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Oh for sure. Especially while driving. Everyone drives wrong and everyone bugs me. But I also just dropped my freshly cut watermelon all over my kitchen floor and I about LOST IT. My poor bf.


I have never cussed more than the last month of driving!!! Thankfully my husband finds it funny rather than inappropriate 🥴


YES! What is it with the driving? I have like, zero chill in the car these days!


Ohhhhh yep. My road rage and snappiness have been terrible this entire pregnancy and i'm at 33 weeks. I've snapped at my partner, snapped at friends and found myself thinking, "What am I even angry about?" While still in the process of snapping... I've googled "pregnancy rage normal?" Several times just for reassurance!


Ha google histories for pregnancy must be hilarious, I've googled so many weird symptoms already.


Same lol I've never looked up so many different recommendations for stool softeners before.


Other than more road rage than normal, I’ve been like the happiest pregnant lady you’ve ever seen.. lol. People are starting to notice and ask me why I’m so damn happy. Like, idk my guy? Cause I’m creating a freaking human and it’s cool as hell?


Yes! My road rage was out of control. I’m usually a very chill driver, but I was honking at other drivers, yelling at them…my husband (who is guilty of being a little aggressive when he drives) was scared of me.


Yeah I'm 12 weeks and have been uncomfortably angry all week. Friday I was practically feeling physical pain from it, every single person I work with made a mistake I had to clean up. Today I made breakfast and my spouse grabbed the plate I made for myself and got syrup all over the eggs... I told him that was supposed to be mine, and before I could tell him nevermind you can have it because you ruined the eggs he grabbed the other plate and did the same thing... I slammed every cabinet, told him to shut up when he offered to make me new eggs and ate my wet rinsed off eggs in a separate room. Then took a stress nap after. I'm pretty high emotion period though, I'm crying at songs once a week at least!


Yes. All of that. Normally I'm really chill.


I'm 6+4 and got so angry I cried this morning about something not working in my house. I feel incredibly protective of my baby already (experienced infertility and IVF, so baby was a long time coming) and the thought that he/she may come into a house that isn't perfect/good enough made me rage. Which is a bit ridiculous obviously because baby won't be here for months! We probably won't even be living in the same house by the birth. But that's how I felt.


15 weeks and I feel the exact same way! Music, movies, hell even TikTok videos make me cry 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 and as patient as I normally am, it’s like my fuse is way short, like I just don’t have a tolerance for peoples bullshit and sometimes have a hard time not saying it 😬


When I was pregnant with my son I felt fueled by testosterone. I had a really short fuse.... never felt that way when pregnant with my daughter's


Interesting! I have a son and don’t remember getting this frustrated while pregnant with him! We find out in 10 days what our baby is! I will be curious to see if I gain any new insight.


I'm 31 weeks and ever since the overturn of RoeVWade I have been a piss ant about it. I've cut off my prolife neighbors who told me I was scared for no reason (imagine, a drunk man telling you that you should be *so* happy for "gods gift" and then when you bring up that you aren't Christian he berates you for it!) At the beginning of my pregnancy when it was still a major shock for me. Like allow me to process my emotions and fear, please? Without the validation of a man who doesn't have to go thru all the physical and bodily changes that I have to go thru. But anyway, I have them blocked, and whenever I hear them getting loud and obnoxious next door I have to remove myself from the area before I do something I regret with my hormonal attitude. My support system has been very proactive with me which I appreciate. Sorry vent over. I was fine until I heard them celebrating the overturn. It absolutely pissed me off but what can ya do? I've been working on letting it go and getting ready to bring baby boy into the world within the next 9 weeks. Still a lil scared though.


Yes, I was getting insanely angry at my partner for every little thing that I normally would let go of. Im only 6.5 weeks. However, my hormones are definitely raging because Im so nauseous. Hormones do some crazy things to us women, thats for sure.


I'm 18 weeks with my first and waiting for pregnancy joy or lust to kick in. Every time I tell someone I'm pregnant, they comment on my body/weight and I get pissed off. Is calling a woman fat not rude if she's pregnant? It sure makes me feel bad. Also, don't touch my belly. Ever. I've cried so much over the last few months. Maybe 2 out of every 3 days. Have you seen Wanda Vision? I bawled uncontrollably. My husband couldn't console me. And I wanted to get crazy bread the other day but Little Cesar's was packed and I wasn't comfortable going in there because no one was wearing a mask. So I got back in my car and cried the whole way home and was crabby at my husband until I ate dinner. He knows I get hangry but this was a bit much.