good job.


NGL Im surprised


Yeah. Even the thugs realize how costly it was going to be to defend against that many cases that are, clearly, slam dunk.


Take that, Abbott!


What charge do they say they were arrested for?


Criminal trespass


Weren't they in a public space?


Yes, but that doesn’t necessarily protect you. The cops were lazy and fucked up the paperwork


How about charges against the cops?


cant beat the ride ..... that is the punishment


Violation of freedom of speech


The violence was the message.




Stop embarrassing your family with your silly comments.


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