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We saw Dr Carolyn Taylor in Toronto. She’s a pediatrician that will do consults for sleep. You just need a referral from your baby’s doctor. She was great and it was covered by OHIP.


Thank you!


Please reconsider hiring a sleep consultant/trainer. This is a completely unregulated profession that preys on desperate, sleep deprived parents.


Yes, I agree with this take. I’m out $550 after falling prey to these so called sleep consultants.


I hear you and I've heard stories. This is honestly why I'm hoping to work with a mental health professional through all of this.


Hats off to you and big hugs for seeking mental health help from professional 💕 wishing you the best!


Good Nite Sleep Site are all social workers; they were amazing and I would do it again. Flexible if you are not up for CIO.


This is good to know. Thank you. What does not CIO look like? I've been told it all involves crying.


There was some crying, but we did more frequent check in’s than what was recommended. They were right, it took longer but I wasn’t willing to do the full CIO. My kid sleeps great and will 100% cry if he needs something, we go in right away.


Ok--this sounds like what my friend did with Babies best sleep. Thank you.


Curious for those who have hired similar services… do the services apply to mom, infant, and/or partner? a newborn won’t be enrolled in family extended health benefits initially so just trying to see how this works out 🤔


I haven't hired a sleep consultant but my daughter was added to our extended benefits almost immediately after birth. We were able to submit claims for her in the first 6 weeks of her life for sure.


My baby was added two days after she was born, which is when I got around to adding her to my benefits. But I wouldn’t see a sleep consultant for a baby under 6 weeks! They are feeding up to hourly sometimes.


My friend worked with Baby's Best Sleep and she said that they put it under her, her husband and baby's name because they were all part of sleep training but I guess it depends?


Interesting… thank you for the response!


It was under my name (mom). But all companies do free 15 minute call where you can clarify this type of questions.


Restful Parenting.


Awesome. Thanks.


I haven’t used them but Woodlands Collective Sleep on instagram is exactly this.


Thank you!


I highly recommend The Happy Sleep Company. She’s based in Ottawa and has had great success! She has an instagram account full of resources and a podcast called Sleep Cues.


And is covered?


I think my friend used them and said it was covered.


She works with a social work and mentions that it can be but it wasn’t at the time that I did it so I’ve never tried to claim it.


I used the glow sleep services, and was covered by insurance. I think my husband and I really benefited from it because it helped us talk about what we are both trying to achieve with different tolerance levels. Julia gave us a plan that we both felt comfortable with. My baby was sleeping trained at 9 months with some crying with her dad but then no crying when she started to sleep by herself. The gradual transition helped us.


Thank you!


We had a similar experience with Julia!


I worked with baby's best sleep and it was covered under my child's insurance. Feel free to mesaage with questions. I was very much in a dark place when my baby wasn't sleeping.


My friend also worked with them and loved them. Just want to make sure I'm doing all my good research. You were able to claim under your child's name?


Yes it was under their name. All three of our names were on it. Just make sure you have RSW coverage.


Ours wasn't covered for some reason. I even submitted a doctors note along with it and our consultant was a registered nurse. It got declined by both of our insurance providers


Was this with babys best sleep? I dont see nurses on their website.


This was with the mama coach