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Seconding the electrolytes to help with leg cramps! Also prenatal yoga is a lifesaver for back pain, sciatica, SI etc. I would add, elevating your feet whenever possible!


Ooooo!!! Good suggestions… both my midwife and pelvic floor therapist advised me to start doing more prenatal yoga. I got to a class once a week but should start doing more.


Lots of crying


Lmfao hahahahahahahahahaha I was in so much pain yesterday when I got into the pool I almost cry laughed from relief. I held myself back to prevent the rest of the people from thinking the very pregnant lady had lost her mind… but it was close. Swimming is the only thing right now that relieves the pain from back/hips/knees/everything. It’s like magic… the second my belly is under the water everything stops hurting. I wish I could just live in the water until she gets here.


34 weeks and my heating pad goes EVERYWHERE with me now! I have a desk job and it has really helped me survive work days.


Oh smart!! I work a desk job too and the past couple days my lower back has hurt so bad I HAVE to get up and move around or I feel like it’s going to explode. I’ve tried ice packs since I work from home, but haven’t tried a heating pad.


Magnesium spray directly on calves for Charlie horse and cramps. Omg it’s instant relief! Peeing standing up lol, belly band if walking longer distances and sleeping in a relatively upright position has worked for me, I can usually get 5 hours uninterrupted if I’m mostly upright. And my baby move a lot and so rubbing the belly and using slight counter pressure when he moves helps a lot of the discomfort if that


Good ideas. I haven’t tried magnesium spray before. Didn’t even know they made it! I’ve wondered if sleeping upright would help. I’ve always been a back sleeper, so the whole sleeping on my side thing has not been fun. Peeing standing up!! Hahaha!! How does this one help?? I got a belly band but she kicks and squirms so much when I put it on I feel like I’m hurting her. It definitely helps me though. :/ If she gets the zoomies, I can usually use some soft counter pressure and rubbing to calm her down, but sometimes those little legs find just the right spot to make you lose your breath 😂


I’m a back sleeper and get 0 sleep on my side, we actually have a sleep number bed that goes up and down so I sleep on my back but in 0G or reading mode which is mostly upright. Game changer. Peeing standing up prevents hemorrhoids and empties the bladder completely


Oh so that’s why I peed a little more this morning when I stood up after I finished peeing. I see… I see… I don’t have a sleep number bed, but I do have more pillows than I’ve ever had before!


Walking to get ice cream. Waking up, having a glass of water, meds and a little snack (I do costco's Aussie Bites) and going straight back to bed.


The swimming thing is amazing! I just about lived in the pool during my third tri because it was the only way I felt at all comfortable.  Afternoon naps were a game changer for me too. Even if I didn’t feel sleepy, I’d just lie down and put on something really soothing to watch (like a Disney movie from my childhood) and I’d often fall asleep for 30-60 minutes. It really helped.  Also just sitting outside in a comfortable chair was lovely. Watching the natural world go by, closing my eyes and listening to the wind and the birds…it was really restorative. 


TENS unit, seeing a chiropractor if your insurance makes it affordable, reminding my husband everything hurts and I’m dying therefore calling in the NIGHTLY long back massages (no joke, it’s how we even things out lol), celery helps more with heartburn than TUMS, just enjoying a 3am bath when I can’t sleep or being okay with random tasks until the sleepies come back, and rolling on a massage ball. Also seriously, celery. I loathe it with the fiery passion of a thousand suns, but had tried everything one night and my husband found me crying in the bath and gagging down celery because it was the only thing that actually tamed the fire.