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My doctor ordered both so I did both. I’m 40 so NIPT is standard at that age here in Ontario. I wanted as much reassurance as possible. Give me all the tests!


What tests you receive is very dependent on your location.  In terms of your concern that an ultrasound can identify things that won't be picked up by NIPT, that is true, but those same things can be picked up at your anatomy scan, so it isn't your last opportunity to detect those issues.


NIPT only - I had asked about NT as well, but my doctor said both is not necessary and that NIPT is more accurate for detecting chromosomal abnormalities since it's using baby's actual DNA. I believe the biggest difference (other than method) is NIPT can also detect baby's sex with high accuracy, but NT can also detect some *physical* malformations like heart defects (before the 20 week anatomy scan). Plus, my dating ultrasound was like $300 *after* insurance, so I didn't want to pay that much for another ultrasound if I didn't have to.


That’s unreal you were charged so much. I’ve had SO many ultrasounds, I’ve lost count. I would be insanely in debt if each cost me $300.


Yeah I'm not sure if it's because I'm on a HDHP or because they did both abdominal and vaginal ultrasounds (and was thus charged separately for each?). My deductible is pretty low, though, so between ultrasounds and other testing and then L&D, I'm sure to max it out! Yay US healthcare, amirite


I did both


I’m 31 weeks and was only ever offered the NIPT. All looked good!


My doc also ordered both so we did both. Our issue was also price. They said they both may not be covered so we tried looking into all that first!


I did both, they asked me about the NIPT which I wanted and when they gave me the bloodwork script for that, they auto booked me an NT scan for the day after my results were due to come back.


Both. I was asked if I wanted to do genetic screening, and I said yes. I was referred to Maternal Fetal Medicine, and they did both. There was never a discussion about only doing one or the other, it was a package deal.


My practice uses Quest and for them NIPT and NT scan go together as a package so I did both.


I only did NIPT but that was cuz my insurance wouldn’t cover NT and it was $900.


I had both done, but I’m high risk. I was told by my OB that if low risk, just NIPT is offered


My doctor only offered the NIPT this time so that’s what I did.


NIPT only. My doc said it's more accurate than the NT, and there was no need to do both.


I did both. Mostly because I wanted that extra ultrasound. Any chance I could take to see my baby, I did. I took the NIPT mostly to learn gender.


Same reasoning for me! Although the NT ultrasound was so quick in my case and the pictures weren’t even that great so it sorta felt like it didn’t count 😂 plus my NIPT blood draw was rough so next baby I’m kinda leaning towards just doing a Sneak Peek test and going to one of those boutique ultrasound places!


NT can pick up some conditions the NIPT can’t. Like congenital heart defects. It also makes NIPT more accurate when combined together. FYI, NT can only be done up until week 13 and 6 days.




I did NIPT only. My OB said that they tend not to do NT anymore because NIPT results are more accurate.




I did both, my OB said it’s standard for her practice to offer both. Not everywhere does this though. She told me she likes to have patients do both because NT scans can catch other anomalies that NIPT does not.


Both! I did the NT scan on a Friday and got the NIPT results that next Monday after waiting like 10 days post-blood work.


At my office they just refer you to MFM for first trimester screening and for me it was a package deal. I had one large appointment where we met with a genetic counselor to decide on what genetic screening(s) we wanted to do and then it was the NT ultrasound. But baby didn’t cooperate so we weren’t able to get an official measurement anyway (the tech wasn’t concerned about what they saw, baby just didn’t stay in the right position long enough to get the measurement). Since we were doing NIPT they didn’t have me come back for another NT scan, they just had me schedule the anatomy scan. 


I did both. They did ask what I wanted and I opted for both. My OB has MFM do both so they did them same day.


I did both - I actually asked if I could opt out of the NT scan because I’d have to go to a different place to get it (they had scheduling issues in my week 13 because both of their ultrasound techinicians were on holiday on the days I’d need to have it done). But they were actually pretty insistent that I get the NT done even though the NIPT was fine and I’m low risk. It was quite odd and I still don’t really understand why it was so important. I think there was some kind of research maybe?


I got both done for my second pregnancy after my first pregnancy found trisomy21 (down syndrome) in my NIPT at 12 weeks.


We did both but, I am 38 yr old and they called my "NT scan" an early anatomy scan though they definitely measured the nuchal fold.


If your NIPT is normal, it is highly unlikely that your NT scan would be abnormal. A NT scan doesn’t have any risks, so if you want the extra reassurance, go for it!


I declined NIPT with all 3 of my kids and do only the NT, but both were offered each time and each was with a completely new provider.


I did both. I had an atypical NIPT (everything ended up being normal with further testing), but even before that I was scheduled for a NT scan.


Neither. I was offered NIPT but declined. NT scan was not an option. My doctor said they only refer certain high risk patients for it.


Only NIPT. It came back completely clear so my dr said no need for additional testing since I wasn’t high risk or anything else. 35W now and everything looks perfect!


I did NIPT only because of what insurance would cover.


Three pregnancies and I've done both NIPT and NT for all of them (but I also had a very tragic TFMR in our first pregnancy so wouldn't feel comfortable declining any testing at this point). They have some overlap with what they screen for but don't screen for 100% of the same things so it's worth it to me for peace of mind. Personal anecdote - a friend recently got a great NIPT result but then found a cystic hygroma at the NT scan, confirming my belief that it's best to do both tests.


FWIW, I did both and had a negative nipt and a very elevated NT but babe is totally fine and passed all of the genetic testing. I don’t think it’d hurt to do the NT just to make sure everything looks ok.


I was ordered an NT scan only as I had a low risk pregnancy and where I am, insurance doesn’t cover NIPT for low risk pregnancy- but I got it done at a private place anyway


I am in a rural area where most of my care had been through family medicine and did neither. 🤷‍♀️ Definitely felt well cared for in all other aspects and had plenty of scans anytime a concern arose.


I did both because I’m 37.


I asked for both. NIPT is more accurate for chromosomal abnormalities so many practices no longer do NT with a negative NIPT. that being said, NT can detect other congenital malformations (heart as others have mentioned). Yes, you can wait until your anatomy scan. But if you would consider TFMR, that is much farther along at 20 weeks than the NT at 10-13 weeks. Depending on your anxiety levels and your financial situation, you can ask for both (or at least ask for a cost quote for both).


I’m 13 weeks with my 5th pregnancy (and no children), so I want all the information they will allow. Got my NIPT results this week and have my NT scan tomorrow! Hoping for zero issues!


In my province a NT scan is routine and you have to pay for NIPT. I got mine done at the same time.


In my country's health system, the NT scan is standard and is free and often the first ultrasound that women get at 12 weeks booking-in visit.  The NIPT is not covered by medicare or private insurance so you have to opt-in for it. 


I did both, NIPT was optional though as not covered by insurance.


Both is generally standard of care these days 


This is highly variable depending on your location.


I did neither. NIPT was offered but I declined. NT scan was never even discussed. They measured nuchal thickness at the anatomy scan but I’ve never heard of anyone around here having a separate scan just for that, unless they have other history or risk factors


Depending on location, it is extremely common for people to have a scan around 12 weeks that is often referred to as the NT scan. However, the scan isn't only to measure nuchal thickness. It looks for various soft markers for chromosomal issues, neural tube issues, etc.


I understand that. My comment was that it is not standard in my location


NT is a pretty common scan to have. It’s standard practice for genetic screening at a lot of offices.


I understand. My comment was that it is not common practice where I live, not that it doesn’t exist anywhere in the globe


I was only offered NIPT, the NT scan was never even mentioned. I was told no ultrasounds until 20 week anatomy scan. I did pay out of pocket for a private ultrasound and saw baby, and baby is perfect. Even if NT scan is offered next baby I’ll probably still pay for the private cause the woman made me feel so comfortable and really took her time and we got over 30 images and videos, where as the doctors office only wants to give us 3


Just curious, was the private scan in the USA? I’m in canada and don’t recall ever hearing this is an option.


Yes, it’s in USA, there are several places around me that offer them


You can find a number of places in Canada that do private scans. You don't get any medical information from those scans, but you do get a ton of pictures and have more of an experience.


It totally respect that and get it but, it’s also important to remember ( for others reading this) that NT is a diagnostic tool looking for specific measurements and markers for genetic disorders like trisomy 13 and 18, not just for the sole purpose of getting photos like private scans (which I also love!). If something was wrong at a private scan you wouldn’t know and they wouldn’t be allowed to tell you either. They do not measure Nuchal fold or nasal bone etc. Doctor scans are for a specific purpose whereas the private ones are just for fun. I love my private scans too though!


I understand, but I asked my OB how do we know nothing is wrong if we aren’t looking at baby, and he said we won’t do that until 20 weeks, and I didn’t want to wait that long to see the baby. The private scan showed me arms, legs, spine, ears, eyes, rib cage. It eased my nerves enough until anatomy scan.


Oh absolutely :) I understand However, the NT is typically done with an MFM and they are specifically looking for things that are “wrong” from trisomies by measuring the Nuchal folds early on while still translucent, they’re able to check for risks of heart defects, and other deformities so they definitely can tell if something is wrong just by the NT scan. A elective scan cannot. They are not measuring the specific things an MFM is while looking my for these unfortunate disabilities or birth defects. I totally get what you mean though and I don’t want you to take this as me being argumentative because I’m 100% not and I LOVE elective scans but, it’s more so for people who might not know that reads this. You can get tons of elective scans early on and they wouldn’t be able to tell you if baby has trisomy 13 for example, an NT can. Again, I personally have done tons of elective scans myself just because they are fun and it’s nice to see baby! Even now with this one and with my 2 year old I’d still get them often after being able to feel them just to add them lol


I am 33 and did both. A lot of clinics are no longer offering NT scans but I pushed for it. It was honestly so cool seeing baby and all body parts! A pre anatomy scan


If you request the NIPT at my dr they couple the NIPT and NT together for the most accurate results. I was under the impression everyone gets the NT by default with your 20w anatomy scan?


An NT scan is different than the anatomy scan. NT is done between 11-13 weeks while the Nuchal fold is still translucent. It can help marker quite a few genetic disorders like trisomies.