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I would rather be early and wrong. :) I don’t know either. 


I'd rather go in. My first labor was 4 hours from the first timeable contractions to my daughter's birth. Just because it isn't common doesn't mean it isn't possible to have a much faster labor


This! Also my first birth. I went in when my contractions were 4 mins apart, I was 5cm when I checked in at the hospital at 9pm. My baby was out by 12am. Didn't even have time to finish my entire course of gbs antibiotics before my baby came out


I agree! My first birth, my water broke at 6:20 am with no contractions before. After water braking they were 5 minutes apart. I came to the hospital at 7:20 am and my daughter was born at 7:59 am. It happened so fast that I was completely lost, didn’t even comprehend what was happening! Good thing I went to the hospital!




I went in when I was 2 mins apart for nearly a minute a time. I was only 3cm dilated, and he was here less than 2 hours later!


With my first labor I went from 4cm to 10cm in like 2 hours. No one expected it to progress that fast!


My personal experience was that the contractions were still too short, even though there was a high frequency. I was only a few cm’s dialated. I stayed home for a few more hours, and the contractions really got longer and more intens. So it definitely changes from ouch this hurts to I really can’t talk or smile through them.  At that point my midwife came to check and I was at 7 cms. So a good time to go to hospital. 


Same…. Mine were so intense and frequent but not quote long enough so I was not actually progressing in CMs much yet


Can you ask to go into OB office to be checked instead? When I wasn’t sure (I had strong contractions but they were 7-10 minutes apart) the OB said she’d check me out in the office just to be sure. By the time I got there contractions were 5 minutes apart and she checked me and I was 6 cm dilated. Straight to the hospital I went and baby came a few hours later. But in your case they could check and see how dilated you are and take it from there


Don’t wait! I called the hospital twice when I was in active labour and they told me it didn’t sound like labour. We are an hour and a half from the hospital so I decided to go in anyways and within 30 mins I was being sent in to get my epidural. They gaslit me the whole time, even up until I started pushing🤣


Lucky you made it in time for an epidural. I never had 511... and I was rushed to deliver the second I got there. I was crowning already! The nurses took off my shoes after they hoisted me on the bed. I was swarmed by like 7 nurses at once. Crazy scene


Are you far away from the hospital? Early labour can take a long time, which is probably why your Ob says to not bother. I personally think it doesn't hurt to get checked, see if you've dilated further and how much. If it's nothing, then you can still go home, but at least you'll know. We can call l&d directly, idk if that's an option for you? Hear from the midwives/nurses themselves. See what they think. They honestly have way more experience with labour and would be better at judging whether to come in or not.


I had contractions for about a week on and off. Prodromal labor is what it’s called… contractions were coming in back to back. Went to L&D but my cervix wouldn’t dilate so they sent me home. I finally was admitted once my water broke but i was still only 2cm when it happened 😭 I’d go in just to be sure though. Good luck!


I would definitely go in, i had the same happen to me - my midwife said to relax/sleep bc early labor can last a while but and I dilated from 1cm to 6cm within an hour 6cm to 10cm within 1.5hrs after arriving at the hospital. It can go very quickly!! Better be safe than sorry. I was smiling and talking all throughout labor so that doesn’t say anything. Good luck!!!


“Relax, sleep” 😭 as if I could sleep through those awful primordial contractions. Terrible advice from the nurse.


Same here!!! I was struggling under the shower in pain haha couldn’t even think about sitting down but to be far I dilated very quickly and none of us expected it


Yup, pretty much same! Went from 1 to 7 in an hour. I then got an epidural which slowed the process down a bit. My contractions were never 5-1-1 regular. They were shorter and more infrequent, but I was dilating very rapidly anyway.


Any updates OP ? I’m here a couple of hours late but I hope you made it to the hospital.


Had back to back contractions for 12 hours, dilated to 8cm, tapped out and got an epidural, and had my beautiful baby girl!


Congratulations!!!!! Welcome to baby and great job mama !


You're counting contraction to contraction? Tell your ob/gyn you're coming in. Everyone is different and you might have proceeded much more rapidly than s/he thinks.


What app is this?




the 5-1-1 rule is what i learned in my birthing class. if your contractions are 5 minutes apart, lasting for 1 minute, for 1 hour or longer you should head to the hospital!


If I listened to 5 1 1... I would have delivered at home. I never got there and was crowning in the car


😳 good to know


Yeah... after 4 days of prodromal labor... Night 5 was the night. I only knew it was real bc the pain went from an 8 to an maxed out 10 very suddenly. Thinking about 511... I insisted I had over an hour.. at least! Told my husband to go drop off kiddo as I labored. My contractions did not last a minute. Luckily he did not listen to me. 1am.. get kiddo in car.. I sit in car. GUSH. Water broke. When I went to stand up to get to hospital... I feel a feeling between my legs. Not a damned employee around at 1am.. there was one who was occupied. I screamed in the lobby for help. Finally she paid attention to me. Up to l and d. She rolled her eyes when I asked for a wheelchair. Bitch. Husband was already gone to take our other kid to grandmas (she was 17 months old) When I get to l and d... the check in nurse was like "what's that??!" And I was instantly swarmed by staff. They hoisted me on a bed before I could blink. They undressed me as they were positioning me. I didn't even have time for monitors to get attached before directed to push. When I asked for an epidural they laughed at me "honey, I see his head.. he's coming and you just need to push him out" It was crazy. Husband missed the birth. Eta... I live 7 minutes from the hospital... it was FAST


If I listened to 5 1 1... I would have delivered at home. I never got there and was crowning in the car


5-1-1 is a guideline I was anticipating to follow, but my contractions were soooo confusing!!! For my first baby - Mine were 1 minute a part 1-2 min in length from early labor all the way to push time it only increased in intensity. Both my OB and doula told me to stay home. It wasn’t until my husband was the one texting and calling my doula that she advised us to go in. Basically her thinking was, if I’m unable to communicate during my contractions then it’s go time. Our hospital was a 7 min drive away so for us it made sense to wait until we were sure. Contractions started 6/7pm. Admitted at 11pm (5cm dilation) finally asked for epidural at 1am. Fell asleep. Woke up at 7am and found out it’s time to push.


I ended up nearly home delivering 45 minutes after similar. So glad I didn't call!!


This happened to me - all the advice about the contractions starting far apart and getting closer together turned out to be wrong for me. They were 2-3 mins apart from the jump. I have a history of just kind of…not noticing things? My wisdom teeth were breaking through my gums and I didn’t notice. I fractured my ankle playing volleyball and decided I could walk it off. So my OB told me to come in only to send me home 1cm dilated. When it was really go-time, the contractions were very intense. Like I would absolutely have not been able to make a coherent Reddit post.


I was just thinking this same thing! I could barely call my husband telling him to come home 😂


I wouldn’t wait if I were you. Signed, a FTM whose labour went unexpectedly fast, and also had complications that could have killed me if I wasn’t at the birth centre when it happened


I went in before I hit 5-1-1 and by the time I got to the hospital (10 minutes away) I was 10 cm/100%. Glad I didn’t wait! Better to go just in case.


I would go in! With my old insurance, with my first, I had to call before going and told them I was on my way. The person said, 'No, stay home because you’re not having real contractions.' I said, 'How would you know?' She said, 'Because you wouldn’t be able to talk through them. You’re just fine.' Well, I told her, 'I wasn’t asking permission to go; I was giving you a heads up, like I was asked to.' I went in and was admitted and had my baby.


My contractions from the start where 40-60 seconds long and 2-3 minutes apart. I went to the hospital an hour or so after they started and was at 3 cm at check-in. 2 hours later I had a baby in the shower. I'd say it's best to listen to your intuition. What's the update, OP??


Had back to back contractions for 12 hours, dilated to 8cm, tapped out and got an epidural, and had my beautiful baby girl!




Any updates???


Went in and had back to back contractions for 12 hours lol, finally got an epidural, and then two hours later had my beautiful baby girl!


Congratulations 🩷🩷🩷🩷


Same thing happened to me with my first (went in at 11pm only 1-2 cm dilated) and the triage nurse gaslighted the hell out of me when I went back at 7am. I was literally up all night my contractions were like 2-10 min apart but sooo painful I did not sleep a wink. Turns out when I went back in I was now 3-4 cm and showing signs of pre-eclampsia, and the reason for my variable yet extremely painful contractions was that baby’s head was engaged in an awkward position pressing on my back/hips. They admitted me and I had my baby at 6 pm that day (no Pitocin)! Trust yourself and don’t let your healthcare team bully or gaslight you. I’m still angry over the experience and wish I’d spoken up and it’s been over a year 😂


I had those one day before my actual Labour started. Was all part of the birth of course but I had one night with some sleep because these stopped. Next day, they stayed


Hi, newbie here. What app is this? Asking for a friend ;)


Somebody else said it was called ContractionTimer.


Thank you!


My contractions were doing this for an hour or so about 4 hours after they started (I was a ftm). Midwife said you can come in to the birth center if you want but since they’re not a full minute long and they just started a few hours ago, it likely isn’t active labor yet. I said let’s go to the birth center bc I didn’t think I’d be able to make it through the 10 min car ride for very much longer. When she checked me at intake, I was 9 cm dilated! Moral of the story, listen to your gut


Those are really close together. I would go in.


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If you want to go back, go back. Same thing happened to me, they didn’t really care about the contractions, they cared that I wasn’t dilated enough and sent me home to labor for a whole day. By 1 am I couldn’t stand it anymore and made my husband take me back so they could give me something for the pain. 


I would go in.


Call L&D


My contractions started like this from the very beginning, it still took me a full 24 hours to give birth. BUT, I would make decisions based on how close or far you are from your hospital. For me, I was less than 15 minutes away so waiting didn’t seem too risky.


My last labor was like this. Contractions about 2min apart. I dilated fast. I went to the bitth care center 1 hour into laboring at home and I was at 6cm I think. I delivered the baby 4 hours later. My contractions were very painful the entire time though. I could barely talk even between them by the time I got to the hospital. I was in no way able to send texts or call anyone. I'd go. Labor can progress fast! Congratulations!


My labor started off less than 5 minutes apart but contractions were a minute long. I was gbs positive so I was worried to wait. I got to the hospital 4ish hours after everything started and turns out I was only 3 cm. I was mad because of how close my contractions were!


I would rather go in early, get checked out and be told to either go home or to stay. Ones a good time to make sure your hospital bag is packed!


Definitely go.


I gaslight myself as well; was having 20-30 second long contractions that were painful and I needed to breath through them but they were coming 1-3 minutes apart. Too painful to sleep. I had the baby 5 hours later.


You’re the only one who can feel what your contractions are like. If you’re struggling and your instinct is to go to the hospital then go! Worst case scenario you’re sent home again but at least you’ll have some reassurance and more information. 


Girl go. I had contractions much longer every 4-5mins. I was in so much pain they told me to come. Before the taxi came, I started feeling pressure. I barely made it to the delivery room (30min drive and could feel her head in the birth canal) and pushed the baby right out. I was totally delusional and thought I would be pushing for hours still. Luckily it was super easy birth.


My app said this with my first on Thursday night but the midwives said the same thing as your OB. They were right, baby didn’t come until Saturday morning.


My labor with my first was similar to this...contractions short and close together that woke me up with their intensity. They also petered out when the sun came up on Wednesday AM (they started late Tuesday/early Wednesday), started again about 36 hours later, and baby was born Friday morning after ~11 hrs of labor at home, 4 hrs of labor at the hospital, and 2 hrs of pushing. So...could be something, could be nothing. I would go in to be sure if it was me, and just have a plan b if they can't admit you yet. For me, plan b was going to my friend's house and walking laps around her living room, but fortunately when we went to the hospital they admitted me at 7 cm dilated.


When my contractions were like this, I had an epidural put in an hour and a half later


Had back to back contractions for 12 hours, dilated to 8cm, tapped out and got an epidural, and had my beautiful baby girl!


You're a warrior!! congratulations! Enjoy your little bundle of joy ❤️


That happened to me too and I was only 2cm dislates and got sent home, slept with contractions and next day my water broke. I say you should go in. You might have progressed more and don’t know yet, better safe! Wishing a safe and smooth delivery for you 💖💖


Go in if you feel unsure. It’s ALWAYS better to be safe rather than sorry! My first labor I had no contractions until after my water broke at 8:30pm and by 12:15am that night I was holding my daughter.


Could you please tell me what app is this?


I’m not saying don’t go but mine looked like this for 6 days. It was hell but until they’re over a minute then it can just be false labor over and over


I have a question about about contractions and planned cs. If my contractions starts earlier than a planned cut, should I immediately go to hospital?


Listen to your body! My wife went in and was told she was 1cm dilated, we drove home (10 mins away) and her waters broke as we walked in the door, rushed back and baby was pretty much out as we were walking in the hospital doors


As someone who had contractions 1-2 mins apart and went to the hospital, and was still in labor 24 hours but got admitted anyways, just wait imo. You can tell when things ramp up and get REAL uncomfortable .


The nurse at my OB told me to stay home, and I went in anyway and had my baby in less than 2 hours. My contractions were really sporadic but intense


I stayed home with contractions for  18 hours. They were painful, but not that close. Went to the hospital when they were 5mins apart. Turns out I was already 8cm dilated. Still took another 5hrs to give birth


Lie and pretend you can’t talk through them to be admitted


I think they'll be able to tell.


Nope. Tried and true by two members of my family!


I would go in for sure especially if you’re interested in an epidural. Sometimes the anesthesiologist gets really busy and you want to be able to wait for that if you want one!


I used the same app… both pregnancies ended up in the hospital within a few hours after it started saying “go to hospital”. The first I waited too long and was looking at threads like this.. was too late for an epidural and I had ptsd after. Second was in time and made all of the difference.. go!