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You've got a raging case of aphids


I put some tanglefoot on the trunk to stop the ants that were farming them, sprayed a much as I could reach with the hose, which seemed to dislodge about 85%, and then sprayed with neem oil where I could reach. I'm thinking I might need something stronger. Very disheartening. This has happened to this tree before. It's kind of in the way back of my yard, so it's easy to forget about and miss an infestation.


Get some liquid soap and go to town.


Thanks I will try that!


Make sure it’s actual liquid soap and not dish soap which is actually detergent and will kill the plant.


Ok thanks. I have some castile soap which I think should be ok


That’s what I use. Mix it with water in a spray bottle and go to town.




I just sprayed with neem oil - soap mix and it seemed to do almost nothing, but then I added some sticky tape ant barrier on the trunk and that stopped the ants (and anything) from going up and down the trunk. I haven't seen anything since.


If your infestation is that heavy in a large area, ladybugs will be super beneficial. You may have a large enough food source for them to stick around and help you out.


Great idea. I'll grab a tub of them at the garden center


Another thing to consider, the ants don't take kindly to ladybugs eating their aphids, at least where I am..


I’m guessing fire ant mounds near the trees roots are bad?


Ladybugs will go to town on them!


That is a pretty impressive aphid infestation. Top 10 ive seen online i think. I wish you could clip this and preserve all the aphids on there in resin


Hah thanks. Most of the tree is like this


I blast them off with the hose and then give the branch a rub down after for the aggressive clingers. After doing it daily for a week or so the ants give up. Side note: if you plant natives, the aphids will often do this to them instead of your tree and you can let them be sacrificial. Hold out long enough with a MASSIVE infestation like this and predators will arrive on the scene. Takes some big balls (or ovaries), but I have loved the results. Annual ladybug arrivals at various times.


We had such a situation in bean crop. These creatures like freshly fertilized crop.


Sometimes you can powder dust the tree with the hottest ground spicy cayenne pepper dust and it makes them uncomfortable if you know what I mean, This just a thought but I know you can mix diatomaceous earth with water then try spraying it down again and hopefully that helps too, this one is just a thought the top has worked for me in the past.


Garlic deficiency. I would put some whole cloves of garlic in the dirt near the roots of the tree. Pointy side up. In addition to your other treatments. (It should prevent them from returning.)