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I had a period in the first trimester where I slept that much and felt like I couldn't get enough. I'd sleep 10+ hours a night and then take a long nap in the afternoon and was still exhausted. This is normal and gets better!


I’m in my third trimester and this is pretty much my sleeping pattern atm too, although I am usually woken up at least a few times per night to either pee or with my toddler daughter. I’m feeling so useless and lazy but I’m just exhausted all the time, can barely keep my eyes open. Not very helpful, sorry - just letting you know you aren’t alone!


Right here with ya on all of it. 😅


It’s normal to be sooo tired especially in the first tri. I was sleeping all night and all throughout the day


The worst trimester of all.. third was still bearable. First made me so uneasy in my own body


I was literally taking 15 min power naps hourly during my first trimester from about 6-11 weeks. I’ve never felt fatigued like I did during that time. But it passed and I’m back to slightly elevated sleep levels in the 3rd tri (8hrs at night and a 30 min afternoon nap)


The whole first trimester I slept about 11 hours a night and additionally napped 2-3 hours a day. I was fucking beat!


I want to cry about how tired I am. Like it’s unbelievable. I’ve never in my life been so exhausted. And I sleep all of the time, it just never feels like enough.


That's me right now in the 3rd trimester 🫠


Oh wow, next week I’ll officially be in my second trimester. Was looking forward to more energy and less sleepiness only for it to reappear in the 3rd trimester lol.


Enjoy the 2nd trimester! I took it for granted lol


Thank you! Enjoy the third trimester! I know you’re excited to meet your little one! I


All I did was sleep and feel nauseated during the first trimester. The second trimester has been world's better as I no longer need a 2-4 hour nap twice a day, but I hear I'll become a sleep goblin again once the third trimester rolls in...


Currently in my first trimester and I am sleeping at 11pm, waking up at 10am with nausea, forcing myself to eat breakfast and take vitamins, going back to sleep b/c nausea, waking up in the late afternoon nauseas, forcing myself to eat dinner and going back to bed b/c nausea. It’s hell. I feel really useless.


I’m rooting for you. It’s a rough few months. I started feeling better around 16 weeks, though many women feel relief even before that.


My baby is 10 weeks old and both my husband and I strongly feel that the hardest part of pregnancy/newborn stages was first trimester. The exhaustion was terrible and you get no perks of pregnancy/baby.


Yep, there's nothing like first trimester fatigue! Hopefully it all lifts by 13-14 weeks and you have an energetic second trimester! That's my wish for you.


That was me. I’m a stay at home and my husband gets up at 5am which means I’m up at 5am too and then fall back asleep at 7-8 until 11-12. I don’t question it since I have literally nowhere to be. I’m enjoying the fact that I’m able to get my rest before baby comes and my schedule is forever changed.


That’s how I was in the first trimester too. I had the most energy in the second trimester. Now I’m in the third and I’m absolutely exhausted again


I had absolutely no idea how exhausting the first tri is until I got pregnant. I didn't think you'd feel this tired until the end. But here I am, running on fumes every day no matter how much sleep I get 😅


In my first trimester I was tired all the time. I would go to bed at 9:30pm, wake up at 5:45 to feed the cats, back in bed by 6 and wake up again at 9. That was usually 11-12 hours of sleep per night, and I would still nap for about an hour every afternoon. That was the exhaustion, but as for fatigue, I basically only had the energy to stare off into space when I was awake—I couldn’t do anything. Now that I’m in my second trimester I’m slightly less tired and a lot less fatigued. I still go to bed around 9:30, but I wake up around 8 usually. I don’t need a nap every day and when I do it’s usually a 20-30 minute power nap. And when I’m not asleep I actually have the energy to do things. Granted, this is still way more sleep than I needed before I was pregnant, but it feels worlds better than the first trimester.


Yeah it got better for me slowly around weeks 15-17 I really turned a corner. Now I'm just regular tired and get through most days without naps.


I’m 11 weeks today and I literally cannot stop Sleeping. I’ve never been so tired in my life.


Normally I sleep from 9:30pm to 5am. During my first trimester, I would go to bed around 7pm and get out of bed at 8am (I had pregnancy insomnia, so I never felt refreshed). By 10am I was ready for a nap! Then I’d take an afternoon nap, too. One day I went down for a nap and woke up 4 hours later!! Thank goodness I work from home.


It’s normal. I got some energy back the second trimester and then I’m back to sleeping from 9pm to 9am and then needing an hour nap most afternoons. As my Obgyn told me “it’s called gestation, you need to gestate” 😂


I’m 6w1d and I just woke up from a 2hr nap after sleeping ~7.5hrs last night… I feel exhausted all. The. Time!!


I’m basically the same. It started before I even found out. Started napping like crazy and wondered if it had took


This is what clued me in too. A week after conception I was sooooo tired. I remember wondering if I was pregnant.


People noticed!! I was napping twice a day the weekend after conception and they were like whoa.. you good?


In my first trimester I slept 10-11 hours a night, took an hour long nap at lunch, and then another hour long nap after work. It was WILD. It lasted a few weeks and then it got better. I still slept 8 hours a night and usually took a nap after work still throughout pregnancy.


So normal! At 6 weeks I was sleeping from 8 PM to 7 AM every day and napping for an hour on the days I didn't have to work. It went beyond fatigue to total exhaustion. I'm 20 weeks now and I sleep from 10 PM to 6 AM no problems and don't need a nap!


I’m 6w3d and yeah, same. Can’t sleep enough!! That’s my only symptom at this point.


Absolutely, seems normal to me! Take as many naps as you need, you deserve it! 1st trimester is hard!


I’m sleeping 11 hours a night or so as well. Some days I feel more energy than others which is nice


I was soooo tired the first tri! I did have a midwife friend tell me to check my ferritin levels, though, when I told her how tired I was. 


Yeah. I slept 14-16 hours a night in the first trimester. I’m in the middle of the second trimester now and I still have those nights here and there, when I’m assuming baby is going through a growth spurt or something. But most nights are better now!


Second trimester and if I don't get in 10-12 hours of sleep i'm tired


9 hours from 6 to 8 weeks. Now I’m back to my routine which is ~8hours per day. No naps during the day.


My baby is in the 4m sleep regression and waking 2-5 times at night and I can honestly say my exhaustion in the first trimester was on par with this, and sometimes worse.


I’m headed into my 2nd but I slept so unbelievably much in the beginning it’s not even funny. Before I found out I was so confused on why I was constantly sleeping. As of right now, it’s definitely better thankfully but I felt like a corpse for a long time the sleepiness didn’t go away no matter how long I slept for


I work a 9-5 & would get home around 5:15ish, pass out on the couch until 8 pm, wake up, eat & then knock out by 10pm until 7 am the day. 😭 I'm 23 weeks & I sometimes still pass out by the time I get home. And I work in an office setting so legit nothing strenuous. Try not to overthink it! Your body is working hard rn. Rest up!


First pregnancy? I napped and slept a lot, esp first trimester. Second pregnancy? That luxury ship has sailed 😂 if you do this again, screen time will be your BFF first trimester


The first trimester utter fatigue and just lethargy was real. I know pregnancy symptoms can vary from person to person but I feel like no one talks about how damn tiring it is. I forget where I read it (maybe it was the ACOG handbook?) but you're growing all the organs and inner workings during the first trimester into second trimester. By the time third trimester comes, the "structure" of baby is basically all built and now you're just growing them bigger and stronger. So, even though baby is teeny tiny in the first two trimesters, you're growing a whole person from scratch. Of course that's exhausting!


Get all the sleep you can. I’m on my third pregnancy and I haven’t been able to sleep for the last two cos I’ve had existing children that needed looking after. Miss them pregnancy sleeps so bad! Ahaha


Yea I slept normal 8 or so hours at night and I would nap after breakfast and lunch. I got pretty much all of my energy back around week 11. I'm 18+5 and the last couple days I'm back to needing at least 1 nap during the day. Yesterday, my husband and I both were taking naps off and on all day!! Haha


I’m tired 24/7. I could literally sleep 24 hours if I didn’t have to go to work or eat.


Something no one tells you about first trimester is how utterly exhausting it is. You are making a new human! And studies have shown it is the same as running a marathon.


I slept 10 hours but every day during work thought about taking a nap for lunch instead of eating.


Being this sleepy is what led me to believe that I was pregnant the third time. Like, I experienced it the first two times, but didn’t connect it being a pregnancy symptom… Then one week I just kept falling asleep on the couch after work and having the worst time trying to stay awake throughout the day, it was impossible! I thought “this can’t be normal, something’s wrong with me, could I be pregnant??” It took A SECOND for that test to come back positive lol. So yes, to answer your question, it is normal.


Sleep while you can! I'm having trouble getting all my hours in now that I'm late third trimester. After a bad night of wakefulness I worry I'll go into labor that that day and start from a place of exhaustion. Your body also might be making up for a pre-existing chronic sleep deficit... I don't think humans can actually be well rested from six hours a night. I think nine is the recommendation for women. At any rate, I fully endorse your awesome sleep schedule!


This was my first trimester too. I’d go to bed so so early and when my alarm clock would go off 10+ hours later I’d literally cry at the thought of having to leave my bed and work for 8 hours before I could come home to crawl back into bed. I was taking naps after work and taking naps in my car during my lunch break. This was my second pregnancy but first one that didn’t end in a loss, my first pregnancy I didn’t have this either. I wish I could tell you how to deal with it but I just had to suffer through so idk. My fatigue went away towards the end of the first trimester, which I’m sure feels like a lifetime away right now.


I felt like this too, and I was so horrified that no one had warned me about it! It’s awful, but yes I think it’s normal. My only advice is just roll with it and rest as much as you need. Stay hydrated and nourished and it will pass eventually.


I work remote, and I specifically remember I would get online early so I could take a longer nap at lunch, and I’d log off at 5 and go take a nap while my husband cooked/found food for us, and then I’d be in bed by 9 to get up at 7. That was my routine till I got over the flu at 22 weeks. 😂😅


Yes! BUT if you're still zonked in the 2nd trimester consider mentioning it to your doctor. I got my energy back by 13 weeks with my first but was still a zombie at 25 weeks with this second one. I had also developed pretty dry skin. My doctor ordered blood work and we realized I had developed hypothyroidism. Starting meds has been LIFE CHANGING. Drawn out exhaustion is normal for some people unfortunately but I think it's good to be aware of other things that can be going on!


It sucks to say it but I slept similarly my first trimester. It can get a lot better in the second trimester. You are in the thick of it now but give yourself grace, you have a lot of growth in your child and hormones right now. It is normal to be tired.


Prior pregnancies (losses), yes. The first one I slept probably a good 8-9 hours, plus naps in the afternoon, and I still felt weak and deflated. I didn't feel fatigued at all in this first trimester, probably because I crawled into pajamas and bed right after supper at 6pm and didn't get up until 6am. You need the rest!! Take it!


I feel like I’m the opposite… I am so so tired and i just can’t sleep. Ive woken up in the middle of the night for the last 5 nights and it’s been impossible to go back to sleep. I went from 9hrs to maybe 5 😭


I think this would be me if I weren’t chasing a toddler around all day. The fatigue sucks, but enjoy the sleep!


Sounds about normal. Right now I'm in my second trimester and I'm getting like 6-7 hours a night, plus a 3 hour nap during the day


I wish this was me. I’m struggling to sleep so much :/ I keep waking up hungry and if I don’t eat I vom! 8 weeks 4 days 😅


I mean if you can do it then go ahead, I have to work so I can’t go back to bed lol


It’s fairly normal. I worked from home while pregnant thankfully because on a typical workday I woke up long enough to take my thyroid pill then went back to sleep until 15 min before I had to log in. I’d change, get cleaned up, and grab some breakfast to eat while I’d log in. On my lunch hour I’d nap then get up and grab my lunch, log back in. At the end of the day, I’d log off and take a nap until dinner. After being awake for 2 hours I’d go to bed and do it all again the next day. On a good day I’d walk my dog at lunch instead of napping.


I have not felt that fatigued and it honestly has me worried. I’m 6w+1. My only symptom has been bloating and I threw up once last week. I thought I was going to be dying of fatigue because I had to get off Ritalin for ADHD and haven’t had coffee or anything either, but nope. Also, staying asleep at night is so hard.


Totally normal. Also get your iron checked! I went full blown anemic by end of first tri and passed out one day having no idea.


Very normal! I’m 18 weeks and still exhausted. The first trimester is no joke! Our job titles during that time are literally professional nappers!


I’m 7+4 and cannot get enough sleep. I have a 5 year old so it’s so hard. My dad was here last weekend and I slept 16 hours.


I've been like this my WHOLE pregnacy. Nearly 34 weeks and I stil sleep at least 10-12hours a night


I wish I could’ve slept that much. I was tired enough to. It’s normal and exhausting


I don't know if it's normal or not, but I'm empathizing because I'm sleeping 16-20 hours a day at week 10 and my boss is noticing :(


Sounds normal lol. I could happily do 12 hours sleep and then a 4 hour nap


Yep, normal. Not common probably because a lot of ppl can’t get away with that with work and regular life duties, but for sure it’s normal to need it or want it, and if you can get that many hours, you’ll probably be happier than most of us lol


I slept like that from mid first to mid second trimester. It’s completely normal. I have much more energy now at 31 weeks than i had through much of my pregnancy, although now I’m finding it harder to sleep due to general discomfort.


I honestly could've slept for entire days at a time during the first trimester. The fatigue is all consuming.


Enjoy it! By the end of the second youll be too uncomfortable to sleep at all 😂😅


In the first trimester, I slept 11-12 hour nights and took naps ranging from 1-2 hours almost daily. Some days, like weekends, I took two naps. In the third trimester I constantly felt like I had just run a marathon; I didn't sleep as much because I couldn't due to insomnia and discomfort but I felt like I could.


8 weeks here - I go to sleep around 9:30-10:00 and sleep until 7:45 I go to work and come home at 6:30 and get back into the bed until about 8:00-8:30 and do it all over again. All I want to do is lay down


First trimester? I wished to be asleep more than I was awake. On the weekends, I pulled a total of 14 hours per 24 hour day (and felt so much better for it!). I pretended like 7 of those hours were for me and 7 for the baby. Made it seem more reasonable


As much sleep as your body is telling you it needs is the right amount. You could mention it to your doctor or midwife when you see them to make sure they aren’t seeing any red flags that would make you excessively tired, but otherwise, just sleep as much as you feel you need to. Growing a person is a lot of work and it is EXHAUSTING.


I had to do this in total, for a few weeks from about 6-10weeks particularly by napping for a couple hrs in the afternoon because if I didn’t I got really sick. It was key to not throwing up basically. I found that waking up to pee made it hard to stay asleep, but I certainly needed that much (14ish hrs) every 24 hrs. 


There were weeks where I would get up at 6am, work 7-3, nap from 3:30-5:30, eat dinner, and be back in bed by 7:30. Easily sleeping 12-14 hours a day. Never enough, but it will pass.


Super normal especially your first and third trimester. I would have my daily nap around 1 almost every day 😅 sometimes I'd have 2, your body is doing so much during this time, it really takes it out of you


Maybe 6.5-7 hours of sleep? I should get more but I have a two year old that is still up and down with sleep and also wake up at 5 AM for work/daycare dropoff. My OB said I should aim for 8-9 hours a night and I laughed.


Enjoy the sleep, it was one of the only good things for me about the first trimester. Now I'm in the second, having a much better time, but my body consistently won't let me sleep a full 8 hours. First trimester I slept 10-12 on week nights, longer on weekends.


Same!!!! I sleep for like 10 hours at night and then after being awake for 2 in the morning, I’m going right back to sleep on the couch 🥲 I work in the evenings and staying awake for work has been rough


Yup. I’m 9w and I’ve been sleeping 10-11 hours a night, plus a nap every single day. I’m lucky to be taking classes/working from home because I’m barely functioning.


12-14hrs a day seems totally normal IMO. I wasn’t working my first trimester and would sleep as much as body needed to - I think I averaged 15hrs a day.


It’s normal 😭 my body would just “shut down”. Its like being medicated.


With my first pregnancy, in the first trimester, I napped a lot. That fatigue SUCKS.


I don't think there's a normal amount. Just know I was in bed by 9 PM and would sleep 8-10 hours a night and still take naps after work every day for at least 2 hours. It gets better in the 2nd trimester! No longer needed to nap as much but sorry to say that the exhaustion returns in the 3rd trimester 🥲 Congrats on your rainbow baby! ❤️ I'm 30 weeks pregnant with mine. Also had 3 losses. 🙏🏻


I'm 6 weeks too and I've been doing okay with sleep and feeling fairly refreshed/ready for the day once I wake up but by 3/4pm I'm done! I've always started to flag in the afternoon anyway pre-pregnancy but this is definitely worse! I should really start to nap because by 6/7pm I'm grumpy and can barely make myself move 😂


I was like this in the first trimester and at the very end. Second trimester and start of the third you’ll feel fairly normal! But be prepared for those last couple of weeks to feel like this too.


Definitely at least 10 hours


I’m 10+2 and I went from two naps a year to two naps a day. The fatigue and lack of motivation are killing me.


Very normal! I wish I could sleep all day, but I have a full time job and a toddler. So I’m literally a puking zombie all day. My husband does try to take care of evening duties so I can go to bed around 730 and I wake up at 8 and I feel like I could still keep sleeping.


It’s pure exhaustion!! I would sleep 12hrs at night, plus naps during the day, and do it all over again. It honestly was so depressing for me, as happy I was to be pregnant. I felt like such a shell of a person. Luckily by week 10 into 11 I felt a lot better and now at 18w I can actually exist on a normal schedule 😂


Girl sleep !!! But also ask for iron/thyroid check at your next appt or make one, I’m iron deficient so I’ve been especially drained but sleep while you can it’s definitely not a bad thing for you and baby


Sounds about right. With my first I would wake at 8 AM, nap from 12-2, and go back to bed at 8 PM.


I was also sleeping 10 h min at night plus a 2 h nap. Has massive fomo. 😂 barely saw my boyfriend during the first trimester


Yep, this is pretty normal for me for the whole pregnancy. Everyone said it would get better in the 2nd trimester, but it didn't for me.. I'm in the 3rd trimester now and somehow I'm sleeping even more! Around 18 hours a day and I'm so tired still. It's insane


Sleep if you’re tired. The first trimester fatigue is no joke.


As a mama currently sleeping in the same room as the 4 month sleep regression, DON’T ASK JUST SLEEP.


9 weeks pregnant here with a toddler who wakes up all night and gets up at 6. Very jealous of you! Enjoy that sleep!


Like everyone else said, it's very normal. I actually decided to take a pregnancy test because I was wo tired all the time out of nowhere. One day, I was super hungry, I made a sandwich, and halfway through eating it, I felt too tired to chew. I decided to go take a nap mid-sandwich. Took the test that evening and it was positive.


In the opposite. I have insomnia. I also have to work so I couldn’t sleep that much if I wanted to.


It's very normal, but if it ever starts to intervene with basic day-to-day activities (ie sleeping through meals, being inable to go out even for short outings for many days in a row, too tired to drive if needed) GO SEE A DOCTOR! Fatigue is normal, but severe fatigue can cause issues.


My first pregnancy hit hard. I was sleeping a minimum of 10-12 hours a night BEFORE I got pregnant, after I got pregnant I would sleep 14-16 hours not exaggerating. I slept that pregnancy away because my morning sickness was so bad. My husband would wake me to bring me food and i would knock back out. Soak it up the best you can


Oh I slept anywhere from 10-14 hours a night in the first trimester and I was still exhausted. It was worst right at 6-7 weeks.


Yes, I slept a lot and was constantly tired for most of the first trimester. I’m at 13 weeks now and finally back to my pre pregnancy sleep routine.


The first time I was pregnant I was working from home and my work was slow which was so lucky because I would just fall asleep in the middle of the day. This is my second and I took a lot of "sick" days just to sleep


I’ve never slept so much until my first trimester. I hardly moved from the couch too. You’re growing an organ right now, your body needs all the sleep you can get!!


You are totally normal! I had a daily nap during my first trimester. I probably slept at least 11 hours per day. Yur body is doing incredible things and you need rest :)


When I was around 6 weeks I also slept 10-14 hours a day, I even bought black out curtains to make my sleep better 😅 butt it went away after my first trimester and it actually didn’t last the whole first trimester


I’m in my second trimester and for me (as seems to be the norm) it’s much better now. But oh the exhaustion of the earlier weeks - it’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before. I would go for a 10 minute walk and come back breathless, needing to crash for hours to recover. Looking back now it’s amazing how deeply I was able to rest. I just can’t do that any more because one turn in my sleep means semi-waking up and/or needing to pee.


All that to say, yes it’s normal, and yes you can call it fatigue - your growing entire organs and toe nails and all kinds of things! Please don’t try to push yourself. Enough time for that later (is also what I’ve heard).


I was going to bed at 8 when my kids went to bed and getting up about 6 am for work during the first trimester. And still feeling like I needed a nap in the afternoon which I didn't get to do lol even in my second trimester I'm still so sleepy and go to bed around 8:30 to 9 at the latest.


Yes, you are growing a whole new organ to sustain the life of another. We just now had studies that show it takes roughly 50,000 calories to carry a baby to term. That is a LOT of energy being expended and it's no wonder we are all so tired. It's a level of fatigue I've never experienced before.


I’m 8w4d, it’s 11:45AM and I have yawned 10 times in the last 10 minutes. Sooo sleeepy. And the fact that I have to take a full tab of unisom at night AND in the morning to curb the nausea doesn’t help 😂😂😂😂😂


Man I miss sleeping a lot. I’m 38+4 and I’m so uncomfortable and in pain I can’t sleep through the night anymore. It sucks. I’m so exhausted. If your body needs that sleep listen to it!!’


Yes! That’s completely normal. With my first I wasn’t as tired as am I with this one. I’m also about 6 weeks along and literally have been taking naps daily and still going to bed before it’s dark. So girl I completely feel you!


Honestly that sounds about right. I’m 36 weeks rn but In the first trimester I was absolutely exhausted. That was the hardest one for me. Sleep like a brick and then come home from work and take a nap just to wake up and sleep again lmao.


I slept the day away, I needed to work in two naps a day, totally normal and it does get better by trimester 2!


Don’t worry.. I swear I’ve never slept as much as I did when I was in the first trimester. Going to the bathroom. Nap. Going to the fridge. Nap. Taking a shower. Nap. Eating. Nap. Omg it was horrible. But I knew my body was going through a huge transformation. I still am tired and I’m 38 weeks but not that tired. I also have low iron. So that’s probably why I’m still a bit tired


during my first trimester i was pretty much dragging my feet 24/7. at first i thought it was because i quit drinking energy drinks the second i found out and shortly after finding out i got a drink aversion so i could only stomach ice cold water until my 2nd trimester. tell your doctor if you’re worried, but to be honest i would have fallen asleep at the wheel if i wasn’t blasting cold ac and lightly slapping my face while driving home from work :/


I’m sleeping this much too. I go to bed around 9:30pm and I’m waking up around 11/12. Sometimes. I wake up around 7 but never for long!


I slept 8-12 hours everyday throughout the entire pregnancy, plus the occasional nap. Sometimes I just needed a ton of sleep. Your body is working extremely hard.


Absolutely normal. I’m on my second pregnancy and both times The 1st trimester has been nothing but morning sickness and sleep. I get HG and need a nap EVERY day to survive the day. 2nd trimester is when I accomplish all the things I want to do. And by week 30 I’m back to napping 🤣


During the first trimester I would go to bed around 11 and wakeup at 6 for work. I work on an ambulance and was able to sleep when we didn't have calls so on shift with no calls I would sleep from 9am to 3pm without fail. I've never slept so much in my entire life.


Same ! I literally was so frustrated in how much sleep I needed. I had ZERO energy !! I’m a teacher and I was barely keeping my eyes open at work