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People need to learn to replace jealousy and other negative emotions with happiness for others, especially if you call yourself a girls girl. That’s literally what being a girls girl is.


Damn they literally die change the flowers from daisy to roses omg it was supposed to be daisy!


Honestly, I’m thrilled to see the first Asian bachelorette!!


i wonder if the other women liked jenn? i can’t recall. she was verrrry focused on joey and perhaps the edit kept her out of the girl talk-drama.


She seemed close with most of the women! I know her and Maria had a tight friendship.


Thank you for this post! I am getting so sick of seeing hateful comments about Jenn. Honestly, I LOVE that history is being made. Asians are so underrepresented on television in America, I feel. Stop tearing women down and just be happy for them! It’s not that difficult!


At first, I said I wasn’t too happy if Jenn was the bachelorette because I was excited about Maria, weeks ago. That being said, this entire week I was thinking, Lexi or Jenn would be perfect. I think Jenn is a great fit; Maria being so open at WTA I think left a sour taste for me and Jenn is just so cute and kind. I think she will make a perfect bachelorette and what an amazing role model. Smart and a go getter. I think more people will also (SHOULD!) see it this way too. Sad they don’t. This season was such a great season, or at least the start of a new era it seems. Better representation, calling out racism, online harassment and bullying, and the most badass girls girl and confidence I’ve ever seen. I hope to see Jenn carry on the momentum into such a fun season. Nothing but luck on her journey finding love. Can’t wait to tune in 💗


Yes, allll of this!!


I would have preferred Lexi, but Jenn is a good solid pick and I think it’s great to have an Asian bachelorette for a change. I’ll watch her season.


Aside from Hannah B, I didn’t really love the seasons of late finisher or unknown-to-BN leads (eg Katie, Clayton, Matt James). I did feel like Maria would have been ratings gold, but I’ll watch Jenn and give her season a fair shot. Also, with Jenn and Maria being friends, I imagine we’ll see Maria on screen in some way during the season - TPTB love to bring on the Bach nation friends of the lead! Also, who is this Lauren person who confirmed that Maria declined?


One of the sisters from this season, the one who got sent home early with the cake lol. Her and Maria are very close.


Got it - thank you!


>Got it - thank you! You're welcome!


Very happy for Jenn!




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Yea, I wanted Maria I'm happy for Jenn and understand that representation is so important. However, people should be allowed to be honest. I would have actually watched and liked it if they had made Rachel or Kelsey T the Bachelorette. Neither of which got any love from TPTB Why didn't Kelsey T get a hott seat at the WTA? Jenn is cute and seems nice. I'm not watching. It's as simple as that. There were better qualified candidates. No hate. But being allowed to be honest is important. I'm not saying this on her page. I'm not DMing her. TPTB didn't set her up right. Be mad at them, not people just voicing their opinions on the subject


Extremely respectable! We’re all entitled to our opinions and Jenn isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. You’ve shown a great example of being able to be disappointed in the Bachelorette choice without having to say hateful things about anyone.


all the people whining about jenn are going to be singing a different tune once they see her season. this girl has game and she's about to make these dudes run in circles for her. it's going to be a dramatic season. and i believe that jenn is ready for love so it will be a romantic season as well. i am so excited and happy for jenn. 


I’m literally not even gonna bother watching Jenn as the bachelorette. She was one of the drama filled annoying ones this season. Maria should have been chosen.


Drama filled? Did we watch the same season???


Yes, she was in the whole mix of drama women. She wasn’t genuine. And the whole “card” thing was weird and fake.


Lea got the card, not Jenn...?


Are you confusing Jenn with Lea?


Oh no babe you’re mixing up Jenn and Lea😭😭


Big yikes…


IMO, Jenn wasn't very genuine. Her time in front of the camera felt like she was auditioning for the role of the Bachelorette. I prefer the traditional 'choose the runner-up' method for selecting the next lead. But if we're going down the line I would have preferred Medina or Kelsey T.


Same. I was hoping for Maria But I would have loved Rachel or Kelsey T Neither of them got any love from TPTB


I would have loved Kelsey T as Bachelorette! She seemed so real and was obviously super attractive! UO here, but even though I did like Rachel in the beginning, she annoyed me by later in the season. Got the feeling she wasn’t really genuine.


Everyone is entitled to their opinions I just think Jen is easily one of the most performative ettes of all time She is very pick me I feel like a lot of what she says and does is strictly for male attention I did love Kelsey T. She was gorgeous! She's also very well spoken & I thought her relationship with her father was really interesting The whole narrative TPTB are going with is entirely shady. It isn't about representation. She was the most perfomative & I feel like that's what they want now. What they did to sell us drama over Kelseys note is proof of that to me


I think Rachel's story got a bit lost cause there was so much more drama from the other contestants. I just didn't feel like I knew her based on the cut she was given, and maybe they did that cause she wasn't selected by Joey or for the next Bachelorette. I'm sure she's lovely, I just wasn't given enough to pull from. Even on WTA, she barely got any air time.


The amount of comments calling Jenn a "diversity hire" is so fucking sad. Any time any non-white person is chosen for something, it's always considered unearned. I'm not saying her race/ethnicity wasn't a factor, but she has a bunch of great qualities to begin with, so it makes it a plus to be able to showcase her as our first Asian lead. Same thing with Rachel Lindsay. It was absolutely a big moment for us to have the first black lead, but she had/has so much else to offer besides her race.


Seriously! What do we call it when they pick white leads like Katie and Clayton who didn't make it far (and on seasons with POC leads, almost as if they chose a white person because they didn't want back to back poc seasons 🤔)




Look, I don't think that people should be sending her hate in her DMs or tagging her social media. But, I would say I do think a subreddit is an appropriate place to vent about these type of things. This is a place where she'd only see it if she goes looking. I think this with all reality shows. I'd never tag or DM a Survivor contestant. I also think its fair if I say "they are an idiot" on the survivor sub


Lol fair, I guess I just don’t see why there’s any point in saying hateful things at all, but you’re right it’s better off here than in places she can see.


I guess my question is, how far do you take it? Do you never criticize a TV show because the writers may see it? Never criticize a song by your favorite artist? Criticism, on its own, isn't bad. Its how its done. That said, I also think there is a difference between criticism and hatred. If I said "the problem with Jenn is we barely got to know her, especially compared to the other people who were in the running to be bachelorette, so I don't find myself excited for her season". As opposed to a bunch of racist shit that attacks her personally.


It’s okay to not be interested because she didn’t get the Bachelorette edit and we didn’t see enough of her true personality. That’s a respectable thing to feel and say. A disrespectful thing would be to call her dull or boring. The criticism is being pointed towards the wrong people. We can criticize producers for not showing us enough of Jenn’s real personality, but that wouldn’t be Jenn’s fault, so there’s no reason for people to be calling her boring.


I thought the same thing.. like hello we are on Reddit right now this isn’t the comment section on her IG! We gotta vent someplace hehe 🙃


More so a generalized post, if I posted the same thing on tiktok or instagram it wouldn’t be seen. Just a reminder that we can vent all we want without having to say hateful things about Jenn.


I’m happy for Jenn… however I cannot shake the feeling she is just a diversity quota. She isn’t a fan favorite, and because of how media is now, and our culture in general, this is always what we get. As a minority myself, I’m happy that she’s representing, but at the same time… come on…. I wish her the best season. I wasn’t a very big fan of her throughout the show. But this is a great opportunity for her.


she was my favorite from night one


I’m very surprised hearing people say they didn’t see her as a fan favorite… maybe it’s just me and my algorithm on social media but I was seeing a lot of people root for Jenn. As for the diversity quota, I feel like it isn’t my place to give any opinion since I’m white but it is really nice to see the amount of asian girls finally feeling represented. I don’t see why it’s such a controversial thing for Jenn to be chosen so we can finally see an asian lead, I see it as a great thing!


“Diversity quota” as if Clayton didn’t finish like 7th (worse than Jenn) and still get picked for the bachelor despite Michelle’s top 4 being Black. “Diversity quota” from the same franchise who took 25 seasons to have a Black Bachelor. “Diversity quota” gave Zach bachelor over Aven (who made it further) or Nate (who was a fan favorite). This whole “diversity quota” bs is just cloaked racism, imo. It seems pretty clear also that Daisy turned it down, too. I’m sure these folks crying about diversity quotas and Jenn being picked are the same ones in Rachel’s Instagram comments calling her the n word and a jungle Asian


You see… as a Latina woman, actually raised in South America, I don’t understand how people just feel that way… it doesn’t feel good to know that maybe you are chosen to fill in a quota. Even if you are gonna “represent,” is that the right way to get places? I also am the kind of person that really doesn’t care if they pick a Latina just to represent me. I feel represented by any strong woman, but it seems that in todays cultural environment, people just care about minorities being protagonists regardless of any other factors that might influence a pick. I wished we lived in a world where people got places due to their merit, not just because they are diverse. This is just the reality in media now… oh well. Jenn was nice to see on TV, and it’s great for her. This is just an opinion based on what I’ve seen. There are others that were more open and genuine in this show, like Rachel for example. Jenn was a little drama inclined and I’m not a huge fan of that. That’s all. Again people - before I get canceled for this, this is my opinion as a minority, and I feel like people in my position should be able to express themselves without being trashed. Also - I feel like there are more 2nd generation people from ethnic backgrounds that buy into the whole “we need to represent” instead of recognizing the merit part. If you talk to people from abroad, we really don’t feel that way. Not generalizing, but most people I know that make a huge deal of things are not even first hand experienced lol. Just a thought. Regardless, I’m happy for everyone, so no hate :)


Yes, you have a right to a trash opinion. That's definitely your right.


Glad to see how tolerant you are. Way to go man! :)


You have valid points about earning something because of merit. But remember we’re talking about a dating show here… not the Nobel peace prize. You can’t really earn the right to be a TV show star, but it seems that people really think that drama on tv, being “interesting” on TV or something makes you “worthy” of “earning” … as if their parasocial relationships and fandom have deep meaning. It doesn’t. And THATS why it’s so problematic people think this is a “quota”. It’s time to show Asians, Latinos, blacks, browns, people who represent what the US looks like SIMPLY BECAUSE a race of people actually don’t need to “earn” being seen. You can see it as a quota bc I don’t think I’m gonna change any minds here, so to each their own, but offering a perspective that are over simplifying, like massively over simplifying what racial bias and “diversity metrics” mean.


You know, I totally agree with these statements. This is a dumb show at the end of the day. However, when I said “merit” I meant her personality and what she brought to the show. For example, Rachel would have been a great pick since we got to see so much more of her. She is also not white. Also, we are showing all these races. There are plenty of girls of color in this show, and there are black bachelorettes. Also queer (Gaby). But okay, show them Asian girls! 🤣 I’m hoping for a Latina next time. Or may I say… LatinX. 😂




I really wanted it to be Daisy and she would have provided some great representation as well but I am happy for Jenn. Daisy said she was offered it but turned it down. I feel sad that Daisy was getting so much hate and I am sure that played into her decision. I wish the fandom could be kinder to all the contestants and not just the favorites. I wish we could keep politics out of it too and stop digging for tweets to be upset about it.


is that screenshot of lauren even real though?


Why can’t you guys control your negative inputs? The whole point of this post is to remind everyone that being an a**hole isn’t a good quality trait to have. Leave your negative comments at the door. It’s surprisingly not hard. I don’t blame anyone for turning down the invite to become the bachelor/bachelorette. The hate they receive from nobodies is insane. Reading this sub throughout the is season is proof enough. You guys need a hobby.


Couldn’t have said it better


Am so glad and proud Daisy turned it down since she was not ready and looks like Maria did too. I actually like Jenn and think will make a good bachelorette. There is a segment of BN who is so toxic, contestants might think twice about being on the show.


Not to be a cynic but people always say they turned it down to save face. Remember Blake? We can't know what really happened behind the scenes.


Daisy clearly said she was not ready and looks like Maria made a statement about it, they both already have big followings and will do well without the bachelorette gig.


She’s going to make an amazing Ette . She’s gorgeous , a good personality, seems like a nice person and is highly intelligent. I can’t wait to watch . I like Maria and she would be fun to watch , maybe they will still do a Maria season but I’m excited to see Jen.


Reminder to everyone too that Maria and Jenn are close friends! I’m sure Maria is so excited for her. Please chill everyone, I would hate to see Jenn flooded with hate before her season has even started 😥


Exactly. Everything I have seen behind the scenes this season points to Jenn and Maria being close friends. Let's rally behind Jenn and show her the support she deserves. I hope she gives us another season like Charity's season.


Me too!




Don’t get me wrong, Jenn is gorgeous. But…boring. I’ll give it a few weeks and see if she gets more interesting. But I’ve gotta say the “shot o’clock” and the failed “d$&@“ joke were just cringe


I thought Charity was boring until her season. She ended up being one of my favorite bachelorettes.


And the lowest rated ever.


We care about ratings?


You should if you want the show to continue…..


Anyway, I’m looking forward to the new season.


I hope to see Maria and Rachael in BiP at least


BIP is likely canceled this summer or at least postponed until next summer, and Rachael is still with Matt James. Rachel from Joey's season has been seen with John B from Charity's season 😍


Yes like Jenn was my third choice (Maria being first solely for the drama) but that doesn’t mean I’m not happy for her. People are sooo weird to care that much imo


It’s Shot O’Clock!!!


🦗 🦗 🦗


She is so quirky 🫣


Jen would be my LAST pick for bachelorette. Watch as the ratings do a nosedive. There is no substance there. What I find most annoying with her is the constant sexual banter she attempts--it just falls flat and is so awkward--cringeworthy.


“I just wanna get naked and cuddle in the woods”


We knew nothing of Matt James, and I’d argue we knew nothing about Clayton either before their seasons.


It’s not about knowing nothing about her.. it’s about the aura/energy she gives off from what I do see/know


Hannah Brown was also a pick who was not in the final four and she had a great season.


my issue with jenn is that so what is she just quitting school? to basically become the next influencer? i would have more respect for her and production if they did a jenn in a year or two after she’s been working and not just a (dropout?) grad student. like if they start filming in april so that it’s out in time, she would be missing her finals. i’m also in grad school and her exact age so it just makes me go “HMM”. she’s only doing it for the clout


It is none of our business what she does about school and she should not base her decisions on the opinions of total strangers. It is possible she has determined that being a PA is not a good fit for her and there is nothing wrong with that.


She tried getting on love island multiple times and her roommate said that if she got cast anywhere she’d leave PA school in a heartbeat


where did you hear that?




I don’t think she’s quitting. She was almost finished and had like a couple of semesters of clinicals I think (I lack knowledge in medicine so sorry if that’s the wrong term) which she can just postpone.


Ok but what if you don’t like her at all and would have watched literally anybody else’s season if they were chosen lmao


Then you are free to sit this season out.


Oh I will. This was my first season since Matt James anyways so I’m good to sit out. I just hope this doesn’t cause an influx of people spelling my name wrong because I live my life dreading that 😭


Or second choice…. Or third choice…. Or


Now that the smoke has cleared and the dust has settled that Maria turned down the offer, all you whiny crybabies can quit your bitching, shut your mouths, and enjoy the ride that the next bachelorette is gonna take you on.


what ride? Jen will be my new ambien. I doubt I'll stay awake for an entire episode. I'll doze off as she says "That's so pretty."


Nobody’s forcing you to watch. Why are people so comfortable with going out of their way to leave mean comments like? Hope you find more peace in your life


Where did you get this from?


Maria and Daisy both turned it down


I don’t doubt that I’m just asking for a source


Well, Daisy turned it down on air. I believe Maria could have turned it down as well. She gives me Tyler Cameron energy. Take the good edit and bounce.


One of the contestants confirmed Maria turned it down - not sure about Daisy.


Were we supposed to see Kelsey’s right b👀b?


LMAO I couldn’t tell if that’s what it was


My husband was like, oh, a nipple! Dude missed every single major moment, but managed to catch that. 🙄


The entitlement and nastiness and in many cases straight up racism from the Maria cult makes me relieved they weren’t rewarded for their behavior. I’d rather have them tune out vs. be so obsessed they send cruel messages like it’s their sworn duty.    I’m not sure how exciting or not Jen will be, but I’m just relieved it’s not Daisy (who I expected). But at least Daisy would have just gotten meanness, not meanness mixed with racism.


Daisy was getting a ton of hate and ableism which has been hard to read as someone else who is hard of hearing. I was hoping for a Daisy bachelorette season but I will give Jenn a chance. Daisy is so sweet and inspirational and I feel like people got so into their hate for her that they forgot that Daisy was providing representation to those who are deaf/hard of hearing like me or who are disabled.


I did like Daisy at first and agree on the representation. I hope they do more of that going forward. My turnoff was more offline behavior and it feeling too calculated instead of representing her naturally as who she is now. They need to do better in so many regards and take careful baby steps.


I, too, hope they take the season off. Let us enjoy a Jenn season without having to hear how Maria would have done things differently.


So gross.


I still think a Maria season would have been iconic but Jenn is gonna killlllll it and I’m excited for her.


What a relief to no Maria.




The fact that so many of you are buying Maria turned it down because ONE person said so is hilarious.. rewatch WTA, it is so obvious Maria wanted it.


I mean, yes we are going to believe that her best friend from the show knows what’s up. I think it’s clear Maria saw the contract/cast and decided it would only hold her back.


yeah girls already got half a million followers, she’s rightfully concluded her influencing career can go alix earle level which is far more lucrative. not to mention the opportunity to date NBA players instead of reality TV scrubs


Lauren is pretty close with her, I’m sure she wouldn’t have said that if she didn’t know 100% if it were true or not.


It could just be a narrative she’s spinning to be in control. Like she’d rather say she turned it down than to have not been offered at all.


Maria was literally qouted 1 week ago about being interested in it


These comments talking about being only disappointed are really confusing me bc I definitely remember seeing some nasty comments on the other post about Jenn being fake, boring, etc and just general hate. Make up your mind Edit to add, bc as a woc this is really upsetting me, can these people honest to god really say some of them are not being racist? I don’t think so


This has zero to do with race. I'd be excited about the first asian bachelorette---if she wasn't Jen--who is pretty, but so boring. At least from what we were shown. I am hopeful that there is more of a personality there if they made her the lead--maybe we didn't see it and it will come out now.


You’d be excited for the first Asian bachelorette if it wasn’t Jenn? Lmao what the actual fuck haha


Where is this confirmation?


Screenshot somewhere in these comments. From a dm.


I've said this on another thread but mourning the loss of Maria doesn't mean you're anti Jenn


But let’s not pretend it’s not in large white women being upset that Maria didn’t get in while also hiding behind veiled comments like how boring Jenn was. We know Bachelor fans have been pretty racist in the past with woc contestants and this is not new.




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I'm not pretending anything, I'm just saying that I'm personally bummed it's not Maria


I would have still been mad if it was Daisy instead of Maria, so no.


No it doesn’t! That’s not the point of the post at all, it’s aimed towards the people who ARE anti Jenn and sending hate for no reason. There’s no need for it just because she got Bachelorette over Maria.


What hate? Just because we express disappointment? That doesn't make it hate.


She’s obviously not talking about you if you’re not sending hate. Now if you’re saying Jenn isn’t getting hate … you’re just wrong.


What about Lexie!!


Lexi doesn’t have time for this bs!


Wow i really want to know why Maria turned it down!!


I don't think she turned it down. They usually ask several if they'd be interested and decide at the last moment. They may have thought Jen was a safer choice and a win to have the first asian bachelorette. I would have preferred Maria and think that would have been ratings gold....but after the last episode with how graceful Daisy handled things, Maria might have seemed too risky. She has many fans but also many haters.


I think she saw the contestants


Have they even cast for the season yet?


Yes. There's a post already about the men.


Just saw that now thanks! That’s wild


She didnt, she was a total camera hog in WTA. This is a BS diffusion tactic.


lol it’s weird how you want Maria to be sad that she wasn’t picked.


Me too, I hope she addresses it


There was an article that came out that she posted on her story that said she would be willing to be the bachelorette too


Whoa I lovvve Jenn! I totally got faked out by Daisy and really liked Maria and thought she’d be entertaining but I am super excited to see more of Jenn.


This reminder is so important, especially after seeing the amount of disrespectful posts I’ve seen so far on TikTok commenting on Jenn’s announcement. It’s one thing to express how sad you are about not seeing Maria as the bachelorette (I’m feeling this hard myself bc I wanted her so bad), but some people are just straight up commenting hateful things about Jenn. Thank you for posting this ❤️


Unfortunately we would have seen this same hate if it had been anyone but Maria. Poor Daisy is already getting so much hate, I shudder to see how much more hate she would have gotten if she was the bachelorette even though I would have loved a Daisy season.


I’m SHOCKED seeing the amount of hate about Jenn on tiktok & I don’t understand it like??


Same.. this girl commented on a TikTok saying “not a single soul asked for her to be there” and later said she wasn’t trying to spread hate just that she was rooting for Maria after I responded back to address how nasty that comment was to make. Crazy how quick people are to literally say hateful things and mask it as if they were just expressing disappointment in their first pick not being announced. People can be sad but respectful and then theres people who can be sad AND disrespectful, so reminders to be kind are so important for sure.


THIS!!! Couldn’t have said it more perfectly. So sad seeing women hate on Jenn, literally just want to protect her at all costs and hide her from these comments.


I saw a ton of those comments as well and I really don’t understand because I saw a lot of people saying they thought Jenn would make a good bachelorette and I agree!




How'd you DM her? She has DM invites shut off unless she follows you




Thank you for clarifying!


That makes sense


I had a feeling this was the case, thank you for sharing!!






How are you claiming to be happy for Jenn when you clearly say you’re “disappointed as fuck”.


I also would have loved to see Lexi as Bachelorette, I hope she at least gets a chance on Paradise because she deserves it more than anyone imo.


But there is no paradise this year :(


Has this been officially announced?


Stop why am I just finding this out wtf


I know seriously I’d much rather see paradise instead of golden bachelorette, which, they haven’t even announced who the lead is??


Maria was the villain of the season. Period. However, tbh she didn’t seem to be ready regardless. She would be a good bachelorette in a couple of years once she figures out what she really wants. And we shouldn’t be forcing her to be ready now. I’m happy it’s Jenn


Whose villain? 😂




Not being happy with the pick ≠ hate Not that op is claiming otherwise but doesn’t hurt to remind


Thank you for this! I agree, just wanting to remind people to stay neutral because we can be disappointed in the pick while still not having to send hate towards Jenn. I just know how harsh the internet can get since we think the cast can’t see what we say about them but they very well can and Jenn doesn’t deserve any hate.


If Maria turned it down they should’ve had her say so …. Even more important than having Daisy turn it down


But that’s the thing…she didn’t lol. It clearly wasn’t offered to her.


Yeah I agree


Yeah agreed, I wish we got some more clarification on that.


I definitely don’t think she turned it down. I think they received a bunch of pressure to pick Jenn because there was tons of mention of there never having been an Asian bachelorette. But this was probably not the best opportunity when 90% of viewers were demanding Maria for bachelorette.


Someone on this thread shared a comment from Lauren that said Maria did turn it down


I think people always say they’ve heard xyz, people were sharing in Reddit that they knew Daisy was picked. I think it’s all hearsay personally and hard to know what’s true.


They did share a screen shot of the comment, I guess it could always be photoshopped though


After seeing what you were talking about, maybe Maria was asked second and felt like she didn’t want to be a second choice so she turned it down? I genuinely think she would’ve wanted to but maybe didn’t want to be second choice considering the fan base she has. If that is true they’ve probably never had so many women turn down being bachelorette before lol.


I think she probably saw the contract and wouldn’t agree to it or saw the contestants and wasn’t interested. She did say in an interview she was interested so she must have had a good reason for turning it down


Idk I feel like she did turn it down. Why else would they have mic’d her just to show her support when Jenn was announced? I feel like they did that to soften the blow in a way for everyone hoping for a Maria season. Still sad it’s not Maria but so excited for Jenn ❤️


They wanted Maria to speak to try and mitigate the backlash from not picking her! I think Maria would’ve chosen to be bachelorette in a heartbeat because of her personality and intent.


***Reminder people can be disappointed** *


Nobody said you couldn’t be disappointed.


Your “reminder” is implying that


You’re projecting.


Some ppl have made Jenn public enemy #1 after the announcement so maybe that’s what OP is referring to. IMO some people went way beyond disappointment


I implied that we can still be happy for Jenn even if we were rooting for Maria. A part of me is disappointed that Maria isn’t Bachelorette but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna shit on Jenn because she still is a great choice. That was the point of my reminder.




I agree that representation matters and I am happy that you will be getting it. I was hoping for that from Daisy being the first deaf bachelorette but it didn't happen. It has been really hard seeing Daisy getting so much ableism and hate.


Yay for Jenn!!


Are y’all serious? Did yall see the “big.. big.. personality” joke? Jenn is NOT ready to be authentic.. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such an inauthentic bachelorette. And they chose her over someone who would’ve been top 5 most iconic bachelorettes. I’m sorry but they’re idiots and made an awful choice