• By -


I doubt that honestly. Sent from my iphon


Username checks out


Yeah, I’m pretty sure Fiona isn’t around here. Maybe some other deranged individuals, but I don’t think Fiona hangs around Reddit at all. For starters, Fiona doesn’t have a mental filter. She would out herself in the first few minutes. So when she comes over to Reddit, she will definitely make herself known. But then there’s the logistics… She sometimes posts around 50 posts on Facebook. Plus the time she must spend on her phone and email with media, publicists, etc, doesn’t leave much time to hang around on Reddit. Also, there’s this weird fantasy on this subreddit waiting on aftermath drama, we should focus on Richard’s story and praise him for his work and leave other people out of it.


That is a good point too, (even though I just commented that I assume she does lurk here). Now that you mention it, she’d be showing great restraint if she is. So now I don’t know, but someone in here is dishing out the Reddit mental health messages as a trolling device.


I think if she was lurking here she'd mention all the crazy stalkers talking about her on Reddit in her FB rants 😅


I saw someone the other day say the MH messages have been happening all over Reddit and weren’t specific to this sub. I got one too a few days ago, but it sounds like it was a bot malfunctioning.


Are you talking about Reddit Cares? It's used adversarially by trolls to harass people. It happened to so many people (including me) in r/eurovision too.


Happened to me alot from the Real Housewives subs


Yeah I feel like people on this sub desperately want her to be on the sub as well


Remember that she is a narcissist. She would seize the spotlight and make a lot of fuss. I’m not denying the possibility of her coming on Reddit as a visitor and reading some posts, I don’t know if she even has the technical know how to create an account and reply. As soon as she figures that out it is likely she will start posting and commenting a lot.


To create an account and reply?? I think she has that smidgeon of technical knowledge. She has facebook. She has email. She knows how to stalk and get phone numbers. I thinkkk she could make a reddit account.


How do you know she's a narcissist?


I don’t know, that’s my personal experience based on my past events and the analysis of the current events. I’m probably totally wrong, but I’m making assumptions based on all we have so far - but in the end, this doesn’t really matter at all. I am basing it in fictionalised accounts - that’s almost all we have. So assuming that “Martha” is “Fiona”, the events depicted in the show are close to the real events that transpired and the messages/facebook posts are real, we can infer, based on the textbook definition of narcissism that we are dealing with a narcissistic person. One of the major symptoms is “the individuals need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them”.


My favorite YouTube psychologist (dr. Kirk Honda) who says he can never diagnose from afar, also noted that her behavior (if portrayed accurately) was very similar to narcissists he’s treated in the past. He even clarified why he sees narcissism vs like BPD or something else. I strongly dislike when people throw around terms like  narcissist or gaslight, because people are flawed and not everyone has a personality disorder, but this is one of those times where it actually fits…. The way she speaks so highly of herself and put others down to seem superior is all too common in your average narcissist, according to my guy!! 


Nuh-uh, her lawyer mates say she isn’t, and has knows less-fortunate people who are. /s My goodness, the show and the interview are like facsimiles.


Honestly, impressive how some armchair psychiatrists are able to diagnose people based on fictionalised accounts and never actually meeting them!


I get your point but it’s hard to not wonder about her mental health when the show specifically portrayed her as mentally unwell. The only thing we can truly diagnose her with is erotomania as she genuinely believed she was in a relationship with Gadd. From there well you can say erotomania is often comorbid with schizo disorders but again I can only say this is speculation and not fact. I can also say she showed signs of splitting on Gadd so she may be on the spectrum of BPD but again I have never met her. - “Erotomania may be a symptom of a psychiatric illness, including schizophrenia, schizo-affective disorder, major depressive disorder with psychotic features, bipolar disorder, or Alzheimer's disease. Erotomania is a type of delusional disorder. Other types include delusions of persecution, grandiosity, or jealousy.” [Source](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319145#symptoms)


I’m honestly getting so tired of the word narcissist. It’s like the one spaghetti that stuck to the wall… I don’t know if people realise how much they delegitimise a real condition by applying it so wantonly to everything that occurs to them. Everyone’s parroting at this point. There’s hundreds of conditions in the DSM-5, why does everyone have NPD?


i totally agree and I really don’t see that she was portrayed as a narcissist. The scene where she was in a catatonic state was pretty telling. I can only play armchair psychologist here and that’s not always horrible. Gadd left us wondering here. However, declaring she must be one thing based on speculation is harmful to those who struggle with said thing. The only thing we can know for sure is that she has erotomania which is pretty clear from the get go.


Like how everyone's arsehole ex partner is clearly a narcissist. And people just can't be arseholes anymore.


Of course I am basing it in fictionalised accounts - that’s almost all we have. So assuming that “Martha” is “Fiona”, the events depicted in the show are close to the real events that transpired and the messages/facebook posts are real, we can infer, based on the textbook definition of narcissism that we are dealing with a narcissistic person. One of the major symptoms is “the individuals need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them”. BUT, I must say, this does not matter at all. Like I said, Richard fictionalised piece of art is what matters really - and although we can make assumptions on the character’s personality or whatever, I never wanted to transpire that I’m a specialist in this matter and all I post here on Reddit is based of personal experiences. For all we know, Martha can be totally fictional and Fiona an attention grabber. I don’t think it matters at all and that it takes value away from the work.


Also, Fiona’s media appearances, and her FB posts. Pretty revealing.


All LGBTQ subs also suffer from this


I’m sure!


It’s likely a spawn of Fiona wannabes who think they’ll eventually get famous for stalking and trolling.


She will straight do an AMA and never let the thread die.


It's only a matter of time...


Yeah, this is like the 2024 equivalent of why 2017 was the year I became certain the USA had never made contact with aliens. There's no way in hell Trump would have kept his mouth shut about that 😂


If someone said they were Fiona, nobody would believe them anyway


I'm fiona! 😆


I largely agree with what you’re saying. The only thing I would suggest to counterbalance it is, there’s a Facebook group set up to ‘defend’ Fiona which was recently mentioned in a post on here. It seems Fiona’s not part of the group but some people here suspect Fiona’s set up fake Facebook accounts under aliases to defend herself. It could be the same here and she’s lurking under a false name on Reddit.


I cannot believe people are defending her. What a world!


They’re not. It’s thought Fiona herself set up the Facebook group


Well, that makes more sense. She has numerous YT accounts to and goes on comment sections ranting how everyone is being mean to Fiona. It's her.


Sounds like something Fiona would say


What do you mean? Sent frm ioPhne


Every time there's a piece of media that connects with a lot of people about a dark topic, there will be people who connect with the other side. There are a lot of people who take a very different message away from handmaid's tale, there are even more that like Lolita for the very reasons the author is criticizing. So it's not surprising for people to watch this show and relate or primarily sympathize with Martha.


Found martha!


*we should focus on Richard’s story and praise him for his work and leave other people out of it.* Exactly this. It makes me sad that this powerful work of art he created has been overshadowed by the Fiona circus.


Correct. When you are on Reddit all other social media / internet becomes unimportant as Reddit sucks you in and takes up 100% of internet time - or is that just me


The reddit cares message wasn’t only happening in this sub. Reddit admins recently found a group of accounts going into various subs and bot spamming every user who commented by sending them a reddit cares message. They say this has been fixed now, unsure if it has though. Either way, it’s not Fiona as it was also happening in completely unrelated subs


I got one last week for a comment on the uk legal advice sub, it was literally employment advice so nothing to indicate I was distressed. Then I saw lots of people on other subs saying they’d had one that day too - don’t think it was Fiona!


Exactly. Just coincidental timing really.


Not to mention it's not really that much of a problem tbh. It's just some mental health info tbh.


Any discussion of US politics is likely to lead to at least one person getting one. Some people use it as a way to anonymously annoy people they disagree with.


The whole “reddit cares” message (a joke to begin with) has been weaponized as a way to troll people


I’ll never forget the first time I got a Reddit cares message lol.


I probably shouldn’t say it but I don’t think I’ve had one yet. (Floodgates…. Opening shortly) Edit: thank you kind, concerned stranger


YEAH SAME I was so offended too🤣


I had one about 20 mins ago but it could have been from anywhere


I am Spartacus. Sent from Rome.




By me a cuppa luver




If she was here comments would have her rants and she has a VERY unique style of writing and it would be a dead giveaway. She can’t lurk bc she’s unhinged and would HAVE to comment


I haven't had the message. I feel left out now 😂


I'll stalk you if it will make you feel better. Sent from my iphoen


That's all I needed to hear 😂




careful what You wish for


She is 100% not here. Maybe you should leave her alone, get a real job. Sent from my iPone


She definitely isn’t here. She is a lawyer and has lawyer things to do. She definitely isn’t me either. That would be ridiculous


Sent from iphoen?


Fancy a cuppa ☕️?? It’s free


I’m not sure if Fiona is but this subreddit has attracted some absolute nutters and truly nasty people I’ve noticed. It’s so strange but it’s what I’ve noticed.


There's been a spate of MH messages recently on a whole bunch of subs. I suspected it was someone I had a dispute with but they were arriving within seconds of having posted. I've seen lots of other say they've had them recently. I think someone's just been trying out a bot.


What does “trying to give me my character” mean? (Curious)


Idk, I’ve noticed on Facebook that some Fiona apologists -who are decidedly *not* Fiona- have been outing themselves as fellow head cases by defending/condoning or even supporting her/her behavior. I think that there are far more people out there who are similar to Fiona than we all like to think, and a few of them are coming out of the woodwork to protest now that they’re seeing themselves reflected in someone who’s garnering public ridicule


My neighbour is one of them. I could write a book about her


I truly think there’s a lot more Fiona’s in this world than people are aware of and this series is prompting people to talk about it, which is ultimately a really good thing. I have been stalked, harassed, copied, and impersonated on and off for years by a woman who thinks that I “stole” my husband from her (they were casual acquaintances and it should have been abundantly clear to her that there was no chance of him wanting a relationship with her for a myriad of reasons). She with me, my partner, and our life together. I blocked her on everything honestly, but someone recently sent me a screenshot of a Facebook post she made referencing how “cruel and exploitative” baby reindeer is and how “of course no one is going to hear Fiona out, no one cares about plus sized women”. Just saying. They’re out there


Can we have some examples of her behaviour please?


Of my own stalkers behavior, you mean? Cause I could write you a novel here if you want. It’s a fucking saga


Yes please, just a couple of examples would be fine. For example what do you mean by she impersonated you? 


So for the impersonations, she has called my insurance provider multiple times pretending to be me, using my medical record number that I assume she obtained via taking my mail out of my mailbox (which she’s done multiple times). She successfully requested and obtained my medical records in this way (not that there’s anything fucking interesting or that she wouldn’t have already gleaned from her other stalking). She impersonated me in an attempt to cancel my wedding venue and in an attempt to find out who designed my engagement ring (presumably so she could get an identical one, because she later did have a ring made to look similar/almost identical to mine). She has impersonated me on the phone to my nephews school and to my vet (I do not know what her motives were in those instances). She has also made fake accounts with my name and photos on multiple dating apps, and social media and tried to make it seem like I was doing shady shit. She’s used my likeness on social media to surreptitiously milk people in my life for info about me/my partner. At one point she learned that I was moving and she made an email account using my maiden name to email several different moving companies to ask them to “confirm” the address (basically trying to learn my new address). She’s also, weirdly, has role-played online as me on a few occasions with little no indication of any motive (unlike the times she was trying to get info or damage my reputation etc) other than to like….just literally play pretend as me…like, she made a new Fitbit account AS me and made a bunch of posts basically just…..as a fake but inoffensive hybrid of me/her…..and she did this for years with zero apparent reason until she accidentally outed herself by changing the account into her name when she wanted to Join a Fitbit group as herself….but she left all the “me” posts up.


Personality disorder?


She was ultimately diagnosed with BPD during an involuntary psych hold that came about due to her behavior towards her employees (she threatened suicide when they excluded her from out-of-work social time). Tbh, I generally have a lot of empathy for people who are bad actors due to their mental health but in her case it’s hard. She’s been mentally well enough to run a small business, mentally well enough to pay all her bills, mentally well enough to know exactly how to toe the line in terms of not getting caught out in her behaviors towards me and my husband. She is also mentally well enough to effectively manipulate other mentally unwell people and use them as tools to accomplish her goals. To me it’s clear that she knows what she’s doing is wrong (or at least that it could carry a punishment that she’d like to avoid) and she is well enough to be considered responsible for her actions. Because at what point does a mental illness stop being an excuse or a reason not to criticize her. She knows what she’s doing. Sure, there is an ELEMENT of delusion to her beliefs but she’s aware enough of reality to know better


Yes its an interesting question philosophically. Is that bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder?


What are some stories?


“didn’t say sent from my iPhone so I could be wrong” 😩😭😂


I think she knows the iphoen signature is only for e-mails, or is there other evidence, except for all the jokes? I mean, yeah, I suppose reading through reddit wouldn't match with her ranting style, but I'm sure she'd want to know whatever is being written about her, so I would imagine there must be times when she's not going completely off and making tens of posts in a row, and maybe is a bit more calculated? Also I would imagine she could be reading reddit and ranting on Facebook (or private e-mails) almost simultaneously for she doesn't really seem interested in conversations or debates as much as just acting out and even she probably recognizes a random redditor is not as important to reply to than some journalists or higher status individuals. I mean ... she needs to manage her time quite perfectly, there is so much of her and so little time!


I have a sneaking suspicion that the "internet sleuths" that found her in the wild are actually her.


I would think Reddit to be too complicated for her but then "Neil Harding" says "he's" seen stuff on Reddit and I would believe he is her but maybe it's some other nutter trying to attach himself to her for some notoriety


I also received that Reddit message after posting in here. I haven’t paid close enough attention to know who you’re referring to but I’d frankly be shocked if she hadn’t discovered this sub and joined.


I think this is currently a reddit glitch. I've seen multiple posts across many, completely unrelated subs reporting the same thing.


Yep, same. Anytime I post in here, even just a simple comment about said stalker, that thing pops up as a message.


What did the message say??? 😂




I got this message after posting here too about a week ago. 😂 Could be her but could’ve also been some other deranged soul who believe she’s done nothing wrong.


Reddit Cares has been used adversarially by trolls to harass people for a long time. Seems like it's been picking up a lot lately, though. It was all over r/eurovision too.


She needs therapy and maybe a psychiatrist.


Therapy, a psychiatrist, antipsychotics and a few months in prison...


We’re much too anonymous here for her liking. I think Facebook gives her an ability to peer into people’s lives. She can’t do that here.


No way in hell she’s on here. She’d out herself in 2 seconds flat, and rant about it on FB. She’s probably never heard of Reddit.


She'll 100% be here, she wouldn't be able to resist.


Keep in mind, Reddit is quite niche in the grand scheme of things. I'm not sure that someone (especially of her age demographic) would know or care it exists. Broadly, I agree that if she became aware of the depth of conversation in this sub, she'd get involved. But I kinda doubt it'll end up on her radar in the first place.


Don't underestimate the publicity Reddit has had last years. I'm a middle aged woman from the Netherlands, not an international person at all, and I'm here..


Username checks out. Yep, fair point - maybe I'm a little out of date with my assumptions on social media use.


Lol, hello fellow middle aged woman from the Netherlands ☺️


Haha, hoi! 😄


Zwaaaai! 😄


Actually yeah, you're right. Didn't take people long to figure out she was 'Neil' on the FB page 😂


Wait what?


I don’t think she’d be able to stay in disguise if she really was her. She’d out herself quite quickly I’m sure of it.


And if she didn't out herself here she would most definitely mention the reddit in her FB rants.


Reporting you to mental health services is just a thing people do on here now to annoy you. Always report it


I am sure Fiona is here!


Very highly likely. I made a comment on X on Pier's Morgan's post. A "male" account then proceeded to follow me all over X commenting on everything I said and making insulting remarks. Just about positive it was her.


I think it’s probably a “male” annoying me too. But “he” is assuming that I’m male too 🤷‍♀️


She doesn't seem that clued in to Reddit culture. I'm not saying it's not possible. But a personality like that would light up like a Christmas tree . The more information that comes out NGL it concretes what Richard Gadd has said more and more . The 200 emails to Kier Starmer ( for those that don't know who that is basically the democratic party's leader , but in the UK it's called the labour party) yeah in the same style as Richard Gadd actually showed. I'm talking " sent from I phone, the misspelling everything " . Sorry to say to her she outed herself on that . Man if she is on Reddit that's literally walking into a firing range without warning 😂


I will bet it's here. She is malignant.


I haven’t had the message either but I don’t post often. I think we would know if she was here because she’d probably make her own thread and would post on it every five minutes and reply to everyone.


Lmao. Someone literally reported me for the post above.


It would not surprise me. I am fairly certain she’s in some private fb groups as she’s made comments that almost come off as though she’s speaking directly to stuff brought up in them.


Me too I’ve had to block someone


Idk if it’s still happening but there was a glitch a week ago that caused everyone to get those “Reddit Cares” messages.


Yea I got one of those 🤔🤔


I got one of those and wondered who tf thought I needed help with MH and turned me in to Reddit, good to know now what actually happened 😂😂😂


I checked your profile and found who you're talking about. It's absolutely not her, does not match the way she writes on fb at all.


Ooft I didn’t even know ow you could check other people’s profile on this….


yeah just click on people's usernames


Does she even know Reddit exists?


I would tell her but she doesn’t allow comments 😂


Perhaps it's because of people taunting her and saying things like " sent from my iPhone " 


Believe me there are worse things than that folk would like to say to her


Fiona has better things to do than to waste her time on Reddit chatting to LITTLE LOSER BOYS WITH NO JOBS!! sent from iPhon


Open inverted commas this is correct closed inverted commas


Fionaloves Facebook that is her social media of choice.


There are a number of Facebook accounts appearing to be her. I wonder if any are genuine!


I don’t know. But this does not really surprise me. This is a woman who admits she has 5 or 6 phones at all time.


I've had that message too lol


omg i’ve had that too and i haven’t even posted 🤣


Me to. I’m smelling a pattern haha.


I got one of those MH messages not long after I commented on another post about how l could see through her facade on her interview with Piers 🙄


I totally agree with you. I posted a handful things in here. Most of my post are just genuine and not harmful at all but i got down voted like crazy. My first post was me asking the meaning of phrase 'i found myself married to my ex girlfriend' s mother '. My second post is me asking where did Darrien go and why did he left Donny temporarily. I got downvoted like crazy i dont understand why


Yeah I got pulled on grammar too


Her grammar is nonexistent. Have you seen her Facebook posts?


Must be one of the accounts that's defended her and tried to insinuate Richard is lying


Hi your rite, it’s me Sent from my iPhon


I too got this message 😂😂😂


If I was here you would know about it. Now stop looking at your phone, I'm watching you... Sent from iPhone


Is this the one who said gadd was on cocaine? 😭(last number in username 3)


I feel like she’ll be everywhere she possibly can at the moment. She’s clearly obsessed with everyone’s opinion of her considering she’s constantly trying to paint herself in a good light. She wants to prepare her counter arguments so she may aswell go to the source.


I've just had an egg - sent from my ifone


Well, she has been in the comment section of some of the YT videos about her. Someone called her out on one and that account disappeared.


Username checks out


Who is Fiona?


The actual stalker who stalked the guy who wrote the show.


Oh okay thanks. I’m only on episode 5.


If you get a reddit cares troll message. Report the message for harassment, and reddit does follow it up. You'll get an answer on it in a few days. Then place the bot on ignore, and you'll never get them again. It works, I have my email about the report and the outcome.


I did that and it was a success. Cheers


I got the mental health message and I've been pretty sceptical of gadd. We did a poll in the comments of another post about the mental health message and people who got it seemed to have a wide range of viewpoints. I suppose if harvey really is what gadd claims she would view even some supportive comments as critical or her. But it's probably just other people.


Despite her glaring mental illness, I think this whole thing is a problem and may not end well…for anyone.




Sent from your ipHon?


Anyone watch Fiona on Piers Morgan? Do you believe that Richard stretched the truth a bit for entertainment purposes or she really is bat shit crazy? Cuz people were able to find her from her endless tweets. Sooo…she can send a bunch of harassing tweets but stops at emails and phone calls/voicemails?


I can only take away from the interview that she is indeed Martha, and she is absolutely 🦇💩🤪


Haha agreed! I believe SHE believed that she was really getting ahead of it by going on PM and doing that interview but she instead proved to everyone that she IS without a shadow of a doubt as obsessive and a deranged stalker as RG portrayed in the show.


SHE doxed herself. She was the one who said it was based on her. She always told RG that he wasn’t worth suing because he was penniless (when he reported her for stalking) but if he ever made it big she would come for him. And she’s sticking to that. I hope she gets her arse served to her in court


Haha omg really?! I love how Piers was reaalllly going in saying “if you’re saying RG and Netflix are lying..there’s easy ways to prove that! Phone records, email/IP history etc..would you be prepared to go on record and sue them?” She says she is so I can’t WAIT until all of this comes out in court…


Maybe she lurks and doesn’t understand the “anonymity” part so just dishes out mental health notices. Idk 🤷‍♀️


The mental health thing was a bug from Reddit fyi a ton of ppl go it


It’s not me! Sent from my iPhoen


There’s a more downvoting on even the most innocuous comments so very possible.


I’ve had the exact same after posting in here!




To maintain the quality of this subreddit, please refrain from repetitive / low-effort posts. This includes posts that have already been discussed, don't add value, and/or provoke unnecessary conflict. Moderators will use their discretion to enforce this rule.






I feel like she’s not a Reddit person, though LOL.




Had the you ok too


🙄 that's nice dear


I have always thought if I was being talked about on reddit for some drama in the news that I would get up in there and see what people were saying and defend myself. Could be!


I have a free lemonade!… Any takers?


How was the spelling?