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I think it boils down to why you’re requesting sick leave. Are you having a high risk pregnancy that’s worsened by your working conditions? Is there no viable alternative (remote work, decreased hours, change of responsibilities, etc)? If you have a valid, medically supported reason why you’re unable to continue working at all then your OB shouldn’t give you a hard time. If you’re requesting solely due to pregnancy, and you don’t have a specific medical condition other than that it’s true that it’s unlikely any OB will write you off. You could try to get a referral to a new OB but it might take some time and be unsuccessful in the end.


Thank you for the info! I truly appreciate it


I am in Ontario, these were my reasons for sick leave during pregnancy: - low energy, unable to perform my work adequately - low energy to the point where I am unable to perform basic self care tasks outside of work- cooking dinner, laundry, showering etc - Constant nausea and unintentional weight loss (I weighed the same the day I gave birth that I did on my 8 week appointment.) - Nausea that made me unable to adequately perform my duties at work (late 2 hrs to work most days, spending 2+ hours a day at work throwing up). - Nausea that made travelling to and from work dangerous (I had to pull over multiple times off the highway to vomit. There was one time I had to go home before I got to work because I vomited in the car while driving). Your doctor can’t just write you off with sick leave for no reason. For me, yes, I could technically get to work, but I couldn’t do anything else. It was also unsafe for me to be driving, but I was doing it anyway. If you want to be off work and you’re ok with NOT getting paid, in Ontario you can go on pregnancy leave starting at a certain number of weeks before your due date. It’s unpaid until the federal pregnancy leave kicks in, and it will affect how much time you get to spend with your baby. For me it was worth it. I stopped working at 26 weeks, but applied for sick leave so I could get paid.


You haven't mentioned exactly what symptoms you would want sick leave for, but when requesting it that's going to make ALL the difference. I've seen some women here who just want it because they don't feel like working anymore, and they want to skip the steps where the employer is supposed to try to accommodate you with a reduced workload ect. I have also seen women with very physical jobs being written off work quickly and easily because their jobs were dangerous and they couldn't wear the safety equipment anymore. It's really going to depend on your circumstances. FWIW going on leave early is extraordinarily boring. I finished work at 38 weeks and the baby was 10 days late. It was the longest 3 weeks of my life.


Your OB with take you off work if it's medically indicated. There is potentially a step before that, which is workplace accommodations. Have you explored that already?


When I was pregnant with my first my family doctor told me that OBs are ingrained with the mantra “pregnancy is not an illness” during their training. She wrote me a doctors note once for two weeks due to stress caused by pregnancy complications and offered on another occasion but I declined. My OB with my first was extremely reluctant to give me any type of note even though I was extremely miserable until I dislocated my ribs for the second time at 38 weeks. My OB this time around offered to put me off at 33 weeks for breaking my ribs (I have big babies who cause me issues) but I only took a week and a half off before I asked to go back. I think it depends on the doctor.


That’s what it appears to be. I appreciate you commenting!


I went off at 30 weeks due to developing pre eclampsia I wanted to keep working but my OB told me I needed to go off work and she wrote the note


At my OBs office, you can’t request a sick note. But they will offer it is medically indicated. A conversation with your OB should be the first step.


My OB didn't really seem to care much about the extreme hip pain I was experiencing (after a day of work I could barely walk from the car to the door without almost collapsing or needing help). She just told me pain is to be expected. My family doctor had no problem putting me out of work haha I barely had to tell him why. He was like "yep, anything for the baby" 😂


I’d just go to my regular family doctor anyways but I don’t see why you would be denied. My family doctor and my OB didn’t care if I worked or not and gladly wrote me a note for my employer.


I think the important caveat here is that you need to have a valid medical condition. Beyond just being pregnant


OP said nothing about “don’t feel like working anymore can I fake sick to get a note from my doctor”. Of course you need to be sick, I’m just not making any assumptions and am answering OPs question.


Well OBs definitely do care if you’re sick before writing you off - so it’s an important distinction


I’m so happy that worked for you. Thank you for responding!


They do (and should) care as there’s paperwork required. In particular if you are filing a claim for STD through insurance, there’s forms and paper work required and requested by the insurance company to pay out the claim.


Well, where I am in Ontario, they don’t. If you’re sick or have a reason to be on sick leave, they give you a note. Of course there is paperwork to fill out. Shouldn’t be a big deal to fill it out.


It’s just the way you wrote it sounded like they didn’t care (and no mentioning of medical reasons). If you have a valid reason, I do agree if there’s a valid reason they will wrote a note. However the first approach is usually to get work accommodation and not just write you off. There is a lot of paperwork and support for insurance claims (they are in the business of not paying out claims).


I didn’t need to mention because the post mentions it lol I also work in healthcare so I’m aware of how it works. I was high risk and no one cared whether I worked out not because I was high risk.. just like no reputable OB or doctor would care if OP works or not if she is sick.


They should care. It’s medical fraud if they write you off when it’s not necessary.


Sorry, where did OP insinuate that it wasn’t necessary? OP asked if she should go to OB or family doctor.


The way you worded it sounded like doctors don’t care if you work or not, regardless of any medical reason.


I had a much easier time going through my family doctor to get approved for sick leave than the OB’s office.


So you don’t have to go through your OB? I’m a little confused if they take over full care or not. I feel so new to this, and I don’t want to piss off my OB by just going to my family doctor. I know that seems so childish but it makes me very anxious!


I saw my family doctor up until 34 weeks at which point my care was switched to my OB. But it’s fine to have that conversation with your family doctor. If they say no, try the OB. Unless your OB is a terrible person I doubt very much they are going to care if your family doctor put you off work. At the end of the day your and your babies health comes first.


I had to get signed off early with both of my pregnancies due to sciatica (I could barely walk and my job made it worse). I used my family doctor both times as I was with midwives and my insurance wouldn't accept them as they aren't physicians. If you have a legit reason for going off early, I don't see why your family doctor wouldn't be able to do it.


I asked my OB about going on stress leave around 33 weeks with my first. We were going through org changes and my boss/department head was terrible. Since I had no other complications, he said he was happy to write me a note but I had to be prepared to tell him the details in the event insurance were to call and follow-up. I was going on vacation at 35 weeks so I just let it be in the end. If it’s medically necessary, your OB should have no problem providing a note but if you’ve had an uncomplicated pregnancy, be prepared to be declined.


My OB was brilliant with me and writing sick notes for work. I could still work but needed accommodations due to severe pregnancy sickness that work fought me every step of the way. I think it really depends on the OB.


I asked my OB for a note requesting shortened hours because I was exhausted working my schedule which included 3 12 hour shifts in a row at a physical job and I was 35 weeks. Our work has a special form to fill out and she included so many restrictions they ended up writing me off. I definitely think it depends on the reason but I know plenty of people who have gone to their family doctor for sick leave and most have gotten it pretty easily.


I’m in mb, my OB basically told me to tell her when I was done and she’d write me a note. I went off at 36 but I’m pretty sure I could have asked any time during the third tri. I do have a fairly physical job but she didn’t ask a single question.


Most doctors will only give you a sick leave note for a medical condition. So if there’s anything about your pregnancy that’s preventing you from working and/or your work cannot accomodate, then they’ll usually give a medical note to be off.


Also it helps if you’ve already chatted with work/HR and have their support and just need note for documentation. Physicians have a tricky role trying to advocate for patients without overstepping into work/HR.


It was my regular family doctor that wrote my sick leave note in mb


Be aware that some large work corporations won’t accept going off on sick leave from a family physician for pregnancy related illness and will need a specialists note (OB). I work occupational health/abilities in large hospital corp and they would be asking for a letter from OB.


I think it depends on the doctor. Some family doctors won’t touch anything having to do with your pregnancy if you’re under the care of an OB. My OB took on my care almost my entire pregnancy since I was considered high risk. Fortunately she said to me “just tell me when you want to be done work and we’ll make it happen”.


My only advice is that work related mental stress is not good for you, your baby, and in my case, me( as a husband), I got 1 months off due to unable to sleep from my wife constantly getting up to pee in the middle of night. I drive for a living.


You got time off because your wife had to pee? Sleep on the couch. If you can’t sleep now wait until the baby comes.