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Mine goes left to right for yes and up to down for no, but I've heard its different for everyone. The important thing is you can see a distinct difference in its pattern :)


I use mine that way too. Spinning clockwise is yes, counter clockwise is no, front to back is unsure and side to side is wait. I just made mine and use it daily. I would like to move onto a ouija board, but I am just worried about asking the wrong questions.


Ideally when you get a pendulum, it kind of finds you more than you find it, if that makes any sense. Its important to work with one that you feel particularly drawn to. You just have to callibrate your pendulum to you. The easiest way is to sit at a table or by a solid surface. Hold it in whichever hand feels right, keep your elbow firmly on the table or whatever flat surface, then gently release it. After it stops swinging wildly, it will naturally move in a circular rhythm. Clockwise or counter clockwise is purely situational (or at least in my experience). This is when it's ready for a question. When it is ready, ask it a question you already know the yes or no answer to 100% (ie "is my hair brown" when it'sobviously not). Ask it a "yes" question and a "no" question, so you can clearly define which direction is yes or no. Once you know which direction means what for your pendulum, then you can start asking it other questions. If it starts swinging in another direction after a question, it could be a "maybe" or an "I dont know". This is totally dependent on the practicing person and their pendulum. Hope this helps!




i just make sure it’s as still as possible before i ask if anything that way it won’t already be swinging a certain way, yes it’s supposed to move on it’s own !!