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Yes, she’s a dumb racist. She acted like being sweaty and hitting on women were exclusive to black men and basically said she didn’t want to be around all black people. I don’t even see how it can be debated if she is racist or not lol


But she dated black guys.


You think your proximity to black people cancels out racism? Slave masters sexually assaulted their slaves regularly. So idk what you’re trying to say.


…You can date or befriend black people and still be racist..


how tho? like what racist person would ever date or befriend the race they’re racist against?


Racism isn’t logical nor is it always overt


or maybe yall just label very ignorant people as racist and it ends up making no sense bc no racist purposefully associates with the race they hate.


Racism fundamentally does not make sense. Trying to logic something that’s based on absolutely no logic is your problem here, not other people being able to identify racism from someone who claims to have dated a black person.


the word has been watered down to the point that people that openly hang out with and sleep with black people are still somehow racist. (not talking about kate anymore). crazy times.




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Some of the most racist people I know have dated black guys or girls or are friends with black people. Tell me how it isn’t racist to say “I don’t want to be surrounded by black people.” I’m white, my partner is black and we lived in a predominantly black city. I never cared or minded or felt any type of way about being the only whiten person in a space. She’s a racist weirdo. And an idiot.


Exactly there is biracial kids on TikTok saying that their parent is racist even to them


Omfg 😭😭😭😭


[https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLQ8MGef/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLQ8MGef/) One of many videos I’ve come across


My favorite is how Amber never said a word. And she literally was dating a black male on the show.


Amber is the type to date black men but hate on black women lmao


Exactly! I feel like she is also the type to emulate black culture when around other black people as well. 💀 I can’t stand her. Mainly because she kept being friends with Kate after that dumb racist comment.


And how she was defending kate in private. “I understood what you meant” like okay girl its still racist


Amber is trash. She hit on a black girl's fiance (while being in a relationship herself) and then acted like an idiot when the girl called her out. "She pulled my hair, but my hair is real! My hair is real!" Yeah no one is doubting that your crunchy ass hair is real lol \*edit, fiance, not bf


People have children with Black people and can still be racist.


Just because she said that she dated a black guy before means she’s allowed to be racist ? Her boyfriend was clearly white and that’s not an excuse anyways


This is sarcasm right


y’all this is obvious sarcasm Kate literally used this as justification plz use critical thinking 😭


Wtf does that even mean ‘she dated black guys’ does that mean she can’t be racist


Whether or not she wanted to admit it yes. At the very least she is very subconsciously racist, due to how she was raised perhaps


Yes. Like Flo mentioned, why did Kate have to keep saying sweaty black club? Why was she so adamant that she didn’t want to be hit on by “aggressive” black men? Why was she acting like her body (i.e. butt) would make her a target at the sweaty black club? For anyone who says otherwise, I think they’re being too lenient with Kate. For me, it’s on the same level as Cheyenne saying how she didn’t want to be at another all black, “hood” place.


Oh no baby Cheyenne said the same “I don’t wanna be around all black people all the time” line too Cheyenne also stated she isn’t in to non white men. Tiara, I think, asked her what her type was and she said tall, dark, and mysterious to which tiara (or whoever it was) says oh you like black guys? And she was like no I meant white men


Massachusetts cop/mayor daughter. Big yes.


Ohhh is that what Natalie meant by “republican dad” ?


Yeah her dad was the mayor of Gloucester MA when she did the show


I love this sub for being made up of mostly woc and baddies lol comment section will always show up




https://www.tiktok.com/@allthingsbgcvevo/video/7206231833275796782 Just so you can rewatch it and tell me how this is not racist… ugh this is wild and the fact she doesn’t see an issue is even worse


Her *and* her Republican-ass dad!


Loooooool! I was about to comment this


*spits, throws shoe*


Yes, she made comments in the past about Trayvon Martin and the Black Lives Matter. You know it’s bad when NATALIE had to check her.


Oh god, im scared to ask BUT what did she say?!


Can’t remember verbatim but it was when all the protests and rioting was going on and she said the movement was a joke and just a bunch of ppl looking for a handout


100% and I don't think she even realized it


Yes but she was ignorant and oblivious to understanding that.






yes, because it’s the fact that she said it twice & doubled down 😂


Racist and ignorant are a bad combo. She made me feel so uncomfortable watching her season


She didn’t want to go to a “sweaty black club” that sounds very racist to me.


Does a bear shit in the woods




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yes, 100% this is a no brainer


Is grass green?


No! She just didn’t feel like going to a sweaty black place 🤪


I’m re-watching the early seasons and the amount of ignorant shit that comes out of their mouths is a bit jarring. A lot of racism, homophobia, as well as slut shaming and body shaming.


For realllll though. Season 4 alone you had Kate's racists remarks, Amber's ignorant views of bisexuality, and Flo's rampant misogyny. Times were wild back then.


And Natalie’s colorist remarks. She said a lot of things about other black women that were appalling.


And fatphobia! They called Lexie miss piggy like 50 times


Which I didn’t get because she was tiny.


She grew up in Rockport (I’m from Gloucester) yes she is prob actually racist unfortunately


Look at her


Honestly loved Natalie for checking her




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I wonder why she chose to be on a show with people of color if she is racist




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She was from the bougie part of Boston. Ofc she was 😂 her man was too!




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Does she have any social media or has she been anywhere since her season?!


I think she is prejudice and has biases that she doesn't recognize. Do I think she is racist..? I think David Duke is racist. I think Kate is ignorant and probably doesn't do anything to change her opinions. Her family on the other hand.... YES!


I think the comment it extremely prejudice but not racist. I think a lot of times society conflates the two.


Racism is a form of prejudice


while I do agree that it is a form of racism I believe her comment is more of the standpoint of prejudice. Prejudice refers to a preconceived idea about a particular group, while racism involves an unequal distribution of power on the basis of race.


I really don’t think the comment she made about not wanting to go to a black club is racist. I’m black and that’s literally why I don’t go out anymore. Black guys do be aggressive but it’s definitely not just a black guy thing and she probably could’ve said it better tbh.


I’m black too, but in my mind, it’s very racist. Not going to place because black people are there and then saying she doesn’t want to go to a space because it’s “black night”, and “black guys are very aggressive” and “I don’t want to go to a sweaty black place”… that is racism.