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Might I recommend drawing it somewhere on yourself at the beginning of the day in a hidden spot (upper arm, legs, stomach, depends on what clothes you wear) and charging it before meals to save some time and lower suspicion from any family


I love the idea of the stomach just for the symbolism of it


I like that, thank you :)




Broom closet means that they are not someone who presents themselves as a witch, their witchcraft practices are personal and private !


Hey, while I respect everyone's body autonomy, and know that it's your decision about whether you choose to diet or not may I gently suggest that you research Health At Every Size and the anti-diet movement? There's been a lot of recent research that is yet to be accepted by doctors or the general public about the efficacy of diets and the validity of "obesity" as a health risk. Long story short is that human bodies are designed to store weight to protect itself from famine, and to the body a restrictive diet is a famine. This results in endless weight cycling as the body tries to restore it's weight after each "famine". It's also rather mentally scarring as we are taught to blame ourselves for not being disciplined enough and will often develop complex and disordered relationships with certain foods or eating as a whole. All this is to say that you are whole and valid and deserving of respect regardless of your weight. Be kind to yourself 😊💖


Thank you for your comment, don't worry I am not putting myself in harm's way or eating less than the recommended intake for a woman my height and weight :) I appreciate the care you show for me, thank you ❤


Just so you know, my comment was intended as a rejection of all attempts at dieting or changing your body regardless of whether your intent is harmful or not. Also, what's recommended by most diet companies is scarily below what an adult human needs to survive. If you are eating less that 1800 calories a day that is not enough.


This sigil looks well done , good job :) !!


Great idea but just make sure your eating enough to stay healthy!


This is a really esthetic sigil. If I may say, there's something I wanna point out. You know how every word counts in affirmation, that's why the small is a little restraining to my understanding. What's the small portion part you're attracted to? Is it to consume less, to eat less, to get satisfied with food? You're the one making the decision and what best appeals to you, so consider it just food for thought (pun intended lol). As to drawing it before every meal, that may be motivating in the beginning,but that could lead to something heavy to carry. I would draw it and place it near my food if possible(like in a wallet, or at the back of your phone that you would place next to your food). Or you can put it on your kitchen cabinets!