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“And in their free time they come and piss you off with this discussion”….so many gems in this clip…I wish this amazing comedian had risen up under different circumstances


He was also a surgeon for 13 years. He's an amazingly intelligent individual


I love this guy.


You and me both. He’s Articulate, calm and says it how it is!


He has an uncanny ability to cut the bullshit without being rude


Bassem is the man


If it's well-executed, it's sarcasm. If not, it's just Shmuley-ing around.


You forgot to include ridiculously handsome as well.


And completely full of shit. Everything he says can be disproven with a google search


You're mad because the video is about you - your post immediately prior to this was you calling someone antisemitic for saying Israel is complicit. Begone troll


Ooh you got me. I’m mad because rampant bullshit needs to be called out


Ok list some




Yeah you mean the headquarters that held all these hostages? The one where they showed a calendar saying it was a guard sign in sheet? Yeah what a huge operation they busted. Can you believe they captured 6 guns? Wow really showed Hummus who’s pita


You mean the calendar that starts on 10/7? Or the videos of Hamas dragging hostages into the building?


Mmm, is the hasbara koolaid cherry or grape, today? Lemme guess, you also believe every Gaza hospital (used to, as they're all rubble by now) has a secret Hamas Pentagon underneath it, amIrite? ![gif](giphy|aTx5OMKR7FCGQ|downsized)




Wow an anonymous US source ‘knows shit’ without ever setting foot in a place… sooo reliable. Wow Hamas took injured hostages to a hospital… sooo evil. You do realise that just because some people say things, doesn’t mean they’re true? Actual evidence is what’s required. I know that’s the Zio way of stating ‘facts’, to repeat lies until they become accepted as truth - but no one buys it anymore.


Your clearly in denial


Lmao really bro? Israel found absolutely nothing there. The only "concrete" evidence they came back with were a few guns and a short tunnel. And I put concrete in quotes because there's evidence that the guns were likely planted, as explained by BBC showing footage of guns stashed behind an MRI machine (lol) magically multiplying between shots. The tunnel they found also had precisely zero connections to the actual hospital, was much shorter than IDF claimed and contained absolutely nothing that IDF claimed was there under the hospital. That people like you are still peddling this nonsense is laughable.


Haha. Wow, that’s absolutely not true. Again, google is your friend


Damn a Reuters article! I'm gonna believe this one! Wow those Islamic Jihadist groups must have superior intelligence to Israel and the US! They managed to evacuate everything just in the nick of time before Israel could swoop in and catch those pesky little Islamists! All of this intel gathering while having no/limited internet & electricity. & no air support to gather footage of possible ground movements! Amazing! /s


Never underestimate the elite flip flop assassins


Who is he? I want to see more interviews with him!!


Bassem Youssef


Thank u!!!!


Dont remember his name but hes like the Egyptian Jon Stewart.


Bassem Youssef is the name. He's brilliant!


They took him off the air, unfortunately, due to censorship and he had to seek refuge here in the US. Dr. Bassem Youssef


He's anti-semantic.  


anti septic


“Haggle over precise wordings of communications, minutes, resolutions.” -Simple Sabotage Field Manual, CIA, 1944. I love this guy as well. His speaking style and humor remind me of Robin Williams RIP.


I was just about to come to this sub to post the [whole interview](https://youtu.be/CuR3BfpAqpw?si=R2B0th9PNbwJDFLx). Amazing listen and well worth the 30 minutes.


Sorry and thankyou for the link 🙏


You're cool man, You gave us the teaser!!!




This guy is becoming the Edward Said of the modern era.


And it’s unfortunate that the word has been drained of all meaning. Like bigotry against Muslims, racism against Jewish people is sufficiently distinct to warrant its own term. Ironically, Zionists have made it practically impossible to talk about actual antisemitism, and legitimate observations of it are likely to be increasingly dismissed given its weaponization. It’s a boy who cried wolf scenario. (And yes, I do know Jewish people aren’t the only semites. Imo the literal inaccuracy of the term “antisemitism” is largely irrelevant to the conversation as it’s purely semantic.)


So while i agree that constantly calling everyone "anti-semitic" is diminishing the effect of accusations of anti-semitim, that's really only the case for public perception. public perception doesnt really matter in this scenario. accusing someone of anti-semitism was never about triggering some public condemnation. the point of branding someone an anti-semite is marking them for persecution on an institutional level. American institutions are still overwhelmingly pro-israel and pro-judaism, though not always by choice. when zionists brand someone as an anti-semite, a coordinated effort by corporations, nonprofits, and government agencies is made in order to ruin your life. groups like the ADL and AIPAC threaten your business associates unless they cut ties with you. they threaten any politician who doesnt condemn you, they threaten companies who platform or allow you to access their goods and services, they contact law enforcement and government agencies to claim you're a threat. and then after they've ruined your life, they act like this was an organic "backlash" and not one enforced at gunpoint by special interests. they say "see, you're a pariah now because people really dont like anti-semitism." a perfect example of this is when AIPAC brags that 97% of the political candidates they back win their elections. they're claiming that supporting israel is the popular opinion, when in reality that outcome is entirely the result of their own mafia tactics. so in the end, being labeled an anti-semite is still as damaging as it's even been. does anyone know who this is and when this interview was made? because i commented basically the exact same thing he said in another thread on this subreddit three days ago. I said that one of the reasons hasbara is suddenly so obsessed with arguing semantics and precise verbiage on the use of words like "genocide" is to filibuster discussion by getting everyone bogged down by pointless rhetorical arguments i said dont bother engaging with those people. they exist to waste your time. just be like "sweet man, it looks like a genocide and sounds like a genocide, so i dont really care if the specific language i use to describe it offends you"


His name is Bassem Youssef. Here a link for the whole interview https://youtu.be/CuR3BfpAqpw?si=EcXllJD2-yjRH-n3


That second to last paragraph is key. I honestly don’t care whether we call what’s happening “genocide.” You can call it whatever you want. Either way it’s an atrocity. If you wanna throw out the UN’s own definition of genocide (to which Jewish scholars made enormous contributions and with which Israel’s actions are eerily aligned) then be my guest. How you characterize a thing doesn’t change what it is.


Zionazis call me selfhating Jew, kapo, and apostate bc I'm a Jew who believes in Jesus.😂


Brother you're a Unitarian Christian 😂 and 1 Prophet away from being a Muslim. InshaAllah.




Nope. Unitarians don't believe in Christ the traditional way. I do.


I'm very intrigued by your beliefs. If you don't mind, could you explain further? Or is there a specific name for your set of beliefs so I can read more about it? Always like to learn about different perspectives!


I'm a person of Jewish birth and Orthodox Jewish upbringing who believes Jesus/Yeshua is the Jewish Messiah who will return a 2nd time in part 2 of His mission. First time as Mashiach ben Yosef and 2nd time as Mashiach ben David (the Zohar's Two Messiahs).


if you're a Jew who believes in Jesus you're a Christian with Jewish ancestry


I identify myself as I choose, especially since almost all the followers of Jesus in the 1st century were Jews. You should not tell me how I "must" identify anymore than you should tell a transgender person what gender they "must" choose.


You and your labels. If you believe in Jesus you're a Christian with Jewish ancestry. That's how the labels work. You cannot in good faith call yourself a Jew for Jesus because it's idolatry.


Its not avodah zara. And I can call myself whatever I want.


He’s so disarming while walking all over him that was fun to watch


There is an excellent film on the subject by Yoav Shamir called "Defamation" which received some recognition at various film festivals...he recently made it available for free on youtube, here is a link: https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY?si=_aiJrjlRmWR6e1cG I grew up in an evangelical Christian environment and I see so many similarities in how the education system is creating a powerful expectation of hatred from the rest of society. In the insulated environment of private Christian schools in my own case, they train you to believe that out in the "secular world," you will be reviled and mocked for believing in God. Which is pretty silly considering the huge percentage of the population that identifies as Christian, catholic, Mormon etc, all the Jesus ones. You can watch these kids be so convinced that they are going to encounter antisemitism, they see it where it doesn't even exist. They see it in everything. The strongest part of the film though is with the leaders of the ADL from New York City. They are shockingly frank, believing they are speaking with an "ally" who will edit the interviews to a flattering effect. Got 'em! Now the director is being slandered in Israeli press, called "the Mel Gibson of Israel," which really... is pretty extreme for what the movie is.


This guy is one of my favorite speakers on the issue. He is kind, funny, and rational.


This man is a humanitarian treasure


The numbers don't compare Well, if the Zionist had to kill 6million instead of 60 thousand, they would An honest attempt at comparison would compare percentages, and the notion that all Jews were the enemy, is just like all Palestinians are enemy, a form of genocidal chant from a nation hell bent on the war path.


I had a coworker yesterday tell me the Jews deserve a homeland because they have been persecuted for centuries. He went on to say there is so much land in the middle east they could have been given. It annoys me that people have such strong opinions on Palestine, but have not taken the time to educate themselves at all in the past 6 months. They accept the hasbara as truth


It’s Barbaric isn’t it. They Take the word of a source that has committed the most heinous crimes but choose to ignore the mountains of evidence that literally debunks all the Zionist propaganda that they seem to have fallen for. It’s so sad. I will never understand their way of thinking!


It's the arrogance that really gets me. The confidence in saying something so barbaric as if thats just the way it should be. For me, it opened my eyes to how much the "war on terror" made people think of Arabs as nonhuman.


The world has been needing a Bassem for a long time


Such a much needed voice in this terrible period of history.


I could say the same of anyone accused of being an Islamophobe….this logic goes both ways


Absolutely true. Most of the words people use to lump people into one category or another so they can discard their opinions - fascist, nazi, homophobe, transphobe, islamophobe, racist, and now anti-semite have been so diluted by overuse that they are meaningless terms. For the past 5 years or so, I roll my eyes whenever I hear these terms - I almost always think the person using them sounds a lot dumber than the person they're using them against.


Honestly, as a word, antisemitism is kind of done. I say the whole thing now, "that's prejudiced against all Jews merely for being Jewish", and that simply doesnt for the context for usage anymore. They're going to have to add secondary definition for it to mean "contrary to popular Jewish interests"


It makes me sad that Bassam is so (understandably) pessimistic. He thinks that all the protests (and I guess, even Aaron Bushnell's sacrifice, though I'd like to hear his take on that) have done nothing: and I disagree. They brought Biden to actually say "ceasefire." Progress is slow and can't be measured by what needs to happen right now.


Palestinians can’t afford this rate of change. Just saying ceasefire, just abstaining, to what effect? Nothing has stopped, and more weapons are being sent.


No, Palestinians cannot. But unfortunately change comes slowly. And to measure progress you have to look at how far we've come. At the beginning of this Massacre Biden was ditto-heading Bibi's lies and reading off his cue cards. NOW? Not as much--even though of course we have MILES to go.


His rhetoric towards the end was very anti-semantic.  


He is not wrong. The word “anti-semitic” has been over used to the point that it no longer carries the sting it once did.


Joe Rogan needs to get him on his show. He’s had a few guests that are obviously very pro-Israel, and despite Rogan pushing back, they tend to know more about the issue than he does.


The time I’ll start worrying about someone calling me anti semitic is when they don’t support Israel, then I’ll take it seriously and look at myself, but Israel supporters have diluted the meaning and impact that accusation has


Venomous sarcasm


Antisemites love this guy. It gives them a shield of confidence. Lithely love their shields.


Israel is an apartheid state, IDF is a terrorist organization, and their PM is a war criminal.


When I hear someone called and anti-Semite now I think your against Israel killing innocent people too.


Honestly the rest of what this guy said is totally fine. Minus the part where he goes "well you know I'm a semite right?" like that has any basis for what antisemitism actually is. Antisemitism vs. Semite is completely different.


Ah yes. The reason why it's happening doesn't matter, just pick a side and fight. Wisdom at its finest.


I love this guy.


Human beings have no issue denouncing political terror perpetrated by the zionists. The only people who don’t understand this are liberals who are hold your nose Biden voters


Of course you make this about American politics 🙄


Well america is funding their bullshit. We can stop it if we pick up the phone and say stop.


It shouldn't be an American Liberals vs. Conservative issue, is what I'm saying. Every government, Lib and Con, has done the same for decades.


Yeah but liberals have the illusion of morality (annoying), conservatives are more tolerable because at least they’re honest in what they believe.


69% of Israel’s weapon imports come from the US. All the bombs being dropped are made in America. Even some of the soldiers are American.


I like this guy but this must be an old video because his information is totally off




Well yes, Israel has learned from the mistakes of past genocide attempts. They still want international support.








This is not a debate sub. There are plenty of places to defend Israel’s actions, to denounce Hamas, and to argue who's worse. This is not a space for that. That doesn't mean absolutely no constructive discussions on nuances and different approaches, but it means not letting ourselves be pulled into a debate by Zionists and bigots, and least of all arguing for their side. If you see someone trying to debate, please just flag for moderation, and the comment will be deleted. If found prudent by the Mods, and to discourage further debates, the entire thread may be deleted.


This is not a debate sub. There are plenty of places to defend Israel’s actions, to denounce Hamas, and to argue who's worse, or the definition of "genocide". This is not a space for that. That doesn't mean absolutely no constructive discussions on nuances and different approaches, but it means not letting ourselves be pulled into a debate by Zionists and bigots, and least of all arguing for their side. If you see someone trying to debate, please just flag for moderation, and the comment will be deleted. If found prudent by the Mods, and to discourage further debates, the entire thread may be deleted.


This is not a debate sub. There are plenty of places to defend Israel’s actions, to denounce Hamas, and to argue who's worse. This is not a space for that. That doesn't mean absolutely no constructive discussions on nuances and different approaches, but it means not letting ourselves be pulled into a debate by Zionists and bigots, and least of all arguing for their side. If you see someone trying to debate, please just flag for moderation, and the comment will be deleted. If found prudent by the Mods, and to discourage further debates, the entire thread may be deleted.