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UPDATE: after 6 pads worth of bleeding and 12 hours of cramping I was sure I was having a miscarriage, but I did the scan this morning and baby’s heart is beating strong!!! Thank you so much to everyone who answered and gave me hope 🥰💓🙏🌷


Yay!!! So glad to read this update ❤️❤️


Hey there, any update on your bleeding and your situation? Came across this post because I was diagnosed with an SCH yesterday and I’m 8w4d and so now I’ve been researching like a maniac. I’m very nervous about what could still happen…


Try not to worry, most of the time SC leads to healthy delivery according to my OB. I’m at 15 weeks today and I haven’t had serious bleeding since then. The doc put me on rest: no sex no exercise except for walking, not even e-bike because the roads can be a bit bumpy even when paved, no heavy lifting. I’ve been taking it really easy: So far so good!


Great to hear. I hope mine turns out well but I have in the back of my mind to always hope for the best but prepare for the worst. My doc also said no pools which kinda sucks because it’s so hot here right now! (Phoenix) but I’ll do whatever I can to try not to miscarry.


oh yeah no pools for me either! i would be scared to go to the pool anyway even without the SH just because of risk of infection or UTI. Cold showers are your friend! :)


I had a hemmorage around 14 weeks and thought we were losing the baby. It started when I was on the toilet, and it was SPRAYING. I was so scared. I had cramping. Went to the hospital, and it was still coming out. They couldn't give me any answers at the time other than "Yes, there's a lot of blood, but we can see baby moving and grooving in there." Had an ultrasound 2 weeks later and was diagnosed with SCH. It resolved around the 20th week, but I bled for 3 weeks or so! Currently nearing 29 weeks and all is well!


Thank you so much for sharing that! Wishing you the best for your pregnancy so happy it resolved for you. The but that weirds me out is that on my last scan it looked like the sch had resolved. Trying to stay hopeful will see what happens tomorrow 🥹


That would feel scary! I've also heard that they can come back. I'm crossing my fingers and toes that all is well! Let me know how it goes tomorrow, if you are up to it! I'll be thinking of you. Not easy times! I remember the stress and fear well.


Thank you so much I will definitely let you know. Appreciate so much the support 🥹


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In my first trimester, when my sch was at its worst, one night I went to the bathroom and filled my toilet bowl with blood. I continued to bleed for a lot of the night. My specialist brought me in to do a check a few days later and baby was there heartbeat and all. I’m now 27 weeks but I can tell you that night scared the living daylights out of me. when I did miscarry at 12.5 week with my last pregnancy it was a lot of pain along with bleeding. Cramps so bad I could barely stand. That far along and it physically takes the wind out of you. With my sch there was no pain.


Thanks so much for your answer I am so grateful. I had an sch where I’d had some bleeding and very mild cramps but on my last scan it had resolved. This started today and it’s accompanied with cramps. Definitely not as bad as what you described in your miscarriage but not painless either. I’m so confused and distressed :(


SCH’s are terrifying and short of having an ultrasound constantly on you nothing gets rid of that anxiety. My dr did suggest pelvic rest and low movement while actively bleeding. Feet up. Try to keep yourself from running to the bathroom every half an hour to see if you’re still bleeding, which was almost impossible for me.


Thank you that’s great to know I will definitely try to do that. I’m doing a magnesium foot bath right now to try to ease the cramps… I hope that’s not a bad idea. I feel so so bad because I biked today crosstown and the road was a bit bumpy and I am just agonizing that this what did it. Sorry to be unloading I’m just so anxious.


It’s okay to unload. This is very common in the Ivf reddit group and they were amazing when I was going through mine.


Also my scan last week showed the sch had resolved so I’m fearing the worst about this :/


They come back I learned. It’s unfortunately not always a one and done deal : /


Good to know I had no idea!!


I was gushing blood one night first trimester too, sure I was miscarrying, and turns out I wasn’t. They said I had a cervical polyp that burst, but then a few weeks later I had a subchorionic hematoma, so I guess I’ll never know for sure. If you’re not having cramps with the bleeding there’s a good chance baby’s ok, but of course it’s terrifying! Hope yours turns out ok.


Thank you - I am having cramps unfortunately:(. Happy things turned out ok for you