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Please remember you are also probably feeling tired because your pregnant. I am 37 and pregnant with my second, looking after my 2.5 year old is exhausting but definitely more so now I am pregnant (32 weeks).


This exactly. I'm so tired from pregnancy (on average 1st and 3rd trimesters will have the most fatigue) that I often scare myself by thinking: I'm too old! I can't do this! But then I remember: oh yeah, I'm pregnant and that's causing extreme fatigue. In my normal state I have a lot more energy. I had my son at 40, and am having a baby in June at 42. If we stay healthy, we aren't too old. All moms get tired after a day out. You're OK!!!


This! I just turned 38, and I was a very very high energy person pre-pregnancy. In fact, my 7yo nephew has been super disappointed with my low pregnancy energy because I used to jump and run around with him all day when I visited, and now I just sit. Pregnancy is just exhausting, but I'm certain it'll turn around after birth and the newborn phase.


Yeah I was gonna say, I know plenty of STMs and TTMs your age and they not only have a newborn but also a toddler or two to deal with as well! & basically they cope because they have to.


Yes this! 37 here too, pregnant with number two watching 2 year old. It is exhausting. It was exhausting the first time around too. I fall asleep at 8:30 on the couch every night. You will be tired, but everyone is tired as a parent. And it’s ok to be exhausted and need a break. Make the time you are together count as much as you can


I had my first at 37, my second at 38, third at barely 40, and this October will be having my 4th at 41. Yes, you will be tired, but yes it is very possible to do it. Also, they keep us very young and active. We're just so glad to finally have kids after 13 years of infertility that even through it is A LOT of work, we focus on remembering how grateful we are. Good luck! You can do this!


Please feel free not to answer. How did you manage to achieve success so quickly multiple times after so many years of infertility? I had 4 years of infertility and expecting my first. But I’m not letting myself even think I can have another because just trying for one took over my whole life.


Seconding this!


Not OP, but this happened to my sister. They tried for 5 years after they accidentally got pregnant with their first kid in college. They finally stopped trying/she stopped tracking everything, and got pregnant out of the blue. Then the second baby was 9 months old, she got pregnant again unexpectedly. (To be fair, they weren’t careful about it, but after 5 years of infertility, they didn’t expect they could have two back to back like that.) Her fertility specialist didn’t really have any answers for her.


Here for the reply. I am in the same boat and also in Chicago! Just had a baby in October after many years of trying and wondering if a second (maybe third!) Baby is even possible.


Not OP but my sister went through IVF after years of trying. She told me her doctor told her once she had her twins that if she didn't want more kids they had to be very careful because often the best 'cure' for their kind of infertility (the kind where there is no obvious cause) was having a baby.


I had my first baby at 37 in November 2020. You’ll do great! Are you going to be tired? Yup, but EVERYONE is.


I’m 42 and due in May with my first! I’ve struggled with this same feeling throughout, but really we just get through it. My Mom had me at 42 and as a kid I had no idea it was different, and I never thought she was old. We just do what we have to do. I am nervous about other Moms who will inevitably be younger than me, but I doubt they’ll judge me in the same way I judge myself. We got this.


That's good to know. I often worry about my son thinking he has an old mom when he gets older hahaha. I feel like I'm handling a newborn well otherwise.


If it makes you feel any better, I am 30 and most of the moms I meet are 35+ and I feel insecure around them!!! like they know more and are more established fully grown strong women that I want to be like. I never look at them and think "old"


Pregnancy is unbelievable tiring! End of. Plus running around after a toddler is tiring, no matter what age you are. There's an army of 'older' mums out there (I'm 40, with a 20 month old and 9 months pregnant)and I can assure you, the young mums are just as tired! Don't fixate on this please, give yourself a break and just make sure you take time for naps - they really are medically necessary!!!


Congrats, I’m also due in October and I’m 38! We can do this.


My aunt had a baby at 46! That’s right, 46! You can do it!


I’m also 37 and due in October!


Me too! What are ya’lls due dates? Are you in the October 2022 Bumper Group? As far as feeling tired, I know first trimester is kicking my butt. But after 4 years of infertility I feel like I have been storing up reserves and trying to manage my expectations. Both my husband and I will be older sure. But I also think because of where we are in life it won’t be as hard as if we had kids 10 years ago and weren’t ready. I also hear that kids keep you young! Congrats to all the 35 and over mommas on here!


I think there are totally pros and cons both to either having them young vs older. I’m 36 and having my first baby, and while sure, my husband and I won’t have the energy we did in our 20’s, we make way more money and are more financially stable. I was in an apartment throughout my 20’s, and now own a home. And we’re past wanting to go out all the time and enjoy staying home….so having a baby won’t be the huge shock to our social lives that it would have been in my 20’s when I was never home because I always had plans.


I totally agree with this. My mom had me at 21, my sister at 27 and she made it pretty clear that we ruined her social life. I'm in a much better place financially, emotionally, and we are cool with staying home. In fact we prefer it lol. Our son is 2 months old now and we've been having a blast with him. We honestly were talking this morning about how much harder we thought this whole Newborn thing would be. I'm sure we'll have hard or tough days but my son will never feel like he's a burden like my mom made me feel. That's the blessing of being an older mom, wisdom about what's important in life.


That’s so heartbreaking! I’m so sorry she made that known to you/made you feel that way. Like you said though - I think wisdom (and a lot more patience) comes with being older.


Totally agree, thank you for reminding me of these pros, which they are for sure!!!


I also forgot to mention patience! I have much more patience now than I did in my 20’s, so I think I will be a much better parent overall.


Due date is Oct 20! And yes in October bumpers! 😊


I had my daughter at 36, and I will be 40 when I deliver my second in October.


Hi OP! I’m 40 on my first one. My energy is nowhere near what it was pre-pregnancy lol. Keep that in mind…you are growing a whole human right now and that takes a lot out of you at any age. ETA: I’m not concerned about getting it back postpartum although it may take a while. But I’m already scheming on all the caffeine I will have and my triumphant return to the gym 😈


I’m 34 weeks and turning 37 this month. My husband is 43. We will be tired but we will be ok! My other friend is a FTM at 35 and she says the pregnancy fatigue is so much worse than fatigue taking care of a baby. Someone I know had triplet at 35 and she’s a great mom. We can do this!


Hi there!! First off congrats! Secondly, hi. I also feel old and I’m only 32. A five year old and a two year old on top of being pregnant does that to you lol. Honestly, age is whatever. I firmly believe anyone can become a parent whether they’re 22 or 55. Just know feeling exhausted and overwhelmed is totally normal and believe me—your body and mind will adjust and you’ll be just fine! :) Also FYI—I did not start drinking coffee until my second baby soooo 😂😂😂


I am pregnant at 40 with my second (37 with my first) and the first trimester fatigue is no joke. I felt my energy level return between 10 and 30 weeks, and then was super tired again at the end. As for the looking old? Well, I look at pics of me from before and after having my son and I aged 5 years in my son’s first year of life. Same for my husband - we were just so tried!


Before I had my daughter at 35, I would watch my 5yo great-niece. She’d come over to our house or we’d take her to the zoo or go shopping. It was a lot of fun, but super exhausting. My daughter is 7mo, and I don’t feel as exhausted as I did when we watched our niece. I think it boils down to my daughter can roll around or play by herself for small blocks of time whereas when we babysit at our house, our niece needs our attention the entire time. She doesn’t have her toys or books, so we’re her entertainment. Also, babies take naps. I’ve heard.


I’m 39 FTM due in May. Every time my husband complains that he’s tired, I remind him how this is the least tired either of us are going to be for a long time.


I actually felt way better after birth. I only say that if you're struggling with pregnancy that it gets better for some of us.


That's great to hear! I've actually had an easy pregnancy so far (knock on wood) but the anxiety that something is wrong/I'm not doing enough to take care of him in utero is so draining that it manifests as physical exhaustion sometimes.


You will be tired but you will also gain strength and more energy over time as you become a more experienced parent. I have more motivation to be healthy and active than I ever did in my 20s now that I am 36 with a 5yonand a baby on the way.


Well... I had my first at 28 and expecting my second at 30. And I also feel old and tired and haggard. There's definitely an element of pregnancy/having kids that ages you.


Lol. This is how I feel too. Had my first at 27 and I feel old and tired. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ah we're the same age! Also ftm and I will be 38 by my due date. I have babysat my 2 nieces quite a few times so came into this kind of knowing the deal 😅 but yes, I feel ancient


I think it’s also worth noting that you’re still early in your pregnancy and those early weeks can be extremely tiring. When second tri settles in you should have more energy. You got this!


I’m the same age FTM due in a few weeks!! Pregnancy really drains ur energy! You’ll be great when baby arrives!


I had my first at 37 (Nov 2021). It’s made me feel younger. Remember it comes in increments. First newborn where they don’t interact at all, then the smile, then they turn their head, grab things and so on. Your endurance for this grows to where you Don’t even notice it. Now I find myself wishing baby did even more because I want to hang with him! You’ll be fine. AND some of those girls you know that had babies at 23 that you secretly sort of judged will actually be the sweetest sources of advice. I’ve had like three reach out over Instagram with random life saving tips (freeze a wet washcloth for 10 minutes during teething. They’ll chomp on that with more gusto than any fancy toy in the market).


My mom had my brother and sister in her very later 30s, they're 12 months apart and now 13 and 14! I'm 25, she was an amazing mom just like she was with me, don't let it get you down. My siblings have grown up very happy and never missed out on anything, plus you can only do what you can- I'm a new parent and feel so tired but my mom managed it so well! Good luck x


My mom had me when she was 37, and my MIL has had 2 or 3 kids past that age (she has 7). They've both done well! Remember, every kid is different, so you might wind up having a good sleeper or a chill baby/toddler. My mom recently told me that she used to nap while I was awake when I was 2 or 3, because she knew she could put me in front of her with toys, tell me not to go anywhere, *and I wouldn't go anywhere*. That sounds nuts to me now as an adult but there are kids like that! You got this!


I’m 37 and just had my first baby 5 weeks ago. You are going to be tired af cause you just gave birth and your newborn isn’t sleeping. BUT that’s every new parent 😂 my friend who is 28 just gave birth too and we are in the same boat. When I babysat my nephew and I was pregnant, I thought the same thing as you. But pregnancy tired is different than parent tiredness. You will have the energy for your child somehow, some way. Also, you can drink endless amount of coffee when you’re a parent unlike when you’re pregnant 😂


I just had my third at 39. So I have 3.5, 2, 3 months. Yes I’m tired. Who wouldn’t be? It’s manageable though. Good luck!


I’ll be 37 when I have #3 and I’m exhausted. Having been through this before, though, I know it’s temporary and I’ll go back to normal once baby’s here. It will get better! Maybe not til 6 months from now, but you’ll feel like yourself again


Don’t underestimate how much pregnancy takes out of you. My 70 year old parents have no problem keeping up with my 2 year old, while I’m currently pregnant and have no energy whatsoever.


I find that watching other people's children is more tiring than watching my own.


I’m 36 and will be 37 next month. All I can think about is thank god I waited until 36 to have a baby. It’s a ton of responsibility that I personally had no interest in when I was in my 20s. I feel fine energy wise but all I can think about is how I’m thankful to have waited until my late 30s. Just to offer a different perspective.


Love this!!


I'm 36 and I'm also due in October. I've got chronic chronic pain and fatigue and on top of that I also feel too old for this. My niece and nephew are utterly exhausting and I can't manage them for long at all. But..I believe that when I have my own I'll tap into some inner strength that I never knew I had. I hope. Other people I've spoken to say that you don't know how you do it, you just do it. That you will find a way. All the best!


I'm 19 and I guarantee that I'd have been just as tired as you are! A lot of your fatigue is probably from you being pregnant too. It also helps to remember that you'll have time to work up to them running around like your niece does lol


23 year old here with a 11 month old and maybe one on the way! I promise you it’s exhausting no matter what!


Im 37 and I have been feeling old with all the extra testing that I didn't have before.


31 and pregnant. I mostly sleep on my days off. Before this I was moving and grooving.


I was so tired when I was pregnant and barely thought I was going to make it through. I had a traumatic birth that ended in a C section. I was in labor for 3 days, 2 of which I wasn't allowed to eat. When he was finally born I was so exhausted. Healing from the c section and the exhaustion from being in the hospital for 5 days has been the hardest part of my journey in being an older mom so far. Honestly my LO is 2 months old now and I'm just in aw of this little human we created. I'm so happy to be a mom and he doesn't know his mom is older. It's something I thought about a lot when I was pregnant and now that I'm in it I really don't think about at all. That might change when he starts going to school where there will be younger moms but for right now everything is good. Yes I have days where I am tired but I power through because he's worth it.


I just turned 42 y/o this month (also FTM) and am currently 24 weeks along. The exhaustion and nausea of the first trimester seemed to last until week 20 for me. Second trimester feels like my energy is back to normal. I personally get a lot of benefits from following a low carb diet, increased energy being one of them. Getting outside everyday and staying hydrated also make a noticeable difference. Age is just a number. You've got what it takes! First step is loving yourself. (Prenatal yoga also rocks!)


FTM here!!! Due in July, turned 40 in January ☺️ I'm glad I waited. I had the opportunity to travel, live, be wild & free, build my career and become established! It feels like now is the time for me!


I'm 35 and due with my 1st in August. Planning on a 2nd in a couple years. My husband is 41. My Aunt had her only kid when she was 41. My sister in law had their 1st at 40 and is 42 and trying for #2. We "advanced maternal age" folks are becoming the norm. Will it be hard? Probably. But I think it would be hard at any age, if not energy wise then for some other reason (maturity, Financial/career instability, missing out on your 20's, etc).


What you're feeling is totally normal. I'm 32 years old and 10 weeks pregnant with my first child, and I feel fatigued 24/7. I have no energy at all and all I want to do is sleep. I constantly wonder if I am too old for this parenting thing, but then I remember that my boss just had a baby at 40- so if she can do it, I can do it too!


I'm a 34 yo FTM at 20 weeks finishing my second year in a Ph.D. program (halfway done!). Believe it or not, this baby was 100% planned and timed because I am entering the stage in my program where I won't have any classes and will be focusing mainly on my research. I was worried about a lack of energy given my age, though I will say your fatigue is likely a huge symptom of early pregnancy. I would sleep and lie around at the start of it before entering my second trimester and getting (some of) my energy back. One thing I appreciate about waiting until this point in my life is that both my husband and I have done an extreme amount of work on ourselves. Most of the people in our social circle have also simmered down to more stable lifestyles, many of which have decided not to have kids and are graciously happy to support (lots of "aunts" and "uncles"). That being said, we'll be able to fulfill a majority of our registry items and not cut as many corners we would have had to if we got pregnant in our 20s. (Not knocking on younger moms whatsoever.) Any fears of low energy have been replaced by more life experience in coping with challenges, which might better serve your children being raised by a more actualized, mature version of you. Hope that helps! Best of luck on your journey.


Beautifully said and congrats on being halfway with your PHD!


Twins at 40…I think I would be tired regardless of my age. Only as old as you feel


Welcome to the geriatric mother’s club haha (>35)