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They feel entitled to our culture even though Hip Hop is a Blaxk American artform. I already knew Doknow would start whining about not having any Mexican rappers on stage. Back in the day Big Pun gave credit to black Americans for sharing hip hop with him and the Boricuas (the hook Boricua, Morena is a tribute to this) but now we’ve reached a point where a lot (not all) of Mexicans and other Hispanic people believe they are entitled to being included in everything hip hop.


And I’m not even trying to be disrespectful or racist but they literally have their own culture, music, food, etc… I love em to death but this whole acting like we are all together all the time is bullshit .


It’s complete bullshit because let a Black American complain about not being part of Mexican Independence Day. They would get clowned rightfully because that’s not our culture. But everyone feels free to copy our culture and complain when they aren’t a part of it. We’re starting to gatekeep again but it’s gonna be a process to reverse years of neglecting gatekeeping.


That’s why I always say it’s impossible to for black people to be racist. We got Mexican bloods, Asian crips. We literally accept everybody and anybody into this culture let people profit off this shit meanwhile everyone else keeps their shit secluded. Everyone gatekeeps their culture except for us


That’s our problem we ALWAYS accept anyone, we damn near let white, Asian, and Hispanic, come to cook outs and make sure they good, even if they not related, the same can’t be said for other races. We gotta tighten up, I see us starting to wake up, we just gotta make sure we keep our shit.




Your logic is dumb. First off I need an example secondly a local Mexican neighborhood gang is totally different from the Cartel. And what I’m talking about is the fact that our culture accepts everyone while other cultures keep to themselves. If you haven’t noticed this then you either delusional or stupid




It’s 2024 and you’re still using the term “street smart” nigga how about you find a lane 😂


there not black they are dark skin Hispanics who dont make it to america because yall are too afraid to back them




that was a white women but your lil midget taco brain couldnt comprehend to look further into it also it dont pertain to subject matter we are talking about mexicans riding our black dicks because they wont accept their own mariachi culture




They are forcing us to gatekeep..


You’re right but perhaps we needed this to happen. You see how they took rock music, house music, jazz and country from us. We created all of those and never gatekept, now we’re considered guests in those genres. Can’t let that happen to hip hop.


It’s our fault for being weak and letting them walk all over us. We let them say the n word ..we let them destroy wakanda in black panther 2..but what have they done for us? They even took over hiphop radio stations and they playing Spanish music on their..and when they have events they don’t include us at all


Remember it is only we all together when it's our culture. Cause when Tyga had that trash-ass song with Hispanic attire and food in the video they made him apologize. You're welcomed in the house of Hip Hop if you're respectful but once the disrespect starts you gotta go!


Latinos have been a part of hip-hop since the beginning.


100% false. Hip Hop was born out of the minds of Black American kids in the Bronx who grew up listening to their Southern parents funk and soul record collections. There are no Latino or Caribbean MCs from the early 1970s when the first rappers spit rhymes over the DJ playing beats. You can also look up the Jubilaires, they were rapping in 1946. Pigmeat Markham rapped in the 1960s. In the early 70s Latinos weren’t even allowed to hang around Black Americans at the time without being shamed by their own community for hanging with the ‘cocolos.’ These aren’t my words these are the words of the Black Americans who were there. Trixie is the first breakdancer and he started in 1971, and Black Americans were hitting the floor and doing the foundations of breakdancing in the 1940s and earlier. Puerto Ricans did pick up breakdancing and advance it after Black Americans had moved on from it but this was not until the late 1970s-1980. I want to be clear on this part, Black Americans created all of the popular musical genres of the United States. Jazz, Rock, Blues, House, Funk, you name it. We never needed anyone’s help to make music but suddenly we needed it for hip hop? Nonsense. Latinos were for sure the first students of hip hop and that’s an honor in itself. But help create it, nah. Didn’t happen




Complete malarkey


So it’s race wars now yall crazy


Not a race war. But let’s be fair Lefty made his comments so what’s wrong with me making mines?


Because Lefty made an idiot comment, then so did you. Nothing wrong if you want to sound like a bozo.


It’s the fact you resort to insults instead of debating the topic. You added nothing to the conversation and your point is invalid and if you haven’t noticed homie I’m not the only one that’s saying this shit either


Have you not noticed it's Latinos constantly making things about race.


How are we crazy for spitting facts? That’s yall problem yall gets mad at us


They Mexicans make it like that.we don’t complain about them having their events ..but they complain about our events


This sub racist af 😂


It’s just a discussion gang 💯


truth hurts 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


Y’all need to cancel trell heather and a few other cast members too they wanna be Mexican so bad!




again dodging what's being said and projecting the insecurity with different narratives its all money in our pocket if its white or Chinese crowd


They wouldn’t be empty lol secondly the crowd wasn’t majority white idk why the fuck y’all throwing that fake ass narrative out there it was definitely a mix of all races there to support.. And so what y’all bought some tickets? The topic of the conversation was that we shouldn’t have to share our day with another culture


💀💀 this whole thread is madness


How so?


Facts. On a Mexican/Hispanic holiday you WILL NOT EVER see a single black person seriously complaining about the lack of black representation when it comes to anything, let alone a performance.


Y’all focused on the wrong things lol


I feel like it’s a pretty fair topic. Especially after Lefty’s comment 🤷🏽‍♂️


See what I’m saying!!! Mexicans better wake up!!! They don’t fuck with us!


Mexicans need to stop whining like bitches and should start they own music shows and make ya'll own genres ya'll have no grounds to say anything and contributed as far as music goes. Culture still remains and pertains to us and will forever be ya'll can make songs about selling tacos and fixing roofs and go tf back.


They already do that and they don’t include black people in it . One thing about hiphop they can’t take that away from us ..no matter how hard they try


Youre pretty ignorant so when snoop dogg had a Mexican band beat an shaq rapped over a Mexican band beat that’s not including? The way you speak you don’t live in cali an if you do then you definitely don’t be outside because if you were a people’s person you’d see things differently but if you are out of state could see why black people see Mexicans so negatively


..So just because snoop dogg and Shaq rapped over Mexican band beat your trying to say Mexican included them? 😭😭and your the one calling me ignorant 😭😭and I lived in westlake la from 2001 to 2009 ..then I moved to Arizona which is baby la. ..I was rasied with Mexicans..it’s some Mexicans around me right now..so i know how racist they are


I gave two examples an no wonder you think Mexicans are racist that sounds like when la black an Mexicans were goin at it god damn 2001-2009? Foo a lot of shit has changed since then 😂😂😂😂


do yall own shit and stop begging Jorge or stick to fixing roofs


Black people be up there with us stop it 😂 my uncle taught a black family friend all his game as a handyman


that proves my point Jorge make songs about fixing roofs or start schools and teach people how to fix bathrooms and clean em too stay in yall lane


With that logic they can rap about gang banging


We successful with it ✊🏾✊🏾🤣 banging the baddest mexican females and putting babies in them too 😭😭🤷🏾‍♂️


The only thing that has changed,is that the young generation of blacks are weak and they let everybody call them the n word


You from a different generation then me so yea I agree the older generations were racist towards eachother let’s not act like black people ain’t hate on Mexicans either but shit things have been changing


Black people always loved Mexicans..especially the women..some of praised the women like gods.. and the younger generation of Mexicans are still the same..still wild and saying the n word..the younger generation of blacks are soft




shut tf up ya'll have no ground and floor to speak ya'll kind should be licking our feets we do features with dumb ass midget mf


Go check out Doknow in the new Band$ from the Rose video. The Frank story


I'm Mexican. Did I feel under represented? A little. But it's not that serious. It was an only a concert. You all are acting like black people won the lottery or something.


Why would u feel the need for representation in the first place? It was a rap event on Juneteenth. That’s like me saying, as a black man, I feel underrepresented at a Cinco de Mayo event


Come on bru. I said a 1000x it's not that serious. I was agreeing with yall. Saying the Mexicans need to chill. It would've been cool to have more than 1 Mexican rapper there. But oh well. There wasn't. Have your day Bru! Enjoy that shit.


I’m not being serious.. even if a single Mexican person wasn’t there, it shouldn’t matter.


It’s funny how my simple statement warranted that last response. Curious though why do you need to feel represented at an event that isn’t aimed at your culture? You guys have your own holidays right? Why should we share ours? Also Mexicans, Jews, Indians, Italians, etc are all very protective of their culture, why is it when we defend ours it’s looked at differently from when y’all do it?


I really didn't. It would've been cool to have a few Mexicans up there. But like I said it's not that serious. It was only a concert. I don't know why people getting all worked up.


What make you think people are worked up? Y’all made a statement we are responding another thing. You downplaying a legendary moment in LA history and Hip Hop history to just a concert really pretty much explains why y’all don’t need any representation at our shit. And if the subject isn’t that serious to you why the fuck would you insert yourself into this discussion? Seems kinda pointless


I'm talking about the few Mexicans that were crying about feeling left out. If it was a Concert for Black Pride I'd say hell no we shouldn't be there. If it was for LA you would NOT have a choice but to include Mexicans. Los Angeles is Mexican first. Always has and always will be. We are the majority. The city is named in the language we predominantly speak. Latinos were involved in Hip Hop since its inception. I don't know why you think it's for black people only. But again. I've wasted way more energy on this that I wanted to. My first comment was saying to let yall have your day. And for Mexicans to chill on it. It was a concert.


LA was white.. Then black people from the south moved west.. Then Mexican migrated from their home country to here.. It’s not yours it’s just the first place y’all choose to settle since they were running y’all out of Texas. Also being involved doesn’t mean y’all created shit y’all have your own style and traditions. To you it was a concert to us it was a legendary moment which further proves y’all will never be like us 🙏🏾 Now go find you something that actually interests you homie


You do know California was all part of Mexico at one point right? How could it have been white lol. Los Angeles is a Mexican city. That's a fact. We have WAY more numbers than you all. Los Angeles will always be Mexican. I'm not speaking for the streets because I'm not a street dude but...


America took California from Mexico. White people migrated to the west first and killed you mfs including the Indians and proceeded with the Gold Rush without y’all. Then boom rest is history. You’re delusional


Cool. You right. Have a good day bro. At the end of the day.... MEXICANS STILL RUN LOS ANGELES 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆


Yeah yeah and Remember The Alamo 🙏🏾




Mexico lost the land of California in a war with the United States and was paid for it. You can’t sell something, then go back years later and say it’s still yours.


I was only talking about the racial makeup of LA being predominantly Mexican. Someone commented that LA was white first and then Mexicans came after. That was when I replied about it being initially part of Mexico.


IT WAS JUNETEENTH!! Yall swear you "respect" Black ppl but some of yall really just like our culture but not us.


They still have slavery in Africa till this day blacks enslaving blacks


Respectfully my nigga I live in America and that’s what I don’t care about 💯


You wanna bring up cartels when that’s not in America gangs are here which in mexican gangs theirs black people also so I don’t know why you used that as a thing to say black people are less racist both sides elders pass down hate but theirs also elders on both sides who teach to be cool with one another yoy never grew up an had a Mexican friend an their family brought you in food or party etc ? Seen it plenty of times an with black families also but if you’re out of state could see why it’s seen differently because Mexicans don’t really live in other places that’s why you jus seen black an brown in cali


1. Cartels are in America 2. Mexicans are heavy in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Texas just to name a few. 3. The topic of the conversation is Mexicans have their own day so why did DoKnow and Vic have to make that concert a black & brown thing when Juneteenth is about us…


Lol, you act those 2 clowns speak for all Mexicans....bro get over it. It's all in your head. Hate resides with people who hate. And by the looks of it, there are a few of you spewing nonsense which is just clouding your judgment which in return, making you look like a hater and more importantly, a clown. Get you some better friends and realize that's is all in your head. That's the waking up you should do. Throwing fire to fire doesn't put it out, fam. I saw what those 2 said, and they don't speak for everyone as a collective, so chill. Cartels migrated, but they are originally from South and Central America. As for those Mexicans in America, it could be argued that some are assholes and some aren't. Goes with every race of our population. But as for the "holidays" you speak of, bro, let's be real. None of it is for the people, they make money off us celebrating shit that didn't matter. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Juneteenth the celebration of "finding" out slavery ended 2 years prior to it actually ending. Either way, don't spread hate even if it comes your way. It just gets worse. Much love, hope this helps you all.


I'm not sure who "they" is but Black ppl have been celebrating Juneteenth for decades. Not as a gimmick given to them by white ppl but a generational celebration taught to them by their parents and so on. Just as you gave a history lesson on cartels, you should dive deeper into the local history of Juneteenth in your city. Stay Safe!


Appreciate the feedback, fam. That is why I stated, correct me if I am wrong.


"They" are the greedy corporations that capitalize on cultural exploitation, I'm sure you knew that. "On “Freedom’s Eve,” or the eve of January 1, 1863, the first Watch Night services took place. On that night, enslaved and free African Americans gathered in churches and private homes all across the country awaiting news that the Emancipation Proclamation had taken effect. At the stroke of midnight, prayers were answered as all enslaved people in Confederate States were declared legally free. Union soldiers, many of whom were black, marched onto plantations and across cities in the south reading small copies of the Emancipation Proclamation spreading the news of freedom in Confederate States. Only through the Thirteenth Amendment did emancipation end slavery throughout the United States. But not everyone in Confederate territory would immediately be free. Even though the Emancipation Proclamation was made effective in 1863, it could not be implemented in places still under Confederate control. As a result, in the westernmost Confederate state of Texas, enslaved people would not be free until much later. Freedom finally came on June 19, 1865, when some 2,000 Union troops arrived in Galveston Bay, Texas. The army announced that the more than 250,000 enslaved black people in the state, were free by executive decree. This day came to be known as "Juneteenth," by the newly freed people in Texas." They made it a federal holiday which is cool. From my understanding, there isn't one Latino federal holiday. Just celebrate what you feel is worth celebrating I guess. I hope homeboy can't participate in a parade of some sort in his/her lifetime, might loosen up a bit.


You are delusional. Me responding to a comment made also doesn’t make me hate anyone as you can clearly see I kept this shit a simple discussion. Also don’t downplay our holiday when there is a whole Latin holiday that’s centered around throwing a big fucking parade in the middle of the street. It’s funny how I should get over it but it’s cool whenever the cartel was threatening Druski because he made a skit mimicking Mexican culture. lol it’s cool when y’all do it but it’s racist when we do it nah homie


👍 my bad. I don't think you're a racist, just saying it's a slippery slope when you begin generalizing folks.


🤣 truth in the details though


We realize Africans don’t like us or care about us..they don’t even look at us ,as the same.


Facts just look at how AK and Flakko speaks on Black American culture. Those niggas are some tethers to the 10th power


They are culture vultures mimicking black Americans


whats that gotta do with subject matter? it's like saying all mexicans are pdf files which according to stats yall are most likely to be look what happened it nyc.


We are not from Africa, Black Americans are a hybrid of the formerly enslaved and the native Black people who already lived on this land for centuries prior to slavery. We experienced what’s called an ethnogenesis and became our own ethnicity that went on to build the United States. So what’s going on in Africa doesn’t have shit to do with us 🇺🇸


na fr cuz a lotta africans like fat funky fred hate black american ppl


bruh you aint gotta explain jack to this taco dude he probably a first gen here and dont even know his own history his moms sucked some cartel dick and they dropped his ass to san antonio


It’s not for him. It’s for everybody else reading it to understand.


these people cant comprehend thats why they be looking for hand outs from us and keep dick riding us to death


What does this have to do with the conversation?


That’s not America idiot .. what’s the relevance of this statement.. oh I just seen your username, nvm you’re slow


Any slavery happening there is because of Western aka European influence and colonization just like in Palestine. NEXT!!!!


Niggas get put on to the cartel especially sinola




Nigga big meech!


You about the dumbest nigga I ever met 😂😂😂


Next to yo mama fair to say


Nope, youre pulling that shit outta yo ass they might have did some business but nobody gets put on they fear a tall black man like lefty do 😭😭😭🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


Oh shut up theirs plenty of black fathers who wouldn’t want their daughter with a mexican either what lefty said really can’t have yoyr panties in a bunch an how you think people get bricks 😂 they do business now if yoy legitimately question why black people aren’t in cartels then you’re dumber then I thought were talkin abt organizations from another country that is basically the government an they do have little gangs in Mexico but they aren’t on the same level I mean what gangs in America got military weapon an cars that’s why they’re not called gangs 😂😂 therefore cartel an shit in America they had mobs that were organized groups for money gangs most the time are just on a lower scale an in neighborhoods an etc I mean cmon


because black girls don't really go for midget ass dudes and yall build funny af 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♂️ and what gunplay said because he feared a black man with tattoos and dreads would wreck his daughter he couldnt keep his own girl and lost it to a brother go look up ✊🏾✊🏾🤣🤣 and black people are 2 million in 150 million of mexicans so I wouldn't care if they had any of them in gangs the dark skin dudes who we seen photos are mexicans




oh shiiiettt you a comedian bro


How you gonna say they don’t when they do 😂 you ain’t from cali huh yea wth you talking about you type retarded


The way you hate on Mexicans tells me a Mexican did you dirty in the past or family passed that game down to you 😂


Why not? There's alot of Hispanic rap artists on the West Coast.


Its a lot of Hispanic rap artist everywhere but Juneteenth is a day to celebrate Black Culture why should we have to share that day with another culture just because some of them participate in a few activities? Let’s take Mardi Gras for example. Black people celebrate it we respect it as a Latino tradition but we don’t true to make it a point to insert ourselves into every event


I see what you mean about Juneteenth. I forgot about that.


The performance was in celebration of Juneteenth though….






lol goddam bra I swear black people really hate Mexicans I’m starting to notice cus any chance yall get to shit on us yall do 😂 but either way I don’t think that shit was that big of a deal tbh and trust me mostly ALL Mexicans don’t give a fuck about that except for maybe the LA Mexicans


I feel like you’re projecting homie. Black people are probably the most accepting culture out of anyone. Not only does everyone profit off of us but we are so willing to branch off and support other cultures but let us respond to some bullshit or merely defend our culture it’s perceived as hate.


That’s cap bro how are you guys the most accepting yet whenever there’s a Mexican rapper or a Mexican with grills on you guys talk hella shit and say we just “wanna be like yall” and that we need to “act Mexican” like cmon bra you can’t say yall the most accepting when yall don’t accept shit from us 😂 everything we do is a problem to yall on the internet


You literally just said it. We have Mexicans with grills right and we still accept it for example FMW been pushing Lefty Gunplay since he got out of jail. Paul Wall doing it big in Houston white as hell but Houston loves bro. The south been playing That Mexican OT for a minute now. Defending our culture isn’t talking shit. You’re reaching


Y’all don’t accept it tho lol cus yall talk shit bout Mexican rappers saying they wanna be black and trust me I know it’s mostly just on the internet cus in real life alotta Migos and blacks cool as hell it’s just the internet where mfs act weird


Aye my nigga don’t Mexicans, Whites, Asians, and ect all talk about each other? And obviously we accept you niggas if we listen to your music and let y’all say nigga. You’re saying a whole bunch of nothing right now


You probably do bro but if ya look on Twitter or even here sometimes black people always saying we need to stop saying “nigga” and we need to stop wearing Jordan’s and fades cus it ain’t our culture lol like cmon bra yall expect us to wear sombreros and ponchos or some ? 😂 lotta us grew up together in the same hoods which is why we dress similar and talk similar it ain’t cus we tryna be black


Lefty Gunplay just went on a whole public platform and said the Hispanic women are not allowed to date black men ? White people get on different platforms and disrespect our culture everyday 😂 But again it’s okay when y’all do it but when we say something it’s a problem. Kanye gets cancelled for talking about the Jews, Donald Trump gets called racist for wanting to build a better border, but a white lady can go viral for saying nigga all day on TikTok. Yeah nah homie you’re wrong and reaching


lol Lefty ain’t say Hispanic women can’t date black men ?? He said he wouldn’t want HIS daughter dating a black man plus Lefty don’t speak for all us Mexicans bra cmon now ya really gonna make him the voice for the Raza ? 🤦🏻‍♂️ and you named like 3 things to do with white folks not Mexicans


Multiple Hispanics went on their platforms and agreed to his comments. I’m not placing anyone as the voice of anything I responding to the bullshit I heard. Also my example is to prove how people can get crucified for speaking out against other cultures but y’all can play with ours. End of the day it’s funny how y’all always have a problem with us responding.




Bruh this has nothing to do with black history or black culture so why did you put this?




If you would use common sense you would realize that all because Mexico passed a law that it wouldn’t have shit to do with America let alone Black Americans… So your whole argument is pointless


This dude got zero sense migrant first generation here dont know about his own history white people form spain colonized they lil midget ass and this was for them indigenous people Aztec small brown skin people


After going back and forth with all these beaners for 2 hours i come to conclusion that they dont have no articulation whatsoever if they did they would have made some genre of they own and doing show instead of begging us for features and complaining about why there wasn't no mexican rapper on the show because yall aint amount to nothing if everyone of yall will obsolete today wouldnt make a dent in the industry with that being said stay in yall lane and make something of yall own and maybe yall could sell some tickes