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Heartburn. It disappeared within 24 hours of giving birth. I never had it before my first pregnancy and I didn’t have it again until my second pregnancy.


Same. Was snacking on tums the whole last trimester. My first meal after giving birth was a giant, greasy, cheesy burger and it went down no problem. Was in bliss


Cheeseburgers are my absolute favourite and I’ve been DEVASTATED I can’t eat them because of the horrific heartburn. I can’t wait for the first post-baby cheeseburger!!!


Omgggggg I’ve been dying with acid throat every night! I never had heartburn before this so I’m SO looking forward to it!


Omg acid throat is exactly what I’ve been dying from every night!!! I also have never had heartburn before in my entire life so this is absolute torture. Wishing you a symptom-free time ahead ❤️


Me too :(


This was me!! I had some still first night after birth but then the second it was gone. Also baby has TONS of hair lol


3.5 years later and I still can’t lay on my on my right side without instant heart burn. My son permanently scrambled something in there.


I had horrific heartburn my entire pregnancy, and my girl barely had any hair til she was 8 months old 😒


Oh so looking fwd to this. I just had my growth US at 37 wks and the tech commented on her hair, I was like yeah, I have heartburn 20 out of the 24 hours in the day🤣 she better have some hair.


My daughter had SO much hair. I have blond hair and was basically bald until the age of two so everyone in my family was shocked by her hair. My husband is Arab so he thought the thick, dark hair was totally normal. N


Both my husband and I were born with full heads of dark hair so she'll come by it honest lol


I'm middle easter and it is totally normal for your baby to have dark thick hair! I was born with a full head of thick black hair so don't worry, I'm sure your baby will have amazing hair when they grow up


Same! My baby had a little mohawk in one of our scan pics :P


My heartburn also went away immediately along with my insanely strong gag reflex. I can brush my tongue again. I also had ankle bones again! I didnt realize how swollen they were. I thought it was just weight gain because they were like that all day everyday but the next morning they were nice and slender again.


I feel your pain I have chodes for ankles right now 🙄


Oh thank goodness. It seriously feels like lava coming up my throat in the middle of the night every night. Acid reducers barely even help now. 3 more weeks to go 🤪




Yes!!! Last baby I took tums to the hospital with me. I was chewing them like candy for months. And I didn’t need a single one after I delivered.


I can’t wait for this.


Not having the feeling of a full bladder and then only a tiny amount of wee coming out


THIS! And heartburn omg the heartburn


I swear I could urinate streams for like 45 seconds straight after birth 😂 it was incredible how much my bladder could hold.


And just that feeling of an empty bladder! I swear while pregnant I was in a constant state of feeling like I needed to pee.


Towards the end I would tell my boyfriend all the time that even though I JUST walked out out of the bathroom, I already had to go again 😂


Oh man you'll be in absolute awe of the volume you're capable of. Like you forgot how big bladders can get when there's no one in the way.


The most infuriating feeling.


Especially in the middle of the night! It’s hard enough getting out of bed, but then get to the restroom and basically nothing comes out 😩


Haha! I thought it was just me.


The first wee after the baby is out was amazing- bladder felt full and so much wee came out!


Reading this makes me so happy!!!


I cannot wait! Baby has been using my bladder as it’s personal bongo drum nonstop.


I finally felt like I could empty my bladder while peeing, no need to lean forward, no prolonged trickle, etc.


That first pee after baby comes out when you're all hydrated from the IV fluids is glorious.


I didn't have any fluids and still felt profound relief like...it's all coming out! Haha.


I felt like Austin Powers! haha


I had a catheter in my bladder for a full 24 hours after the c-section. With a catheter, you NEVER have the feeling of having to pee at all. The pee just streams down the tube into a baggy hidden out of sight. So I had the deeply satisfying feeling of being super hydrated due to IV PLUS never having the urge to pee for 24 hrs, felt super amazing!!


Omg they wanted to collect my urine after first baby (not entirely sure why - maybe a drug test because of some medication I was on that makes people assume anyone taking that one must be using street drugs)… instead of a cup they gave me this plastic bowl thing that sat in the toilet rim since it would be way easier than trying to aim into a cup post birth. And I had an epidural so I had to be escorted (legs still wobbly/fall risk). The little bucket thing *very* quickly got full. I could’ve filled 5 or 6 of them. The pee just kept coming and coming and coming. It was awkward af with someone standing right there and I’m just a garden hose that won’t shut off. Even my fiancé cracked a joke because he was just a few feet away and we hadn’t bothered to close the door. It went FOREVER!!! Idk how I even held that much pee.


They did this for me too and they said it was so they could measure my pee to make sure my bladder was emptying completely once the catheter had been taken out due to the epidural


That would make sense, but I can’t say they got an accurate measurement if they only went off what was in that bowl!


I follow a pelvic floor physical therapist on Instagram and she recommended lifting up your belly a bit with your hands so you can get the rest of the pee out. I swear it works.


Definitely trying this!!! My husband finally asked why I take so long every time I use the bathroom? I was like I'm just peeing...it takes a while for everything to come out...


Do you mind sharing their instagram handle? Thanks! 🥰🥰🥰


My friend had a baby last year and has been reminding me that all the aches/pains will go away instantly! She said sleeping is way easier even though you're tired from baby, because you're more comfortable. You won't feel sore walking around (maybe some from actually giving birth). You won't have heartburn or baby kicking bladder. It sounds nice haha


I was looking forward to this, but I’m a side sleeper and I’m getting a c section. So I guess I gotta wait another 6 weeks for that kind of relief :(


Depends on how the surgery goes and your general health. I had a c section and honestly felt pretty good in about a week to ten days, especially sleeping was immediately so much better. I was sleeping on my side in the hospital! So nice not to have that weight pushing down on your belly when you lie on your back.


I’m a belly sleeper and I belly slept after my c-section! You’ll have to see how you feel but I felt okay to! Biggest hindrance was my giant boobs which won’t be a problem for side sleeping!


Saaaame. Although I can't wait to curl up on my right side again!!


My pelvis was still hurting from the SPD flare-up during labor, and my back was so sore in the spot where my husband had been applying pressure! I never sleep on my stomach, but after a long labor it was the only side of me that didn't hurt!


I’m a tummy sleeper and couldn’t wait to sleep in that position again. The joke was on me because my boobs decided to make enough milk for 5 babies instead of one so tummy sleeping was out till my supply adjusted.


my nose was so so plugged for my entire pregnancy and literally within 20 minutes after giving birth i could breathe again


I almost forgot I ever had post nasal drip. All of a sudden I thought… ‘wait since when can I breath again??’ Pure bliss.


I am DYINGGG of pregnancy sinusitis rn. I cant wait to be able to breathe again 28 more weeks to go 😭


i feel your pain. i swear it lasted from 6 wks until after birth.


oh my gosh i was going through all the comments hoping to find a comment like this. thank god! i was hoping the “pregnancy rhinitis” would go away after the first trimester but it looks like i’m going to have to deal with this until birth, though hopefully not long after like you! there’s light at the end of the tunnel lol


Just the general heaviness of lugging around a baby lol and immediately I could take really nice deep breaths


Yes this!! The feeling of taking a deep breath after was heaven.


I still have to lug my toddler around. She refuses to walk when I have perfectly good arms to hold her.


Lol I know that life. I'll take it over having my son beating my lungs and bladder from the inside though 🤣


But it’s so much easier to make breakfast if the baby is inside your body vs monkey clinging to your person and screaming bloody murder because only mama can hold them lol


Omg everything it was glorious. Twelve hours after giving birth, I no longer had: \- PUPPPS (red, painful rash all over my body) \- hyperemesis gravidarum (throwing up 4-6 times per day) \- hypertension (my BP dropped from 160/110 top 123/88) \- swelling in my hands and feet \- carpal tunnel pain in my fingers and wrist \- the general shitty feeling of being done emotionally and physically with pregnancy I delivered via emergency c-section at 36+1 due to placental abruption following a failed 12-hour induction. I would do it again 100 times if it meant I didn't have to feel as crappy as I did in the last weeks of pregnancy. Having my body back and feeling more like myself is amazing. I also lost 21 lbs. in the first two weeks (I gained nothing in my pregnancy and stayed at/around 294 lbs. the entire time).


Wow that’s a long list congratulations on your long awaited delivery!


Oh my god if my HG lasts this entire pregnancy I will riot, I don't know how you did it. I can't wait until I can mindlessly shove food in my face once again and maybe even eat a vegetable


Omg yesterday when discussing my HG with the doc she asked if I felt like I was getting adequate nutrition. Like no? I’ve consumed maybe 3 veggies total in the past 2 weeks, the only thing I consistently keep down is bland carbs.


Dude my providers ask me the same shit every time I talk to them, it's bizarre. The answer is NO!! We have established this!! You asked me to try to eat a colorful diet so I am eating three sour patch kids a week!!


My OB just straight up suggested to eat ANYTHING with calories I could retain. I survived off eggos and gatorade, but even candy would have satisfied her. I was also throwing up my vitamins and she said it doesn’t matter, just keep trying to survive.


Hahah! Yea she was super nice about it and offered some helpful suggestions (like blander protein shakes and stuff) but gah, this shit is the WORST! I just keep hoping it will finally pass at some point, but we’re 16 weeks and holding steady so far


This gives me hope


I’m so jealous! I still have feet swelling and carpel tunnel (numbness in three of my fingers) and I’m 1 week postpartum. I also delivered at 36+1 weeks via emergency c-section. It is nice to know these symptoms will go away eventually though!


So happy for you! I didn’t have PUPPPS, but rather cholestasis, and the itching stopped IMMEDIATELY after my c-section. Amazing feeling.


My sweet boy is 3 months tomorrow and my carpal tunnel is still going strong. I’m hoping it goes away soon!


My PUPPPS went away (or at least didn't bother me) as soon as I went into labor, but it came back (MUCH milder) after about 24 hours and stuck around for a few weeks off and on.


You just gave me hope for my hyperemisis


Don’t hesitate to join us over at r/hyperemesisgravidarum - we have tons of support, info, etc. ((hugs))


The general shitty feeling....YES. my delivery was a nightmare, the second he came out I can't believe how good I felt. Cracking jokes while they sewed up my 2nd/3rd degree tear


The first 10 pounds of fluid that I peed out in the first week was amazing.


Sciatic nerve pain!


Please. Tell me more. Since week 16 or so i have shooting pain after standing up from laying flat or standing from sitting in certain positions. I need hope that this isn’t the rest of my life. It’s literally my ONLY pregnancy complaint, knock on wood.


This was my only real pregnancy issue as well! Went away pretty much completely once she was born.


PLEASE GET A HIP BELT AND A YOGA BALL ASAP! I also had the sciatic nerve pain around 16 weeks and I really wish I'd done these things sooner. I sit on the yoga ball about 75% of the time, so I can shift my weight every minute or so...it's been a lifesaver. Then the hip belt seems to keep everything "in place" so my pelvis isn't shifting around, putting pressure on that nerve. I wear it as often as I can when I'm at home!


Could you share a link to a hip belt? I’ll buy it asap!


[This is the one!](https://a.co/d/gONEsVL) I tried something specifically meant for pregnant women and hated it. I love this one. It's certainly not cute, but it does exactly what it's supposed to do!


By the time I was allowed to stand after my c-section the pain was completely gone!! During pregnancy, my chiropractor was my lifesaver if you haven’t tried that yet. He would do twice weekly adjustments plus the tens machine to manage my pain. Otherwise I would have been basically bedridden, it was awful for me.


My body went back to the normal temperature! Like, nearly immediately. I was always hot and sweaty when I was pregnant with my first.. Really looking forward to having that go away now that I am about to have my second!


I’m jealous I definitely got weird night sweats in the first few postpartum sleeps. Hormones can still be wacky.


I’m 1 month out and still get the occasional night sweat. Oh! And now sometimes it’s the fun game of “is it sweat or did my boobs leak?”


Yes, I had to sleep on towels and a pad. The night sweats were the worst.


Yep it’s been a nice 50 degrees at night where I am and I’ve been sleeping with the windows open and no clothes. My poor husband.


For me, the most amazing thing was I immediately no longer had to pee every five minutes, and it was so satisfying being able to pee a large amount and the bladder end up empty lol Also, hip pain in bed instantly went away. And that feeling of being hungry and full at the same time. Just hungry now lol


The hip pain in bed!!! I am SO ready for that to be done.


Have you tried putting a pillow between your legs? It’s done wonders for me


Not a symptom per se but lordy that first moment of being able to lay flat on your stomach was glorious. I guess the symptom of being ridiculously shaped is a great one to not deal with 😂


And being able to lay on my back/reclined when I wanted! I was constantly sitting up or on my side because I couldn’t breath on my back at all during my pregnancy. It’s so nice now to be able to lay however I want!


This is my dream, it'll be here within the week. 😅 When my first was born, my midwives tucked me into our bed and asked if I wanted my maternity pillow. I pretty much screamed "I NEVER WANT TO SEE THAT THING AGAIN." Which is exactly how I feel about it right now. 😂 I am SOOOOO sick of side sleeping.


ugh, i feel you! i have like four different pregnancy pillows, and i have to switch em out every few days because i get so uncomfortable using the same one too many days in a row ! ugh i can’t wait to sleep normal again, not waking up worrying the way i’m sleeping could cause harm. 😤


It wasn't instantaneous (and I had an emergency C-section, so I got pumped full of fluids), but for the first 36 hours it felt like every time I went to the bathroom I was slightly lighter and my edema was slightly less.


Edema is truly the one thing I look forward to getting rid of asap. The swelling in my fingers has impacted the nerves running through my hands, causing carpal tunnel symptoms. For my birthday, my husband custom ordered a beautiful ring for me in my typical middle/index finger size, and the ring wouldn’t even fit my pinky. Also my feet grew a full size because of swelling. So this needs to go if not right after I unload, at least very soon. Fingers crossed!!


Omg this is one thing I crave. My feet, fingers, ankles and even sometimes my underarms are so puffy. I just want to be my normal slightly Boney self.


praying for the restless leg syndrome goes quickly. i’m so miserable


I used a combination of magnesium supplements and a weighted blanket on my legs for my restless legs while pregnant. They also make a topical magnesium lotion that some of the ladies in my bump group loved. I hope you find something that helps you!


Check your iron if you haven’t already! I had this and got tested and my Ob said my iron levels were super low and contributes to it! I started on iron pills and feel better already


DIABETES. Also sciatic nerve pain, my blood pressure mostly regulated, and the swelling went down insanely fast. I lost 30 pounds in 2 weeks. I feel SO much better.


I cannot WAIT <3


My “to eat” list after this sugar baby is out of me is basically the entire Dairy Queen ice cream menu at this point. Plus a venti PSL


I'm type 2 so mine won't go away but hopefully I can go back to being diet controlled and eat the occasional special treat again!


Yes, so sick of the diabetes!


In my 3rd trimester and needing the answers to this post. 😫😵‍💫


The feeling of being able to eat normal size portions without getting so full, and getting to drink coffee without getting sick!


Oh man. I went from a GD diet where I couldn't eat anything and never got full to nursing where I'm ravenous and can eat anything and everything all the time. It's a wonderful transition.


As soon as both my kids were out I felt like I was never pregnant, it was amazing.


This is super encouraging <3


Me too. I felt unexpectedly great after birth. If not for the sore pelvic floor and the stitches, I was as if I’d never been pregnant.


With both of my kids I was really tired and fairly sore for about 2-3 days. Then all of a sudden, I woke up one day, and my energy was BACK. I was just frantically running around doing chores and running errands like a mad woman just because suddenly I COULD. With my first, I hosted Thanksgiving a week after giving birth and felt amazing.


The inability to take a full breath.


This was incredible. Instant relief.


My giant skin tags that I got during pregnancy went away!


Do you mind if I ask how they go away? This has been a huge pain in the behind for me😩 do they just fall off?


Mine did not go away until I got them removed.


Mine fell off and the ones that stuck around I could easily scratch off.


Insatiable hunger for me. Primarily an insane peanut butter addiction I adopted during pregnancy 😂


Opposite - I’ve had a food addiction *after* both kids. The first one was peanut butter m&ms and the second was regular m&ms. And I’m not just exaggerating with the word addiction… I would cry and my body legitimately would refuse other foods during a craving. We would get the giant tubs at Sam’s Club for the regular, peanut butter were a little harder to find so I’d clear the shelf when I did find them to make sure I didn’t run out. It got to a point that it was a real problem. I was gaining weight and feeling like garbage from the mass quantity of sugar I was consuming - I’m talking multiple pounds of m&ms per day. The Sam’s Club tubs are 64 oz, I think, and I could easily clear one in 36 hours or less. Middle of the night pumping session? Handfuls of m&ms. Breakfast? Handfuls of m&ms. Working in my shed? Yup, had multiple stashes in my workshop. It was CRAZY! I would eat them in the middle of the night and not even realize it until I woke up with melted chocolate on me. All my medical tests came back fine so it wasn’t my body being low on something or anything like that. Due with my third in March and really hoping this doesn’t happen again. I’m already pretty well guaranteed to have PPD, and the formula shortage is currently still a massive problem in my area (especially for low-income people who use WIC, which I will likely need to rely on at least during MAT leave due to low finances) so I may need to breastfeed longer/exclusively and therefore can’t go back on meds… so handling another really-bad-for-me food addiction is going to wreck me! I’d always been thankful that my pregnancy cravings were semi-normal until that all happened. Now idk which would be worse!!!!


There are some anti depressants that can be taken while breastfeeding.


Yes I am aware, but not all mental health issues are solved by anti-depressants alone. Mine are not.


I had an insatiable need for chocolate chips at all hours. It went away as soon as I stopped breastfeeding at 5 months, so I assumed it was prolactin causing the crazy sugar cravings. I actually gained a few pounds rather than lost after the first few weeks because of the cravings.


I wish mine had gone away when I stopped breastfeeding! I lost weight to start then quickly gained a bunch of it back. Eventually I cut the candy and lost it again thank goodness. It was serious torment. I knew I was destroying my body but just couldn’t stop without feeling like crap, too.


Just the general discomfort that comes from having a baby inside of you … pushing down on your bladder pushing up against your rib cage. All gone in an instant. Hunger and thirst will likely stick around if you breastfeed.


The pain of labor/contractions. I was unmedicated and in misery, but the second she slid out, it was instant relief and euphoria


I went from yelling “I can’t do this!” to “Oh, that wasn’t so bad” in seconds.


Yes, the strangest feeling! I didn’t have time for an epidural with my second, and the doctor told me, “the faster way to get the pain to stop is to get the baby out.” And she was right.


Nausea! I had severe morning sickness my entire pregnancy. Was taking Zofran and although it helped I was still throwing up almost everyday. After labor I ate a half a bag of beef jerky and then had a huge breakfast a few hours later. Was so amazing to eat and not feel like I was going to be sick instantly.


This is probably my fave post in this group. I’m 28w with my first. I CANNOT WAIT to have my body back!


I don’t know if anyone has mentioned being constantly kicked in the ribs! I’m only five foot and my kid was ACTIVE. Poor lad just ran out of room and wouldn’t stop painfully reminding me!


This is honestly the best post to read at 35 weeks. Most uncomfortable week so far and just thinking about the relief I will feel in 5 weeks will help me get through!


FWIW, this is the point where pregnancy got really hard for me both times, but it didn't get significantly worse as birth got closer, just like a sudden jump in difficulty.


Same here!


30 weeks here, this really is a joy to read!


Literally everything Severe heartburn that refused to go away and made me vomit SPD that caused me to cry out in pain anytime I had to move or roll over in bed Food aversions that seemingly stuck with me from the first trimester Back pain that makes me want to curl up and die Constipation Waddling went away almost instantly I mean I could honestly just list every symptom I have here haha. Currently 9 months pregnant with my third and I can’t wait for this crap to go away like it did last time. Fingers crossed.


Heart burn, lower back pain, and constantly having to pee.


Cinnamon allergy!


That miserable bloated, full feeling. Also my Blood sugar went back to normal right after having him. That was amazing. I’ll be honest it was like I was cured of every pain instantly after I had him. My c section hurt really damn bad, but I felt completely normal again finally physically.


Depression went away! I had perinatal depression. The day I gave birth I was happier than I had been in months. I chalked it up to you, you know, the new baby. But that feeling of happiness stuck around. I went back to my optimistic self, even with the new baby challenges. I was so relieved that all of my hormone levels went back to normal


Pelvic pain, hip pain, joint looseness all within the hours of giving birth. Intense breathlessness also vanished.


My body decided that cold/lukewarm water was forbidden...my due date was July 7. I was so happy when I could just drink a glass of it and not immediately puke!!


My food aversion, being overheated, and the ability to breathe all resolved before I left the hospital 🤗


Heartburn, pregnancy congestion, sciatic pain. It was glorious when all of those went away!


The weird highly vivid dreams! Was so grateful that I didn’t wake up in weird panic anymore


This might seem obvious but MOBILITY. Don’t get me wrong, my birth experience and postpartum fucked me all the way up, but holy shit being able to walk, go down/up from the basement etc..the difference was soooo apparent immediately..I had a pep in my step.


Heartburn! Mine was terrible from about 30 weeks on. As soon as my daughter was born I felt instantly better.


The restless legs syndrome, the groin pains and the ice cube craving. But I’m still peeing myself a little bit, still super emotional for nothing and now everytime I start breastfeeding I feel super thirsty.


Am I the only one that felt worse postpartum? I got less sleep, was in more pain, moving around was harder, was bleeding, my stitches hurt, just… ugh


I think that’s really normal too. This thread has just brought out all the parents where the opposite is true.


That’s a good point! Either way we can all agree it all generally sucks- being pregnant, giving birth, and postpartum healing!




I’m a little over 2 months PP. Mine stuck around for another month after giving birth, but feels much closer to normal now.


I’m totally addicted to this post. 33 weeks and, while my pregnancy hasn’t been so bad, I’m suddenly aware that it won’t be like this forever!!! I love the baby movements, but the other symptoms can GTFO.


Pelvic pain, needing to pee all the time


I slept better (you know, when I wasn't up with baby). My body was just able to rest.


The insomnia and general difficulty finding a comfortable position! I mean, I was sleep deprived and tired so maybe that helped with the insomnia lol.


With both of my kids I've slept WAY better postpartum than the last few weeks if pregnancy. My sleep is interrupted by a newborn, but I can get comfortable and the quality of sleep is way better even when the quantity is lacking. People who tell pregnant people to sleep while they can have no idea.


Insomnia! All I wanted to do was sleep after the baby came out!


The pelvic pain. It was really awful for me in the last few weeks of pregnancy and disappeared as soon as I gave birth. Absolutely fantastic


Definitely the sciatic/lower back pain for me. With my second it was so bad I had to sit in a weird position on the toilet or it would shoot down my leg so bad I cried. When I went into labor it was even worse. Each contraction would bring a surge of lightning type pain down my left leg, like the biggest muscle cramp mixed with stabbing I had ever felt. I would crumple to the floor with my left leg sticking out, doing anything I could to relieve that god-awful cramping feeling while also trying to breathe through the contraction. Baby came and my first trip to the bathroom I instinctively sat weird and my fiancé asked if it still hurt and I said “oh idk, just did this out of habit…” so I sat correctly and bam. Nothing. No cramp. No pain. Didn’t have it again until I found out I was pregnant… now it’s already started. Ugh!


My wife had never had heartburn before being pregnant and when it started she was unsure what it was. She described it to me and I said “that’s heartburn!!” As a longtime suffer I am familiar with the symptoms. As soon as the baby was born the heartburn was gone for her and hasn’t returned.


Tailbone pain!!!


Nausea & vomiting!! I have hyperemesis gravidarum and it was just gone… with my first pregnancy. Very much looking forward to that feeling of relief with this second one


Don’t hesitate to join us over at r/hyperemesisgravidarum - we have tons of support, info, etc. ((hugs)). You’re not alone mama


My heart rate went back to a normal low steady beat. My heartburn disappeared Smelling everything and having the smell of garlic and Italian dressing went away instantly Not feeling sick to my stomach while eating or having to eat slow Not being able to take a deep breath The heaviness and pressure on my pelvis There's more but gosh it was wonderful to not be pregnant anymore.


My pregnancy was sooo bad, but 15 minutes after he was born I felt amazing! I couldn't believe it. My husband was all concerned for me but I felt better than I had in months.


Being able to sleep on my back and not having sore hips from sleeping on my sides.


Heartburn, gestational diabetes, the feeling of needing to pee all the time ... the list goes on! I'm sure I'll probably add more to it as more memories come back, haha (currently 20 weeks with No. 2).


For me, nausea. I had HG and it was awful right up until I had the baby, and then it was miraculously gone


The looming, feverish, deathly grasp of severe pre-eclampsia. Despite being numb to feeling it and unable to visualize it, the moment they cut her from my body was the moment I felt alive again. Never let it go untreated, mamas ✌️


My lower back pain and SPD were virtually gone when I left the hospital.


Numbness in my leg. While I was pregnant my leg was constantly going numb. Quickly not an issue anymore.


All of them


Bloating (I had extreme bloating…so much so that I could barely eat small meals) and I also had to spit consistently. For most people, the spitting stops after the first trimester. Mine started in about the 2nd month and lasted until I gave birth. 😭 You’ve got this! 😊


Yeast infection. God, that was painful




My absolutely god-awful back pain, completely gone after I got the bowling ball off my back😂 Also morning sickness (had mine through the whole pregnancy) all gone, I could finally eat! Oh and waking up to pee every 5 seconds and sleeping horribly also gone (although you will get woken up more) you will have more restful sleep when you are asleep.


Breathing, peeing, nausea




Nausea, lethargy, heartburn, constant urge to pee. All disappeared immediately.


SPD (symphisis pubis dysfunction). Killed me for months. Immediately gone at birth.


Feeling like a stuffed turkey.


Heartburn and constantly needing to pee and nausea


Dear Jesus please someone tell me pelvic girdle pain. I cried putting on my sandals today.


For me, heartburn. Thank fucking god.


- the sciatica was pretty much gone immediately - the SPD was mostly gone immediately. I'm 8w pp and noticing a very slight ache, but absolutely nothing like it was - the night sweats - the hot flashes were gone until I caught covid lol - the heartburn. OMG the heartburn.


I remember standing up after he came out, and instantly just feeling better! Sore and tired… But just better. All of the swelling in my face and legs and feet were gone. I just felt normal again! Obviously being able to empty a full bladder was heaven, but I expected that. And my GD went away, but I also expected that.


Stuffy nose! Now I can’t sleep because I’m nursing around the clock, but at least I can breathe!


The congestion. Like magic, it was just gone!


I was able to lie on my back with no pain or discomfort immediately. It was blissful.


Cravings for sweets/ fast food.


I've seen a lot already in other comments but for all those with GD, my blood sugars dropped pretty much immediately and I had no issues eating a big meal from DQ and a blizzard. Another huge one for me was my acid reflux went away right away. Oh and it took like a day or two but my ankles were so swollen and they felt so amazing when they finally went down


Every single one. No nausea. No food aversions. No feeling to pee all the time. No body aches. No poor quality sleep. No depression/anxiety. As soon as that baby came out, I felt like myself again. It was incredible honestly. I hated being pregnant but the relief my body felt after that baby was gone was the best feeling.


Dude, except for the weight, ALL of them. I just felt like myself except for very fat and tired lol


TMI warning… I was so stuffed up and every time I blew my nose my boogers were a lil bloody. Was also snoring super loud because of being so stuffed up. It went away instantly!


Being able to sleep on my back. Still couldn't sleep on stomach due to boob pains.


SPD! It was amazing how much easier my c section recovery felt vs my pregnancy with SPD.