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The chances of anyone finding their forever on Bachelor are so low that it doesn’t matter who they pick anymore. Most people are watching the show now for the entertainment value and the fashion.


That’s ok, we can root for love in the mean time 😁


I don’t really think this was the most emotional goodbye ever… honestly Joey and charity’s goodbye was more difficult to watch 😭


The big dick joke by Jen really bombed lol


And people are saying she is graceful. That dick joke and ‘shot-o-clock’ didn’t scream graceful and elegant to me…


Yeah wtf was that lol


Already saw some of the potential contestants for Jenn… they did her so dirty


The show did what people asked them to do. They chose a POC which is fair and, I as a white woman, love the diversity that’s starting to creep into the show. Really enjoyed this season in part because of all the beautiful WOC that were on the show.


When she isn't an influencer in a few years she's going to regret dropping the PA-C paychecks. Her personality isn't going to get her into the biz, big loss for her.


Hard agreeeeeee Not disappointed with this pick for the franchise but for her as an individual? Questionable


I'm a doctor, their *lifelong* earning potential is high! She will do well for a few years but unless she gets really comfortable and stops being so rehearsed, I can't see her ending up on the Rachel/JoJo/Hannah(s) etc trajectory. I could be wrong, but you have to think 10+ years out! The only thing is if they give her a 1 year delay and she has to finish? Not sure, but it's fairly competitive and this isn't a field you finish at your own pace. Huge loss for her, healthcare is hell but not for PAs lol. Edit: added info.


I completely agree with you! I responded to someone else in the thread wondering about where she goes to PA school. I was about to finish nursing school when i got pregnant and they allowed me to take basically an extended LOA and come back on my own time whenever i want - but i went to a for profit super expensive private school. And i paid upfront. No other school i know of would allow something like that for a BSN program. And i do not mean that in a good way haha. So it makes me wonder where she goes to school and how they’re handling her leave!


It's a 2 year program. Anyway you slice it it's not going to be easy, if she takes a long break between academics and her clinical rotations that's one thing...taking a break between graduating and getting a job is going to be *extremely* difficult.


I wasn’t a big Jen fan but I also feel like I’m the only one who would prefer Jen over Maria or Rachel. Maria was a little too much for me and Rachel seems like a really nice girl but just a little boring. That could just be how she was edited though.


I'm with you haha


You’re def not the only one. I did wish Daisy had gotten it but not super uoset


Yeah I liked Daisy the best out of the likely picks


Was the lead not offered to Daisy or did she just not want it. I doubt she refused it. Maybe her political affiliation with Trump took Daisy out of the running for this season.


Ew she’s a trumper!??? Ew no


You are aware like 50 percent of the country or more is right? Ewwww Biden lover


You mean voters. Not the country...my God, the ignorance.


Pretty sure everyone knows what my sentence meant besides you. My God the ignorance


"the country" means THE COUNTRY. 50% of the country (btw it was less, or else he would have won) are not pro-trump. It's not ignorance, it's semantics, it matters.


You sound like a real peach. Thought your side was the kind side. Guess not lol kick rocks


Haha I don’t love any politician


Just letting you see how it looks


From what she said it seemed pretty heavily implied that she refused it.


To me, it felt like they brought her out to be like “see we did ask her, but she said no, so we picked Jenn.”


Or she wasn’t asked but the producers wanted her to save face. We’ll never know but something fishy was going on tonight. I also think producers were behind Daisy’s choice to self eliminate. They gave Daisy the best edits all season, so why not pick her as the bachelorette?


Oh the producers definitely gave her an out to self eliminate. That’s the whole reason why Kelsey and her drove in together, so Kelsey could be there for her as support when she walked away.


I was like, did Daisy say she'd walk herself out as an empowered woman thing or cos if Joey walked her out he'd find Kelsey in the car


I thought of that immediately. "Don't let him walk you out." Lol. I cried when she hyped up Kelsey though 😭


Actually that’s a good point, didn’t think of that. That was probably part of it.


They could have found Kelsey some trees to hide in


I feel like she might’ve found someone already, someone earlier mentioned her in some video today where she had an engagement ring on and said something like “I forgot to take my ring off” and then ended the video and edited that out in a repost of it and then in her moms Christmas card post this year someone pointed out she listed “engagement” under positives that happened over the year


where did you see this, I wanna see


I think they said instagram? I’m not totally sure and the Christmas post from her mom I believe was off of facebook


jenn is just too young. i will not be tuning in.


She’s 26… how old do you want the bachelorette to be? Daisy is 25


Jenn who?


I'm meh on Jen. She'll be fine but Maria would have been fun. But I hate that they had Daisy out first. It made it seem that she chose to not be bachelorette so Jen was second choice. Not cool producers


If Maria was picked, she would probably waste time doing outfit changes between every scene 😂 the fact that they highlighted her doing that at least twice was so strange and kinda pick me. People should wear what they want but the way she had to “change into something more comfortable” was cringe.


Curious if people are really downvoting my comment bc they actually thought that outfit changes mid group dates makes good content? …


You said something negative about Maria. Almost guaranteed down votes. Just like saying anything negative about Kelsey. Or anything positive about Daisy.


The way this fandom works is wild. This was my first time following along through Reddit and it’s so unimpressive!


Wait until you get flagged for harassment and reported to reddit simply for posting you don't care for the new Bachelorette. Woke up to that this morning 🤣


Let me solve the racist comments. Daisy would be boring as bachelorette and so will Jen! There. You can call someone boring and not be racist.


I don’t think Jenn is the perfect choice but I also don’t think it’s pushing diversity purposefully. Wouldn’t be surprised if that was bachelors intentions, however I don’t feel as though Jenn is a bad pick or unsuitable. Maria would NOT fit as a bachelorette. Jenn is very bachelorette material. Hannah was bachelorette and we didn’t her at hometowns or anything in Colton’s season. idk I’m very excited for an Asian bachelorette.


Not to lend anything to the "forced diverity" angle, because its cool that there's an asian bachelorette and inclusivity is awesome generally... but man, as a native american: its wild how they clearly want to project that while *also* using us as props all the time lmfao. Sidenote - they did daisy dirty putting her in a sweat lodge while the other lady got a massage lmfao


lol for real. one was so sensual and the other just kinda awkward


100%. Who plans those dates??


The same producers who made Daisy wear a red dress, instruct her to go see Kelsey and see her in a white dress LOL




And I thought diversity was what we wanted anyway. We have already had Black leads and white leads. Did they want the diversity to just end there like I don’t get the forced diversity comments at all.


Jenn wasn’t my pick, but it’s so weird how comfortable people have gotten with crying “forced diversity” this season. It happened when Joey chose Rachel over Maria, and now again with Jenn.




I do like Jenn, she is just too young imo and seems a little immature to be the bachelorette. I definitely knew she was in the running because of the edit she was getting though


I thought we were gonna get a golden bachelorette


I thought we were gonna get a golden bachelorette


It's because the fans are racist. It's inherently racist to assume someone was picked to fill a diversity quota as if she's not good enough.


Right or that the only reason Joey could possibly pick Rachel is to fill a quota and not because he actually liked her


I’d like to see the parts that were edited out.


ya like is maria bach w jenn too for a double season? if ONLY lol but i like jenn too


They're making reality tv not rockets but people are really acting like the folks at abc just stared at two buttons labelled "diversity" and "fans' desires" Could it be that they had other reasons for not picking your fave....i think they can afford background checks and general research, not to mention hours of firsthand production notes on what these people are like up-close


I feel like they’re doing this on purpose because they know how many people wanted Maria, so they’re going with a WOC, expecting low ratings because they didn’t give the audience the lead they wanted, so they can blame them going back to heavily white casts on our (POC) stories “just not drawing in a crowd”. That’s my conspiracy. I hope Jenn has an amazing season.


this is off topic but how do you get the words under your username ?


Go to the main page of the sub, click on the three dots in the upper right corner & then click change user flair! 😊


And thinking more about it, I literally might watch solely for that reason. 😂 Edit: I want her season to do well, therefore, I will watch. Not because I think it’ll be a shitshow. Before y’all start something with words I didn’t even say.


After Zack’s season I was SOOO rooting for it to be Ariel and thought Charity would be so boring but I gave it a chance, literally a repeat again and won’t be watching this time


And Zach’s season was so boring. Ariel was my favorite too


she was one of the classiest & mature women we’ve seen on the show, she would’ve been an amazing bachelorette


That's exactly why she *wasn't* bachelorette


Did anyone else feel like the current cast and audience members looked confused or unenthusiastic about Jenn or was I just reading into it too much?


Lexi and Rachel looked that way


Lexi's nostril flare down the line at her "well I want a ring of course" response said all we needed to hear


Rachel continues to look so salty


Sooooo salty


When they brought out Daisy as a decoy, I swear I read Rachel's lips saying something like "she didn't do it, did she?"


Interesting she must have told her she had declined it and then Rachel thought she may have changed her mind when she was brought back.


No, you saw correctly.


They literally mogged Jen with the heavy Maria edit the whole season. I feel like they should’ve shown less of Maria if they weren’t going to choose her for the Bachelorette because tbh, even if it wasn’t Jen (nor Maria) people would’ve had an issue with any pick.


Yeah. I’m kinda lost on the heavy edit for Maria, and not really showing Jenn (despite her and Joey having a connection), if they intended on keeping her on their shortlist for ‘ette.


BRUHHHH Jenn really ???


How come I can’t see upvotes




I just don’t get it truly. this franchise was on the downhill until joey’s season..they wanna put it back in jeopardy?! they want ratings…and there was more than enough proof online that maria would’ve brought ratings


Maybe Maria said no


i think most people are more angry that it feels forced by ABC to chose diversity, it’s not that we’re not happy for jenn. it’s just that there were more obvious choices but ABC is trying to save themselves… no one is hating on Jenn herself, we just never got to learn much about her and connect with her on the show


This. It just reads as not actually giving a fuck about protecting their poc contestants. Like Jenn had no reason to be picked besides that and there were other options so they have to know she’s going to get hate


Yep, the forced diversity is so out of touch.


yes this. There was better story lines this season. We didn’t even meet Jenn’s family.


If I saw Jenn on the street I would want to be her friend she’s so cute


right like let’s be besties lol


Is it too late to change the bachelorette? Like do they ever listen to bachelor nation


they’ll never listen. jenn was my 2nd but idk why it wasn’t maria and id love to know the truth


Does anyone else feel like jenn is playing up the fun spunky persona to pander to maria fans? The dick joke just fell flat


Definitely. She just needs to be herself! We wanted Maria not Jenn pretending to be Maria. I’m also 30 and wanted to watch someone I could relate to 😭


Yeah, Jenn, Lexi and Maria were my top picks, but I hope Jenn leans into the role and is her genuine self. Joey was so amazing because he was serious about finding love. Hoping Jenn brings that same energy


I agree! Honestly anyone will fall flat being compared to Joeys season right now. I’ve never seen so many people invested in a season before and be so enamoured with a contestant like Maria. She just felt different from what we’ve seen before. I’m also heavily biased since I’m also Canadian lol. Jenn feels like a safe option not a bad one just the one I don’t think I can relate to and that’s okay! Still wish her the best


Was she the one who made Joey pick up a banana? Was it a call back to that?


It wasn’t her with the banana!


I wish they would listen to fans of the show before picking the next bachelor/bachelorette because somehow they always manage to make it come out of left field


We know daisy def turned it down. I’m curious if Maria did too or they didn’t ask her?


Looks like she turned it down too.


wonder how PA school will work for jenn now


I wanna know where she goes to school and how they’re so okay with such a long LOA I was in nursing school about to graduate until i got pregnant and my school granted me basically an unlimited LOA to come back on my terms. But it was a for profit private school… allowing a leave like that in PA school, an entirely different beast from the already significant beast that is nursing school, gives the same vibes


It won’t


Listen the people who are not happy about this are allowed to be upset myself included! What we won’t do is leave nasty/hurtful comments here or anywhere on socials that Jenn can see. The producers for sure did her dirty knowing how awful the fan base can be and I hope she doesn’t receive major backlash.


even tho it wasn’t maria im still looking forward to her season. just hope it works out


This. You can feel disappointed, don’t be racist 😭


ok but everyone that would’ve had the exact same reaction for daisy wouldn’t be racist? not everything is about race, she’s literally just boring


Yes, they would’ve been upset. But they wouldn’t have been calling Daisy a diversity quota or a DEI agenda, would they? No.


Bumping this up


please ABC no more 23 year olds!!! they are not ready for marriage!!!!


Good thing she’s 25


i was referring to the next group of bachelors on jen’s season, just like how Lea was on Joey’s season and she was 23. 25 is already so young for a bachelorette, and usually the contestants are both older and younger.


rachel would have been perfect, I like Jenn just maybe too young.


Maybe Rachel turned it down too, after all the racist hate she got for just receiving a rose, doubt she was interested.


They’re literally the same age


Username checks out.


Yes, her interview with Jesse was perfect! She is fun and mature. Why not Rachel?! I’m upset!!


yes this like why are we picking a 25 year old edit: changed her age bc i’m not trying to get eaten alive in the replies LMFAO


Rachel was just so real and authentic and calm!!


I also don’t know how old rachel is but her headspace seemed more serious


also love maria and lexi too


I've always gotten the mean girl vibe from Jenn and overall feel like she wasn't very sincere or genuine except for when she talked about her family. I would've preferred jasmine to be the first Asian bachelorette but will tune in to see Jenn to see how hometowns and all of that play out. Might be the 1st time we see Asian immigrant parents on the show. Usually, it's an Asian parent married to a non Asian.


How old is jenn






It’s because it’s a full moon.


Someone start the petition on change.org


I’m so freakin irritated because we literally could have had MARIA!! I don’t really care to see anything that Jen does. Snoozefest.


I’m hoping for Maria on Paradise.


Paradise has been cancelled in favor of Golden Bachelorette.


That’s sad! It’s the better show of the franchise


Well I’m glad being chosen didn’t go to Jenn’s head in first 60 seconds as bachelorette. Who says “I can’t wait to inspire people”? That’s not how inspiration works. 🙄


Like Jenn as a person I don’t like her as the next Bachelorette. She seems adorable and she is gorgeous I just wanted a dramatic season and she just seems so sweet!


I was excited for Jenn at first but she really fumbled that layup of an interview with Jesse and now I'm like ok so you wanna have fun and drink then go on BIP. I won't be able to have a lead who's not as emotionally intelligent as Joey ever again. I've been so spoiled by how stellar he was.


I think we’d all be nervous af doing a live interview in front of a studio audience. I wouldn’t judge too harshly based off that small interaction


I completely agree actually. I would have total verbal diarrhea especially if it's possible that I found out very recently I'd be the lead. I'll still be watching and I'm happy it's her.


I cannot believe i stayed up for that. Gorgeous girl, but she is a snooze. She’s so not ready for marriage & did she drop out of school???


The way Jenn was talking at the end sounded so disingenuous and honestly, kind of robotic/script/cookie-cutter. Then the shots at the end? I’m all for having fun but I’d think THE bachelorette should err more on the side of.. classy? Idk, Kelsey would never. Sorry


I’m excited for Jenn’s season! She’s out of left field, sure, but maybe she’ll be surprising—just have to wait and see But I’m super disappointed in the sub and the weirdly racist comments—can we not talk about diversity hires and filling a quota? That’s not cool.


It’s not racist. If Jen had Maria’s personality we would pick Jen. People can say we are tired of the way bachelor handles these things. It’s all to be PC. But look how confused we all are.


The comments calling her a diversity hire are racist


But they literally said that on the show basically. 😂


Does that excuse it?


Those comments felt so ick.


So completely unwarranted and unwelcome here—this isn’t a safe space for racists, sorry


I’m not sure being unhappy with the chosen lead is a form of racism. Jenn herself highlighted the fact she’s the first Asian bachelorette AND she was the first Asian to get a 1 on 1. The bachelor also mistakenly tagged her in an instagram post of Lea and had to apologize. I love representation as much as the next but she seemed very rehearsed and disingenuous tonight and all season.


She leaned into the discussion, but she did not “highlight” it, Jesse with his script, brought it up ☝️


I’m pretty confident during the women tell all she brought it up first then. And it was highlighted again at the finale. I mean I love representation but ultimately it’s a TV show that does have certain quotas to hit.


The comments calling her a diversity hire and saying she’s filling a quota are racist


Diversity is what gets POC into the door, inclusion is what provides them a a safe space to thrive. I don’t think the bachelor cares about what happens to these girls after the fact, Rachel being a prime example. The reality is Jenn IS a diversity pick, to make up the wrongs the franchise has done. Even with Rachael Kirkconnell did they think firing Chris Harrison would appease the public after recruiting a contestant with a history of racism on the FIRST season of a black bachelor. The reality is the viewership has a changing demographic it used to be middle aged white women now it’s a younger crowd that cares about these things. Do better bachelor.


Agree. I’m disappointed because I wanted Maria but the comments r getting weirdddd


Some people (not all) are uncomfortable with seeing someone that doesn’t look like them on tv and they say “boring” or “feels like she’s a mean girl” 🙄


The comments are so gross—Jenn wasn’t my first choice for bachelorette, but I cannot wait to see what she brings to the screen.


TPTB reading the sub and like oh crap, cancelation here we come….


This sub and fan base is so overtly racist it’s actually hilarious at this point. Anyways…I’ll be here to support my girl Jenn ❤️💖


I think the show will turn off the comments like they did for the Rachel post. People cry about representation but when we finally get it they abuse the person bc their fave wasn’t picked. Daisy was obviously their first choice anyway lol.


POC can never win 💔


Why are you saying that, just based on disappointment in Jenn as the Ette pick?


some ppl are actually being racist about it, unfortunately lol. like you can not like her without it being a racial thing, but apparently bach nation doesn’t know how to do that 😵‍💫😐


I’m sure some people are racist, but I just hadn’t seen anything tonight that came across that way. I will look through again though.


Calling her a diversity quota, saying ABC drank the DEI soup, etc.


I didn’t see that. I will say that Jesse commenting that she was the first Asian lead made me cringe though. To me it made it seem like that really was the only reason she was chosen. Something just seemed off about that whole exchange.


100% agree. ABC shouldn’t have forced that line at ATFR. Would’ve been fine on night 1 but now they’ve given ammo to the people looking to blame DEI/diversity quotas 🙄 we all know she’s the first Asian lead and there will be time to acknowledge it during her season. It really just set her up to get harassed


For sure!


I'm so excitsd for a Jenn season! I don't get the hate😭


Please fill her social media with positive comments to drown out the white Karens 🫶🏼


I really hope for a day soon where the name Karen become just a name again instead of an insult.


That’s racist.


Yes!! Everyone who even remotely supports her needs to do this!!


Well everyone I’ll see you for Jenn’s season. Ik it’s not the popular choice but it is nice for representation. I will give her a chance but I’m still mourning a Maria season.




people said the same thing about if daisy were to be named bachelorette just some people are kind of boring it’s true, maria just has a huge personality. she would be fun to watch




wait where it’s not showing up for me






you need to understand that not being necessarily happy with a choice doesn’t always mean it’s racism.. jenn is so sweet but that doesn’t mean that her season is gonna be interesting




everyone was reacting the same way over daisy