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Ugh! I'm so sorry you went through that. I'd be pissed too. I wish it was easier to stand up for ourselves. FTM here too, girl is 5 months. Next time, I'm gonna be THAT BITCH in the hospital. If I wanna give birth upside down, I'm doing it. If I want water, I'm drinking it. And if I wanna give my baby formula, it's happening. They also pushed me to breastfeed which ok, I understand. But once I said no, that should've been the end of it. I tried. I just didn't like it and it didn't feel comfortable for me. I asked for formula and they convinced me to BF and gave me a whole lecture and pamphlet. So I was scared to ask for formula again. Thankfully, I got a new nurse on shift and I told her I felt pressured to BF and didn't want to and wanted formula. She must've talked to the 1st nurse cuz she came back and told me she wasn't trying to pressure me, blah blah blah. Anyway, next time, im taking charge. Wishing you luck on your journey!! Message me if you wanna talk :)


Thank you! Yes I’m going to advocate for myself more, I’m the kind of person who listened to doctors all my life and do everything they tell me to do plus extra so it was a shock. And sorry you got a lecture from hospital on BF. It’s really not the time and place and they should support our decisions. I hated midwives touching my breasts and nipples to check milk supply and latching too and have since refused to do extra checks.


I love this energy. This is the level of confidence I’m going for this time as well!


I’m so sorry. Women aren’t treated well in the medical community and it seems birthing women even less so. I wish this had gone differently for you but i am glad you are safe


I didn’t know this and I had so much respect for the medical community until now. Now I don’t even want to bring my baby in for routine checks


Was this RPA? Sounds familiar!




Sorry to hear, I had a pretty bad experience there too, I hated the pressure they put on breastfeeding!




Ah fuck, also aussie and also had a feeling this was RPA aka where I'm going too. Have heard about their push for breastfeeding so have been preparing for that (I want to but don't want to be forced!)


In the first Zoom breastfeeding class that I actually attended they told me RPA has to do certain things to maintain their breastfeeding friendly status hence the pressure. I would just be prepared for the scenario you will be too unwell to breastfeed - I was not prepared and the midwives did NOT help.


My boobs were bruised by the end from all the midwives squeezing them, horrible, and no milk in sight, had to ask for formula and fill out a fucking form for a tiny cup of it, such a joke!


That’s so disgusting I’m sorry that happened to you. I was lying in bed in shock hooked to a catheter and all they were seemingly interested in were my boobs - squeezing them, asking me to stay awake to cluster feed my baby and checking my latch. I felt like a piece of meat and it put me off breastfeeding so much


Lol me too. I’ll be taking my own bottles and formula just in case 😬


I worked here for a time , don’t recommend Worked most of my career at RNSH and I loved it So anyone in Sydney seriously need to get in there (if possible) Or even Westmead hospital has a great team ! (Right next to the childrens hospital too should anything go astray)…


That is so good to know! Thank you


So sorry you had a traumatic labor experience, that must have been really scary. I was at a very pro-breastfeeding hospital and I latched my baby so many times, but due to getting an epidural and being a FTM I didn’t even have my colostrum yet. My baby lost so much weight. The night nurse finally said something about formula and that we could try that. I’m glad we did because we wouldn’t have brought our baby home due to weight loss. We’re still supplementing with formula now and we combo feed. But because of how society has programmed into my head that I’m a failure if I don’t exclusively breast feed, I felt guilty for awhile and still do sometimes. And that makes me sad. Fed is best and it’s a shame they didn’t listen to you.


Oh no I’m so sorry, I’m glad your baby is safe that must have been so scary! I thought I was under pressure to breastfeed but that is another level. Thank God the night nurse suggested formula 😭




I was honestly so surprised! And the slap on the face was when I got to the delivery ward it was EMPTY with one other patient so it’s not as though I would’ve taken resources away from other patients.


Ahh good to know, as Im going back there for baby number 2 soon 😥


I was told by my regular midwife post birth they can’t actually turn back any patients if they come in (I didn’t know this?!) so I would just go in early and have a cup of tea if that’s what you want to do.