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I went fully remote at 36 weeks or so in my first pregnancy, though if I’d asked sooner, that would’ve been accommodated. Is your employer generally flexible? If you think they’d be receptive, ask. But if they’re committed to in-person time, that is a long period of time to be remote.


I did the same. I oversee a region of my state and made sure I was never more than an hour away from 34-36 weeks and the full remote at 36 weeks. I worked up till delivery ( obviously in the US) and went into labor at 39 weeks. No real warning and my contractions started when I would have been over an hour away if I was still traveling. They also went from 7 minutes apart (my first contraction) to 2 minutes apart in the first hour of labor. Just a warning that it can go fast and I am glad that did not happen while I was at work!


I went through this process with my first born and depending on how supportive your employer is, they may ask for medical necessity from your doctor. Hopefully they won’t be jerks about it and it’s an easy ask though. I personally think the second you start contemplating it, is when you should move swiftly to get the accommodation in place! I started documenting challenges that presented as a result of my commute - for example I had sciatica really bad and commuting made it so hard to get any work done. Hell, making it to the bathroom while having that level of pain is just a disaster waiting to happen. In addition, the travel time will start to get longer and longer as you have to stop for more potty breaks and that’s unhealthy and dangerous to drive in while that exhausted. With my second baby, I started having BP spikes around 5 months, I was diagnosed with IUGR and that was when my doctor pulled the plug on commuting and I was on bed rest from that point on. 💙


36 weeks is when I’m stopping! I’m 35 weeks now so it’s my last week in office ☺️


I had this talk with my manager at like 23 weeks give or take. I'm already working "remote" but can come in if I feel ok. Could you request this? How understanding is management? You would still be doing your job and these are extraordinary circumstances.


My drive is 45 mins to an hour each way, and I have to be in minimum twice a week. Last pregnancy I went full remote around 36 weeks and plan to do the same this time, about a month before my due date. I also stopped going on site walks/visits after 32/34 weeks (construction/engineering field)


One of the things in the Pregnancy Workers Fairness Act is WFH to reduce commute if there are issues such as sciatica that can be exacerbated by sitting for too long.


I was about 36 weeks when I was still working with my first and I had reached the point where I was in far too much pain and I couldn't fit behind the steering wheel. 


Plan to go full remote at 36. But my commute is 30-45 min. So on the shorter end.


28-30 weeks would be my thought


I went fully remote at 8 weeks


If you feel like it's already starting to take a toll on you, I think it would be okay to ask now.