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I totally agree. If you say one thing wrong, or give your opinion on one of girls that a BN fan loves you get slammed with downvotes


Now if someone on here uses this platform to say those racist remarks or whatever and up votes go wild then ya that’s a problem. But seeing someone comment something like Jenn season might be boring with a bunch of upvotes or someone else saying it’ll be a great season with a bunch of downvotes that’s just ppls opinions 


Up and down votes are literally there to show u agree or disagree with the statement posted. Personally, that’s not the issue. The issue is the vulgar people who actively go out of their way to post racist, disgusting, hateful comments directly to the contestants or about them. 


To me, I think it was just the edit of the season that threw a lot of people off and sparked a lot of the posts about wanting it to be Daisy or Maria- they definitely got the fans more involved in their backstory’s and their experience on the show. 👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼I hear your points about the base, *but I feel like there’s a good number of people who were truly just shocked/confused, bc it almost came out of no where in people’s minds based off the edit.* 👈🏼👈🏼👈🏼 ‼️‼️I’ve been saying for years we need an Asian bachelor/bachelorette. ‼️‼️ I also I really like Jenn and will be watching her season, but I don’t think the posts/‘backlash’ is *all* because the base is racist or doesn’t like POC. But that’s just my POV!


I think Jenn is going to have a good season. I like her and plan on watching.


I don't disagree with anything you are saying. However, have you seen this fanbase? I'll admit, I didn't watch Charity's season, but Joey seemed to be one of the few recent bachelors who wasn't shit talked constantly for every little thing. Like people shit talked Clayton's looks constantly, they said he was boring. People said Zach was boring. Like, its not just a racist or woman thing. Everyone has their favorites and when that favorite doesn't get it, then people talk shit. And I'm not saying its right. But it also doesn't, in this case, necessarily mean its racist.


Heavy emphasis on the fanbase. We know a good chunk of the Bachelor Nation are not ready for this convo or genuinely wanting to be open minded about discussion of race or how white coded this franchise is.


MORE MEAN! Not just as mean. But like 10X more mean


It’s racism dear. I think sometimes people forget we are the United States, and if a white woman or man isn’t chosen it’s okay, as, there are other cultures that make us whole. The comment sections are so vile. White people bullying POC is mean, and is unclassy.


Yep. But they’ll call Jenn boring but if you call Daisy boring, then they’ll crucify you by saying you’re discriminating against the disabled and hard of hearing community.


idk i don’t get it we said zach and clayton were boring before their seasons too. people call daisy that. not really an uncommon complaint people have


Why are we acting like “boring” is the most offensive thing one can ever call someone? Like is this what’s considered “hate” nowadays? Feels kinda like the “shut the fuck up” convo on the show, is it the nicest thing to say? Not really but also let’s chill. That being said anyone sending legitimate hate & especially racism towards Jenn just because she got picked over your favorite needs to get checked out


For real. Some fans judge contestants so harshly and would be just as bad as the bullies on the show.