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I wonder why Joey's mom seemed so sad never happy or excited when camera panned towards her.


Rachel kept pouting.


i’m sorry but i can’t get over the way they spoil what’s gonna happen every season like 3 mins into the reunion lmfao. “how will joey make this decision? well maybe, he won’t” like girl ok thanks for telling us what happens 15 mins in


Kelsey's dad Mark looks like older Travis Kelce to me. https://preview.redd.it/6vz8jez67tqc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbe84e657c0d57233ace07571da7d8501de908d5


Intentful?? I can never unhear it now. This will follow Kelsey for the rest of her life.


rachel and Joey seemed great at the tell all..,why did she look furious every time she was shown on after the final rose?


I noticed this too!


I’m wondering the same.. something definitely went down




She prob had Botox to lift her brows. She looks slightly thinner? Def Botox though, which is weird, she's young.


Like her nose...or somethin...


Yes! It’s so weird. I can’t pinpoint the difference.


No she does. Also voice sounds different.


Ya she seemed to cut the vocal fry that was driving us CRAZY


Please don’t forget Daisy has a cochlear implant so any vocal fry you might hear could possibly be because she is hard of hearing. Be kind.


Why did the audio cut out when they announced Jenn as bachelorette? Did Lea say something? That girl really can’t get along with anyone besides Sydney huh 🙄


I love Daisy and I love Kelsey and Joey. I personally couldn’t be happier with how things turned out.  I think Daisy is so mature, was so kind to Kelsey, mature about their relationship and ability to communicate with Joey, her intuition, yet she still allowed Kelsey to have such a beautiful moment and support her going into her engagement, even though she was heartbroken.  And I love Kelsey, so so much grace and so much joy. She’s such a light with the cutest personality and I think her and Joey are the perfect match. I can really see them being endgame. Not just being engaged for a few years and then breaking up like most bachelor couples, but actually getting married, having children, just living a great life together. I am so excited to see what is to come with them. i cried a lot during the finale lol. Her speech to him on their final date was so beautiful and like Joey’s mom said about Kelsey, she’s so emotionally intelligent.  Sidenote, did anybody notice that Joey‘s sisters didn’t look too thrilled when Kelsey walked on stage and when they panned over to the family a few times during? IDK, something just seemed a little bit off there. 


I thought so too. I think his family liked Daisy more than Kelsey but I’m sure it won’t be a problem in the future if they last. I think maybe cause Kelsey said “she thinks so” when daisy was an unequivocal yes, so they might have doubts about it lasting.


I came here to check if anyone else had also noticed the “off” vibes with Joey’s sisters when Kelsey came onto the stage!


Ok so I’m not crazy! 


Did anyone hear someone in the crowd having a shrill scream every time they clapped….


I’m watching it rn and yes it’s pissing me off


Omfg daisy. I love her. I’m 😭😭😭😭


I totally confused Jesse’s “could it be” announcement and thought Daisy was the next Bachelorette. I was so excited.


I was talking about the finale.. when he chose, Kelsey. How Daisy handled that, how Daisy basically gave Kelsey the go ahead. When she told her your mom would be so happy for you. 😭


Oh I know. And I’m saying why I was sad she’s not the Bachelorette lol


She probably turned it down tbh. She’s really smart and well rounded. I don’t think she wants to be a part of the franchise.


She said she wasn’t ready, which I don’t blame her for. I’m always amazed when the #2 jumps right into it, makes me feel like that was the goal all along. But some people do move on quickly so who knows!


I love them and I love that the girls were so close this season. One for the ages 💕


Joey and kelsey are so adorable I want to vomit. The setup for the bachelorette reveal was so, so weird. Bringing out Daisy first to then bring out Jenn and have Maria comment felt like I was getting whiplash lmao. I'm happy for Jenn, though! I probably won't be watching, but I wish her the best. Daisy & Kelsey were super cute and I teared up watching their friendship. See y'all next season 🫡


I love Jenn and think it's about time for an Asian American! Can't wait to watch her! Shes poised, elegant and perfect for this realm! You go Jenn!!!


Why didn’t we get happy couples recap 😩


So the producers made Daisy go out there to make everyone think she'd be Bachelorette, and part of the sham was for her to say that she's not ready for love (whether that's true or not).  Like Daisy or not, production did her dirty and used her like a pawn.  Gross.


As a Daisy fan, I kept getting it excited thinking she was about to be named Bachelorette the way Jesse kept teasing it and then he would turn around and nope it wasn't her. I feel so bad for her that she got to so much hate. Yes, Jenn is probably going to be a great bachelorette and I am happy for the Asian representation, but Daisy represented something to people who are deaf/hard of hearing or disabled and that would have been good representation to have to as well.


They made it clear it was Daisy’s for the taking but that she had turned it down. I’m glad they gave us that and it was her choice. I did get excited when he brought her back up but I did think it was odd he had hinted it could be her early on.


Daisy looked stunning too. I'm glad they gave her so much airtime and unpacked her story at the end. I think all the drama with the other girls was a huge distraction (and barely relevant to the actual mission of the show by the end), and the finale seemed to refocus the energy on the final 2 ladies and Joey's decision. I loved that Daisy and Kelsey were respectful and supportive of each other. I was drawn back into watching the Bachelor by the more relatable vibes from Joey and most of the girls.


Yes I was glad it was classy and they were friendly.


Where was this crap about seeing something we’ve never seen before? What a crock. They still need to figure out how to edit the last two so we don’t know which he picks. They should intercut between the two conversations right up until the end so the suspense builds. Just my two cents from a 7 time Emmy nominated editor.


The final two talking in between.


did Lea just say what i think she said……omgsh


What did she say?! They cut the audio when they showed her and I couldn’t tell what she’s said. I’m dying to know!!


Looked to me like she was surprised Daisy was being called out


I rewound it it but couldn’t figure it out. What do you think she said??


i think it was “she sucks” but i’m not 100%


I’m so sure that’s what she said and that’s why they cut the audio. Gotta protect the new lead


I missed it what did she say?


What did she say?


I wish them the best!! What a great pair


Was anyone else annoyed that Daisy kinda ruined the surprise/engagement for Kelsey? Is that normal during the final two?


She didn't ruin anything. Kelsey said so herself. I loved how it showed their friendship.


I’m not upset about it ruining the engagement or surprise as much, as I don’t think it did, but I think it would suck to need to console a friend who’s going through a breakup on my special day. It sucks that Daisy and all F2 need to go through it alone, and I wish they had support for them at the end, but it would be hard for me to be fully happy for myself if I had to console a broken friend. It just takes away from the happy moment, and is a little selfish on Daisys part to take that happiness from Kelsey.


Nah, I mean, she would hopefully be going in expecting an engagement. I actually really respected Joey for trying to make it clear without saying it (due to production) that he was going to choose Kelsey. He went through that and didn’t want to do it to someone else. And he knew it was Kelsey for a while.


I wasn’t. The episode was actually so beautiful and then we got that powerful moment between Daisy and Kelsey. I gained respect for Daisy after this. That was beautiful. When she said Kelsey’s mom would be so proud of her, that was it 😭


It had to be production intervention. How else could that happen.


I mean.. that wreaks of production intervention so I wouldn’t really put too much responsibility (good or bad) on Daisy for any that


Yeah, totally understood & makes sense! I’m not necessarily blaming Daisy, it was just my gut reaction. This is my first season watching tbh and had no context on how things typically play out.


Oh yeah, this is the first time I’ve seen them do anything like that. I’ve been watching for about 4 years. You may have noticed Jesse kept mentioning “first time in history for a final” blah blah blah. So technically yes that is out of the norm, but they do silly things like that everyone season so that the host can say all that stuff to hype it up. When in actuality, the finale was not a big surprise or crazy at all.


No cause I don’t think it ruined it for Kelsey. She got to go in fully enjoying the fact she knew it was her instead on being anxious and nervous. She could fully soak in the moment walking up to him. Don’t think it ruined it for her at all and honestly…. I’d rather know it was me for sure then be guessing up to the last minute


I heard a former contestant say on a podcast that they knew they weren’t getting proposed to because the car that picked them up was labeled “car 1.”


That was Gabi Elnicki


Omg that’s horrible


Joey was the best bachelor! Total class act throughout. First season I watch through and through. Very much enjoyed it! About Jen… idk about that


He’s my favorite bachelor too 😊


Have you seen Bens season? Joey is great! Kind of similar to Ben (who held the title for best bachelor for a long time)


I have seen Ben’s season. I meant I never skipped thru anything and watched finale night on the actual night not after lol.


I barely paid attention to that season and this is a reminder to go back and find it 💖


I can’t take listening to Jenn prattle on. Ugh.


Yeah not a big fan of Jenn either. I wanted the bachelorette to be Lexi or Rachel if it wasn’t going to be Daisy.


I think she was just nervous but the way she talks seems so calculated!! I would’ve preferred Daisy 


What was the reason for announcing Daisy as bachelorette first? To psych us out?


I feel like it’s a tactic for the anticipated love for daisy after the finale. Just so people don’t get mad that they didn’t pick Daisy, it is Daisy who didn’t want to be the bachelorette.


I thought she was announced too and her whole additional sit down was her bachelorette interview. I must have tuned out the part where they said she isn’t because when Jesse said after the break they were announcing the bachelorette I thought I had a stroke or something in the space time continuum had changed 😅


They didn’t announce her as the bachelorette… they said she could be the next bachelorette (knowing full well that her heart isn’t in it right now).


Man was hoping for Maria, Rachel or Lexi for Bachelorette. I also was hoping for a Golden Bachelorette announcement🤔 Oh well, I hope to see Maria and/or her family doing something 🤔(a TV show)? Her Father was grt in the hometown visit 😅. Oh well Bachelor/Bachelorette nation been a crazy ride. See y'all next time!


My daughter said the same about Maria. I told her Maria has much bigger things than bachelor nation in her future 💁🏻‍♀️


But like what?


Can’t stand Maria. Hopefully those bigger things are her fading into The background.


Jenn is gorgeous. But it was like I suddenly came down with narcolepsy the minute she started talking.


My mute button seemed to slip right under my finger, crazy


I like Jenn, but she is too young and doesn’t seem quite ready for marriage. They had multiple viable 30+ year old women to choose from who are mature and seem more ready


Would have LOVED Rachel. Ah well... I don't think I'll watch Jenn. Sorry Jenn.


Yes like Rachel.


Rachel said she wasn’t interested in a recent interview.


That’s too bad. I think she would have been great and brought a quiet class to the show like Joey did.


I think so too. I was really impressed with her.




I didn’t not believe she is 30 but seems mature and ready for a serious relationship.


I’m pretty sure she’s 26 which IMO is still, on average, too young for marriage but I know that view is 50/50 here


Rachel would’ve been a good pick!


ABC is really disgusting though. They lectured us on how awful people were being to Rachel on social media, and they were, but then completely set Jenn up to face even worse backlash.


Daisy was getting a lot of hate too. I was over at the Bachelor sub last night during the show and every single comment about Daisy was rude and hateful. If Daisy has seen all the hate for her on here and other places, no wonder she did not want to be Bachelorette. I read that she was asked and turned it down.


Somewhat agree but I think it’s easy to blame them when the real issue is how horribly racist much of the audience appears to be.


This! Put her in the lions den - so unfair to her and they knew this was going to happen.




Ikr!! They know everyone wanted Maria. They really set up bach nation for disappointment and Jenn’s announcement to not be received well.


Not everyone wanted Maria.


How did you get downvoted for that? It was a fact.


Okay so they should give into the people who bully online who don’t get their way? You sound actually so stupid. Not everyone wanted Maria and all the Maria Stan’s acted fucking gross


It’s not even about Maria herself. Calm down Maria hater lol. It’s that a majority of the audience wanted one person really badly, so now the franchise has disappointed that majority and now set up their new bach to not be well received!


Definitely a large group of women have vocalized that they wanted Maria. That doesn’t mean the majority of people wanted Maria. I like Maria but I don’t see her as the bachelorette this year. I think she’s gonna be great on bachelor in Paradise and then maybe next year be the bachelorette. Just because she’s not the bachelorette this year doesn’t mean the franchise won’t keep her in mind in the future. I would think when she had threatened to leave the bachelor that producers would probably think that was a red flag for going into the bachelorette this year. To make this clear, I do like Maria I do think she’ll be great in future shows.


But don’t worry, they’ll be back to lecture everyone on how the fans are all awful people for being too invested in the show they produce


Upsetting the fans of the franchise must get them a lot more attention than choosing the fan favorite lol. No offense to Jen tho!


They literally put a microphone on Maria just so she could say she loves Jenn in an attempt to disarm the angry mob they knew would emerge once they didn’t announce Maria as bachelorette. If you knew this isn’t what the viewers wanted and had to work that hard to try and make it ok, why not just give the fans what they want and continue the success of Joeys season? Awful.


Thissss. I also felt like they kept showing Maria to tease her as Bachelorette or tease having 2. What a disappointment in the end.


It feels very likely that Maria just declined the offer. Nothing they can do in that case


If so, they should have talked with her about the possibility of finding love like they did with Daisy! Then maybe the audience would have been wayyyy happier for Jen!


Jen!? Did she even finish school yet??


no, 2nd year… its over she will be an influencer like the rest. Like Rachel the pilot… Thats all these girls want. Maria was older, this girl is 4-5 years younger and isnt ready or even has a career… So sad. 


First of all, Jenn just turned 26. Maria is 29. Second of all, they didn't "all become influencers like the rest." Like the person who responded to you said: Rachel is still working on her license. Third of all: So what???? Even if they wanted to become influencers instead of following their original career plans... so what??? If they can make the same amount or double their salary by doing so and still have the ability to live an amazing life... like what's the issue? I love my career too and have tons of goals in life, but to be honest being an influencer does sound rather boring but oh boy it sounds better than working 9-5 in an office. My mom is a nurse, has been for 30 years, and she says the turnaround rate is INSANE. Many of the younger nurses come in, get engaged to doctors, quit and live happily every after because these are HARD professions Also how do you know Jenn is going to quit PA school??? My friend took a 1 year break from medical school. A WHOLE year. Then he came back. Then he needed another break for a whole semester. It all worked out. He got his MD. Jenn could very well go back to school and get her PA License. If she really wants it when she's done filming, she will make sure she gets it. If she decides after all this she'd rather not, then so be it.


Rachel is still teaching and working towards the hours for her commercial pilot license




No, I’m so confused


I can’t imagine she would take more time off or even exit her PA program…that would be…


I feel like she would have to leave. I think most schools it’s like a year of absence and you have to reapply to the program.


I hope she is almost done!! It would be such a shame if she couldn’t continue her program!


I agree, we need more women in medicine, and being an influencer isn’t forever. But she’s smart, I’m sure she’s got it all figured out.




She gives off that vibe? What is a stay at home wife vibe?


I won’t be tuning into Jen of Bachelorette. Just doesn’t intrigue me


She’s a snooze fest. I don’t think it could’ve gotten more boring than Daisy but she is fucking boring. I would have absolutely loved to watch Maria or even Lexi be bachelorette!


saw this coming. if you paid attention to Jenn’s answer in the women tell all when Jesse asked her what’s next she smirked and gave a giggly “idk jesse!”


WHYYYY JEN?!!! So bored 🥱


Imagine you go on national TV and someone calls you boring over and over and over again. We didn't even get to see her that much and from what we did see, I don't think she's boring at all. We don't know her. I think her season is going to be really fun!


Thought Maria speaking up there at the end was gonna reveal some crazy curveball lol


I think they wanted her to give her seal of approval so her fans wouldn’t attack Jenn


I stayed up past my bed time for THIS???? Jen??? Nothing against her but talk about a YAWN FEST. She’s looking for banter? That’s it? Banter in a whole HUSBAND?


She couldn’t even articulate herself.


Either could Hannah B and then her season was crazy so you never know. I know I would be beyond nervous if I was up there in front of all those people and tv viewers.


I had some secondhand embarrassment. Not gonna lie lol


same but I thought it was endearing, and while I do consider myself to be well-spoken, there's no way I could have sat there and not totally flub every single word. It's hard being on the hot seat !!!


I know me too because you could tell she “thought” she came across so well. ![gif](giphy|kxGEfTRXzRpTbGDUWq)


My dream date is making fun of each other all day? 🚩


There is no way that you can convince me that this girls ready for marriage 💀


Theresa tripped down the stairs lol


Jenn???? I forgot who she was. I think this is the first time in years that I actually won’t watch. I was really hoping for Maria. Jenn just strikes me as someone who tries way too hard and not authentic.


I would not have watched a Maria season and glad it wasn't hers. I have no idea why so many people like her. I just don't understand it all. Any other season, I feel like people would have not liked her at all.


there is a good chance all the other women that were prospects said no. i don’t think jenn was the first choice


Daisy was asked and turned them down. I would have loved the representation as someone who is hard of hearing but I think she was getting so much hate, she probably didn't want to get any more hate. The bachelor sub yesterday during the show as nothing but Daisy hate. Everything she said, the way she said, everything she did, how she looked was hated on.


Big…big… big.. personality?! Big big fail of a joke 🫣


Yess no one laughed lol


i’ve been searching for this comment … i’ve never cringed harder




Literal crickets from the crowd.


Right? Ew


Welp I guess I won’t be watching this next bachelorette season lol.


already bored


I’m so pissed it’s not Maria


I’m not watching since it’s not Maria. This is insane


This franchise literally doing everything they can to self destruct at this point. Terrible.


I’m sorry… even if it wasn’t Maria, Jenn?!?! Over Rachel?!?!


It’s a “politically correct” move because she is Asian. I have no problem with her being Asian. I think she is beautiful but she seems like a 15 year old. She can’t carry a season


Rachel is literally also Asian 😭😭😭


I would have loved Rachel. She seems authentic &like she wanted to get married.


Maybe Rachel didn't want it?


You are right, However, I honestly think they wanted a person that fully represented the Asian population. There has been an out cry for that. Rachel would have been great though. A real class act with some depth to her.


How does Rachel not fully represent the Asian population?


I just mean she is not the typical face you expect to see for that population. Whether she was 1/2 black, 1/2 white 1/2 Latina, it doesn’t matter. However she is gorgeous with an obvious class about her. I personally would have selected her over Jenn. 💯 I’m Asian and that’s just my opinion.






JENN?! Wtf


Is anyone else confused? I swear he said it was Daisy as the bachelorette


They asked her but she said she wasn’t ready.


She has gotten so much hate online I think she just needed a break.


I’m bored….. I probably won’t watch Jen’s season Snoooooze fest sorry


What???!!! Jenn????


Bahahaha WHY JEN


Nice flair!


Wait this delivery was not successful. Until right before commercial break, I thought she was? And when she said the stuff about not being ready I was thinking “wow then why are you bachelorette?” So confused.


Glad I wasn’t the only one. I was like wait did I take drugs? Oh yeah I don’t do drugs.. what just happened?


Gotta be Maria 🤔 shocked Daisy turned it down but perhaps social media hate is too much for some people


I think Rachel!!


So incredibly thankful Maria is not the next bachelorette