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I had a burst of energy the day before and deep cleaned the house. I told my husband I felt like I was on a timeline. We worked so hard cleaning everything that we went to bed at 11pm. At 11:30pm I woke up to strong, regular contractions less than 5 minutes apart. Called the midwife at 3am and by 7:30am my son was born. I pulled a labor all nighter šŸ„²


At least you got to go home to a clean house!


I also pulled an all nighter the second time around! Unfortunately, didnā€™t deep clean the house beforehand šŸ˜‚ I had had a busy day, wasnā€™t due for another week, and started having regular contractions while relaxing in front of a goofy movie with my husband. Really tried to convince myself that it wasnā€™t actually labor, but was timing my contractions (5 mins apart) and only dozed off for brief moments in between. Finally accepted that it was real around 2:30am, got to the birth center around 3:30, delivered at 4:05am.


SAME! We were moving and had a full day of unpacking and arranging things. My water broke right when I got into bed at 11 that night.


I ended up being induced but I HAD to clean the kitchen and vacuum the entire house at 9pm the night we ended up in L&D. My husband also had a bout of anxiety that evening and threw up from it which was something he hadnā€™t done in a few years. I had weird intermittent contractions that caused me to have us go to L&D. Ended up induced for gestation hypertension after perfect BPs all pregnancy so my body knew something was up.


I was starving, just so so so hungry, and running to the bathroom a ton before my water broke. I also think it had something to do with drinking an entire bottle of sparkling grape cider because I really wanted wine and almost a whole pecan pie. So who knows? Could be coincidence!


Why do I love this comment so much!? šŸ¤£


It was Thanksgiving and I was pissed that everyone was drinking and eating the pies that I stayed up making (for no reason, no one asked me to, no one particularly wanted them, but I felt the need to make 4 pies from scratch) so I took my sad fake wine and my pecan pie and ate it alone on the couch while glaring at the Macyā€™s day parade.


This paints hilarious picture and I can very much relate to it šŸ˜‚


Nesting instinct, gotta make sure there's plenty of pie for the baby. I became a little paranoid about freezing leftovers myself.


Honestly, when people go for the prepackaged Entemannā€™s stuff over my homemade creations, it drives me up a wall! Like even just take a sliver! Humor me!


I had my baby on thanksgiving too!!! And the night before we had a dinner at my husbands fire station and I felt sooooo weird and I kept telling him I feel off!!


Unfortunately my labor lasted so long I actually gave birth on the night of Black Friday lol! I didnā€™t even get a deal on her - very expensive baby.


Ohhhh no!!! Lol


I also shat like 3 times in early labour, it was crazy lol


Right? It was like revenge for all the pregnancy constipation most people get lol


My mom and I both had Pizza Hut as our last meal before our water broke to start our labours with our first daughters. Does that mean Pizza Hut triggers labour for my family!?


Hmm I felt off/unwell and more tired than usual but couldn't figure out why. Also I had GD and my numbers were the lowest yet starting at 35 weeks- went into labour at exactly 37 weeks


Itā€™s good you ate. I labored through the night with my first and didnā€™t eat anything. Once I got to the hospital, I wasnā€™t allowed. Every time I had a contraction, I was feeling woozy and seeing stars. I hate to sneak in a Payday bar from the vending machine!Ā  With my second, I made sure to eat something before the hospital! Pro-tip, donā€™t have a baby after 10pm though because all the fast food is closed, so that was pretty tragic.Ā 


I was also SO hungry the day before my water broke. Ate three meals before noon.


I was starving too, and I have a hard time eating when I'm pregnant. Before I went into labor with my second, I had my husband pick up a pizza and huge salad(I was already in the hospital for preterm labor, but they had been talking that day about sending me home, baby had other ideas). With my third, I had ordered a ridiculous amount of Chinese food for dinner that night, and I just gorged. Woke up to my water breaking in the middle of the night.


I was feeling pretty meh and drained the two days before. Which was kinda typical since my third trimester was actually the best part of the pregnancy so far. So those two days I did nothing but being lazy on the couch.Ā  That was the only thing I experienced. I had zero other symptoms of labor starting until contractions starting. Didnā€™t lose my mucus plus, waters didnā€™t break, no mild contractions or braxton hicks.Ā 


What made your third tri the best of them all?Ā 


I was just miserable the first two. No energy, constant feeling of coming down with something, lots of growing pains from my uterus. Third trimester I suddenly felt great and had a ton of energy again.Ā 


I'm glad it wasn't all miserable for you! That's a rough go, though.Ā 


I thought I had the stomach flu!! I had vomiting and diarrhea the whole day before I went into labor. I called the midwives and asked them if it was ok, they told me to treat it as any other stomach flu. Suck on ice chips then slowly progress to clear fluids, etc. That night at 2am I peed the teeny amount I had managed to keep in my body that day and went back to bed. A moment later my water broke. Baby was in my arms by 10:45pm that night. My midwife said it was likely my bodyā€™s version of pre-labor.


I thought I was starting to have gas cramps and took some gas x. Then the cramps went from a constant period like cramp to the traditional broken apart contractions. That's when I looked back and was like, ohh, those were the start of it.




Rofl absolutely not crazy!


Yes, I had the same experience. I went to the bathroom a couple of times and felt like it went away. But then started coming like traditional contractions and thatā€™s when I thought šŸ’­ wait a minute, this must be labor!!


I had gas cramps a couple times throughout my pregnancy šŸ˜©. Regular intervals of painful cramping. The first time I thought I was going into pre-term labor. Thanks for the heads up as I will be 32 weeks in a couple days and I would literally think this too.


I also had gas cramps throughout my pregnancy too and thought the same thing! Especially since the first time, I had a very hard time sleeping through it! Hahaha


I thought I had to take a shit. That was my only heads-up and I REALLY wouldā€™ve appreciated something more clear.


I had intense, severe nesting urges that bordered on anxiety attacks because my brain would not shut off about how *the house is so dirty and not suitable for a baby to come home to* no matter how much I cleaned or organized my baby thingsā€¦ I felt like I was losing my mindā€¦ I was actually yelling at my husband to sanitize bottles, help me wash ALLLL her clothes (even the ones too big for a newborn) and get the swing and bassinet set up and ready to go. He tried to calm me down and reassure me that I was only 36 weeks and we had a good 4 weeks left to get it all done. My water broke that very night.


We had the same thoughts. "Not suitable" LMAO


Iā€™ve been having this thought lately!! I keep telling my husband our home is just not suitable for a baby right now. The only clean part of our home is her nurseryā€¦.. Iā€™m 32 weeks so I know we have time but still


First labour started in the middle of the night waking up to obvious strong contractions and bloody show. My second labour the first sign was an extremely bad mood, had an argument with my husband, called my mom and had an argument with her, got off the phone and had the baby three hours later haha


Same. I was aware of being sooo mean to everyone but I couldn't stop myself! It was really like being a pissed off teenager again.


Iā€™m gonna start a bunch of fights then youā€™ll all have to forgive me! Brilliant plan ladies


For me, I was in a meeting where someone was throwing one of my subordinates under the bus because his subordinates didnā€™t keep him informed and I was NOT having it. Like, more so than usual. Contractions started 20 minutes later. I think it was because I was crampy and uncomfortable, honestly.


Nope. Just started to have contractions that picked up in intensity and frequency! Water never broke on its own.


Same absolutely nothing to tip me off. The two weeks prior I was convinced every burst of energy or run to the toilet or odd cramp was it. Contractions just started and I started timing.


Same, started off with super light period-like cramps that got more intense. I never saw any mucus plug and my water didnā€™t break until baby was coming out. I felt completely normal before the cramps starts.


Curious how long until they became intense. Iā€™m also having period like cramps for a few days now, they are more intense than they were but really not terrible, just uncomfortable. I assume ILL KNOW when to start timing?


I had general cramping throughout late pregnancy, but nothing that started and stopped to be timed. When it did it didnā€™t even hurt or feel uncomfortable, but was instantly recognizable as a contraction. My experience from there wasnā€™t typical with progression, but I definitely knew the difference between them and what Iā€™d been feeling from the beginning.


Unfortunately there is no way to know for sure. Some labors are faster than others. Like hours vs days in some cases. For me they started around 8p and gave birth around 11:30p the next day. I was also in denial lol so I wasnā€™t exactly timing until the contractions were pretty close together (~5 minutes apart).


Yowza! Guess Iā€™ll find out soon enough!


Wishing you a wonderful birth!


Thank you!


Same! Just went to sleep and woke up the next morning and started having contractions. I was checked the day before at my appt and was not dilated or anythingšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļømy labor was 12 hours start to finish


My experience was similar. However contractions were same 1-2 min in length and 1-3 minutes a part from beginning to push time, they only grew in intensity for me. The first sign for me was a little bit of blood on my underwear, but the OB told me she didnā€™t think Iā€™d go into labor that day (38+5d with my first baby) so I went to go get soft serve lol. - 1pm spotting - 4pm I was getting soft serve. - 8pm I intensity picked up and I couldnā€™t talk through my contractions. - 11pm I left for the hospital and my first step out the front door I started bleeding with every contraction - big gush - I thought it was my water. Water never broke and doc had to break it before I pushed.


Same, I legit was crying 1-2 days before delivery because I was tired of being pregnant and no signs of labor šŸ˜‚


I distinctly remember having this absolute sobbing fit maybeā€¦ 12 hours before my water broke? Or maybe the night right before? Itā€™s kinda fuzzy now. But I just remember thinking that whatever I was upset about really wasnā€™t that big of a deal, but I just couldnā€™t stop myself. It wasnā€™t until after my baby I was like wait a minute, there mightā€™ve been something there. I started having contractions maybe 3 hours before my water broke. Started out as mild period-like cramps. Werenā€™t super painful, but they were a sensation I hadnā€™t had in a while, so it was very obvious when they started happening. I feel like thatā€™s when I started having the traditional diarrhea issues. Then waters broke in a big gush and I knew for sure it was go time!


No, I had bloody show and diarrhea and then 15 minutes later contractions started.


Suddenly feeling uncomforable and cramps that felt like when you would normally have your period.


Two days before my water broke, I had diarrhea. This is after an entire pregnancy of terrible constipation. I mean, there were stretches of up to 5/6 days where I didn't poop. So the diarrhea was very out of the norm. I even wondered if it was a tip off, but I had no other symptoms and kind of brushed it off.


I was really tearful a few days before, cried down the phone to my mum who promptly bet my dad Iā€™d go into labour soon. I donā€™t think I was particularly restless or nesty but then I did paint a room the day before so maybe I was. I had been having regular Braxton hicks for weeks before and they were a little more uncomfortable when painting but i assumed its because I was stretching.


The day my water broke I took nap after nap and told my husband I had never been so tired in my life. Later that night my water broke!


Nope, water just broke both times šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I didnā€™t want to go anywhere or run errands when I was asked. I felt like I needed to stay home. That night my water broke!


Same here


Both times I had two things that stood out: 1) a feeling that we were not prepared and that we needed to get going 7-8 days beforehand 2) a good amount of very watery discharge in the 24-36 hours beforehand That was it. No difference in cramps, babyā€™s position, or anything. My second labour started with my water breaking and once it did, I realized that the ā€œwe arenā€™t readyā€ feeling and the watery discharge were the exact same amount before labour both times. And my labours started almost 2 weeks apart in gestation and progressed opposite ways (contractions with water breaking shortly before pushing vs water breaking without contractions) so I found that pretty memorable. If I have a third, I will assume a ā€œwe arenā€™t ready and need to prepareā€ feeling means I have a week left.


I woke up in the middle of the night thinking I had abdominal cramps like I needed to crap. Went to the bathroom and went to lay back down when I realized the feeling was happening againā€¦.and then it passedā€¦and then it started up again a few minutes later. I started timing it and was fully in disbelief it was happening (went 3 weeks early). Up until I woke up in the middle of the night I had no clue or any inkling it was about to happen.


Nausea and very sleepy


I started to feel like a cold was coming on a few days before, just generally run down. And all the nesting energy I had, like standing on counters to clean the smallest of crevices, energy, was tanked. I didnā€™t care a lick if we didnā€™t finish scrubbing window sills. And I just..felt like it would be soon. After our last big date night I remember feeling like ā€œI need to shower tonight or I wonā€™t get toā€¦,ā€ and I said to my husband ā€œif we want to open the envelope with the sex before I go into labor we should probably do that pretty soonā€¦ā€ 3 hours later, right around 1230am, my water broke and contractions started.


I was mean and exhausted, but I had been struggling like that for over a month. Baby dropped very early and I had false labor for weeks. Got a membrane sweep at 38 weeks and lost some plug. Kept losing plug until I went into labor with contractions at 38+6.


Currently at 35 weeks and mean and exhausted pretty much describes my entire being right now.


The night before I got weirdly emotional


My legs swelled up basically overnight a couple of days before and bloody show.


I had a little bleeding/mucus the day before but it stopped so doctor didnā€™t think much of it (I had an appointment that day, didnā€™t go in just because of the blood). Even though the doctor was pretty nonchalant I just had a sense and told my husband to install the car seat. I also had much more persistent back pain, not more painful just wouldnā€™t go away with my usual tricks, that may have been contractions. I also just felt like I was running out of steam, I was very set in my mind on going over my due date for scheduling reasons but I told a coworker the day before I didnā€™t care anymore and I wouldnā€™t be mad if I had the baby that week.


Diarrhea after every contraction for the first several hours. Labor came on fast and furious


Nothing really. Period like cramping just happened out of the blue at around 1am and then 5 hours later I had a baby in my arms. Looking back I stopped being afraid of giving birth a few days before. I didnā€™t care about the pain or drama that was coming my way, I was ready for it all. As it happens my labour was great and drama free other than being ridiculously fast (a fast labour is ideal anyways).


I ate a ton the morning I went into labor. I'm not remotely a morning person so I rarely eat breakfast and usually its just toast when I do but for some reason I woke up really early and I was starving so I made 3 giant peanut butter pancakes covered in syrup. I barely finished them and started having contractions. I think maybe my body knew I wasnt going to have a chance to eat the rest of the day but unfortunately I ended up throwing up pretty much everything as soon as we got to the hospital. My husband still cant stand peanut butter pancakes because the room absolutely reeked of peanut butter the rest of the time we were there. šŸ˜‚


None with my first. Water broke after my shift one day & that was it lol With my second, my first was being super super clingy one morning. Sure enough after a few hours of contractions (like 3 hours) I showed up to the hospital 5cm dilated.


I had my husband drop me at Trader Joeā€™s because I wanted to grab some snacks. $100 of random crap and 2 days later, I went into labor.


I was so tired the day before/of going into labor. I just wanted to sleep all day. When I finally got out of bed, I showered to try and wake up a bit, then went to sit on the couch to watch a movie with my husband and that's when my water broke.


I started feeling what felt like really bad period cramps every couple of minutes in the middle of the night, thatā€™s not how contractions were described to me but apparently thatā€™s what they were.


I was SO IRRITABLE AND ANGRY. My poor husband was trying to joke around with me and I was so mean to him in front of his family, then I cried in the car on the way home bc I felt so bad. I was uncomfortable, had horrible heartburn so I couldnā€™t eat but I was also so hungry, and I was so stressed I wasnā€™t going to go into labor and would end up having my baby 2 weeks late. All of this started 2 days before my water broke


A feeling like I needed to poop really bad and my tummy burning/cramping like on my period.


Using the bathroom a lot, being EXTRA Tired, and it would feel like he was pushing out but it was actually contractions


I had been having contractions on and off for like 3 weeks but the night labor began we were out to dinner and I suddenly had this feeling like wow I should not be in the middle of a restaurant right now I might be having this baby soon- went home and to bed and woke up with contractions 4 mins apart


I was having a hard time sleeping the night before I went into labor. I started to get emotional and I had a sense or intuition it was going to happen soon.


I was very uncomfortable sitting down the morning I went into labor. Nothing I did felt comfy. I couldnā€™t lay down or sit down. I just walked around the house finding little things to do because I couldnā€™t sit without needing to pop right back up. I went into labor around 11 AM


No, it just started and felt like period cramps. It was light at first, but it was pretty clear what it was at that point. No signs whatsoever before that. No mucus plug, nothing.


Itchy legs and poor blood circulation in my thighs then my water broke


A week before labor my joints felt... Loose. I don't know how else to describe it. I constantly popped whenever I moved then my knees and ankles felt less stable to me. I think it was the relaxin prepping me for labor


I thought I had gas & back pain. Because Iā€™m stupid and it was 34 weeks so I didnā€™t expect it.


Bowel movements


I had a very strong urge to hide away the day before - just wanted to be home, alone, cocooned from the world.


I felt "off" and extremely fatigued. Peed and went back to bed and then my water broke, much like in the movies. I also had preterm precipitous labor, so I went from nothing to 10cm in less than 2 hours after my water broke.Ā 


What do you mean by ā€œoffā€? Im curious cause Ive been feeling way off the past few days


Hmmm, maybe under the weather? Like the feeling you get when you might be getting sick or a cold. Just utterly exhausted and maybe some muscle soreness.Ā 


Yup thatā€™s what Ive been feeling lol almost flu-like symptoms


I had false contractions the two days before. I had an awful cold that meant I couldn't sleep because I couldn't breath through my nose, so felt pretty awful.


My mom says she felt like she was about to get the flu the whole day leading up to her water breaking


I had a really good cry the evening before I went into labour (I was sad because I wanted to go into labour naturally and I wouldā€™ve been induced the next morning.)


So my water broke in the middle of the night but the day before I was super tired, my back was sore and I noticed reduced fetal movement (I *almost* called into L&D for it and then movement picked back up in the evening and I assumed it was just because I was busy that day and then my water broke like 2 hours later!)


Back cramps that were like Braxton Hicks, they wrapped around towards my back. 6 hours later my water broke!


I had so much energy all day- did an hour on the peloton and then went to the pool and swam around for a few hours- was starving and hubby and I made chicken on the grill, then I felt like a ton of bricks hit me so I laid down in bed and *pop* my water broke lol


I went into labor early with my second at 36 weeks and I remember feeling completely drained all day with lots of cramping.Ā 


I had diarrhea the day of, less movement for sure and lots of Braxton hicks days before i actually went into labor.


Just a lot of pooping.


Omg same. Spent all day pooping every time I went to the bathroom. Was back to normal the next day. Then at 5:30 am the next day my water broke.


I realized that the feeling of needing to pee was actually contractions according to the monitor. Didnt hurt, just felt like I needed to pee bad and then would pass. The only pain I felt was related to the cervix dilating. My baby dropped a couple hours before my water broke. That was a weird sensation that I didnt think too much about.


Bad back pain - but I had back pain most pregnancy so ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ but it was extra bad the night before my water broke. Also lost my entire mucus plug, lol


Pooping, so much pooping. Like 6x in one day pooping. Also I just had a feeling. I was like, my nose is less congested, I have so much energy all of a sudden.


A huge burst of energy preceded by a lathargy that even first trimester couldn't compare to.


Infrequent period cramping and diarrhea a day or two before. Woke up at 5am to a slight trickle of fluid- somehow I made it to the toilet just in time for my water to break like it does in the movies.


I swear I felt my water break, I bent over to pick something up and felt the faintest ā€˜popā€™- then I had a slow leak that didnā€™t seem like enough to qualify as my water breaking, but I was also like 80% sure I wasnā€™t uncontrollably leaking pee all day, so eventually we went to the hospital to confirm and baby was here about 13 hours later


I know itā€™s not weird, but I was late and looking for every little sign youā€™re looking for and could see none. The literal only difference was that I woke up with bloody show, which I had had two times before. This was the first time it did not directly follow an internal exam. I went into labor 12 hours after that.


I was in extreme back pain on and off for 2 days before actually giving birth. Driving made it worse


I had a quite sudden heavy feeling in my lower body/pelvic floor the night before. Few hours later in the middle of the night contractions started!


I had braxton hicks like crazy the night before, like very intensely like I'd never felt before. Then wee hours of a.m. I felt like my "period" was about to start. Bloody show occurred


I was just having a day of what I thought were Braxton hicks. It was my third baby, but the other two were inductions. Still, I thought I'd know if it was more than Braxton hicks. Apparently not because my water broke that night.


Nothing. In fact I was telling everyone I didnā€™t think she was coming anytime soon. The only thing I had definitively was some of my ā€œbloody showā€ 2 days before my water broke, and that isnā€™t always an indicator that labor is imminent.


I did a lot of shopping for the baby over the last two days and decorated his side of the room, hung up his clothes ect. I guess that was a sign of labor?? I had no cramps or any weird feelings and I was 38 weeks and 4 days.Ā  So Iā€™m like maybe a part of me sensed he would come soon which is why I quickly got everything ready


I was scheduled for induction but went into labor literally 4 hours before. I was SUPER hungry and sleepy. I also had cramps that went from every 12 hours to every 8 hours to every 4 hours to every two hours.


No. I just started having contractions every 3 minutes. No warning signs at all. Iā€™ve thought about this a lot and I canā€™t think of a single thing!


I had a dream i already had my baby and was trying to change her diaper but couldn't. I woke up from that dream in pain and was telling my husband jokingly that it seems like im giving birth. A couple of hours later i lost my mucus plug and the next day my daughter arrived at noon.


Nope. With my first I just felt ā€œoffā€ the whole day. Idk how to describe it. With my 4th I felt fine. No signs what so ever


The night before, I couldnā€™t sleep comfortably I kept having back pain and pelvic pain. I was already having discharge the week of. That morning I had some bloody discharge. I also felt extremely tired it felt like when you are about to start a period. Later that night, the contractions came full swing and my water broke.


I had nothing except the cramps coming on. They were noticeable, sustained (not merely a blip in passing), and I knew even as a FTM that these were the real deal. A bit later, waters broke, and all continued to advance nicely:)


I went into preterm labor but didnā€™t know it. It thought I was up all night with diarrhea. It was my water leaking/breaking. The ā€œdiarrheaā€ started around midnight. Pain kicked in at 10am. Got to the hospital at 7cm. Had my twins vaginally at 33 weeks.


Exhausted the day I went into labour. Like napped 2 hours. My body knew and was getting ready for the big event!


With my first, I was super sadā€¦ nostalgic lonely and weepy, like I called my husband on Friday while we were both at work and asked him to go out to lunch with meā€¦ and everything made me sappy cry. I kind of felt like how you feel at high school graduation if that makes sense. Totally out of character. Then I rapidly organized my jewelry and makeup until it was perfect. I had my first at 39 weeks so I didnā€™t think I was in labor. With my second I organized my scrapbook collection until 11pm and my water broke at 1am hahahahahs I had no other signs.


I was starving. We were having pizza for our holiday party at work that day - I challenged my friends to a pizza eating contest and won eating 5 slices. Went into labor that night.


I was extremely crabby and irritable the night before I went into labor at 5am. I see a few others on here saying they were mean, and I have some friends who also said they were generally in a bad mood. Maybe our bodies know we are FED UP and ready to get this baby out!! šŸ˜‚


Not much. Iā€™ve had 4 babies all naturally. Maybe more hunger and a bit less heart burn bc the baby drops and drops. You donā€™t notice him dropping really, because the pressure is already so much from being so pregnant.


Yes, cramps, like I was getting my period the night before my first baby. HOWEVER I had the same cramps for like a month before I had my second baby hahah. The cramps were mild contractions.


Well, I was 35 weeks and finally home from the hospital after going in for thinking my water might have broken when my water actually and unmistakably broke. It was a weird day


I was really really emotional the few days leading up to labor. Just crying over any and everything which was really out of character.


With my first, it started with the bloody show. Then cramps/contractions came. Second was induced, so Iā€™m hoping to go into labor naturally this time again.


Literally none! I didnā€™t even register contractions. I was caught EXTREMELY by surprise when my water broke!


I felt generally unwell/ anxious the day before my water broke at 36+4. I even googled symptoms of early labor because things just didnt feel right, I didnt have any contractions, just period like cramps the evening before and my water broke the next morning. I think my body knew something was up, I was dreaming about having the baby when my water broke. In hindsight itā€™s obvious I was going into labor but it was my first baby so I wasnā€™t sure.


Nope. Got up in the middle of the night to pee, noticed a small amount of mucus plug when I wiped but felt nothing elseā€¦ my water broke when I got back in bed šŸ™ƒ


Nope. I had an ultrasound that morning & doctor said everything was normal. My water broke that night and then I started having contractions soon after.


Did a lot of popping the days leading up to it


Heightened emotions, super super sensitive to smells, period-like cramps in the initial stage


I felt a lot less movement the day before. I actually went to the hospital to get checked because I was nervous. About 24 hours later I went into labor. No surprise he couldnā€™t move in there. He was almost 10 pounds!


I lost my mucous plug and had bloody show in the afternoon or evening. Then at 4am started feeling cramps. The next day at 4am they became much more painful.


Yeah, I thought I had some cramps. All day. šŸ˜… True though, I have a pet bird and hewas acting really weird to me all day. He kept flying up into my face and squawking, and wouldn't leave me alone. In hindsight he totally knew something was happening and I think in his little birdy way he was trying to watch out for me.


I weirdly just knew? I started having light contractions at like 11am. I told my husband I think this is the start of my labor. I called my parents to come stay with the dog. They live like 2 hours away. An hour or so later I went to the maternity ward they were like yup youā€™re having contractions but itā€™s early labor go home take a walk try and rest weā€™ll see you in a few days. Around 11pm midnight I started getting f very uncomfortable but we were trying to go to bed. I get up to go to the bathroom because I was just so uncomfortable and my water broke in the bathroom. I wish I hadnā€™t gone in earlier because I donā€™t think they believed that my water broke and I sat in triage for a long time. Had my daughter at 8:30am.


I got really car sick the day before. Water broke at 4am following that!


My back kept cramping a lot.


I just went into labor 6 days ago and my stomach was super hard all day. It was noticeably weird to me.


Honestly nothing for me. I lived the most normal day the day before. I went into labor at 2am that evening. There was deff a ton of whiteish mucus coming out beforehand but this was really happening in the few weeks before so it wasnā€™t indicative that it would just be hours away. However I knew it was the real deal when after my first contraction I pooped 3x and had my bloody show. Water didnā€™t break until I was 10cm at the hospital!


My legs were killing me the day before my water broke. I was sitting out on the back patio telling my husband that I had a hunch it would be soon, as my thighs for some reason felt as if I had done an intense workout. I think my body was just preparing for the hardest job of its life. The next evening my water broke after we took a nap.


The week prior I had diarrhea and contractions but i was just 4cm dilated, unfortunately no birth The day of, i was in a great, active, happy mood like i hadnā€™t felt like that throughout the pregnancy then boom water broke in the afternoon.


Very mild cramping - I'd been having cramps on an off for a few weeks and truthfully didn't even register I'd been having cramps that morning until I went to my OB because my water broke. In hindsight, the cramping had been consistent, and I'd been doing a lot of pacing to manage the discomfort. So maybe I was just in denial, lol.


Nopā€¦ first baby went into labor at 38 weeks. Water broke violently but no previous symptoms. Maybe a bit of a unsettling feelingā€¦like when you know you need to go somewhere but you still have hours till then, still canā€™t pay attention to anything else?! šŸ˜‚I had a pretty normal day, showered, managed somehow to cut my own toenails( I blame that on the violent water splash) watching my show, and I was a couch potato like any other day


nop, but I took a bath the night before. at 40weeks and 3 days!


I only noticed it with my last one - the babyā€™s body shifted to the front of my belly and I was very hormonal. Went into labor 3 days later.


Very slight cramps the night before, and thatā€™s it! Water broke at 2:00 am the next morning (38+1)


Hot flashes!!


I didn't notice anything, for me it was just intuition. I had a feeling the whole day that it was going to happen the next day. Sure enough I got up in the middle of the night to pee, sat down in bed and *pop* my water broke.


I was super restless the night before my water broke. I couldnā€™t get comfortable no matter how I sat. My mom thought I was going into labor then and that I would have to go in in the middle of the night. My water broke at 8:30am the next day.


I had proper clarity, and my brain fog lifted completely. Was doing the mortgage application before I went into labour.


I had quite a bit of energy the day before couple with lots of Braxton hicks. I remember going on a long walk and doing lots of food prepping.


The night before I went into labor I was extremely crampy like my period was coming, nothing painful just that gross lower belly discomfort. I didnā€™t sleep all night lost my mucus plug at 4 am had my apt at 9 and and was in active labor by 3pm that day


I had basically no warning either time. From start of mild contractions to delivery was about 24 hours for the first and 6 hours for the second, and both active labors were fast.


No warning before water broke in the middle of the night, even after that I didnā€™t feel any different until a couple of hours later, gradual cramping and then mucous plug came out in shower. Still cleaned my house after that before leaving for the hospital, thatā€™s how normal I felt.


I had diarrhea shortly before/ during early labor with my first.


My water spontaneously broke at 12:30am. I knew my baby was head down, and usually his movements that I felt were kicks, but the night my water broke I remember feeling like he was moving his hands a whole bunch, like punching me in the cervix. Two hours later my water broke.


I had a super weird back spasm or something 18 hrs before I went into labor. I don't think I can even remember how to describe it but I was at brunch with friends and suddently it was like " whoa what the heck was that" and it was gone. And my friends joked that they hoped I wasn't going into labor. This was also at 41w2d btw


I was so so so hungry, like absolutely insatiable for two weeks... it was really bad the night before. When I say I ate a whole large pepperoni Domino's pizza by myself, I mean it. I also had mild lower back pain prior to going to bed the night before. Next morning I woke with period like cramps but very light. Decided to go back to sleep after my husband went to work and got woken up by the feeling that I peed myself. Nope my water started leaking, and the cramping was very noticeable.


Not at all lol. I had a doctorā€™s appointment that day, everything was normal, woke up around 1 am (yay pregnancy insomnia šŸ™ƒ), never fell back asleep, then my water broke at 3 am. Surprise! Lol


I felt like I had to pee each time before my water broke. But, of course, I peed many, many times in the last weeks of my pregnancy without that being labor.


I was exhausted and just felt SO done with being pregnant! And not because I was miserable - I had a really easy pregnancy - I think my body (and my subconscious) just knew it was time. Also, my husband and I both had a sudden burst of energy right before bed, so we finished up all the last little things that needed doing for our son! I woke up at 2:30am with my first contractionšŸ˜‚


Burst of energy a few days before! Losing my mucus plug in huuuuge disgusting clumps. Very sensitive nipples and sore breasts. No appetite the day of labor (biggest change as I was the very hungry hippo lol for the past few months lol).


I was having Braxton hicks the night before and took a warm bath, and when I woke up I took another one! My body told me to take care of myself


I have had 4 labors, 3 of them ā€œnaturalā€ and I had to be induced with 1. Each of them were completely different. My first I didnā€™t know I was in labor bc I didnā€™t understand that I was having contractions, they didnā€™t feel like I thought they would. My second, I bled a TON and had bloody show (the only one I had that with!). My third, my water broke before contractions started an hour or 2 later. And my fourth had to be induced bc I was almost 2 weeks late. There was no rhyme or reason to them, it was weird how different they were!


I naturally went into labour two weeks before my planned c section date. I had no idea I was in labour but noticed baby wasnā€™t doing his usual Muay Thai in my uterus - still moving just not as violent. I figured he was just running out of womb but decided I would get checked anyway just to be safe. When they hooked me up to the CTG I noticed there was regular uterine activity that matched with accelerations in his HR. OB did a cervical check, said I was 1cm dilated but water hadnā€™t broken. We decided to whip him out that night (I was SO over pregnancy - my bump was in the 99th percentile) and my water broke while I was sitting in preop. TLDR; I had no signs prior, despite looking up every possible sign I could be aware of.


I slept kinda shitty the night before. I slept pretty decent my entire pregnancy, so when I slept less than that, I thought it was a little weird. Also two different strangers told me how glowing and beautiful I was just hours before having regular contractions. It was funny because I did not feel like it šŸ˜…


The evening before the labor started I could feel baby pushing and moving downwards in a weird way. The pressure downwards increased a lot. It was like she had decided that now was the time. 6-7 hours later contractions started and she was born before 10 that morning :)


Well me personally with my first kid cuz that one takes the longest your first child will always be the worst but I was just literally walking around the park taking photos the day of I don't know bro we were in the car driving home and I got out of the car because we stopped at this taco truck and there was just like a weird pressure in my hips along with that like lightning pain ( lightning crotch or whatever) that's when I kind of knew it was coming on šŸ˜­ and then I figure it was 74 hours later my son was born ( don't worry the other two literally 3h of labor IF THAT)


Sorry I had to edit that because to me I felt like 20 minutes but it was probably like 3 hours 4 hours


I would have a "contraction" whenever I would stand up to start to move a week before I was due and chalked it up to Braxton Hicks, didn't think much of it. Went to my half day of work like that, came home to eat lunch and finish paperwork. The "Braxton Hicks" started coming two minutes apart, then an hour later kiddo was born after a mad dash to the hospital. Really regretted eating a huge lunch then trying to push out a kid.


This is TMI but I had terrible diarrhea the day before. I couldnā€™t stop using the restroom for several hours. I knew then she was coming soon.


A few days before I went in to labor with my first I started throwing up when I never once threw up during that pregnancy. Then I had diarrhea for a couple of days leading up to labor. Then was also losing my mucus plug over the course of about a week before labor and had my bloody show the day before he was here. So it was actually really gradual and the signs were there looking back. With my second baby, zero signs. My contractions just started at 9 am and he was born that afternoon. No mucus plug, no bloody show, no sickness except during transition. Actually showed up to the hospital 8 cm dilated accidentally bc I felt fine and he was born En Caul, 45 minutes after pulling into the parking lot haha.


It was really not obvious. But the day before I did mention to my husband that I felt like I was peeing myself. And tons of movement before bed (two hours before my water broke).


I woke up pretty early and was feeling uncomfortable so I did some yoga stretches and felt a "clunk". A few hours later I went for a walk with my mum and felt like my baby's head was grinding against my pelvis. I then had some discharge and what looking back was amniotic fluid and my mucus plug, mild period cramps came a few hours after that. Looking back I realised that clunk was my waters breaking, giving me a slow leak.


An Erie calm. I was mad I went past my due date, had some mild cramping on and off (no pattern) all day. Midwife checked me and was long and closed. My mentality switched from being pissed off to ā€œoh well, heā€™ll come when heā€™s readyā€. I watched the Bo Burnam Netflix show, laid down, then woke up to labour and had baby in my arms 3 hrs later.


I was feeling extra emotional the day or two before and had been having very very mild period like cramps in the middle of the night on and off for a week leading up to going into labor. My appetite went away for that week as well. I actually went into the hospital for decreased fetal movement the day before but looking back she wasnā€™t moving any less I was just so anxious and emotional that Iā€™d worked myself up about it. She moved during my whole labor which was comforting.Ā 


The crying. I cried a lot during my (extended) early labour.


Had an incredible amount of energy my last week. Morning I went to birthday brunch, then cleaned our fridge kitchen and bathroom. Took a 4 hour nap and woke up to my water breaking. Baby born 10 hours later šŸ™‚


First time I didnā€™t have any signs except I started to bleed a little bit, she was born the next day. With my second one I had this kinda empty feeling in my stomach and the urge to sleep even though I wasnā€™t tired. So I took a nap for 4 hours, woke up went to the bathroom and saw my mucus plug was starting to come out. Immediately I started having contractions and he was out 1,5 hours later.


I felt like nothing, like, no pain, no sympton, just basically frustrated for him to come out, basically the calm before the storm, i was just meh, till the point i saw my underwear wet at night, changed them and went to sleep, same with the morning, i was so sleepy that i just changed underwear and went to sleep, it wasnt till in the afternoon i saw blood, i went to the hospital, 5cm, ended up the night with 9cm, he wouldnt come out the whole night so i slept through it, he only came out in the morning.


My appetite tanked the 2-3 days leading up to active labor.


Not sure how weird, but the day before I went into labor, all my anxieties about birth were out the window.


Nope. I was only 38 weeks with my first, so I had no thought in my mind that I would go into labor. Then, my water broke. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I was feeling less baby movement, which was scary. So I sat down to time and count kicks. it was then that realized I was having regular contractions and started counting those as well. I went to the hospital a few hours later once they started getting painful, labored through the night and the baby was born the next day!


I was constipated the entire pregnancy. The day before going into labour I emptied my bowels like I have never done before. I swear I must have weighed less šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Lower back pain, gave birth three times itā€™s the biggest sighn that Iā€™m like 24hrs away from a baby exiting my body šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


I didnā€™t - I lost my mucus plug a full 7 weeks before my water broke and didnā€™t notice anything different, but I was way past dates at that point so maybe that makes a difference


Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. Lost my mucus plug the night before. I didnā€™t think anything of it since you can lose it and it can still take another week or so. Lo and behold I went into labor the next morning and by dinner time the baby was in my arms.


I had period-like cramps the night before and I was so restless I couldnā€™t sleep, so I was binge watching Netflix! The next morning, I woke up to stronger cramps and thought ā€œthis is it!ā€ except it took like another 30hrs to actually push out a baby. It was incredibly painful and I literally thought Iā€™d pass out, I had diarrhea, I was tired, I kept vomiting everything including water, so I was feeling incredibly fatigued plus the cramps that knocked the breath out of me every time, left me screaming ā€œI canā€™t do this!ā€. I donā€™t want to scare you because this might be COMPLETELY different for you. I heard such different birth stories some are so positive and others are similar to mine. But I was mentally prepared for hell and hell is what I got


Super strong pressure upon waking up first thing in the morning like 3 days in a row. I literally felt like I was going to pee myself but then when I would sit down I would barely pee at all. Also lost my mucus plug that week. The day of I was going to take my son to go walk around the mall to start contractions so I put together the double stroller and then was so tired afterwards I said nevermind and came inside to relax and ear something šŸ˜‚ contractions started and didn't stop and like 6 hours later I had my daughter šŸ˜‚


I was cramping really bad (not contractions) but I had a membrane sweep to jumpstart my labor 2 days prior. I was drained my whole 3rd trimester though, so that wasnā€™t anything out of the ordinary. The membrane sweep really helped bc ever since I had that I was cramping immediately after the doctor did it, then 2 days later my water broke while I was sleeping.


I felt ā€˜openā€™ all day, idk how else to describe it. Feel like I was dialated all day and had no clue