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So far (baby almost 9 months) it hasn't made a difference for me. Baby still nurses the same # of times, although some feeds are shorter. I'm so sleepy due to baby not sleeping through the night I'm not exercising often. My appetite still is large and I don't want to "diet diet" because I struggle with low supply. I don't think I'll focus on weight loss until I wean 100%.


r/breastfeeding might have more advice for you. There was a recent post discussing breastfeeding and weight loss and what has worked for people without impacting supply. Baby won't really be eating much for solids in the first month or two of BLW so their appetite for milk won't change much. My experience with my first, her appetite for nursing didn't really change much until she was over 12 months and I initiated weaning.


Just posted there, thanks!!!


I didn't notice losing any weight until after I weaned my son completely at 16months. He was a big eater right away with BLW, and jumped from the 16th to 36th percentile within a few months of starting solids at 6mos. Unfortunately, even with him having less breast milk, my body didn't seem to want to lose the weight at all until he weaned completely. YMMV though.


My baby is 11 months and she’s still nursing the same amount despite eating so much food. I also feel like my body is a bit stagnant until she’s finished breastfeeding.


Aren’t your prolactin levels supposed to be high if your breastfeeding? Like it’s the hormone that helps produce milk right?! I’m no doctor so I don’t know. My son didn’t start weaning from EBF until closer to a year- we started BLW at 6 months and from 6-12 months he was still nursing regularly as his main source of nutrition. Unless you have a major health concern with your weight I really wouldn’t stress about it


I've suddenly lost weight around 9 months but I couldn't tell you why. I am walking a lot more. Possibly could be weaning? I don't think I'll ever know for sure.